Line 5:
Line 5:
==Gameplay Notes==
==Gameplay Notes==
===Special Mechanics===
* Able to perform special AACI on Kai Ni. Please see [[Aerial_Combat#Anti-Air_Cut-In|Anti-Air Cut-In]] for more details.
* Average firepower.
* Low HP and armour.
'''Kai Ni'''
* Average firepower, HP and armour.
* Low HP
===Fit Bonuses===
{{Gunfit|EquipmentName= 35.6cm Twin Gun Mount (Dazzle Camouflage)
|Firepower= +1
|Notes= Kai Ni
{{Gunfit|EquipmentName= 35.6cm Triple Gun Mount Kai (Dazzle Camouflage)
|Firepower= +1
|Notes= Kai Ni
{{Gunfit|EquipmentName= 35.6cm Twin Gun Mount Kai
|Firepower= +1
|Evasion= +1
{{Gunfit|EquipmentName= 35.6cm Twin Gun Mount Kai
|Firepower= +2
|Evasion= +1
|Notes= Kai Ni
{{Gunfit|EquipmentName= 35.6cm Twin Gun Mount Kai Ni
|Firepower= +1
|Evasion= +1
{{Gunfit|EquipmentName= 35.6cm Twin Gun Mount Kai Ni
|Firepower= +3
|Anti-Air= +1
|Evasion= +1
|Notes= Kai Ni
{{Gunfit|EquipmentName= 16inch Mk.I Triple Gun Mount
|Firepower= +2
|Armour= +1
|Evasion= -3
|Notes= Kai Ni
{{Gunfit|EquipmentName= 16inch Mk.I Triple Gun Mount + AFCT Kai
|Firepower= +2
|Armour= +1
|Evasion= -3
|Notes= Kai Ni
{{Gunfit|EquipmentName= 16inch Mk.I Triple Gun Mount Kai + FCR Type 284
|Firepower= +2
|Armour= +1
|Evasion= -3
|Notes= Kai Ni
{{Gunfit|EquipmentName= Searchlight
|Firepower= +2
|Evasion= -1
{{Gunfit|EquipmentName= Type 96 150cm Searchlight
|Firepower= +3
|Evasion= -2
{{Gunfit|EquipmentName= Type 3 Shell
|Firepower= +1
|Notes= Kai Ni
{{Gunfit|EquipmentName= Type 3 Shell Kai
|Firepower= +1
|Anti-Air= +1
{{Gunfit|EquipmentName= Type 3 Shell Kai
|Firepower= +3
|Anti-Air= +2
|Notes= Kai Ni<ref>The Kai Ni bonus will not stack with the Base/Kai bonus.</ref>
'''Hidden Fit Bonuses'''
* She has accuracy bonuses and penalties when equipped with certain large guns. Please see [[Gun Fit Bonuses]] for mode details.
Priority: '''High'''
: She and her sisters are the only fast battleships obtainable through normal construction. Until you get the LSC and event fast battleships, you will be depending heavily on the Kongou-class when you need battleships for maps with speed restrictions.
: Her Kai has low firepower and defensive stats but she is still usable.
: Her Kai Ni improves her firepower and defensive stats. When taking into account her rarity, remodel level and remodel cost; she is a necessary fast battleship for every admiral. She also has great firepower considering how easy she is to obtain compared to other fast battleships. However, do note that her AACI has a low fixed shootdown and weak multiplier. It also has a high API number which means it will override nearly all other AACI in the fleet.
====Recommended Roles====
* Combat
* Support Expeditions
====Not Recommended Roles====
* Anti-Air
===Important Info===
* Required for unlocking the 4th fleet slot.
* Required for quests A16, A40, A52, and B44
==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
Line 66:
Line 175:
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = 私の計算によると、戦いが終わったら、たぶん司令と私は、もしかすると、もしかすると…いえ、なんでもないの。
|origin = 私の計算によると、戦いが終わったら、たぶん司令と私は、もしかすると、もしかすると…いえ、なんでもないの。
|translation = According to my calculations, once the fighting is over, the Commander and I can possibly... just... No, it's nothing.
|translation = According to my calculations; once the fighting is over, the Commander and I can possibly... just... No, it's nothing.
|audio = Kirishima-Wedding.ogg
|audio = Kirishima-Wedding.ogg
Line 84:
Line 193:
|scenario = Equipment 1
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = この強化により、霧島の戦闘力、向上しました。感謝しますね。<ref>Shared with Supply before Kai.</ref>
|origin = この強化により、霧島の戦闘力、向上しました。感謝しますね。<ref>Shared with Supply before Kai.</ref>
|translation = My fighting power has increased with this reinforcement. I appreciate it.
|translation = My fighting power has increased with this upgrade. I appreciate it.
|audio = Kirishima-Equipment_1.ogg
|audio = Kirishima-Equipment_1.ogg
Line 122:
Line 231:
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = ベストタイミングでのドック入りです、さすがね。
|origin = ベストタイミングでのドック入りです、さすがね。
|translation = As expected, this is the best timeing to go into the docks.
|translation = As I predicted, this is the best timing to go into the docks.
|audio = Kirishima-Docking_Major.ogg
|audio = Kirishima-Docking_Major.ogg
Line 146:
Line 255:
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = さぁ、砲撃戦、開始するわよ~!
|origin = さぁ、砲撃戦、開始するわよ~!
|translation = Now, we're commencing shelling~!
|translation = Now, let's commence shelling~!
|audio = Kirishima-Battle_Start.ogg
|audio = Kirishima-Battle_Start.ogg
Line 158:
Line 267:
|scenario = Daytime Spotting/ Night Battle Attack
|scenario = Daytime Spotting/ Night Battle Attack
|origin = 距離、速度、よし!全門斉射!!
|origin = 距離、速度、よし!全門斉射!!
|translation = Range, speed, alright! All guns fire!
|translation = Range, speed, check! All guns fire!
|audio = Kirishima-Night_Attack.ogg
|audio = Kirishima-Night_Attack.ogg
Line 236:
Line 345:
|scenario = 05:00
|scenario = 05:00
|origin = マルゴーマルマル。さ、今日も張り切って参りましょう。あ、司令…ごめんなさい、起こしちゃいましたか?
|origin = マルゴーマルマル。さ、今日も張り切って参りましょう。あ、司令…ごめんなさい、起こしちゃいましたか?
|translation = 0500. Now, let's work hard today too. Ah, sorry... did I wake you, Commander?
|translation = 0500. Now, let's work hard today too. Ah, Commander... sorry, did I wake you?
|audio = Kirishima-05.ogg
|audio = Kirishima-05.ogg
Line 248:
Line 357:
|scenario = 07:00
|scenario = 07:00
|origin = マルナナマルマル。司令、さぁ任務をお申し付けくださいっ!
|origin = マルナナマルマル。司令、さぁ任務をお申し付けくださいっ!
|translation = 0700. Come on, please give me orders, Commander!
|translation = 0700. Commander, please give me orders now!
|audio = Kirishima-07.ogg
|audio = Kirishima-07.ogg
Line 272:
Line 381:
|scenario = 11:00
|scenario = 11:00
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマル。艦娘の皆さん、騒がないで。本日の任務は、午後からが本番です!
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマル。艦娘の皆さん、騒がないで。本日の任務は、午後からが本番です!
|translation = 1100. Don't kick up a fuss, you ship girls. Today's missions will be done in the afternoon!
|translation = 1100. All you ship girls, stop making a fuss. Today's missions will be done in the afternoon!
|audio = Kirishima-11.ogg
|audio = Kirishima-11.ogg
Line 308:
Line 417:
|scenario = 17:00
|scenario = 17:00
|origin = ヒトナナマルマル。司令、ウィークリー任務も順調です。さすがですね!
|origin = ヒトナナマルマル。司令、ウィークリー任務も順調です。さすがですね!
|translation = 1700. The weekly missions are also coming along, Commander. Just as expected!
|translation = 1700. Commander, the weekly missions are also coming along. Just as I predicted!
|audio = Kirishima-17.ogg
|audio = Kirishima-17.ogg