Line 8:
Line 8:
| scenario =Introduction
| scenario =Introduction
| origin =占守型海防艦、その二番艦、国後。なにそれ、違うけど。そうね、くなって読んだもれってもいいけど。
| origin =占守型海防艦、その二番艦、国後。何それ? 違うけど? そうね、クナって…呼んでもらってもいいけど。
| translation =I'm the 2nd ship of the Shimushu-class coastal defence ships, Kunashiri. What was that, that's wrong. That's it, you can call me Kuna if you like.
| translation =I'm the 2nd ship of the Shimushu-class coastal defence ships, Kunashiri. What was that, that's wrong. That's it, you can call me Kuna if you like.
| audio =Kunashiri-Introduction.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-Introduction.mp3
Line 45:
Line 45:
| scenario =Secretary Idle
| scenario =Secretary Idle
| origin =あ、子日さん?あ、いいの、いいの。違う、そうじゃなくてね。なんて言えばいいのかな。。。うん、そう、それ!そういうことなんです。良かった分かってくれて。うん、がんばろう!
| origin =あ、子日…さん?ああ!いいのいいの!違うしそうじゃなくってね?…なんて言えばいいのかなぁ…うん!そう!それ!そうゆうことなんです!よかったぁ、わかってくれてて!うん!頑張ろう!
| translation =Ah, Nenohi-san? Ah, it's fine, it's fine. No, that's not it. What did I want to say... Yes, you're right, that's it! That was it. It's good that you understand. Yup, do your best!<ref>During an incident while pulling into Paramushir, Kunashiri - who was captained by Cmdr Kitamura - received a signal from Nenohi - who was captained by Lt-Cmdr Terauchi - saying "Why have you not saluted us". Kunashiri signalled back "This is Kunashiri" and upon realising who her captain was, the captain of Nenohi went over to apologise after.</ref>
| translation =Ah, Nenohi-san? Ah, it's fine, it's fine. No, that's not it. What did I want to say... Yes, you're right, that's it! That was it. It's good that you understand. Yup, do your best!<ref>During an incident while pulling into Paramushir, Kunashiri - who was captained by Cmdr Kitamura - received a signal from Nenohi - who was captained by Lt-Cmdr Terauchi - saying "Why have you not saluted us". Kunashiri signalled back "This is Kunashiri" and upon realising who her captain was, the captain of Nenohi went over to apologise after.</ref>
| audio =Kunashiri-SecIdle.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-SecIdle.mp3
Line 51:
Line 51:
| scenario =Wedding
| scenario =Wedding
| origin =北方への輸送護衛でしょう?疎開でしょう?海峡の警備でしょう?はあ、やることいっぱいあって大変!司令、あたしちょっと仕事多すぎない?え、これは?ご褒美?あたしに?そ。。。そう。。。え?
| origin =北方への輸送護衛でしょ、哨戒でしょ、海峡の警備でしょ…ふぁ、やることいっぱいあって大変! 司令、私ちょっと仕事多すぎない?! え、これは? ご褒美? 私に?! …そ、そう…へ?
| translation =A transport mission to the north? An evacuation? Guarding the straits? *sigh* Having so many things to do is troublesome! Commander, aren't you giving me too much work? Eh, what's this? A reward? For me? Is... that so... Eh?<ref>She was assigned to guard the Tsugaru Strait in December of 1941.</ref>
| translation =A transport mission to the north? An evacuation? Guarding the straits? *sigh* Having so many things to do is troublesome! Commander, aren't you giving me too much work? Eh, what's this? A reward? For me? Is... that so... Eh?<ref>She was assigned to guard the Tsugaru Strait in December of 1941.</ref>
| audio =Kunashiri-Wedding.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-Wedding.mp3
Line 57:
Line 57:
| scenario =Secretary (Married)
| scenario =Secretary (Married)
| origin =司令、何?今日外出するの?いや、違うし何それ。そうじゃなくて、雨とか、霧とかの日はきよつけてはね。そうじゃなくてもさっそうかしんだから。え、あたし?あたしは大丈夫だし!何よ!
| origin =司令。なに、今日外出するの? や、違うしなにそれ。そうじゃなくて、雨とか霧とかの日は気をつけてよね。そうじゃなくてもそそっかしいんだから! え、私? 私は大丈夫だし! なによっ!!
| translation =Are you going out today Commander? No, that's not it. I really wanted to tell you to be careful of rainy and foggy days. Otherwise you'll be careless. Eh, me? I'll be fine! What!
| translation =Are you going out today Commander? No, that's not it. I really wanted to tell you to be careful of rainy and foggy days. Otherwise you'll be careless. Eh, me? I'll be fine! What!
| audio =Kunashiri-SecMarried.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-SecMarried.mp3
Line 75:
Line 75:
| scenario =Equipment 1
| scenario =Equipment 1
| origin =あ、姉が? 姉はっ。。。姉よ。
| origin =あ、姉が? 姉はっ…、姉よ。
| translation =Ah, my sister? My sister is... my sister.
| translation =Ah, my sister? My sister is... my sister.
| audio =Kunashiri-Equip1.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-Equip1.mp3
Line 81:
Line 81:
| scenario =Equipment 2
| scenario =Equipment 2
| origin =ん?まぁいいじゃない?
| origin =ん。まぁ良いんじゃない?
| translation =Hm?Isn't this fine?
| translation =Hm?Isn't this fine?
| audio =Kunashiri-Equip2.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-Equip2.mp3
Line 87:
Line 87:
| scenario =Equipment 3
| scenario =Equipment 3
| origin =何それ?あ。。。そうなの?
| origin =何それ? あー…そうなの?
| translation =What's that? Ah... Is that so?
| translation =What's that? Ah... Is that so?
| audio =Kunashiri-Equip3.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-Equip3.mp3
Line 93:
Line 93:
| scenario =Supply
| scenario =Supply
| origin =ありがと。。。貰っとく。。。 何よ。
| origin =ありがと…貰っとく。…何よっ。
| translation =Thanks... I accept... What.
| translation =Thanks... I accept... What.
| audio =Kunashiri-Supply.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-Supply.mp3
Line 99:
Line 99:
| scenario =Docking (Minor)
| scenario =Docking (Minor)
| origin =え、こんなの。。。じろじろ見ないで!
| origin =っ、こんなの…。じろじろ見ないで!
| translation =Eh, this sort of... Don't stare so much!
| translation =Eh, this sort of... Don't stare so much!
| audio =Kunashiri-DockingMinor.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-DockingMinor.mp3
Line 105:
Line 105:
| scenario =Docking (Major)
| scenario =Docking (Major)
| origin =神風さんに見せられない。。。早く、ちゃんとしなきゃ。。。
| origin = 神風さんに見せられない…。早く、ちゃんとしなきゃ…。
| translation =I can't let Kamikaze-san see this... I'll need to hurry and do this properly...
| translation =I can't let Kamikaze-san see this... I'll need to hurry and do this properly...
| audio =Kunashiri-DockingMajor.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-DockingMajor.mp3
Line 111:
Line 111:
| scenario =Construction
| scenario =Construction
| origin =出来だって。
| origin =できたって!
| translation =It's ready.
| translation =It's ready.
| audio =Kunashiri-Construction.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-Construction.mp3
Line 135:
Line 135:
| scenario =Attack
| scenario =Attack
| origin =引き付けて。。。てぇっ!
| origin =引き付けて…てぇっ!
| translation =Wait for it... Fire!
| translation =Wait for it... Fire!
| audio =Kunashiri-Attack.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-Attack.mp3
Line 147:
Line 147:
| scenario =Night Battle
| scenario =Night Battle
| origin =夜。。。夜戦。。。魚雷ないけど、やってみる!
| origin =夜…夜戦…魚雷無いけど、やってみる!
| translation =It's night... Night battle... I don't have torpedoes but I'll still try!
| translation =It's night... Night battle... I don't have torpedoes but I'll still try!
| audio =Kunashiri-NightBattle.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-NightBattle.mp3
Line 153:
Line 153:
| scenario =MVP
| scenario =MVP
| origin =まっ、そんな感じじゃないの? 姉さんは姉さん、あたしはあたしなんだから。やるときはあたしだってやるの! 。。。はち、聞いてる? 聞きなさいよっ!
| origin =まっ、そんな感じじゃないの? 姉さんは姉さん、あたしはあたしなんだから。やるときはあたしだってやるの! …ハチ、聞いてる? 聞きなさいよっ!
| translation =Well, this is about right right? My sister is my sister and I am me. When it comes down to it, I can do it too! ...Are you listening Hachi? Listen to me!<ref>Referring to her sister ship [ Hachijo].</ref>
| translation =Well, this is about right right? My sister is my sister and I am me. When it comes down to it, I can do it too! ...Are you listening Hachi? Listen to me!<ref>Referring to her sister ship [ Hachijo].</ref>
| audio =Kunashiri-MVP.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-MVP.mp3
Line 159:
Line 159:
| scenario =Minor Damage 1
| scenario =Minor Damage 1
| origin =ああああ!ひどいそとす!
| origin =ああぁぁぁっ!! 被弾?! 衝突?!
| translation =Aaaaah! That's bad!
| translation =Aaaaah! That's bad!
| audio =Kunashiri-MinorDamage1.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-MinorDamage1.mp3
Line 165:
Line 165:
| scenario =Minor Damage 2
| scenario =Minor Damage 2
| origin =え、この衝撃何?いやだ、座礁じゃないね?
| origin =って、この衝撃…なに? 座礁じゃ、ないよね?
| translation =Eh, what's this shock? No way, I'm not running aground right?<ref>She ran aground on 1946/06/04 and was abandoned.</ref>
| translation =Eh, what's this shock? No way, I'm not running aground right?<ref>She ran aground on 1946/06/04 and was abandoned.</ref>
| audio =Kunashiri-MinorDamage2.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-MinorDamage2.mp3
Line 177:
Line 177:
| scenario =Sunk
| scenario =Sunk
| origin =え、嘘。。。嘘だよね?そんな。。。この。。。ここで。。。神風さん。。。
| origin =えっ、うそ、うそだよね、そんな、この、ここで…神風さん
| translation =Eh, no way... it can't be true right? In a... place... like this... Kamikaze-san...
| translation =Eh, no way... it can't be true right? In a... place... like this... Kamikaze-san...
| audio =Kunashiri-Sinking.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-Sinking.mp3