Line 5:
Line 5:
==Voice Lines==
Line 10:
Line 11:
|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|origin = 鈴谷だよ!にぎやかな艦隊だね。よろしくね!
|origin = 鈴谷だよ!にぎやかな艦隊だね。よろしくね!
|translation = I'm Suzuya! What a lively fleet it is. I'll be in your care!
|translation = I'm Suzuya! What a lively fleet this is. I'll be in your care!
|audio = Suzuya-Introduction.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-Introduction.ogg
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin = 鈴谷は最上型重巡洋艦の3番艦。横須賀海軍工廠生まれなんだよ~、ふふ~ん。巡洋艦の名前は川由来なんだけど、鈴谷は樺太の鈴谷川がその由来なの。知ってた?
|origin = 鈴谷は最上型重巡洋艦の3番艦。
|translation = Suzuya's number 3 of the Mogami-class heavy cruisers. I was born at the Yokosuka Naval Arsenal~ hehheh. See, cruiser names come from rivers, so 'Suzuya' comes from the Suzuya river in Sakhalin. Did ya know?<ref>Yokosuka was a very good yard.</ref>
|translation = I'm the 3rd ship of the Mogami-class heavy cruisers.
I was born at the Yokosuka Naval Arsenal~ Fufun~
Heavy cruisers are usually named after rivers, so my name comes from the Suzuya River in Sakhalin.<ref>Sakhalin is the current name for the [ Karafuto Prefecture] after it was surrendered to Russia at the end of World War 2.</ref> Did you know that?
|audio = Suzuya-Library.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-Library.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 1
|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = おー!提督じゃん!ちーっす!
|origin =おー!提督じゃん!ちーっす!
|translation = Oh! Isn't it Admiral! 'Sup!<ref>Suzuya speaks very informally and uses a lot of contractions.</ref>
|translation = Oh! Isn't it the Admiral! 'Sup!
|audio = Suzuya-Secretary_1.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-Secretary_1.ogg
Line 28:
Line 33:
|scenario = Secretary 2
|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = あ、どうする?…何する?
|origin = あ、どうする?…何する?
|translation = Oh, what'cha doing?... What'cha wanna do?
|translation = Oh, what'cha up to? ...What'cha wanna do?
|audio = Suzuya-Secretary_2.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-Secretary_2.ogg
Line 45:
Line 50:
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|origin = 熊野の奴は、ちゃんとやってるかなぁ…ね、提督
|origin = 熊野の奴は、ちゃんとやってるかなぁ…ね、提督。
|translation = That Kumano, I hope she's doing okay... Right, Admiral? <ref>Her sister ship Kumano, fighting almost all along during the war with her, sank one month after her while being repaired in Santa Cruz.</ref>
|translation = I wonder if Kumano is doing her duties properly... Right, Admiral?
|audio = Suzuya-Wedding_Line.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-Wedding_Line.ogg
Line 52:
Line 57:
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = てーとくぅー! ちょっとマジメに話するけど、鈴谷みたいな艦をここまで重用してくれて、ありがとうね! 一応、お礼。…えへっ。……ぇー、あーえーっとね、これからもよろしくね!
|origin = てーとくぅー! ちょっとマジメに話するけど、鈴谷みたいな艦をここまで重用してくれて、ありがとうね! 一応、お礼。…えへっ。……ぇー、あーえーっとね、これからもよろしくね!
|translation = "A~dmira~l! It's a bit of a serious talk, but thanks for taking a ship like Suzuya this far! Again, ', as always, please take care of me!"
|translation = "A~dmira~l! This might sound a bit serious but thanks for putting a ship like me properly! Again, ', as always, please continue to take care of me!"
|audio = Suzuya-Wedding.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-Wedding.ogg
Line 58:
Line 63:
|scenario = Player's Score
|scenario = Player's Score
|origin = ほーい、提督宛の報告書だよー
|origin = ほーい、提督宛の報告書だよー
|translation = Here~, a report addressed to Admiral~
|translation = Heey, there's a report addressed to you, Admiral~
|audio = Suzuya-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
Line 78:
Line 83:
|kai2 = yes
|kai2 = yes
|origin = さあ、改鈴谷型の出番じゃん~改装航空巡洋艦「鈴谷」、いっくよー !
|origin = さあ、改鈴谷型の出番じゃん~改装航空巡洋艦「鈴谷」、いっくよー !
|translation = Now, it's time for the debut of the Improved Suzuya-class~ Remodelled Aviation Cruiser, Suzuya, here I go~!
|translation = Now, it's time for the debut of the Improved Suzuya-class~ Remodelled Aviation cruiser, Suzuya, here I go~!
|audio =SuzuyaKai2-JoinFleet.mp3
|audio =SuzuyaKai2-JoinFleet.mp3
Line 85:
Line 90:
|kai2 = yes
|kai2 = yes
|origin = あざーっす!改鈴谷型の航空母艦「鈴谷」、機動部隊、出撃!
|origin = あざーっす!改鈴谷型の航空母艦「鈴谷」、機動部隊、出撃!
|translation = Thanks~! Improved Suzuya-class Light Carrier, Suzuya. Task force, sortieing!
|translation = Thanks~! Improved Suzuya-class light carrier, Suzuya. Task force, sortieing!<ref>"Kidou butai" literally means "mobile force" and was used by the IJN to refer to their carrier task forces.</ref>
|audio =SuzuyaKai2Kou-JoinFleet.mp3
|audio =SuzuyaKai2Kou-JoinFleet.mp3
Line 91:
Line 96:
|scenario = Equipment 1
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = おおぅ、これで熊野にゃ負けないねぇ~
|origin = おおぅ、これで熊野にゃ負けないねぇ~
|translation = Ooh, I won't lose to Kumano like this~
|translation = Ooh, I won't lose to Kumano with this~
|audio = Suzuya-Equipment_1.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-Equipment_1.ogg
Line 97:
Line 102:
|scenario = Equipment 2
|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = おぉ~う、強くなってるじゃーん!
|origin = おぉ~う、強くなってるじゃーん!
|translation = Oooh, getting stronger 'right!
|translation = Oooh, I'm getting stronger!
|audio = Suzuya-Equipment_2.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-Equipment_2.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 3 <ref>Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.</ref>
|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = やるじゃん!
|origin = やるじゃん!
|translation = Niiiiice!
|translation = Niiiiice!
Line 107:
Line 112:
|scenario = Equipment 3 <ref>Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.</ref>
|scenario = Equipment 3
|kai2 = yes
|kai2 = yes
|origin = いいじゃんいいじゃ~ん
|origin = いいじゃんいいじゃ~ん
Line 116:
Line 121:
|scenario = Supply
|scenario = Supply
|origin = 補給は大切じゃん?
|origin = 補給は大切じゃん?
|translation = Supply is important, yeah?
|translation = Supplies is important, yeah?
|audio = Suzuya-Supply.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-Supply.ogg
Line 122:
Line 127:
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|origin = や~っぱ動くとお腹減るよねー
|origin = や~っぱ動くとお腹減るよねー
|translation = Man, you really do get hungry after exercise, don't you?
|translation = Exercise really makes you hungry huh~
|audio = Suzuya-Docking_Minor.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-Docking_Minor.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = あざーっす お風呂大好き
|origin = あざーっす お風呂大好き。
|translation = Thaaanks! I love the bath~
|translation = Thaaanks! I love baths~
|audio = Suzuya-Docking_Major.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-Docking_Major.ogg
Line 146:
Line 151:
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = 鈴谷に、お任せ!
|origin = 鈴谷に、お任せ!
|translation = Just leave it to Suzuya~!
|translation = Just leave it to me~!
|audio = SuzuyaKai-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg
|audio = SuzuyaKai-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = さてさて……突撃いたしましょう!
|origin = さてさて…突撃いたしましょう!
|translation = Well then, well then, ...let's charge!
|translation = Alrighty then ...Let's charge in!
|audio = Suzuya-Battle_Start.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-Battle_Start.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle (Kai Ni)
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|kai2 = yes
|kai2 = yes
|origin = 敵艦隊見っけた!さてさて、やっちゃうよ!
|origin = 敵艦隊見っけた!さてさて、やっちゃうよ!
|translation = Enemy fleet spotted! C'mon, let's go gettem!
|translation = Enemy fleet spotted! Alrighty then, let's go gettem!
|audio =SuzuyaKai2-BattleStart.mp3
|audio =SuzuyaKai2-BattleStart.mp3
Line 185:
Line 190:
|kai2= Yes
|kai2= Yes
|origin = 鈴谷航空隊、ト連送じゃん!キモいのやっちゃえ~、いっけー!
|origin = 鈴谷航空隊、ト連送じゃん!キモいのやっちゃえ~、いっけー!
|translation = Air wing attack! Go and get all those gross things~!
|translation = Air wing attack! Go and squish all those gross things~!
|audio = SuzuyaKai2Kou-AirBattle.mp3
|audio = SuzuyaKai2Kou-AirBattle.mp3
Line 195:
Line 200:
|scenario = Night Battle (Kai Ni)
|scenario = Night Battle
|kai2 = yes
|kai2 = yes
|origin = なんか…まじ、ヌメヌメする!
|origin = なんか…まじ、ヌメヌメする!
Line 204:
Line 209:
|scenario = MVP
|scenario = MVP
|origin = ま、当然の結果じゃーん?鈴谷褒められて伸びるタイプなんです。うーんと褒めてね!
|origin = ま、当然の結果じゃーん?鈴谷褒められて伸びるタイプなんです。うーんと褒めてね!
|translation = Well, isn't the result obvious? Suzuya's the type that gets better if you praise her. Praise more, okay!
|translation = Well, isn't the result obvious? I'm the type of girl that gets better with praise. Praise more, okay!
|audio = Suzuya-MVP.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-MVP.ogg
|scenario = MVP (Kai Ni)
|scenario = MVP
|kai2 = yes
|origin = いくつになっても、鈴谷褒められて伸びるタイプじゃん~提督、うーんと褒めてね。
|origin = いくつになっても、鈴谷褒められて伸びるタイプじゃん~提督、うーんと褒めてね。
|kai2 = yes
|translation = No matter how old I get, I'm the type that gets better with praise~ Admiral, praise me lots kay.
|translation = No matter how old, I'm the type that gets better with praise~ Admiral, praise me lots kay.
|audio = SuzuyaKai2-MVP.mp3
|audio = SuzuyaKai2-MVP.mp3
Line 223:
Line 228:
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = ああん!
|origin = ああん!
|translation = Aaah! <ref>This is quite high pitched...</ref>
|translation = Aahn!
|audio = Suzuya-Minor_Damage_2.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-Minor_Damage_2.ogg
Line 246:
Line 251:
|scenario = 00:00
|scenario = 00:00
|origin = 深夜0時、夜はこれからだねぇ
|origin = 深夜0時、夜はこれからだねぇ
|translation = Midnight 12 o'clock. This is when the night really starts, ya know?
|translation = 12am. This is when the night really starts, ya know?
|audio = Suzuya-00.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-00.ogg
Line 252:
Line 257:
|scenario = 01:00
|scenario = 01:00
|origin = 1時かぁ……提督も夜型人間?
|origin = 1時かぁ……提督も夜型人間?
|translation = 1 o'clock, huh... You're also a night-owl, Admiral?
|translation = 1 o'clock, huh... You're a night-owl too, Admiral?
|audio = Suzuya-01.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-01.ogg
|scenario = 02:00
|scenario = 02:00
|origin = 2時だね!…小腹が減ったよぉ~
|origin =2時だね!…小腹が減ったよぉ~
|translation = 2 o'clock! My tummy's empty~
|translation = It's 2 o'clock! I'm hungry~
|audio = Suzuya-02.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-02.ogg
Line 264:
Line 269:
|scenario = 03:00
|scenario = 03:00
|origin = もう3時じゃん!こうなったらオールナイト覚悟だねぇ
|origin = もう3時じゃん!こうなったらオールナイト覚悟だねぇ
|translation = 3 o'clock already! It's come to this, let's go all night!
|translation = Already 3 o'clock! It's come to this, let's go all night!
|audio = Suzuya-03.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-03.ogg
Line 270:
Line 275:
|scenario = 04:00
|scenario = 04:00
|origin = てーとくー、4時だよ、4時!
|origin = てーとくー、4時だよ、4時!
|translation = Ad~mi~raaaal, It's 4 o'clock, 4!
|translation = Ad~mi~raaaal, It's 4 o'clock, 4 o'clock!
|audio = Suzuya-04.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-04.ogg
Line 276:
Line 281:
|scenario = 05:00
|scenario = 05:00
|origin = 5時かー、やっぱ…ちょっち寝たいしー
|origin = 5時かー、やっぱ…ちょっち寝たいしー
|translation = 5 o'clock huh? Man, I wanna take a nap...
|translation = 5 o'clock huh? I really wanna take a nap...
|audio = Suzuya-05.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-05.ogg
Line 282:
Line 287:
|scenario = 06:00
|scenario = 06:00
|origin = 6時だよ、今から寝れるかっての!
|origin = 6時だよ、今から寝れるかっての!
|translation = It's 6 o'clock, let's sleep from now!
|translation = It's 6 o'clock, I'm going to sleep from now!
|audio = Suzuya-06.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-06.ogg
|scenario = 07:00
|scenario = 07:00
|origin = 7時!…ぁ~ぁ朝のニュースやってるよ~……
|origin = 7時!…ぁ~ぁ朝のニュースやってるよ~…
|translation = 7 o'clock! A~ah, time to do the morning news~
|translation = 7 o'clock! A~ah, time to do the morning news~
|audio = Suzuya-07.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-07.ogg
Line 293:
Line 298:
|scenario = 08:00
|scenario = 08:00
|origin = じゃじゃーん!8時またぎ!
|origin =じゃじゃーん!8時またぎ!
|translation = Ta dah! Stay tuned from 8 o'clock!
|translation = Ta dah! Stay tuned from 8 o'clock!
|audio = Suzuya-08.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-08.ogg
Line 300:
Line 305:
|scenario = 09:00
|scenario = 09:00
|origin = 9時です!今日も一日、頑張ろう!
|origin = 9時です!今日も一日、頑張ろう!
|translation = It's 9 o'clock! Let's go strong today as well!
|translation = It's 9 o'clock! Let's work hard today too!
|audio = Suzuya-09.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-09.ogg
Line 306:
Line 311:
|scenario = 10:00
|scenario = 10:00
|origin = 10時だよ!今日はどこに行く?
|origin = 10時だよ!今日はどこに行く?
|translation = Yeah, 10 o'clock! Where we goin' today?
|translation = It's 10 o'clock! Where we goin' today?
|audio = Suzuya-10.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-10.ogg
Line 312:
Line 317:
|scenario = 11:00
|scenario = 11:00
|origin = 鈴谷がぁ、11時をお知らせしまーす!
|origin = 鈴谷がぁ、11時をお知らせしまーす!
|translation = Suuuzuyaaaa's 11 o'clock repoooort!
|translation = It's my 11 o'clock announcement!
|audio = Suzuya-11.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-11.ogg
Line 318:
Line 323:
|scenario = 12:00
|scenario = 12:00
|origin = はーい12時だよー。今日もカレーが食べたいなっとー
|origin = はーい12時だよー。今日もカレーが食べたいなっとー
|translation = Yea~h, it's 12 o'clock! I wanna eat curry today too~
|translation = Yeah~, it's 12 o'clock! I wanna eat curry today too~
|audio = Suzuya-12.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-12.ogg
Line 324:
Line 329:
|scenario = 13:00
|scenario = 13:00
|origin = もう1時だねー、金曜じゃなくてもカレーだよね!艦娘の数だけ、カレーがあるんだ!
|origin = もう1時だねー、金曜じゃなくてもカレーだよね!艦娘の数だけ、カレーがあるんだ!
|translation = Already 1 o'clock? It's not Friday, but it's Curry Time! Curry just for the ship girls! <ref>Curry is served on Friday on IJN vessels</ref>
|translation = Already 1 o'clock? It's not Friday, but it's Curry Time! There are as many different curries as there are ship girls!<ref>Curry is served on Friday on IJN vessels as a way for the crew to keep track of the days while at sea. Each ship is said to have it's own secret recipe.</ref>
|audio = Suzuya-13.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-13.ogg
|scenario = 14:00
|scenario = 14:00
|origin = 2時ー!提督、昼寝しよ、昼寝
|origin = 2時ー!提督、昼寝しよ、昼寝。
|translation = 2 o'clock! Admiral, afternoon nap, ya know, nap!
|translation = 2 o'clock! Time for an afternoon nap, Admiral!
|audio = Suzuya-14.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-14.ogg
Line 348:
Line 353:
|scenario = 17:00
|scenario = 17:00
|origin = 5時になったよ。うん、5時!
|origin = 5時になったよ。うん、5時!
|translation = It's now 5 o'clock. Yeah, 5!
|translation = It's now 5 o'clock. Yeah, 5 o'clock!
|audio = Suzuya-17.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-17.ogg
Line 354:
Line 359:
|scenario = 18:00
|scenario = 18:00
|origin = 6時!なんかそわそわするよねぇ~
|origin = 6時!なんかそわそわするよねぇ~
|translation = 6 o'clock! I'm a bit nervous, somehow~
|translation = 6 o'clock! Somehow I'm a bit nervous~
|audio = Suzuya-18.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-18.ogg
Line 377:
Line 382:
|scenario = 22:00
|scenario = 22:00
|origin = もう10時かぁ、1日って早いなぁ
|origin = もう10時かぁ、1日って早いなぁ。
|translation = Already 10 o'clock, huh? Man, the day goes fast...
|translation = Already 10 o'clock, huh? The day goes by fast...
|audio = Suzuya-22.ogg
|audio = Suzuya-22.ogg
Line 390:
Line 395:
=== Seasonal Quotes ===
| scenario = White Day 2015
| origin = わぁ!なにこの包み?鈴谷にくれるの?ハー、提督 サンキュー!なんだろう、なんだろう…ひーひーひーひ…
| translation = Woah! What's this package? You gonna give it to me? Ah hah, thank you, Admiral! What did I get, what did I get? Heehee....
| audio = Suzuya_WhiteDay.ogg
| scenario = Fourth Anniversary
| origin = あっざーっす! 四周年じゃん、四周年! ちょーすごい、偉い、ヌメヌメしないっ!!
| translation = Thanks! It's the 4th anniversary! It's amazing, it's great, it's not slimy!!
| audio = Suzuya_4th_Anniversary_Sec1_2017.mp3
=== Drop Locations ===
=== Drop Locations ===