Line 26:
Line 26:
| scenario =Secretary 1
| scenario =Secretary 1
| origin =何?呼んだ?ふむ
| origin =何?呼んだ?ふん
| translation =What? You called? Humph.
| translation =What? You called? Humph.
| audio =Kunashiri-Sec1.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-Sec1.mp3
Line 32:
Line 32:
| scenario =Secretary 2
| scenario =Secretary 2
| origin =え、占守と間違えった?はあ!?何それ?変える!
| origin =え、占守と間違えった?はあ!?何それ?帰る!
| translation =Eh, you mistook me for Shimushu? Huh!? What's that? I'm leaving!
| translation =Eh, you mistook me for Shimushu? Huh!? What's that? I'm leaving!
| audio =Kunashiri-Sec2.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-Sec2.mp3
Line 38:
Line 38:
| scenario =Secretary 3
| scenario =Secretary 3
| origin =だから何それっ! 面白いと思ってるの? ふんっ! あたし、挨拶とか、そういうの意外と大切って思ってるから! 別に形とかじゃなくって!
| origin =だから何それっ! 面白いと思ってるの? ふん! あたし、挨拶とか、そういうの意外と大切って思ってるから! 別に形とかじゃなくって!
| translation =Like I said, what was that? Do you think you're funny? Humph. I think things like greetings are really important. It's not about the formality.
| translation =Like I said, what was that? Do you think you're funny? Humph. I think things like greetings are really important. It's not about the formality.
| audio =Kunashiri-Sec3.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-Sec3.mp3
Line 44:
Line 44:
| scenario =Secretary Idle
| scenario =Secretary Idle
| origin =あ、子日さん?あ、いいの、いいの。違う、そうじゃなくてね。なんて言えばいいのかな。。。うん、そう、それ!そういうことなんです。良かったわかってくれてって。うん、がんばろう!
| origin =あ、子日さん?あ、いいの、いいの。違う、そうじゃなくてね。なんて言えばいいのかな。。。うん、そう、それ!そういうことなんです。良かった分かってくれて。うん、がんばろう!
| translation =Ah, Nenohi-san? Ah, it's fine, it's fine. No, that's not it. What did I want to say... Yes, you're right, that's it! That was it. It's good that you understand. Yup, do your best!<ref>During an incident while pulling into Paramushir, Kunashiri - who was captained by Cmdr Kitamura - received a signal from Nenohi - who was captained by Lt-Cmdr Terauchi - saying "Why have you not saluted us". Kunashiri signalled back "This is Kunashiri" and upon realising who her captain was, the captain of Nenohi went over to apologise after.</ref>
| translation =Ah, Nenohi-san? Ah, it's fine, it's fine. No, that's not it. What did I want to say... Yes, you're right, that's it! That was it. It's good that you understand. Yup, do your best!<ref>During an incident while pulling into Paramushir, Kunashiri - who was captained by Cmdr Kitamura - received a signal from Nenohi - who was captained by Lt-Cmdr Terauchi - saying "Why have you not saluted us". Kunashiri signalled back "This is Kunashiri" and upon realising who her captain was, the captain of Nenohi went over to apologise after.</ref>
| audio =Kunashiri-SecIdle.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-SecIdle.mp3
Line 80:
Line 80:
| scenario =Equipment 2
| scenario =Equipment 2
| origin =ん?まぁ良いんじゃない?
| origin =ん?まぁいいじゃない?
| translation =Hm?Isn't this fine?
| translation =Hm?Isn't this fine?
| audio =Kunashiri-Equip2.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-Equip2.mp3
Line 110:
Line 110:
| scenario =Construction
| scenario =Construction
| origin =出来って。
| origin =出来だって。
| translation =It's ready.
| translation =It's ready.
| audio =Kunashiri-Construction.mp3
| audio =Kunashiri-Construction.mp3