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==Test Table==
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;"
| rowspan="9" | '''A''' <br/> '''HQ 100+''' || colspan="2" | '''Fleet 1''' || colspan="2" |'''Fleet 2'''
| He Flag || [[File:CL He Class3.png|Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship|100px|link=Light Cruiser He-Class]] || He Flag || [[File:CL He Class3.png|Light Cruiser He-Class Flagship|100px|link=Light Cruiser He-Class]]
| Ro Flag || [[File:DD Ro Class3.png|Destroyer Ro-Class Flagship|100px|link=Destroyer Ro-Class]] || Chi Flag || [[File:CT Chi Class3.png|Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Flagship|100px|link=Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class]]
| Ro Flag || [[File:DD Ro Class3.png|Destroyer Ro-Class Flagship|100px|link=Destroyer Ro-Class]] || Chi Flag || [[File:CT Chi Class3.png|Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Flagship|100px|link=Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class]]
| Chi Elite || [[File:CT Chi Class2.png|Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class Elite|100px|link=Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class]] || Ro Flag || [[File:DD Ro Class3.png|Destroyer Ro-Class Flagship|100px|link=Destroyer Ro-Class]]
| I Elite || [[File:DD I Class2.png|Destroyer I-Class Elite|100px|link=Destroyer I-Class]] || I Elite || [[File:DD I Class2.png|Destroyer I-Class Elite|100px|link=Destroyer I-Class]]
| I Elite || [[File:DD I Class2.png|Destroyer I-Class Elite|100px|link=Destroyer I-Class]] || I Elite || [[File:DD I Class2.png|Destroyer I-Class Elite|100px|link=Destroyer I-Class]]
| colspan="2" | {{LineAhead}} || colspan="2" | {{LineAhead}}
| colspan="2" | AS value(s) || colspan="2" | AS value(s)
{| class="wikitable"
! rowspan="10" | L || colspan="3" | 深海侵入機動部隊 前衛部隊<br>Abyssal Invading Naval Task Force Unit
|scenario = Introduction
! colspan="3" style="background: #74C365;" | Air Battle
|origin = 私が戦艦長門だ、よろしく頼むぞ。敵戦艦との殴り合いなら任せておけ。
|translation = I am Battleship Nagato, pleased to meet you. Leave the enemy battleships to me.
! Fleet 1 || Fleet 2 || style="background: #ED1C24;" | Fleet 3 LD
|audio = Nagato-Intro.ogg
| {{AbyssalBanner|564}} || {{AbyssalBanner|528}} || {{AbyssalBanner|528}}
|scenario = Library
| {{AbyssalBanner|560}} || {{AbyssalBanner|560}} || {{AbyssalBanner|560}}
|origin = 八八艦隊計画の第一号艦として生まれた、長門型戦艦のネームシップ、長門だ。
大和型が就役するまで、連合艦隊旗艦も務めていたさ。 世界のビッグ7と云われてもいたな。
| {{AbyssalBanner|527}} || {{AbyssalBanner|554}} || {{AbyssalBanner|560}}
|translation = Born as the first battleship of the 8-8 fleet programme, the nameship of the Nagato-class battleships, Nagato.
Until the Yamato was entered into service, I served as the flagship of the combined fleet. I was called one of the 'Big 7'.<ref>he IJN wanted 8 first-class battleships and 8 battlecruisers under the 8-8 fleet programme. The "Big 7" were the 7 BBs in the world that were allowed to mount 16 inch guns according to the negotiations of Washington Naval Conference. Besides Nagato and Mutsu, the Big Seven are the UK battleships, Nelson and Rodney and the US battleships, Colorado, Maryland and West Virginia.</ref>
| {{AbyssalBanner|554}} || {{AbyssalBanner|575}} || {{AbyssalBanner|554}}
|audio = Nagato-Library.ogg
| {{AbyssalBanner|575}} || {{AbyssalBanner|575}} || {{AbyssalBanner|575}}
|scenario = Secretary 1
| {{AbyssalBanner|575}} || {{AbyssalBanner|575}} || {{AbyssalBanner|575}}
|origin = なんだ?
|translation = What is it?
| style="vertical-align: center;" | [[file:Diamond.jpg|Formation 3: Diamond|40px|left]] AS: 188 AS+: 375
|audio = Nagato-Secretary_1.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = 私の顔に、何か付いているのか?
|translation = Is there something on my face?
|audio = Nagato-Secretary_2.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = あまり艤装には触らないでもらいたいものだな
|translation = I would prefer that you don't touch my equipment excessively.<ref>All of the Nagato's weapons, save the main cannon, were removed before the end of the war.</ref>
|audio = Nagato-Secretary_3.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 3 (Remodel)
|origin = ん、なっ…い、いや、き、嫌いでは…ない。
|translation = W-wha, n-no, I-I don't... hate it.
|audio = Nagato-Secretary_3_Kai.ogg
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|origin = ん?なに?別に時間を持て余しているわけではないぞ。ああそうだ、忙しいな。
|translation = Hm? What? It's not like I have loads of free time. Yes, that's right. I'm busy.<ref>She was treasured during WW2 as the IJN flagship.</ref>
|audio = Nagato-Idle.ogg
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = んだろう? 記憶の彼方にある、あの光景は? 敵味方の艦たち、そしてあの巨大な光…。疲れているのか…な、提督。
|translation = What is it I wonder? What is that landscape, deep inside my memories? Friendly and enemy ships, and then that enormous light... Hey, Admiral...I must be stressed out.<ref>The 'enormous light' may be referring to Operation Crossroads at the Bikini Atoll.</ref>
|audio = Nagato-Wedding_Line.ogg
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|origin = 大丈夫……私はあなたと共にある。
|translation = It's alright.... I'm here with you.
|audio = Nagato-Wedding.ogg
|scenario = Player's Score
|origin = 司令部から連絡だ
|translation = Headquarters has sent a message.
|audio = Nagato-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
|scenario = Joining The Fleet
|origin = 戦艦長門、出撃する!
|translation = Battleship Nagato, launching!
|audio = Nagato-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = 近代化改修か。私には必要ないのだが…
|translation = Modernization? I don't require such things...<ref>Nagato was able to maintain 26.5knt without upgrades.</ref>
|audio = Nagato-Equipment_1.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = ありがたい。これなら奴とも戦えるな
|translation = My thanks. Now I can fight them.<ref>The others in the Big 7.</ref>
|audio = Nagato-Equipment_2.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 3<ref>This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.</ref>
|origin = いいだろう
|translation = Good.
|audio = Equipment_3.ogg
|scenario = Supply
|origin = そうだな。食える時に食っておかねばな。
|translation = Yes. I should eat when I can.
|audio = Nagato-Supply.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Minor)
|origin = 少し整備が必要だな。
|translation = Some maintenance is essential.
|audio = Docking(Minor).ogg
|scenario = Docking (Major)
|origin = 艦隊決戦は万全の状態で戦いたいからな。
|translation = One should be in perfect condition for the final fleet battle.
|audio = Nagato-Docking(Major).ogg
|scenario = Construction
|origin = 新たな仲間が進水したようだ。楽しみだな
|translation = It seems our new comrade has been launched. I'm looking forward to seeing her. 
|audio = Nagato-Construction.ogg
|scenario = Return From Sortie
|origin = 作戦終了だ。艦隊が帰投したぞ
|translation = Mission complete. The fleet has returned.
|audio = Nagato-Return_From_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin = 第一戦隊、出撃するぞ!
|translation = 1st fleet, sortie!
|audio = Nagato-Start_A_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting A Battle
|origin = ビッグ7の力、侮るなよ
|translation = Don't underestimate the Big 7.
|audio = Nagato-Battle_Start.ogg
|scenario = Attack
|origin = 待ちに待った艦隊決戦か。胸が熱いな
|translation = The long-awaited final fleet battle, huh. I'm getting all excited.<ref>She is referring to the [[Wikipedia:Kantai_Kessen|Kantai Kessen]] strategy of a single decisive victory to break an enemy nation's naval power, a strategy the Japanese never successfully used against the USN.</ref>
|audio = Nagato-Attack_1.ogg
|scenario = Daytime Spotting/ Night Battle Attack
|origin = 全主砲、斉射。…てーい!
|translation = All main cannons, volley. Fiiiiire!
|audio = Nagato-Attack_3(NB).ogg
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = よし!艦隊、この長門に続け!
|translation = Alright! Fleet, follow the Nagato!
|audio = Nagato-Night_Battle.ogg
|scenario = MVP
|origin = 連合艦隊の旗艦を務めた栄光に比べれば微々たるものだが、貰っておこう…か
|translation = It is insignificant compared to the honour of being the combined fleet's flagship, but... I'll accept it.
|audio = Nagato-MVP.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = フッ、効かぬわ。
|translation = Hah! It has no effect!
|audio = Nagato-Minor_Damage_1.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = 長門型の装甲は伊達ではないよ。
|translation = The Nagato-class' armour is not just for show.
|audio = Nagato_Minor_Damage_2.ogg
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = っ…敵艦隊もなかなかやるな…
|translation = Damn...The enemy fleet...is also pretty good!
|audio = Nagato-Moderately_Damaged.ogg
|scenario = Sunk
|origin = 戦いの中で沈むのだ……あの光ではなく…本望だな…
|translation = To sink in battle... not in that flash... is what I really want...<ref>Nagato was sunk after two nuclear tests that were conducted at Bikini Atoll.</ref>
|audio = Nagato-Sunk.ogg
== Drop Locations ==
*''Nagato'' was the only surviving Japanese Capital ship after World War II.
*Her name goes after the Nagato province (western part of today's Yamaguchi prefecture) and is written with the kanji representing "Long" and "Gate."
*The "Giant Flash" she speaks of in her sunk and wedding lines is probably a reference to the Able Nuclear Test during Operation Crossroads, where a 23-kiloton air deployed nuclear weapon was detonated over Nagato and 94 other target ships.  Nagato had been deliberately placed near the epicenter of both the Able and Baker detonations because the Pearl Harbor attack had been commanded from her bridge.
*Nagato managed to survive the Able Test unscathed, however she sprung a leak after the underwater detonation during the Baker Test, repair crews were unable to repair the leak due to high radiation levels and she capsized and sank during the night of 29/30 July 1946.
* The real-life Nagato made a cameo in the animated movie, "The Wind Rises", shown with the serpentine funnel that came with her refitting between 1923-1925.
*Sunk as a target during [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Crossroads Operation Crossroads], 25 July 1946. Currently resting in 110 ft. of water, and upside-down, she is listed as one of the top 10 diving sites in the world.
*She is required for quest [[Quests#A42|A42]] and an option for [[Quests#A43|A43]].
==See Also==
*[[Nagato/Gallery|View Nagato CG]]
*[[EliteBB|List of battleships]]
*[[wikipedia:Japanese_battleship_Nagato|Wikipedia entry on battleship Nagato]]
[[Category:World War II Survivors]]


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