1,617 bytes added
, 9 years ago
Date for the Spring 2015 Event is still TBA.
|link = https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF/status/576918967064776705
|JP = 春の季節には、ソロモンで圧倒的な活躍な魅せた重巡の改二改装の実装を予定しています。また、ある駆逐艦の改二改装、さらに次の春イベントでは戦艦級の海外艦の新艦娘なども予定しています。お楽しみに!
|EN = On spring, we're planning to implement a second remodel for a heavy cruiser who showed an overwhelming success in the Solomons. Additionally, there will be another Destroyer to get a second remodel. Furthermore, in the next Spring Event, it is planned to implement a new foreign battleship. Have fun!
==Patch Notes==
===Participation requirements===
* Must have a 75% sortie win ratio
* Must have 5 empty ship slots for new ships
* Must have 20 free equipment slots
===Special Mechanics===
==Event Maps==
==See Also==
* [http://enaircal.webuda.com/ Air Superiority Calculator by Ofi123] (Not 100% translated.)
* [https://cc21527f7a45c6d04cbfded4d23792d01b27f282.googledrive.com/host/0B37L_d6zeTfUZGJ1dC1sTjRDNEE/ KanColle Calculator and tools] by no1244 (in Japanese)
* [http://www.kancolle-calc.net/aircrafts.html Air Superiority Calculator] (in Japanese)
* [http://tsoft-web.com/sub/kancolle/2-5/ Effective LoS Calculator] (in Japanese)
===Player Live Streams===