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→‎Voice Lines: Added her Kai Ni C lines
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|translation = Is the mic volume ok? Check, one, two... alright. Nice to meet you, I'm Kirishima.
|translation = Is the mic volume ok? Check, one, two... alright. Nice to meet you, I'm Kirishima.
|audio = Kirishima-Introduction.ogg
|audio = Kirishima-Introduction.ogg
|scenario = Introduction|kaic = true
|origin = マイク音量大丈夫…? チェック、ワン、ツー……。よーしっ! 金剛型高速戦艦、霧島です。第三改装、完了しています!
|translation = Is the mic’s volume fine? Check. One. Two. …Alright! I’m Kongou-class Fast Battleship, Kirishima. Already finished my third remodeling.
Line 119: Line 124:  
|translation = Come on, hurry up and give me orders, Commander.
|translation = Come on, hurry up and give me orders, Commander.
|audio = Kirishima-Secretary_2.ogg
|audio = Kirishima-Secretary_2.ogg
|scenario = Secretary 2|kaic = true
|origin = 霧島、了解!
|translation = Kirishima, acknowledging!
Line 169: Line 179:  
|translation = My fighting power has increased with this upgrade. I appreciate it.
|translation = My fighting power has increased with this upgrade. I appreciate it.
|audio = Kirishima-Equipment_1.ogg
|audio = Kirishima-Equipment_1.ogg
|scenario = Equipment 1|kaic = true
|origin =  主砲とマイクも新調して…。あ? マイクはいらない? …そうですね。
|translation = New main guns, a new mic and then... Eh, You don't want a mic? Okey...
Line 225: Line 240:  
|translation = Kirishima Fleet, sortieing.
|translation = Kirishima Fleet, sortieing.
|audio = Kirishima-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg
|audio = Kirishima-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting A Sortie|kaic = true
|origin = 第十一戦隊旗艦、戦艦霧島、出撃します!
|translation = BatDiv 11 flagship, Battleship Kirishima, sorting!
Line 237: Line 257:  
|translation = Main guns, track the enemy! ...Fire!
|translation = Main guns, track the enemy! ...Fire!
|audio = Kirishima-Attack.ogg
|audio = Kirishima-Attack.ogg
|scenario = Attack|kaic = true
|origin = 主砲、撃ち方始め! てぇーっ!
|translation = Main guns, makes ready! FIRE!
|scenario = Special 1|kaic = true
|origin = いいですねえ。行けそうです。今、全力でっ!
|translation = That's good. I've got a chance. Now, on my full power!
Line 243: Line 273:  
|translation = Range, speed, check! All guns fire!
|translation = Range, speed, check! All guns fire!
|audio = Kirishima-Night_Attack.ogg
|audio = Kirishima-Night_Attack.ogg
|scenario = Daytime Spotting/ Night Battle Attack|kaic = true
|origin = 狙い、よーし! 徹甲弾装填、よーし! さあ、やってやるわよ! 主砲、てーっ!
|translation = Aiming, good. Charging AP shells, good! Then, I'll do it! Main guns, FIRE!
|audio = Ship_Voice_Kirishima_Kai_Ni_C_Night_Attack.mp3
Line 387: Line 423:  
|translation = 1600. There's nothing wrong with the docks and construction decks? I'll check.
|translation = 1600. There's nothing wrong with the docks and construction decks? I'll check.
|audio = Kirishima-16.ogg
|audio = Kirishima-16.ogg
|scenario = 16|kaic = true
|origin = ヒトロクマルマ…あ~ぁ?そこの戦艦、今なんつった?はぁ…。この金剛型姉妹をなめてもらっては、困るなぁ!
|translation = 160... Hey, woman!<ref>She is referring to [[Iowa]]. See her 16:00 hourlies line.</ref> What are you saying just now? Come on! Don't make fools of Kongou-class sisters!
Line 393: Line 434:  
|translation = 1700. Commander, the weekly missions are also coming along. Just as I predicted!
|translation = 1700. Commander, the weekly missions are also coming along. Just as I predicted!
|audio = Kirishima-17.ogg
|audio = Kirishima-17.ogg
|scenario = 17|kaic = true
|origin = ヒトナナマルマル。そう~? I see~. 司令、アイツ、話せば意外といいやつですね。気が合いそうな予感がします。
|translation = 1700. Ah, I see. Commander, I knew that when I talked to her. I don't need to doubt her. It looks like that we can make good communication.


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