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==Gameplay Notes==
==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
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=== Drop Locations ===
|scenario = [[Seasonal/White_Day_2015|White Day 2015]]
|origin = わぁ!なにこの包み?鈴谷にくれるの?ハー、提督 サンキュー!なんだろう、なんだろう…ひーひーひーひ…
|translation = Wow! What’s this package? Are you giving this to me? Wow, thank you, Admiral! I wonder what it is… he~ he~ he~ he~…
|audio = Suzuya_WhiteDay.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Second_Anniversary|2nd Anniversary]]
|origin = チーーズ、提督、今日は記念日じゃ?鈴谷もちょち嬉しいかな、うん!
|translation = Suup, Admiral. Today is an anniversary? I’m really happy, yup!
|audio = Suzuya_2nd_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Summer_Season_Update|Early Summer 2015]]
|origin = ……ん~、ちょっち暑くなってきた、かな~?ん~、何か蒸し蒸しするぅ~。……熊野は平気?
|translation = …Ngh, it’s gotten hot huh? Ngh, it’s so humid… Is Kumano alright?
|audio = Suzuya_Early_Summer_HQ.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Mid_Summer_Season_Update|Midsummer 2015]]
|origin = 夏じゃん!夏!! 熊野、おニューの水着で泳ぎに行こうよ~! ん? フフッ… 提督も、イく?
|translation = It’s summer! Summer!! Let’s go swimming in new swimsuits, Kumano! Hmm? Fufu… Wanna come too, Admiral?
|audio = Suzuya_Mid_Summer.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Autumn_2015_Seasonal_Update|Early Autumn 2015]]
|origin = 秋かぁ。この季節は、ちょっちなんか落ち込むなぁ。ねぇ、熊野?ん、熊野?聞いてる?
|translation = It’s autumn. This season makes me feel a bit down. Right, Kumano? Hmm, Kumano? Are you listening?
|audio = Suzuya_Early_Autumn2015.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2015|Christmas 2015]]
|origin = メリクリ、メリクリ!提督、メリクリだよ!はい!鈴谷にプレゼントちょうだい!ふうん?
|translation = Merry Christmas!! Merry Christmas, Admiral! Yes! Gimme my present! Huh?
|audio = Suzuya_Christmas_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2016|New Year 2016]]
|origin = 提督、あけおめことよろ!新年も、鈴谷をよろしくね?さぁ、お年玉、ちょうだぁ~い?
|translation = Happy New Year, Admiral! Take care of me this year too alright? Now, give me my New Year’s money~?
|audio = Suzuya_New_Years_Day_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2016|Setsubun 2016]]
|origin = 節分ねぇ…熊野、節分って何やるか知ってる?あぁ…なんか咥えてるねぇ。あぁー。
|translation = It’s Setsubun… Do you know what we’re supposed to do on Setsubun, Kumano? Ah… her mouth is full. Ahhh.
|audio = Suzuya_Setsubun_2016_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2016|Valentine’s Day 2016]]
|origin = ほえ!提督… 鈴谷のチョコあーげーる!ふふ〜、おかいしきたいしってるからね?ひひひひ〜
|translation = Whoa! Admiral… I have some chocolates for you! Fufu~ I’m expecting something in return you know? Hihihihi~
|audio = Suzuya_Valentine_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2016|Rainy Season 2016]]
|origin = うぇ…なんか、じめじめする~。梅雨の季節って、なぁんか苦手……。
|translation = Urgh… It’s become so muggy. I don’t really like the rainy season…
|audio = Suzuya_Rainy_Season_2016_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2016|Autumn 2016]]
|origin = おぁ、あのサンドイッチ?うん、あれは我ながら良くできたなって。いっひひぃ♪ 熊野と一緒に作ったからねぇ。また作ろっかなぁ?
|translation = Ah, this sandwich? Yep, it’s well made if I do say so myself. Ihihi♪ I made it with Kumano. Should I make more?
|audio = Suzuya_Autumn_2016_Sec2.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Saury_2016|Saury Festival 2016]]
|origin = 秋刀魚?ん、食べるのは好きだげと…えぇ、秋刀魚漁に出るの?何がぬめぬめしそうで、ちょっと嫌だな!
|translation = Saury? Hmm, I like eating them but… Eh, I have to go saury fishing? I don’t really like slimy things!
|audio = Suzuya_Sec1_Saury_2016.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fourth_Anniversary|4th Anniversary]]
|origin = あっざーっす!四周年じゃん、四周年!ちょーすごい、偉い、ヌメヌメしないっ!!
|translation = Thanks! It’s the 4th Anniversary now! It’s really amazing, it’s great, it’s not slimey!
|audio = Suzuya_4th_Anniversary_Sec1_2017.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Saury_2017|Saury Festival 2017]]
|origin = 秋刀魚漁?いいよ。鈴谷、手伝ってあげる。あぁ、バリィ!どの装備がいいの?
|translation = Saury fishing? Fine. I’ll help out. Ah, ‘Bari! What equipment should I take?
|audio = Suzuya_Sec1_Saury_2017.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fifth_Anniversary|5th Anniversary]]
|origin = あっざーっす!五周年だよ!五・週・年!すごい、偉い、ものすごい!そうだ!熊野、提督と記念写真撮ろう。記念にさぁ。
|translation = Thanks! It’s the 5th Anniversary! The- 5th- Anniversary! Amazing, great, super! I know! Let’s take a photo to remember this moment with the Admiral, Kumano. For the memory.
|audio = Suzuya_5th_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="width: 100%;"
124_4.png|Base Damaged
KanMusu303CG.png|Kai Ni
KanMusu303CGDmg.png|Kai Ni Damaged
KanMusu308CG.png|Kai Ni Kou
KanMusu308CGDmg.png|Kai Ni Kou Damaged
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="width: 100%;"
Kanmusu_124_Christmas_2016.png|[[Seasonal/Christmas_2016|Christmas 2016]]
Kanmusu_124_Christmas_2016_dmg.png|[[Seasonal/Christmas_2016|Christmas 2016 Damaged]]
KanMusu503_SurigaoStrait.png|[[Seasonal/Final_Battle|Kai Ni Final Battle 2018]]
KanMusu503_SurigaoStraitDmg.png|[[Seasonal/Final_Battle|Kai Ni Final Battle 2018 Damaged]]
KanMusu508_SurigaoStrait.png|[[Seasonal/Final_Battle|Kou Kai Ni Final Battle 2018]]
KanMusu508_SurigaoStraitDmg.png|[[Seasonal/Final_Battle|Kou Kai Ni Final Battle 2018 Damaged]]
==Drop Locations==
*She is named after the [ Suzuya River].
*2013 August event E-3 map complete reward
*2013 August event E-3 map complete reward
*She was added earlier than planned because [[I-19]] voice records were missing, and thus couldn't be introduced in time.
*She was added earlier than planned because [[I-19]] voice records were missing, and thus couldn't be introduced in time.