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===April 22nd, 2019===
===April 22nd, 2019===
| type = Sortie
| listnum = SB43
| reqQuest =
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 【GW期間限定】六周年出撃任務
| nameen = "Golden Week Limited Special" 6th Anniversary Sortie Operation
| req = 6th Anniversary Sortie Mission: Sortie a fleet with at least 1 light cruiser type as well as at least 2 destroyers and/or coastal defence ships to the Coastal Refinery Zone, the Nansei Islands Defense Line, the Nansei Islands Coastal Waters and the Bashi Island Strait! Engage and destroy the enemy forces on these areas!
*Organize a fleet 1CL/CT/CLT, 2DD/DE, 3XX in your first fleet and score an S rank at 1-3,1-4,2-1, and 2-2.
| fuel = 1000
| ammo = 1000
| steel = 1000
| bauxite = 1000
| other = Happy 6th Anniversary Wall Scroll <br>'''and''' <br> '''Choose the following Reward:'''<br> [[Development Materials]] x6 <br> '''or'''<br> [[Instant Construction]] x6 '''or'''<br> Carpenter Fairy x1
| notes = Limited Time Quest
| once  = True
| type = Sortie
| listnum = SB44
| reqQuest =
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 【GW期間限定】六周年出撃任務 -拡張作戦-
| nameen = "Golden Week Limited Special" 6th Anniversary Sortie Operation - Extra Operation
| req = 6th Anniversary Sortie Mission: Organize a fleet with Seaplane Tender or Light Cruiser as the flagship, accompanied by two or more Destroyers and sortie them to: Kis Island, Western Curry Sea off Riranka Island, Sav Island and Central Guano Atoll. Seek and destroy the enemy fleets in these areas!!
*Organize a fleet 1CL or AV, 2DD, 3XX in your first fleet and score an S rank at 3-2,4-5,5-3, and 6-3.
| fuel = 2000
| ammo = 2000
| steel = 2000
| bauxite = 2000
| other =  <br> '''Choose the following Reward:'''<br> [[Action Report]] x1 <br> '''or'''<br>[[Skilled Crew Member]] x2 <br>'''and''' <br> '''Choose the following Reward:'''<br> [[New Type Artillery Armament Materials]] x3 <br> '''or'''<br> [[Development Materials]] x88 '''or'''<br> Blueprint x1
| notes = Limited Time Quest
| once  = True
| type = Sortie
| listnum = B133
| reqQuest =
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 重改装高速戦艦「金剛改二丙」、南方突入!
| nameen = Heavily Refurbished Fast Battleship "Kongō K2C", Head to the South!
| req = Southern Sea Sortie Mission: Repeatedly send a fleet with Kongō K2C as flagship with another Kongō-class ship as well as at least two destroyers as escorts to the Forefront of the Southern Sea, Sav Island, the Salmon Sea Area, the Northern Salmon Sea Area, and annihilate any enemies in these areas!
*Organize a fleet Kongou Kai Ni C, 1 Kongou-Class FBB, 2DD and 2XX in your first fleet and score an S rank 2 times at 5-1, 5-3, 5-4 and 5-5.
| fuel = 1944
| ammo = 2019
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = [[35.6cm Twin Gun Mount Kai Ni]]<br>'''and'''<br>'''Choose the following Reward:'''<br> [[Action Report]] x1 <br> '''or'''<br> [[New Type Artillery Armament Materials]] x2 <br>'''or'''<br> [[Medal]] x1
| notes = Fuel supply number is a reference to the year of Kongou's sinking
| once  = True
| type = Sortie
| listnum = B134
| reqQuest =
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 艦隊司令部の強化 【実施段階】
| nameen = Fleet Headquarters Improvements [Implementation Phase]
| req = Fleet Headquarters Improvements: Form a fleet that includes Ooyodo as flagship and either Akashi or a seaplane tender, then repeatedly send it to the Eastern Orel Bay, the Alfonsinoes, the Western Jam Island Sea in order to engage and destroy the enemy fleets!
*Organize a fleet wit Ooyodo as flagship along with 1 AV or Akashi and 4XX in your first fleet and score an S rank at 2-3, 3-3, and 4-1 twice.
| fuel = 1200
| ammo = 1200
| steel = 1200
| bauxite = 0
| other = Headquarters Personnel x1<br>'''and'''<br>'''Choose the following Reward:'''<br> Coin Box (Large) x8 <br> '''or'''<br> [[Reinforcement Expansion]] x1 <br>'''or'''<br> [[Medal]] x1
| notes =
| once  = True
| type = PVP
| listnum = C32
| reqQuest =
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 六周年記念演習
| nameen = 6th Anniversary Exercise
| req = 6th Anniversary Exercise Mission: Form a fleet that consists of 6 ships and includes at least one light cruiser type as well as at least three destroyers and/or coastal defence ships. Have this fleet score at least 4 S-Ranks in exercises within the same day!
* Organize a fleet with 1CL, 3 DD/DE, and 2 XX and score 4 S Ranks victories in PVP in the same day
| fuel = 600
| ammo = 600
| steel = 600
| bauxite = 600
| other = '''Choose the following Reward:'''<br>Development Materials x6 <br> '''or'''<br> Instant Construction x6  <br> '''and''' <br>  '''Choose the following Reward:'''<br> [[Type 52 Zero Fighter]] x6 <br> '''or'''<br> [[35.6cm Twin Gun Mount]] x6  <br>'''or'''<br> Medal x1
| notes =
| once  = True
| type = Expedition
| listnum = D29
| reqQuest =
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp =  艦隊司令部の強化 【準備段階】
| nameen = Fleet Headquarters Improvements [Preparation Phase]
| req = Fleet Headquarters Improvement Mission: Successfully complete the expeditions 17, A2, B1 & A1 with the help of coastal defence ships, torpedo squadrons, seaplane tenders etc.!
* Complete Expedition 17, A1, A2, and B1
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 0
| steel = 500
| bauxite = 0
| other = Improvement Materials x3 <br>'''and'''<br> '''Choose the following Reward:'''<br> [[Maritime Resupply]] x5 <br>'''or'''<br> [[Shiun]] x1 <br> '''or'''<br> [[Type 0 Recon SeaPlane Model 11 B]] x1
| notes =
| once  = True
===March 27th, 2019===
===March 27th, 2019===
advmod, cssedit, Moderators, oversight, prechecked, Account Reviewers


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