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12,046 bytes added ,  6 years ago
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==Gameplay Notes==
==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
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=== Drop Locations ===
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2015|New Year 2015]]
|origin =あけましておめでとう!いっちばーん沢山入ったお年玉をちょうだい!提督!
|translation = Happy New Year! Give me the most New Year’s money! Admiral!
|audio =Shiratsuyu _New_Years_Day_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2015|Setsubun 2015]]
|origin = 福は内ー、鬼はー外!ふふ♪楽しいかもー節分。村雨的にはどうなの?
|translation = Luck in, demons out! Fufu♪ Setsubun is fun. What do you think, Murasame?
|audio =Shiratsuyu _Setsubun_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2015|Valentine’s Day 2015]]
|origin = 提督、はい。いっちばん美味しいチョコ、あげるね♪ 絶対食べるんだよ?
|translation = Here, Admiral. I’ll give you the tastiest chocolate♪ Make sure you eat it alright?
|audio = Shiratsuyu_Valentine_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/White_Day_2015|White Day 2015]]
|origin = 提督!はい!一番いいバレンタインのお返し頂戴!えっ!?ないのぉ~!?
|translation = Admiral! Yes! Please give me the best gift in return for Valentine’s! Eh!? You don’t have one!?
|audio = Shiratsuyu_White_Day_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Second_Anniversary|2nd Anniversary]]
|origin = 提督、今日はいちばーん特別な日だよ?やったね!あたしも嬉しい!うん!
|translation = Today is the most special day you know, Commander? Alright! I’m happy too! Yep!
|audio =079_Shiratsuyu _2ndAnniv.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Summer_Season_Update|Early Summer 2015]]
|origin = 梅雨が明ければ夏だよね!海開きではいっちばんに泳ぎたいな!ねっ!!
|translation = It’s summer after the rainy season! I want to be the first to swim once the beach opens! Yeah!!
|audio = Shiratsuyu_Early_Summer_HQ_1.ogg
|notes =Secretary 1
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Summer_Season_Update|Early Summer 2015]]
|origin = うん!夏は夏で盛り上がらないと!提督もいっしょに浜辺に行こうよぅ!いひひひひ……!
|translation = Yup! You have to get hyped for summer! Let’s go to the beach together, Admiral! Ihihihi….!
|audio = Shiratsuyu _Early_Summer_HQ_2.ogg
|notes =Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Summer_Season_Update|Early Summer 2015]]
|origin = あぁ、これ?いやぁ浜辺での夏季特別演習に必要って長門さんが……ちょっと早いけど。
|translation = Ah, this? Well, Nagato said we needed this for special summer training on the beach… But it’s a bit early for that.
|audio = Shiratsuyu _Early_Summer_HQ_3.ogg
|notes =Secretary 3
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Summer_Season_Update|Early Summer 2015]]
|origin = だー、お気に入りの水着なのに~!許すまじ~、お風呂に直行だ~!
|translation = Gah, my favourite swimsuit! I won’t forgive you. I’m going in the bath!
|audio = Shiratsuyu _Early_Summer_Docking_Moderate_Dmg.ogg
|notes =Docking (Major)
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Summer_Season_Update|Early Summer 2015]]
|origin = えぇ!肌焼けてる!?まじ?しまった~オイル塗るの忘れてた。やばい!
|translation = Eh! I’m getting sunburned!? Seriously? Oh no, I forgot the oil. Uhoh!
|audio = Shiratsuyu _Early_Summer_Join_Fleet.ogg
|notes =Joining the Fleet
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Mid_Summer_Season_Update|Midsummer 2015]]
|origin = やった、夏だ!水着に着替えて海に行こ?海に、あたし一番乗り~
|translation = Alright, it’s summer! Why don’t we change into swimsuits and go to the sea? I’m the most excited about the sea~
|audio = Shiratsuyu_Mid_Summer.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Autumn_2015_Seasonal_Update|Early Autumn 2015]]
|origin = んー季節は秋だね。少し寒くなってきたかな?でもまだ半袖で行けるよね!
|translation = Hmm, it’s autumn now. It’s gotten a bit colder huh? But short sleeves are still fine!
|audio = Shiratsuyu_Early_Autumn2015.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2015|Christmas 2015]]
|origin = メリークリスマス!なんだか楽しいよね、クリスマス!一年で一番好き!
|translation = Merry Christmas! Christmas sure is fun! It’s my favourite time of year!
|audio = Shiratsuyu_Christmas_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =Secretary 1
|scenario = [[Seasonal/End_of_Year_2015|End of Year 2015]]
|origin = やあ!もう今年もこんな押し迫っていろいろやることもあって。どうしよう!?
|translation = Yo! There’s so many things to do at the end of the year. What will I do!?
|audio = Shiratsuyu_Year_End_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Third_Anniversary|3rd Anniversary]]
|origin = ジャッジャンー!やった!三周年だよ!三・周・年!提督、提督、やったね!
|translation = Taaadaaaah! Hooray! It’s the 3rd Anniversary now. The~ 3rd~ Anniversary~! Admiral, Admiral; we made it!
|audio = Shiratsuyu_3rd_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2016|Rainy Season 2016]]
|origin = 一番効き目があるてるてる坊主作ろうっと…ん…ん…あれ…あれれ?む、難しい…
|translation = I’ll make the most effective teruteru bouzu… Hmm… Hmm… Huh… Huuuh? Th-this is hard…
|audio = Shiratsuyu_Rainy_Season_2016_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Summer_2016|Early Summer 2016]]
|origin = 今年も一番最初に、水着で白浜に突撃だぁ!白露型、私についてきて!
|translation = I’ll be the first one on the beach in a swimsuit again this year! Follow me, Shiratsuyu-class!
|audio = Shiratsuyu_Early_Summer_Sec2_2016.ogg
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2016|Autumn 2016]]
|origin = 一番に浴衣だよ!どうかな?早く秋祭りに行って、一番いいところ花火見よう!コラ!
|translation = A yukata is the most important thing! Don’t you think? Let’s hurry up and pick the best spot to watch the fireworks! Come on!
|audio = Shiratsuyu_Autumn_2017_Sec1.mp3
|notes = Secretary 1
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2016|Autumn 2016]]
|origin = お祭りって良いよね、楽しいよね。提督がいっちばん楽しい時って、どんな時?
|translation = Festivals are great, they’re fun too. When do you have the most fun, Admiral?
|audio = Shiratsuyu_Autumn_2016_Sec2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2016|Autumn 2016]]
|origin = うぅ、なんか寒くなってきたよね。半袖だとちょっときついよねぇ…くっしゅんっ!
|translation = Urgh, it’s gotten kinda cold. It’s a bit hard to wear short sleeves now… *Hachoo*!
|audio = Shiratsuyu_Late_Autumn_2017_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2016|Christmas 2016]]
|origin = さあ、提督一番いいプレゼントを白露にちょうだい。一番いいのだろ。一番!
|translation = Come on, give me the best present, Admiral! Only the very best will do!
|audio = Shiratsuyu_Christmas_Sec2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Summer_2017|Early Summer 2017]]
|origin = 長波、それ、いいお握りだね。うん、僕も食べたいな。えぇ、そ、そうなんだ。そう…僕も料理やってみようかな。
|translation = Those onigiri look nice, Naganami. Yeah, I’d like to try some. Eh, i-is that so. I see… I’d like to try making some too.
|audio = Shigure_Sec1_Summer_2017.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2017|Christmas 2017]]
|origin = 村雨さん、なんかそわそわしてない?なんだよ、お姉ちゃんに見せろよ!うむむ…何隠してんのさあ…
|translation = What are you fiddling with, Mursame? Come on, show your big sis! Hmmm… What are you hiding…
|audio = Shiratsuyu_Christmas_Sec3.mp3
|notes = Secretary 3
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fifth_Anniversary|5th Anniversary]]
|origin = じゃーじゃぁんー!やった!五周年だよ、提督!五・周・年!やったね、提督!なんかおごって。
|translation = Ta-daaaah! Hooray! It’s the 5th Anniversary, Admiral! The. 5th. Anniversary! It’s amazing, Admiral! I’m kind of proud.
|audio = Shiratsuyu_5th_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2018|Rainy Season 2018]]
|origin = あぁ、もう!この季節、雨が多くって、ちょっといやだね。提督、なんか面白いこと、しない?えぇ、艤装の整備…あぁ、はい。
|translation = Ah, jeez! I don’t like how it always rains during this time of year. How about we go do something interesting, Admiral? Eh, equipment maintenance… Ah, yes.
|audio = Shiratsuyu_Rainy_Season_2018_Sec2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Summer_2018|Summer 2018]]
|origin = 今年も一番最初に、水着で砂浜に突撃だー!白露型、ついてきて!
|translation = I'll be the first one to charge onto the beach in a swimsuit this year tooo! Shiratsuyu-class, follow me!
|audio = Shiratsuyu_Summer_2018_Sec2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Summer_2018|Summer 2018]]
|origin = あぁ、水着?ふふふん、大丈夫大丈夫。夏は来年もまた来るから、ねぇ?
|translation = Ah, a swimsuit? Fufufun, don't worry about that. Summer will come again next year, right?
|audio = ShiratsuyuKai2_Summer_2018_Sec3.mp3
|notes = Kai Ni Secretary 3
===Misc Lines===
|scenario = [[Fall 2015 Event]]
|origin = 提督、船団護衛なら任せておいてよ。えぇ、なに、その目…。ん、本当なんだから!いや、潜水艦とかは一番に…ちょっと苦手だけどさ…。
|translation = Leave the convoy escort t me, Admiral. Eh, what’s with that look… Ngh, I can do it! Well submarines are… the number one thing I can’t handle…
|audio = Shiratsuyu_Fall_Event_2015_Sec1.mp3
|notes = Secretary 1
|scenario = [[Fall 2015 Event]]
|origin = 敵の潜水艦なぁ。いや、今ならやっつけられるよ!演習もたくさんやったし、経験もいっぱい積んだし、装備も練度も一番だし!多分、やれるよ!
|translation = Enemy submarines. No, I’ll can deal with them now! I’ve done a lot of exercises; and gained lots of experience; and my skills and equipment are number one! I can probably do this!
|audio = Shiratsuyu_Fall_Event_2015_Sec2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2018|Shiratsuyu’s Biggest Question]]
|origin = べ、別に、なーにも気にしてないし!
|translation = I-I’m not interested in it at all!
|audio  = Shiratsuyu_Big_Question_2018_Sec2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2. Response to [[Murasame|Murasame’s]] Kai Ni.
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2018|Shiratsuyu’s Biggest Question]]
|origin = んむ、村雨さ、それでお姉ちゃんを差し置いて、そんないいと思っているの!?み…み、見てろよ!一番いい改二になってやる!きっとだ!
|translation = Nrgh, did you think it was alright to leave your older sister behind like that, Murasame!? Ju… Ju-just you watch! I’m going to get the greatest Kai Ni ever! I’m sure of it!
|audio  = Shiratsuyu_Big_Question_2018_Sec3.mp3
|notes = Secretary 3. Response to [[Murasame|Murasame’s]] Kai Ni.
'''[[Glossary#list_of_vessels_by_Japanese_voice_actresses|Seiyuu]]''': [http://myanimelist.net/people/35951 Tanibe Yumi]<br />
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="width: 100%;"
'''[[Glossary#list_of_vessels_by_artist|Artist]]''': Kujou Ichiso ([http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=186655 玖条イチソ])
079_4.png|Base Damaged
079_6.png|Kai Damaged
KanMusu297CG.png|Kai Ni
KanMusu297CGDmg.png|Kai Ni Damaged
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="width: 100%;"
Shiratsuyu wears a black seirafuku shared with the majority of the girls of her ship class. She has short brown hair with a hair orange hairband on top (which becomes red at Kai), as well as brown eyes. She also wears long black socks and brown shoes.
79_Shiratsuyu_Early_Summer.png|[[Seasonal/Early_Summer_Season_Update|Early Summer 2015]]
79_Shiratsuyu_Early_Summer dmg.png|[[Seasonal/Early_Summer_Season_Update|Early Summer 2015 Damaged]]
Shiratsuyu_Rainy_Season.png|[[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2016|Rainy Season 2016]]
Shiratsuyu_Rainy_Season_dmg.png|[[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2016|Rainy Season 2016 Damaged]]
Shiratsuyu_Autumn_2016.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn_2016|Autumn 2016]]
Shiratsuyu_Autumn_2016_dmg.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn_2016|Autumn 2016 Damaged]]
KanMusu079Autumn.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn_2017|Autumn 2017]]
KanMusu079AutumnDmg.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn_2017|Autumn 2017 Damaged]]
==Drop Locations==
Shiratsuyu personality according to [[Tanibe Yumi]] in her [[Tanibe Yumi Interview: Kancolle Style Vol. 3|interview]] described Shiratsuyu to be the most energetic of the Shiratsuyu-class members. She drew her main inspiration off from [[Kujou Ichiso]] art when she first saw her. Her personality in most of her non seasonal line reflect her as being very high-spirited and enthusiastic as she's constantly trying to prove that she can be the top of her class.
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