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12,957 bytes added ,  10 years ago
Added new segments, "Original ship" and "Appearances in derivative works". Took info regarding the original ship and One Nao Show from "Trivia", and pasted them on the relevant segments.
| name=Kongou
| japanesename=金剛
| id=021
| image=[[File:021.png]]
| color=gold
| type=Battleship
| class=Kongou
| hp=63
| firepower=63 (89)
| armor=52 (69)
| torpedo=0
| evasion=30 (59)
| AA=24 (69)
| aircraft=9
| speed=High
| LOS=13 (39)
| ASW=0
| range=Long
| luck=12 (49)
| slot=3
| time=4:00:00
| slot1=[[35.6cm Twin Gun Mount]]
| slot2=[[15.2cm Naval Gun]]
| slot3=[[7.7mm Machine Gun]]
| slot4=-Locked-|space1 = 3
|space2 = 3
|space3 = 3
|space4 = -}}
| style="width: 50px;" |


| name=Kongou Kai
| japanesename=金剛改
| id=021
| image=[[File:021b.png]]
| color=violet
| type=Battleship
| class=Kongou
| hp=75
| firepower=72 (94)
| armor=67 (89)
| torpedo=0
| evasion=35 (69)
| AA=28 (79)
| aircraft=12
| speed=High
| LOS=15 (49)
| ASW=0
| range=Long
| luck=12 (59)
| slot=4
| time=Lv25 Remodel
| slot1=[[41cm Twin Gun Mount]]
| slot2=[[15.5cm Triple Gun Mount (Secondary)]]
| slot3=[[12.7cm Twin High-angle Mount]]
| slot4=-Unequipped-|space1 = 3
|space2 = 3
|space3 = 3
|space4 = 3}}

===Second Upgrade===

| name=Kongou Kai Ni
| japanesename=金剛改二
| id=149
| image=[[File:149.png]]
| color=violet
| type=Battleship
| class=Kongou
| hp=82
| firepower=76 (98)
| armor=70 (94)
| torpedo=0
| evasion=37 (72)
| AA=30 (84)
| aircraft=12
| speed=High
| LOS=41 (49)
| ASW=0
| range=Long
| luck=15 (79)
| slot=4
| time=Lv75 Remodel
| slot1=[[41cm Twin Gun Mount]]
| slot2=[[Type 21 Air RADAR]]
| slot3=[[Type 22 Surface RADAR]]
| slot4=-Unequipped-|space1 = 3
|space2 = 3
|space3 = 3
|space4 = 3}}

| 自己紹介=英国で産まれた帰国子女の金剛デース!<br>ヨロシクオネガイシマース!
| EN1=It's the English-born returnee, Kongou!<br>Nice to meet you!
| Note1=
| 秘書クリック会話①=Hi!今日も良い天気ネー!
| EN2=Hi! Another splendid day today!
| Note2=
| 秘書クリック会話②=Hey!提督!触っても良いけどさー、<br>時間と場所を弁えなヨ!
| EN3=Hey! Admiral! I don't mind you touching me,<br>but there's a time and place for everything!
| Note3=
| 秘書クリック会話③=紅茶が飲みたいネー
| EN4=I'd love a cuppa~
| Note4=Kongou was built in Barrow-in-Furness in the northwest of England, making her talk like a northern girl.
| 戦績表示時=提督!You've Got Mail!<br>Love letterは許さないからネ!
| EN5=Admiral! You've got mail!<br>You won't hear the end of it if it's a love letter!
| 補給時=Supplyは大切ネ!
| EN24=Supplies are really important!
| Note24=rough translation
| Note5=
| 編成選択時=私たちの出番ネ!Follow me!<br>皆さん、着いて来て下さいネー
| EN6=It's our turn! Follow me! Everyone, follow up!
| Note6=
| 装備時①=Yes!私の実力、見せてあげるネー
| EN7=Yes! I will show you what I'm made of!
| Note7=
| 装備時②=やっと本当の私になれた気がシマース
| EN8=It feels like I've finally became my true self!
| Note8=
| 装備時③=Wow!congratulations!<br>''Second Remodel:''<br>Wow!提督にPresentsネー!
| EN9=Wow! Congratulations!<br>''Second Remodel:''<br>Wow! Presents from Admiral!
| Note9=Only line changed by second remodel.
| EN10=Always got to make time for tea-time.
| Note10=
| EN11=Oh... seems like my exertions are catching up to me.
| Note11=Kongou was routinely deployed in battles due to her speed.
| 建造時=Newfaceが登場したヨー
| EN12=A fresh face has arrived!
| Note12=
| 艦隊帰投時=戦果Resultがあがったヨー!
| EN13=The battle results are in!
| Note13=
| 出撃時=提督のHeartを掴むのは、私デース!
| EN14=I will be the one wins over the Admiral's heart!
| Note14=
| 戦闘開始時=撃ちます!Fire!
| EN15=Engaging! FIRE!
| Note15=
| 攻撃時=Burning...Love!
| EN16=Burning... Love!
| Note16=
| 夜戦開始時=これでFinish!?な訳無いデショ!<br>私は食らいついたら離さないワ!
| EN17=You think I'm finished?! Think again!<br>I'm not going anywhere once I lock onto you!
| Note17=
| 夜戦攻撃時=全砲門!Fire!
| EN18=All guns, Fire!
| Note18=
| MVP時=私の活躍見てくれたの?<br>もっと頑張るから目を離しちゃNo!なんだからネ!
| EN19=Did you see my exploits?<br>I'll do even better, so don't look away!
| Note19=
| EN20=Aah!
| Note20=
| EN21=Admiral~!
| Note21=
| EN22=Shit! The precious equipment I got from the admiral!
| Note22=
| 撃沈時(反転)=提督・・・どうか武運長久を・・・<br>私・・・ヴァルハラから見ているネ・・・
| EN23=Admiral... May your fortunes hold...<br>I'll... be watching from Valhalla...
| Note23=
|秘書放置時 = 目を離さないでって言ったのにぃ~!提督ぅー、何してるデース!
|EN4a = I told you to keep your eyes on me~! Admiral~, just what are you doing?!
| Library = 超弩級戦艦として建造技術導入を兼ねて英国ヴィッカース社で建造された、金剛デース!
| EN0 = The super-dreadnought fitted with Western technology at Vickers in England, Kongou has arrived!
Even in the Pacific Theatre, I'll use the power of my speed to be of great use! Look forward to it!
|Married = HEY!提督ぅー。いつも頑張ってるけど、あまり無理はしないで欲しいデース!
|EN25 = HEY! Admiral~ Even though you're always doing your best, I want you not push yourself so hard~!
|Wedding = 提督ぅー。時間と場所もそうだけどぉ、ムードとタイミングも忘れたら…Noなんだからネ
|EN26 = Admiral~ even though it's the time and place, if you forget the mood and timing... it'll be a 'No', you know?|ドック入り(小破以下) = Tea Timeは大事にしないとネー!
|ドック入り(中破以上) = うー…日頃の無理が祟ったみたいデース…
|小破① = あぁあっ!
|小破② = 提督ぅー!
|中破 = Shit!提督に貰った大切な装備が!}}
====Second Remodel Hourly Notifications====
|00JP = 午前零時justデース!
|01JP = 午前一時。提督は働き者デース
|02JP = 午前…二時…いつまで働くのー? ふぇぇ…
|03JP = 午前...三時...I'm just sleeping now...
|04JP = 午前...四時...提督もこっちに来るネ・・・すぅすぅ・・・提督~?
|05JP = 午前五時。ん?今比叡の叫び声が聞こえたような?
|06JP = good morning!朝6時デース!提督ぅー。朝からかっこいいデース!
|07JP = 朝七時デース!提督のbreakfastなんですカー?
|08JP = 午前八時デース。Wow!朝は納豆ですカー。あのー、混ぜたり、乗せたりするやつですネー!
|09JP = 午前九時デース。ジャパニーズbreakfast、堪能シマシター。
|10JP = ten o'clock!朝のお仕事、come on!
|11JP = eleven~!見ているダケで、飽きないネー!
|12JP = 正午12時をアナウンスするデース!ランチの時間デース!
|13JP = 午後一時!提督のランチはまた納豆デスカー。紅茶とはあんまり...合わないデス...
|14JP = 午後二時。もうすぐ tea time ネー!スコーン用意して、waiting for you ネー!
|15JP = 午後三時。提督と二人でtea timeデース!huuuum~紅茶が美味しいネー♪
|16JP = 午後四時。HEY!提督ぅー、私手作りのスコーンはいかがでしたか~?
|17JP = Evening five O'clock. 提督を想う気持ちは誰にも負けないネ!
|18JP = 午後六時、今日のディナーは英国式のカレーを提督に作ってあげるデース
|19JP = 時報ですかー?今スープの煮込み中デース。話しかけないで下サーイ
|20JP = 午後八時デース、HEY!テイトク―英国式金剛カレーが出来上がったヨー、召し上がれ♪
|21JP = 午後九時。カレーの具がないですって?問題nothing♪ 溶け込んでいるのデース!
|22JP = 午後十時デース!提督ぅー。今日も一日、ご苦労様ネー!一緒に明日も頑張るネ
|23JP = そろそろgood nightの時間デース、明日も提督のtime keeper担当するからネ!
|idleJP = 目を離さないでって言ったのにー 提督ぅー。何してるデース|00EN = It's just on midnight!
|01EN = 1 A.M. The Admiral sure is a hard worker.
|02EN = Two... a..m... Just when are you working 'till... zzz...
|03EN = Three... a..m... I'm just sleeping now...
|04EN = Four... a..m... The admiral is here too... zzz... Admiral?
|05EN = 5 A.M. Hmm? Did I just hear Hiei screaming?
|06EN = Good morning! It's 6 in the morning! Admiral~ You're cool even in the morning!
|07EN = 7 in the morning! Admiral, what are you having for breakfast?
|08EN = It's 8 A.M. Wow! Natto in the morning? You're a stir and mix kinda guy, huh!
|09EN = It's 9 A.M. I tasted Japanese breakfast!<!--Japanese Breakfast needs skills!-->
|09Note = 'Japanese' in katakana...
|10EN = Ten o'clock! Morning work, come on!
|11EN = Eleven~! If you just look, you'll lose interest!
|12EN = It's the midday announcement! It's time for lunch!
|13EN = 1 P.M.! The Admiral's lunch is also natto? That... doesn't go well with... black tea...
|14EN = 2 P.M. It's almost tea time! I've got scones waiting for you!
|15EN = 3 P.M. Tea time with the Admiral! Mmmmm, black tea is delicious♪
|16EN = 4 P.M. HEY Admiral~ How about having one of my hand-made scones?
|16Note = (According to the mangas, she's a very good cook. GET TO IT!)
|17EN = Evening, five o'clock. I won't lose to anyone in feelings for the Admiral!
|17Note = (Should be five o'clock in the evening, really)
|18EN = 6 P.M., I'll be making English-style curry for the Admiral tonight!
|19EN = A time signal? I'm making soup right now. Please don't talk to me.
|20EN = It's 8 P.M. HEY! ADMIRAL! Kongou's English-style curry is done! Eat up!
|21EN = 9 P.M. You don't have any utensils to eat curry with? No problem♪ Just mix it all together!
|21Note = (問題nothing♪ lit. Problem nothing♪)
|22EN = It's 10 P.M! Admiral~ Another day of hard work! Let's do our best together tomorrow too!
|23EN = It's almost 'good night' time! I'll be your time keeper tomorrow too, right?
|idleEN = Even though I told you to not look away... Admiral~ Just what are you doing?}}

'''Voice actor:''' [http://myanimelist.net/people/11184/Nao_Touyama Nao Touyama]

'''Illustrator:''' Konishi ([http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=4258322 コニシ])

*Has long brown hair bunched into two braided buns and wears a black skirt. Uses a ship-like rig.
*All ships of her class wear a modified miko uniform with differently colored skirts and thighhighs. They also wear the same signature winged hairband.

*Tea Addict
*Hyperactive and very cheerful
*Loves to mix her Japanese speech with random English words
*Signature catchphrase: "Burning Love!"

==Original ship==
*All parts used in her construction were manufactured in the U.K.
*She was the only Japanese battleship sunk by submarine in the Second World War, and the last battleship sunk by submarine in history.
*Sunk by ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Sealion_(SS-315) USS Sealion]'' in the Formosa Strait, 21 November 1944.

==Appearances in derivative works== <!-- Feel free to come up with a more suiting title, can't think anything else for this =/ -->
*Kongou appears as a main character in ''[[Print_media#side:Kongou|side:Kongou]]''.
*Kongou - along with other ships voiced by Nao Touyama - was featured in the first KanColle Drama CD, titled "Hiei's Curry" (比叡、カレーを作る). Due to one voice actor doing all the voices, the CD's short story is also referred to as "One Nao Show". A translated version of the short story can be found [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H71UmCq3lWc here]. <!-- The revision before this one also had this: https://soundcloud.com/masapusan/one-nao-show -->

*Her name is after ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Kong%C5%8D Mount Kongou]'', located between Nara and Osaka prefectures, and literally means "Indestructible" or "Diamond".
*The radar wings that she and her sisters wear share a similar coloration and design to the alternative name for "金剛" which also means "[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vajra vajra]", but may be more accurately "ghanta" (bells). [http://drilbudorje.tripod.com/_Dorje.htm See this page] (scroll to 12th Century) and compare to the CG artwork.
*Her affinity for tea is based on her British heritage.

==See Also==
*[[Kongou/Gallery|View Kongou CG]]
*[[EliteBB|List of battleships]]
*[[wikipedia:Japanese_battleship_Kongō|Wikipedia entry on battleship Kongou]]
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22168432 Kongou's Hourlies]
[[Category:Kongou Class]]
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