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<!--Note: Whenever an update introduces new quests, put them here instead of the sections below, especially because the repeatability of sortie quests (which puts them in different sections) can't be checked for a period of time.-->
<!--Note: Whenever an update introduces new quests, put them here instead of the sections below, especially because the repeatability of sortie quests (which puts them in different sections) can't be checked for a period of time.-->
==1st of January 2025==
==28th of January 2025==
| cat= Sortie| type= One| ID= 2501 B1| lim= True
| qreq1=
| qreq2=
| namejp= 恭賀新年!二〇二五年、艦隊抜錨せよ!
| nameen= Happy New Year! In 2025, the Fleet Sets Sail!
| text= 旗艦に軽巡級、随伴艦に駆逐艦2隻以上を含む艦隊で抜錨!鎮守府正面海域、南西諸島沖、製油所地帯沿岸、南西諸島防衛線を哨戒、二〇二五年正月の鎮守府海域の安全を確保せよ!
| req= Assemble a fleet containing 1 CL(T)/CT as flagship, 2 DD, and up to 3 XX, then A+ rank the boss nodes of [[1-1]], [[1-2]], [[1-3]], and [[1-4]].
| fuel= 2025
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=10}} {{QuestRewardItem|Food Supply Ship Mamiya}} {{QuestRewardItem|Furniture Fairy}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardItem|Submarine Supply Material|qty=3}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=5}} {{QuestRewardItem|Food Supply Ship Irako|qty=3}}
| cat= Sortie| type= One| ID= 2501 B2| lim= True
| qreq1= 2501 B1
| qreq2=
| namejp= 賀正!令和七年、空母機動部隊、出撃始め!
| nameen= Happy New Year! In Reiwa 7th, the Aircraft Carrier Task Force Sets Out!
| text= 旗艦に航空母艦、随伴艦に駆逐艦1隻以上を配備した空母機動部隊で、南西諸島近海、バシー海峡、東部オリョール海、さらに鎮守府近海に展開!各海域の敵艦隊を捜索、これを捕捉撃滅せよ!
| req= Assemble a fleet containing 1 CV(B/L) as flagship, 1 DD, and up to 4 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[1-5]], [[2-1]], [[2-2]], and [[2-3]].
| bauxite= 2025
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem|New Model Aerial Armament Material|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Emergency Repair Material|qty=3}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=5}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardEquip|Suisei|qty=2|stars=3}} {{QuestRewardItem|Skilled Crew Member|qty=3}} {{QuestRewardEquip|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher|qty=7}}
| cat= Sortie| type= One| ID= 2501 B3| lim= True
| qreq1= 2501 B1
| qreq2=
| namejp= 迎春2025年!精鋭重巡戦隊、北へ!西へ!
| nameen= Happy New Year 2025! Elite Heavy Cruiser Squadron, Heading North! To the West!
| text= 精鋭重巡洋艦(除く航巡)2隻以上を含む艦隊で、北方海域モーレイ海及びアルフォンシーノ方面、西方海域ジャム島沖及びカレー洋海域に展開、各海域の敵艦隊を一掃せよ!艦隊、北へ!西へ!
| req= Assemble a fleet containing 2 CA and up to 4 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[3-1]], [[3-3]], [[4-1]], and [[4-2]].
| fuel= 2025
| ammo= 2025
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem|New Model Armament Material|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Medal|qty=2}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardEquip|20.3cm (No.3) Twin Gun Mount|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Remodel Blueprint}} {{QuestRewardItem|Action Report}}
| notes= CAV do not count as CA
| cat= Sortie| type= One| ID= 2501 B4| lim= True
| qreq1= 2501 B2
| qreq2= 2501 B3
| namejp= 新春【拡張作戦】精鋭日米空母、新年協同作戦!
| nameen= New Year [Expanded Operation] Elite Japanese and American Aircraft Carriers Launch Joint New Year Operation!
| text= 「Intrepid」「Hornet」「Ranger」「赤城」「加賀」「翔鶴」「瑞鶴」の2隻以上を含む艦隊で、沖ノ島沖、珊瑚諸島沖、サーモン海域北方、タウイタウイ泊地沖深部、カレー洋リランカ島沖の敵を粉砕せよ!
| req= Assemble a fleet containing any 2 of: "[[Intrepid]], [[Hornet]], [[Ranger]], [[Akagi]], [[Kaga]], [[Shoukaku]], or [[Zuikaku]]"; and up to 4 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[2-5]], [[7-2|7-2 (Part 2)]], [[4-5]], [[5-2]], and [[5-5]].
| steel= 2025
| bauxite= 2025
| main= {{QuestRewardFurniture|639<!--Heian Maru Hanging Scroll-->}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardEquip|Skilled Deck Personnel|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Prototype Flight Deck Catapult}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Night Operation Aviation Personnel|qty=2|stars=2}}
| cat= PVP| type= Weekly| ID= 2501 Cw1| lim= True
| qreq1= 2501 B2
| qreq2=
| namejp= 新春限定!第六艦隊特別演習
| nameen= New Year Time-limited! 6th Fleet Special Exercises
| text= 【第六艦隊新春特別演習】潜水母艦旗艦、潜水艦を必ず含む潜水母艦及び潜水艦計3隻以上の新春第六艦隊で、本日中に演習【A判定】勝利4回以上を達成せよ!第六艦隊新春演習、始めっ!
| req= Assemble a fleet containing 1 AS as flagship, 1 SS(V), 1 AS/SS(V), and up to 3 XX, then score 4 A+ ranks in PVP within the same day.
| fuel= 500
| ammo= 200
| steel= 200
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem|Instant Repair Material|qty=4}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Submarine Radar & Waterproof Telescope}} {{QuestRewardItem|Submarine Supply Material}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=8}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=3}} {{QuestRewardItem|Submarine Supply Material}}
==26th of December 2024==
===Limited Time Quest===
===Limited Time Quest===
| cat= Sortie| type= One| ID= 2412 B5| lim= True
| cat= Sortie| type= One| ID= | lim= True
| qreq1=
| qreq1=
| qreq2=
| qreq2=
| namejp= 【年末年始】航空機による海上監視哨戒
| namejp=
| nameen= [New Year's Holiday] Aircraft Maritime Surveillance and Patrol
| nameen=
| text= 航空母艦または航空戦艦を旗艦とした5隻以下の艦隊で、鎮守府海域南西諸島沖、製油所地帯沿岸、南西諸島防衛線、北方海域モーレイ海の哨戒を実施!各海域の年末年始航空哨戒を実施せよ!
| text=
| req= Assemble a fleet containing 1 BBV/CV(B/L) as flagship and up to 4 XX (5 ships max), then A+ rank the boss nodes of [[1-2]], [[1-3]], [[1-4]], and [[3-1]].
| fuel= 400
| ammo= 400
| bauxite= 600
| choice1= {{QuestRewardEquip|Emergency Repair Personnel|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Skilled Crew Member}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Combat Ration|qty=4}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardItem|New Model Aerial Armament Material}} {{QuestRewardItem|Medal}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Ka Type Observation Autogyro|qty=2}}
| cat= Sortie| type= One| ID= 2412 B6| lim= True
| qreq1= 2412 C1
| qreq2= 2412 F1
| namejp= 【年末年始】大掃除後の見廻り!警戒を厳に!
| nameen= [New Year's Holiday] Patrol After the Spring Cleaning! Stay Vigilant!
| text= 「曙」「対馬」「秋雲」「風雲」「Salmon」のうち1隻を旗艦に、もう1隻を随伴艦とする艦隊で、南西諸島<br>防衛線、バシー海峡、東部オリョール海、キス島沖、ジャム島沖に展開!各海域の特別哨戒を実施せよ!
| req= Assemble a fleet containing any 2 of: "[[Akebono]], [[Tsushima]], [[Akigumo]], [[Kazagumo]], or [[Salmon]]" with one as flagship; and up to 4 XX, then A+ rank the boss nodes of [[1-4]], [[2-2]], [[2-3]], [[3-2]], and [[4-1]].
| fuel= 700
| ammo= 700
| steel= 700
| bauxite= 700
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem|Medal}} {{QuestRewardItem|Instant Repair Material|qty=8}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Skilled Lookouts|qty=2}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardItem|Food Supply Ship Mamiya}} {{QuestRewardItem|Furniture Fairy}} {{QuestRewardItem|Medal}}
| cat= PVP| type= One| ID= 2412 C1| lim= True
| qreq1=
| qreq2=
| namejp= 【年末年始】海上護衛部隊 特別演習!
| nameen= [New Year's Holiday] Maritime Escort force Special Exercise!
| text= 【年末年始特別演習】第一艦隊旗艦第1及び第2スロに「応急修理要員」を装備。軽空母級1隻+駆逐艦4隻以上または海防艦2隻以上を含む海上護衛演習を実施、本日中に【S判定】勝利を4回以上達成せよ!
| req=
| req=
Assemble a fleet containing 1 CVL, 4 DD, and up to 1 XX, OR 2 DE and up to 4 XX, with the Secretary equipped with 2 [[Emergency Repair Personnel]] in her 1st and 2nd slots, then score 4 S ranks in PVP within the same day.
| fuel=
| fuel= 700
| ammo=
| ammo= 300
| steel=
| steel= 300
| bauxite=
| bauxite= 300
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem||qty=}} {{QuestRewardItem||qty=}} {{QuestRewardItem||qty=}}
| main = {{QuestRewardEquip|Emergency Repair Goddess|qty=2}}<br>
| choice2= {{QuestRewardEquip||qty=|stars=}} {{QuestRewardEquip||qty=|stars=}} {{QuestRewardEquip||qty=|stars=}}
| choice1= {{QuestRewardEquip|Combat Ration|qty=4}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=4}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 2 Depth Charge}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardEquip|Emergency Repair Goddess}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 3 Depth Charge Projector|qty=4}} {{QuestRewardItem|Fuel|qty=3300}}
| notes= The [[Emergency Repair Personnel]]s will be converted into the reward.
| cat= Factory| type= One| ID= 2412 F1| lim= True
| qreq1=
| qreq2=
| namejp= 【年末年始】鎮守府大掃除!良いお年を!
| nameen= [New Year's Holiday] Naval Base Cleaning! Happy New Year!
| text= [New Year's Naval Base Cleaning]:
| req= scrap 10 [[Small Caliber Main Gun]]s, 10 [[Medium Caliber Main Gun]]s, 10 [[Seaplane Recon]]s, and prepare 8 [[Type 96 Fighter]], 4 [[Combat Ration]], and 2024 steel.
| fuel= 1000
| steel= 1000
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=15}} {{QuestRewardItem|New Model Aerial Armament Material|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Fuel|qty=2025}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardItem|Food Supply Ship Mamiya|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|New Model Armament Material|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=6}}
| notes= Resources and equipment are consumed upon completion.
| cat= Factory| type= One| ID= 2412 F2| lim= True
| qreq1= 2412 F1
| qreq2=
| namejp= 【年末年始】拡張大掃除&特別資源輸出-I
| nameen= [New Year's Holiday] Extended Cleanup & Special Resource Export-I
| text= [Extended Cleanup & Special Resource Export]:
| req= scrap 8 [[Fighter]]s, 8 [[Torpedo Bomber]]s, 8 [[Dive Bomber]]s, and prepare 4 [[Smoke Generator (Smoke Screen)]], 20 [[Furniture Box (Small)]], and 2024 ammo.
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem|Steel|qty=3000}} {{QuestRewardItem|Fuel|qty=3000}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Emergency Repair Personnel|qty=4}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=30}} {{QuestRewardItem|Skilled Crew Member|qty=3}} {{QuestRewardItem|New Model Aerial Armament Material|qty=3}}
| notes= Resources, items, and equipment are consumed upon completion.
| cat= Factory| type= One| ID= 2412 F3| lim= True
| qreq1= 2412 B6
| qreq2= 2412 F2
| namejp= 【年末年始】拡張大掃除&特別資源輸出-II
| nameen= [New Year's Holiday] Extended Cleanup & Special Resource Export-II
| text= [Extended Cleanup & Special Resource Export]:
| req= scrap 10 [[Medium Caliber Main Gun]]s, 10 [[Torpedo]]es, 10 [[Depth Charge]]s, and prepare 4 [[Type 22 Surface Radar]], 4 [[Searchlight]], and 2800 steel.
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem|Ammo|qty=4800}} {{QuestRewardItem|Bauxite|qty=2025}} {{QuestRewardItem|Fuel|qty=4800}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=40}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|New Model Armament Material|qty=3}}
| notes= Resources and equipment are consumed upon completion.
| cat= Factory| type= One| ID= 2412 F4| lim= True
| qreq1= 2412 C1
| qreq2= 2412 F1
| namejp= 【年末年始】空技廠増加試作機祭り
| nameen= [New Year's Holiday] Aviation Arsenal Additional Prototype Aircraft Festival
| text= [Year-end and New Year trial production quest]:
| req= Set a a Secretary, equipped with a {{Star}}+2 [[Type 99 Dive Bomber]] in her 1st slot, then, scrap 9 [[Type 99 Dive Bomber]] and 4 [[Suisei]], and prepare 2 [[New Model Aerial Armament Material]], 24 Development Materials, and 2024 ammo.
| bauxite= 1000
| main = {{QuestRewardEquip|Prototype Myoujou (Additional Trial Model)|stars=2}}<br>
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem|Bauxite|qty=2025}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Prototype Myoujou (Additional Trial Model)}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=8}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardEquip|Prototype Keiun (Carrier-based Reconnaissance Model)}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Prototype Myoujou (Additional Trial Model)|stars=4}} {{QuestRewardItem|Remodel Blueprint}}
| notes= Resources, items, and equipment are consumed upon completion.
*The [[Type 99 Dive Bomber]] will be converted into the reward.
*'''{{color|red|All {{Star}} on the [[Type 99 Dive Bomber]] are lost during conversion.}}
==3rd of December 2024==
==3rd of December 2024==