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==Voice Lines==
|自己紹介 = 水上機母艦、秋津洲よ! この大艇ちゃんと一緒に覚えてよね!
|EN1 =I'm the seaplane tender, Akitsushima! Make sure to remember both me and my Taitei-chan!
|scenario = Introduction
|Note1 = Taitei-chan refers to her [[Type 2 Flying Boat]], also known as "''nishiki Taitei''" (二式大艇)
|origin = 水上機母艦、秋津洲よ! この大艇ちゃんと一緒に覚えてよね!
|Library =あたしが水上機母艦、秋津洲よ!そう、大型飛行艇の運用支援や、洋上補給のために建造された、飛行艇母艦!えっ?迷彩が厚化粧?ほっんとに失礼かも!二式大艇ちゃんはあげないからね!
|translation = I'm the seaplane tender, Akitsushima! Make sure to remember both me and my Taitei-chan!<ref>Taitei-chan is the [[Type 2 Flying Boat]].</ref>
|EN0 =I'm the seaplane tender, Akitsushima! I was created with the purpose of utilizing large flying boats as well as to resupply them on the high seas! What? My camouflage makeup is too heavy? You're so rude! I won't let you have my Nishiki Taitei-chan, okay?!
|audio = Akitsushima-Intro.ogg
|Note0 =
|秘書クリック会話① = この二式大艇ちゃん?あげないよ
|EN2 = My Nishiki Taitei-chan? Of course you can't have it!
|秘書クリック会話② = 秋津洲、呼んだかな?
|EN3 = Did you call for me?
|秘書クリック会話③ = こらー!提督、あまり余計なとこ触らないでほしいかも!大艇ちゃん寝れないでしょう
|EN4 = Hey! I'd appreciate it if you don't touch me excessively! How can Taitei-chan fall asleep like that?
|秘書放置時 = やっぱこの迷彩派手かな・・・。ううん、そんなことないよね。ね、大艇ちゃん、そうよね。そうだよね、大艇ちゃんもそう思うよね。あ、提督!次のお仕事?
|EN4a = What do you think of this camouflage? Do you think it's... flashy? It's definitely not, right? Right, Taitei-chan? Don't you think so too, Taitei-chan? Oh, admiral! Do you have our next job?
|Note4a =
|戦績表示時 = 情報見るの?それは大切かも。はい!どうぞ
|EN5 = Do you want to look at the intel? Yeah, that's important. Here you go!
|編成選択時 = 飛行艇母艦秋津洲、抜錨するかも!じゃなかった、抜錨!
|EN6 = Seaplane tender, Akitsushima, probably sortieing! I mean, I am sortieing!
|Note6 = If anyone has better wording, go for it.
|装備時① = うわぁ、いい装備!これはうれしいかも!
|EN7 = Wow, this is some nice equipment! I'm really happy!
|Note7 =
|装備時② = 提督、二式大艇ちゃんは外しちゃだめかも!だからね!
|EN8 = Admiral, you can't take away Taitei-chan, okay? Okay?!
|Note8 =
|装備時③ = 見つけたかも!
|EN9 = I see you!
|Note9 = ???
|補給時 = 補給、助かるかも!えへへ
|EN24 = The resupply will probably come in handy!
|ドック入り(小破以下) = ううぅ・・・防御力はあまりないかも・・・お風呂するかも・・・
|EN10 = Aah... I really don't have much armor... I'm going to take a bath...
|ドック入り(中破以上) = やられたかもー。わたし、前線とか苦手かもー。後方支援とかならばっちりかも
|EN11 = Ah, they got me good... I'm really not a front-line type... I'm much better at supporting.
|建造時 = 新しい艦娘が来たかもって?どんな子!?どんな子!?
|EN12 = A new ship's arrived? Who is it? Who is it?!
|艦隊帰投時 = 作戦終了!艦隊が帰投したかもです
|EN13 = Operation complete! The fleet's returned to port!
|出撃時 = 飛行艇母艦秋津洲、抜錨するかも!じゃなかった、抜錨!
|EN14 = Seaplane tender, Akitsushima, probably sortieing! I mean, I am sortieing!
|戦闘開始時 = 敵艦隊、発見したかも。艦隊、戦闘よーい!
|EN15 = Enemy fleet spotted! Fleet, prepare for battle!
|Note15 =
|攻撃時 = 攻撃力、あまりないかもなんだけど・・・
|EN16 = I'm not too good with offense...
|夜戦開始時 = や、夜戦!?あたしが!?もー、こうなったら行くしかないかも!
|EN17 = N-Night battle?! Me?! If it's come to this, I guess I have no choice!
|MVP時 = ふぇ…えぇっ!あたしが一番なの!?そんなことって、あるかなぁ…えぇっ…
|EN19 = I-I'm number one?! Is that even possible...?
|小破① = きゃあー!?被弾!?
|EN20 = Kyaa! I'm hit?!
|小破② = あたしの迷彩塗装、あんまり役に立ってないかも…
|EN21 = I'm not too sure if my camouflage is working...
|中破 = や、やられたかもー!だから攻撃は得意じゃないって言ったのにぃ!
|EN22 = T-They got me! I told you that I'm not good at battle, geez!
|撃沈時(反転) = あたし沈むのね…大艇ちゃん、バイバイ。きっと未来は…
|EN23 = I guess I'm sinking... Taitei-chan, bye-bye. I'm sure that in the future...
|Note23 =
|Married = 提督、なにをぼんやりしてるの?あっ、少し疲れちゃったかな?そういう時は、この秋津洲流肩もみ術を…ふふーん、ね、気持ちいいでしょ?
|EN25 = Admiral, what are you spacing out for? Oh, are you a bit tired? Here, let me show you my special shoulder massage technique! See? Doesn't it feel nice?
|Wedding = 提督、私のこと呼んだ?大艇ちゃんならあげないよ。えっ、違う?うっ…これは…わぁ…綺麗…すっごーい…で、なんでくれるの?
|EN26 = Admiral, did you call for me? I won't give you Taitei-chan. W-Wait, that's not it? T-This is... Wow, it's so pretty. So, why are you giving me this?
|Note26 =
|Clip16 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Attack.ogg}}
|Clip15 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Battle_Start.ogg}}
|Clip7 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Equipment_1.ogg}}
|Clip8 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Equipment_2.ogg}}
|Clip9 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Equipment_3.ogg}}
|Clip1 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Intro.ogg}}
|Clip6 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg}}
|Clip0 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Library_Intro.ogg}}
|Clip20 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Minor_Damage_1.ogg}}
|Clip21 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Minor_Damage_2.ogg}}
|Clip22 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Moderately_Damaged.ogg}}
|Clip19 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-MVP.ogg}}
|Clip18 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Night_Attack.ogg}}
|Clip17 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Night_Battle.ogg}}
|Clip5 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Player_Score.ogg}}
|Clip10 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Repair_Light_Damage.ogg}}
|Clip11 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Repair_Medium_Damage.ogg}}
|Clip13 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Return_From_Sortie.ogg}}
|Clip2 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Secretary_1.ogg}}
|Clip3 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Secretary_2.ogg}}
|Clip4 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Secretary_3.ogg}}
|Clip4a = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Secretary_Idle.ogg}}
|Clip25 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Secretary_Married.ogg}}
|Clip12 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Ship_Construction.ogg}}
|Clip14 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Start_Sortie.ogg}}
|Clip23 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Sunk.ogg}}
|Clip24 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Supply.ogg}}
|Clip26 = {{Audio|file=Akitsushima-Wedding.ogg}}
|scenario = Introduction (Kai)
|kai = yes
|origin = 水上機母艦、秋津洲よ! 大艇ちゃんのことも、もう覚えてくれた?
|translation = I'm the seaplane tender, Akitsushima! Do you remember Taitei-chan and me yet?
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Introduction.ogg
|scenario = Library
|origin = あたしが水上機母艦、秋津洲よ!
|translation = I'm the seaplane tender, Akitsushima!
I was created with the purpose of utilizing large flying boats as well as to resupply them on the high seas!
What? My camouflage makeup is too heavy? You're so rude! I won't let you have my Nishiki Taitei-chan, okay?!
|audio = Akitsushima-Library_Intro.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = この二式大艇ちゃん?あげないよ
|translation = My Nishiki Taitei-chan? Of course you can't have it!
|audio = Akitsushima-Secretary_1.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = 秋津洲、呼んだかな?
|translation = Did you call for me?
|audio = Akitsushima-Secretary_2.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 2 (Kai)
|kai = yes
|origin = この二式大艇ちゃん? だから、あげないって!
|translation = The Type 2 Taitei-chan? I told you that you can't have it.
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Secretary_2.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = こらー!提督、あまり余計なとこ触らないでほしいかも!大艇ちゃん寝れないでしょう
|translation = Hey! I'd appreciate it if you don't touch me excessively! How can Taitei-chan fall asleep like that?
|audio = Akitsushima-Secretary_3.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 3 (Kai)
|kai = yes
|origin = 提督~ あまり変なとこ触らないでほしいかも! 大艇ちゃんがゆっくり寝れないでしょう?
|translation = I really wish you wouldn't touch me in strange places Admiral! Taitei-chan is falling asleep slowly you know?
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Secretary_3.ogg
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|origin = やっぱこの迷彩派手かな・・・。ううん、そんなことないよね。ね、大艇ちゃん、そうよね。そうだよね、大艇ちゃんもそう思うよね。あ、提督!次のお仕事?
|translation = What do you think of this camouflage? Do you think it's... flashy? It's definitely not, right? Right, Taitei-chan? Don't you think so too, Taitei-chan? Oh, admiral! Do you have our next job?
|audio = Akitsushima-Secretary_Idle.ogg
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|origin = 提督、なにをぼんやりしてるの?あっ、少し疲れちゃったかな?そういう時は、この秋津洲流肩もみ術を…ふふーん、ね、気持ちいいでしょ?
|translation = Admiral, what are you spacing out for? Oh, are you a bit tired? Here, let me show you my special shoulder massage technique! See? Doesn't it feel nice?
|audio = Akitsushima-Secretary_Married.ogg
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = 提督、私のこと呼んだ?大艇ちゃんならあげないよ。えっ、違う?うっ…これは…わぁ…綺麗…すっごーい…で、なんでくれるの?
|translation = Admiral, did you call for me? I won't give you Taitei-chan. W-Wait, that's not it? T-This is... Wow, it's so pretty. So, why are you giving me this?
|audio = Akitsushima-Wedding.ogg
|scenario = Player's Score
|origin = 情報見るの?それは大切かも。はい!どうぞ
|translation = Do you want to look at the intel? Yeah, that's important. Here you go!
|audio = Akitsushima-Player_Score.ogg
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|origin = 飛行艇母艦秋津洲、抜錨するかも!じゃなかった、抜錨!
|translation = Flying boat tender Akitsumaru probably setting sail! No wait, setting sail!
|audio = Akitsushima-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = うわぁ、いい装備!これはうれしいかも!
|translation = Wow, this is some nice equipment! I'm really happy!
|audio = Akitsushima-Equipment_1.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 1 (Kai)
|kai = yes
|origin = あぁ こんな装備もあるんだ。嬉しいかも。
|translation = Ah, you have these equipment too. I'm happy.
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Equipment_1.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = 提督、二式大艇ちゃんは外しちゃだめかも!だからね!
|translation = Admiral, you can't take away Taitei-chan, okay? Okay?!
|audio = Akitsushima-Equipment_2.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = 見つけたかも!
|translation = I found it!
|audio = Akitsushima-Equipment_3.ogg
|scenario = Supply
|origin = 補給、助かるかも!えへへ
|translation = The resupply helps! Ehehe
|audio = Akitsushima-Supply.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|origin = ううぅ・・・防御力はあまりないかも・・・お風呂するかも・・・
|translation = Aah... I really don't have much armor... I'm going to take a bath...
|audio = Akitsushima-Repair_Light_Damage.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = やられたかもー。わたし、前線とか苦手かもー。後方支援とかならばっちりかも
|translation = Ah, they got me good... I'm really not a front-line type... I'm much better at supporting.
|audio = Akitsushima-Repair_Medium_Damage.ogg
|scenario = Construction
|origin = 新しい艦娘が来たかもって?どんな子!?どんな子!?
|translation = A new ship's arrived? Who is it? Who is it?!
|audio = Akitsushima-Ship_Construction.ogg
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|origin = 作戦終了!艦隊が帰投したかもです
|translation = Operation complete! The fleet's returned to port!
|audio = Akitsushima-Return_From_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = 飛行艇母艦秋津洲、抜錨するかも!じゃなかった、抜錨!
|translation = Seaplane tender, Akitsushima, probably sortieing! I mean, I am sortieing!
|audio = Akitsushima-Start_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = 敵艦隊、発見したかも。艦隊、戦闘よーい!
|translation = Enemy fleet spotted! Fleet, prepare for battle!
|audio = Akitsushima-Battle_Start.ogg
|scenario = Attack
|origin = 攻撃力、あまりないかもなんだけど・・・
|translation = I'm not too good with offense...
|audio = Akitsushima-Attack.ogg
|scenario = Attack (Kai)
|kai = yes
|origin = 改装したけど…攻撃力、そんなにないかも…
|translation = Even though I've been remodelled... I still don't have much offensive power...
|audio = Akitsushima-Attack.ogg
|scenario = Air Battle/Night Battle Attack
|origin = 厚化粧ですって!? 失礼かも!
|translation = I have heavy makeup you say!? How rude!
|audio = Akitsushima-Air_Battle.ogg
|scenario = Air Battle/Night Battle Attack (Kai)
|kai = yes
|origin = まーだ厚化粧とか言うの!?ほんっと失礼かも!
|translation = You're still saying I have heavy makeup!? You're really rude!
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Air_Battle.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = や、夜戦!?あたしが!?もー、こうなったら行くしかないかも!
|translation = N-Night battle?! Me?! If it's come to this, I guess I have no choice!
|audio = Akitsushima-Night_Battle.ogg
|scenario = MVP
|origin = ふぇ…えぇっ!あたしが一番なの!?そんなことって、あるかなぁ…えぇっ…
|translation = I-I'm number one?! Is that even possible...?
|audio = Akitsushima-MVP.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = きゃあー!?被弾!?
|translation = Kyaa! I'm hit?!
|audio = Akitsushima-Minor_Damage_1.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = あたしの迷彩塗装、あんまり役に立ってないかも…
|translation = I'm not too sure if my camouflage is working...
|audio = Akitsushima-Minor_Damage_2.ogg
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = や、やられたかもー!だから攻撃は得意じゃないって言ったのにぃ!
|translation = T-They got me! I told you that I'm not good at fighting, geez!
|audio = Akitsushima-Moderately_Damaged.ogg
|scenario = Sunk
|origin = あたし沈むのね…大艇ちゃん、バイバイ。きっと未来は…
|translation = I guess I'm sinking... Taitei-chan, bye-bye. I'm sure that in the future...
|audio = Akitsushima-Sunk.ogg
|} <references/>
{{ShipquoteHeader | type = hourly}}
| 00JP=提督、日付が変わったかも!提督、今日はわたし、秋津洲が秘書艦やるかも。いーい?
|scenario = 00:00
| 00EN=Admiral, the date's changed! Today I, Akitsushima, will be your secretary ship! Is that okay?
|origin = 提督、日付が変わったかも!提督、今日はわたし、秋津洲が秘書艦やるかも。いーい?
| 00Note=
|translation = Admiral, the date's changed! Today I, Akitsushima, will be your secretary ship! Is that okay?
| 01JP=マルヒトマルマル。こんなんでいい?いいかも?おっけでーす!
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0000.ogg
| 01EN=00:00 Am I doing okay? Is it good? Okay!
| 01Note=
| 02JP=マルフタマルマル。調子出てきたかも。秘書艦、あたしバッチリじゃない!
|scenario = 01:00
| 02EN=01:00 I think I'm getting the hang of this! I'm pretty good at this!
|origin = マルヒトマルマル。こんなんでいい?いいかも?おっけでーす!
| 02Note=
|translation = 0100 Am I doing okay? Is it good? Okay!
| 03JP=マルサンー・・・マル・・・マル。でもちょっと眠いかも。こんな時間だもんね。
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0100.ogg
| 03EN=03... 0... 0... I might be a bit tired, though. Just look at the time.
| 03Note=
| 04JP=マルヨン・・・マルマル・・・え、大丈夫。ちゃんと起きてるーかも・・・
|scenario = 02:00
| 04EN=04... 0... 0... What? I'm okay. I'm wide awake!
|origin = マルフタマルマル。調子出てきたかも。秘書艦、あたしバッチリじゃない!
| 04Note=
|translation = 0200 I think I'm getting the hang of this! I'm pretty good at this!
| 05JP=いけない!起きてるから!マルゴーマルマル!もう朝かも。シャキッとしなきゃ!
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0200.ogg
| 05EN=Oh shoot! I'm awake! 05:00! It's basically morning. 'Gotta be snappy!
| 05Note=
| 06JP=マルロクマルマル。提督、朝食何がいい?あたしね、意外と料理やるんだ!
|scenario = 03:00
| 06EN=06:00 Admiral, what would you like for breakfast? I may not look the part, but I do cook!
|origin = マルサンー・・・マル・・・マル。でもちょっと眠いかも。こんな時間だもんね。
| 06Note=
|translation = 03... 0... 0... I might be a bit tired, though. Just look at the time.
| 07JP=マルナナマルマル。提督、朝食をどうぞかも!ほら、この味噌汁とか・・・美味しいでしょ?朝から干物も付けたよ!
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0300.ogg
| 07EN=07:00 Admiral, breakfast is served! See, isn't the miso soup good? I even added in stockfish for breakfast!
| 07Note=
| 08JP=マルハチマルマル。さぁ、片付け物も終わったら、早速飛行艇を運用しなきゃ!長距離偵察遠征、しちゃうかも!?
|scenario = 04:00
| 08EN=08:00 Well, now that we're done cleaning up, it's time to deploy the planes! Maybe I'll send them out on a long-distance recon mission!
|origin = マルヨン・・・マルマル・・・え、大丈夫。ちゃんと起きてるーかも・・・
| 08Note=
|translation = 04... 0... 0... What? I'm okay. I'm wide awake!
| 09JP=マルキュウマルマル。大艇ちゃん?ひ、かわいいでしょう。でもどんなに褒めても、あげないよ。
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0400.ogg
| 09EN=09:00 Daitei-chan? Heh, isn't it cute? But, no matter how much you praise him, I won't give it to you!
| 09Note=
| 10JP=ヒトマルマルマル。提督、次はどうするの?任務出来るだけチェックするかも?
|scenario = 05:00
| 10EN=10:00 Admiral, what shall we do next? Shall I check over our tasks?
|origin = いけない!起きてるから!マルゴーマルマル!もう朝かも。シャキッとしなきゃ!
| 10Note=
|translation = Oh ho! I'm awake! 0500! It's already morning. 'Gotta be snappy!
| 11JP=ヒトヒトマルマル。さっ、お昼の準備しなきゃ。お昼はやっぱりカレーかも。カレーでいい。
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0500.ogg
| 11EN=11:00 Time to get ready for lunch! I think we'll do curry for lunch! How does that sound?
| 11Note=
| 12JP=ヒトフタマルマル。じゃじゃー!秋津洲特製カレーです。絶対美味しいかも。食べて食べて。
|scenario = 06:00
| 12EN=12:00 Tadah! Akitsushima's specialty curry! It's definitely tasty! Give it a try! Go ahead!
|origin = マルロクマルマル。提督、朝食何がいい?あたしね、意外と料理やるんだ!
| 12Note=
|translation = 0600 Admiral, what would you like for breakfast? I may not look the part, but I do cook!
| 13JP=ヒトサンマルマル。どうでした。秋津洲のカレー。あたし意外と糧食庫大きいんですよ。ふんふんふん。
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0600.ogg
| 13EN=13:00 How was it? I might not look the part, but I have quite a bit of food provisions, you know? Hehe...
| 13Note=
| 14JP=ヒトヨンマルマル。やっぱこの迷彩変かもですか。そうかな。あたしは気に入ってるんだけど・・・
|scenario = 07:00
| 14EN=14:00 Does my camouflage look strange? Really? I like it quite a bit, though...
|origin = マルナナマルマル。提督、朝食をどうぞかも!ほら、この味噌汁とか・・・美味しいでしょ?朝から干物も付けたよ!
| 14Note=
|translation = 0700 Admiral, breakfast is served! See, isn't the miso soup good? I even added in stockfish for breakfast!
| 15JP=ヒトゴーマルマル。提督、ちょっと小腹が空いたかも?おいなりさんとか作ったけど、つまんじゃうかも?
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0700.ogg
| 15EN=15:00 Admiral, are you a bit hungry? Would you eat some inari sushi if I made some?
| 15Note=
| 16JP=ヒトロクマルマル。今日もそろそろ夕焼け時間かもです。ああー、疲れたかも。
|scenario = 08:00
| 16EN=16:00 It's about time for the sun to set. Wow, I'm beat!
|origin = マルハチマルマル。さぁ、片付け物も終わったら、早速飛行艇を運用しなきゃ!長距離偵察遠征、しちゃうかも!?
| 16Note=
|translation = 0800 Well, now that we're done cleaning up, it's time to deploy the planes! Maybe I'll send them out on a long-distance recon mission!
| 17JP=ヒトナナマルマル。日没かもです。大艇ちゃんもお疲れさま。あふーん。
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0800.ogg
| 17EN=17:00 It's sundown. Good work today, Daitei-chan!
| 17Note=
| 18JP=ヒトハチマルマル。さっ、夕食の用意するかも。提督、食べたいものある?
|scenario = 09:00
| 18EN=18:00 Now, time for dinner! Admiral, is there anything you'd like to have in particular?
|origin = マルキュウマルマル。大艇ちゃん?ひ、かわいいでしょう。でもどんなに褒めても、あげないよ。
| 18Note=
|translation = 0900 Taitei-chan? Heh, isn't it cute? But, no matter how much you praise him, I won't give it to you!
| 19JP=ヒトキューマルマル。はぁい、今晩は特製ロールキャベツにしてみたかも。たっぷりつかった馬鈴薯と玉ねぎが、味のポイントなの!
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0900.ogg
| 19EN=19:00 Alright! We'll be having some special roll cabbage today! The potatoes and onions are the key for this dish!
| 19Note= [[wikipedia:Cabbage_roll|Cabbage rolls]] are usually based around pork or beef and onions.
| 20JP=フタマルマルマル。提督、ロールキャベツどうだった?味はコロッケ風味で美味しいでしょ?うんうん。良かったかも!
|scenario = 10:00
| 20EN=20:00 Admiral, how were the roll cabbages? Didn't the flavor remind you of croquettes? Good!
|origin = ヒトマルマルマル。提督、次はどうするの?任務出来るだけチェックするかも?
| 20Note= [[wikipedia:Croquette|Croquettes]] are centered around potatoes, meat, and onions, similar to cabbage rolls.
|translation = 1000 Admiral, what shall we do next? Shall I check over our tasks?
| 21JP=フタヒトマルマル。さぁ!洗い物片付けたら今日もおしまいっと!疲れたかもー。
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1000.ogg
| 21EN=21:00 Just need to finish cleaning up the dishes and we'll be done for today! What a day!
| 21Note=
| 22JP=フタフタマルマル。おっ、何か水雷戦隊のほうが夜なのに煩いかも。えっ?仕方がないの。うん、そうなんだ。
|scenario = 11:00
| 22EN=22:00 It sounds like the torpedo squadron girls are causing a ruckus this late into the night... What, pay them no mind?
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマル。さっ、お昼の準備しなきゃ。お昼はやっぱりカレーかも。カレーでいい。
| 22Note=
|translation = 1100 Time to get ready for lunch! I think we'll do curry for lunch! How does that sound?
| 23JP=フタサンマルマル。提督、今日も一日お疲れさまだったかも。明日も頑張ってね。
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1100.ogg
| 23EN=23:00 Admiral, thanks for your work today. Let's do our best again tomorrow!
| 23Note=
|scenario = 12:00
|Clip00 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0000.ogg}}
|origin = ヒトフタマルマル。じゃじゃー!秋津洲特製カレーです。絶対美味しいかも。食べて食べて。
|Clip01 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0100.ogg}}
|translation = 1200 Tadah! Akitsushima's specialty curry! It's definitely tasty! Give it a try! Go ahead!
|Clip02 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0200.ogg}}
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1200.ogg
|Clip03 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0300.ogg}}
|Clip04 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0400.ogg}}
|Clip05 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0500.ogg}}
|scenario = 13:00
|Clip06 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0600.ogg}}
|origin = ヒトサンマルマル。どうでした。秋津洲のカレー。あたし意外と糧食庫大きいんですよ。ふんふんふん。
|Clip07 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0700.ogg}}
|translation = 1300 How was it? I might not look the part, but I have quite a bit of food provisions, you know? Hehe...
|Clip08 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0800.ogg}}
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1300.ogg
|Clip09 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_0900.ogg}}
|Clip10 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1000.ogg}}
|Clip11 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1100.ogg}}
|scenario = 14:00
|Clip12 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1200.ogg}}
|origin = ヒトヨンマルマル。やっぱこの迷彩変かもですか。そうかな。あたしは気に入ってるんだけど・・・
|Clip13 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1300.ogg}}
|translation = 1400 Does my camouflage look strange? Really? I like it quite a bit, though...
|Clip14 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1400.ogg}}
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1400.ogg
|Clip15 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1500.ogg}}
|Clip16 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1600.ogg}}
|Clip17 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1700.ogg}}
|scenario = 15:00
|Clip18 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1800.ogg}}
|origin = ヒトゴーマルマル。提督、ちょっと小腹が空いたかも?おいなりさんとか作ったけど、つまんじゃうかも?
|Clip19 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1900.ogg}}
|translation = 1500 Admiral, are you a bit hungry? Would you eat some inari sushi if I made some?
|Clip20 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_2000.ogg}}
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1500.ogg
|Clip21 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_2100.ogg}}
|Clip22 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_2200.ogg}}
|Clip23 = {{Audio|file=AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_2300.ogg}}
|scenario = 16:00
|origin = ヒトロクマルマル。今日もそろそろ夕焼け時間かもです。ああー、疲れたかも。
|translation = 1600 It's about time for the sun to set. Wow, I'm beat!
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1600.ogg
|scenario = 17:00
|origin = ヒトナナマルマル。日没かもです。大艇ちゃんもお疲れさま。あふーん。
|translation = 1700 It's sundown. Good work today, Taitei-chan!
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1700.ogg
|scenario = 18:00
|origin = ヒトハチマルマル。さっ、夕食の用意するかも。提督、食べたいものある?
|translation = 1800 Now, time for dinner! Admiral, is there anything you'd like to have in particular?
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1800.ogg
|scenario = 19:00
|origin = ヒトキューマルマル。はぁい、今晩は特製ロールキャベツにしてみたかも。たっぷりつかった馬鈴薯と玉ねぎが、味のポイントなの!
|translation = 1900 Alright! We'll be having some special roll cabbage today! The potatoes and onions are the key for this dish!<ref>A [ cabbage roll].</ref>
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_1900.ogg
|scenario = 20:00
|origin = フタマルマルマル。提督、ロールキャベツどうだった?味はコロッケ風味で美味しいでしょ?うんうん。良かったかも!
|translation = 2000 Admiral, how were the cabbage rolls? Didn't the flavor remind you of croquettes? Good!
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_2000.ogg
|scenario = 21:00
|origin = フタヒトマルマル。さぁ!洗い物片付けたら今日もおしまいっと!疲れたかもー。
|translation = 21:00 Just need to finish cleaning up the dishes and we'll be done for today! What a day!
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_2100.ogg
|scenario = 22:00
|origin = フタフタマルマル。おっ、何か水雷戦隊のほうが夜なのに煩いかも。えっ?仕方がないの。うん、そうなんだ。
|translation = 22:00 It sounds like the torpedo squadron girls are causing a ruckus this late into the night... What, pay them no mind?
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_2200.ogg
|scenario = 23:00
|origin = フタサンマルマル。提督、今日も一日お疲れさまだったかも。明日も頑張ってね。
|translation = 23:00 Admiral, thanks for your work today. Let's do our best again tomorrow!
|audio = AkitsushimaKai-Hourly_2300.ogg
|} <references/>