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|'''Answer 1'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Other<br>'''Event Rating: '''2<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The Main Operation seemed to be balanced around serviceable bonus setups and fleets, not optimal ones. I liked that.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4/E5, but more on that under additional notes because 500 characters is too short (thanks past me for setting the limit)
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 2'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEEDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
EuroBuffs, Cute ships.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Not having enough exotic equipment to even make an Easy Clear possible.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Returning to the game after an absence. Used to sometimes clear some maps on Hard. Now Easy was too hard and there's no way back, and given how E-4 treated the only rare equipment gain, I don't feel hopeful about catching back up.
|'''Answer 3'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO was fun and a good opportunity to get some of the European ships I missed over a hiatus.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E-4 and E-5 easy (丙) and medium (乙) too difficult for me and the time I could allot.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
More resources needed to be stockpiled in preparation.
|'''Answer 4'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Guide/Resource Contributor;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
balanced MO difficulty, plenty of drops here
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Ne-kai everywhere, Wa-class on E4 boss, expensive Phoenix farm
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 5'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Very easy MO.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Very hard EO.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Please make future events easier, Tanaka.
|'''Answer 6'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Lexington.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Equipment Collector;FCM Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The MO is pretty chill and good reward. Also good thing they add more Touch because it basically needed for a BB to even work now.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The forced pay-to-have-a-chance-to-win, feel so shitty. It likes playing gacha without spark/pity system. It even worse when you are being force to use it or have a subpar clear rate. There is also some stupid anti-fun like adding Yamato route penalty to E4 but the boss fight forces you to use her anyway, or CTF vs crazy AACI. Also Phoenix farm is annoying.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Who the fuck start writing a 6 at the curl?
|'''Answer 7'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 and E5 are massive resource drains
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Damecon use almost feels mandatory to have a reasonable experience. Phoenix drop locations are expensive.
|'''Answer 8'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''2<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New ships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 E5
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
This E4 made me seriously think about stopping gaming for the first time since 2015.
I didn't even consider doing E5 on hard.
|'''Answer 9'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Mogador is very cute and it seems she did a great job bringing in new or retired players to farm her. Also appreciate that the EO didn't award any equipment that will be forever missing from my dex.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Everything about the EO has already been expressed more eloquently elsewhere than I ever could.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I can't believe all the pre-event German teasers were for nothing. Next year for sure, right?
|'''Answer 10'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Guide/Resource Contributor<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Very good rewards if you could get them. Loire Kai is a very good night plane. Oversea mats to upgrade Richelieu for a new touch attack is great. And the Night Crew to get really a really nice new night recon and night torpedo bomber.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4P3. The route was just a tad too difficult. Then they throw these himes with enormous amounts of hp including 2 transports in the escort with 480 hp. They just soaked up way too many hits making the entire phase a dice roll.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Collected all the new ships. Found Valiant and Phoenix while clearing. Mogador, I had to farm a bit. In exchange for that luck, it took 64 runs to clear E4N Phase 3 LD. Originally reach phase 3 on hard as well before dropping due to very ineffective chips. E4 is roughly 40-50% of the total resource cost of the entire event.
|'''Answer 11'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Good MO
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Terrible EO
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Bad equipment rewards all around
|'''Answer 12'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Equipment Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
I got lucky and I cleared, with Phoenix as my LD drop
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
The entire E4P3 was really mentally and resource draining. It was not enjoyable at all
|'''Answer 13'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
E1-3 were fun, albeit easy, and it was entertaining to see everything blow up at the slightest touch thanks to histo boni. Gloire and Mogador also cute af
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The EO as a whole. The worst parts were ofc how brutal E4P3 and E5P5 were, but in addition to these, there was also the fact that the EO felt more like a separate event altogether with pretty much no continuity with the rest of the event, and E5's earlier phases/unlocks were a complete slog as well. Lexington art is also iffy for me, not solely because of her artstyle, but because of her lack of resemblance to Sara, who was drawn by an artist still actively working with KC.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
(I ran out of space in the previous question so continuing here) I also disliked how the quests for the 11A and Night Murata were structured - while I think there's potential in the new 'IKEA-style rewards', it was executed exceptionally poorly, locking the quests behind several extremely tedious (and arguably illogical) prerequisites. In the 11A's case especially, despite the fact that it's locked behind the Night 11B quest while also rendering it almost completely obsolete, it forces us to make another maxed 11B, rather than just letting us upgrade the very equipment it's likely to replace...
|'''Answer 14'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEECD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Other<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
the new girls form the both side BUT NOT LEXINGTON
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Is so f**king hard
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I curse you tanaka
|'''Answer 15'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
I hoenstly liked how we expanded more onto the North african campaign and introduced more french / euro ships.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Difficulty seemed to scale exponentially compared to previous EOs, E4 Preboss final phase and E5 Preboss (Especially node Z) were absolute shit to try to pass through without smokes or other countermeasures.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Honestly, wish I spent more time gathering materials and upgrading equipment. I've been lacking on certain things and even though I hit my goal of at least clearing Hard for the MO, it hurts that I wasn't able to clear the EOs on at least easy this time around. Gotta focus on leveling ships and upgrading equipment to be prepared for the next event.
|'''Answer 16'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MEMCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Equipment Collector;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''A Friend sent it to me<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The MOs are ok
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The EO. Why
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Lexington art isn't fit with the game's general style
|'''Answer 17'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MMMCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
E1 through 3 were fun and the equipment plane bonuses were fun.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 is the worst map ever. Worst difficulty jump ever.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
E4 is dogshit
|'''Answer 18'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''A Friend sent it to me<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Tashkent comeback
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4, E5 and Lexington
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 19'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''ECECD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Chi-ha nukes
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
1st node submarines
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 20'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''A Friend sent it to me<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Overseas Warship Technology
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO rewards
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 21'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Plenty of opportunities to farm old ships I missed
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Lexington artwork
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 22'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New ships especially Mogador, find her very cute.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Immense difficulty spike between MO/EO
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Very not big fan of yamatouch-dependent E4P3 node, felt like a TCI-esque snipe gamble but way way more expensive (repair costs got me to 0 steel) and more targets to tank shots. That said I think it would have been not too bad if one had the rsc/time to sink into it.
|'''Answer 23'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHED<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The first half of it! the MO was really rewarding for having an equipped base- not the most rewarding in the tangible rewards sense, but 'I have X ship for Y lock, thus throw her at the problem to make it easy' was some of the best it's been for ages. The rewards were decent for the difficulty, it was possible to get through even if your sum total of anti-install is just the stuff you get from quests, and in general if the MO was everything, it'd have been the best in years.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The EO. What the hell were they thinking? E4P3 was an insane mess of difficulty, and E5 was a massively bloated mix of abysmal prebosses that should have been two maps with more unlock phases. And the rewards for both were such an utter pile of refuse and shit- E5's stupidity aside, E4 slapped you with a 200 screw surcharge to even try and use the new stuff (and will likely be given out at other times in the future, or at least I hope).
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Fuck Lexington's design. It's been a month and I'm still pissed, it killed my motivation to actually finish the event on time. It's just so hilariously awful and I feel sorry for all the artists who are peer-pressured into pretending to enjoy her look and draw her.
Leaving aside the should-have-been-left-in-the-90s style and the numerous flaws in the philosophy and execution of the design (not even visually similar, let alone nigh-identical, errors in rigging, stupid and basic errors in anatomy that make it look like late 2023 AI, among many other things that this box isn't large enough to contain), the design itself is just *stupid*. Why does the poor girl have to go around looking like she's in a Tom & Jerryskit and had an iron bar smacked over her head?
Oh right, because Tanaka is an idiot and Kia Asamiya clearly thought 'oh hey this looks like a paycheck, I'll put in minimal effort because nobody will care'.Which seems to be his default state when asked for collabs, given how Vess in XC2 turned out.
Well people *did* care. And now Asamiya has been bullied off twitter (and will hopefully never do art for the game again), one of the most solidly-followed design rules for the last 10 years has been broken, and Tanaka's wild antics have ruined one of the most well-loved IRL ship classes.
Seriously, the man needs to hand the game over to someone who is capable of quietly running a game without wild annual stunts and drama, and go off to do something else. Maybe run the curry chain of his dreams, because that's clearly where his passions lie now.
|'''Answer 24'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Challenge Seeker;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''10<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Somehow got into EO RTA list
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I hate Take event Mk.II
|'''Answer 25'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHDC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''A Friend sent it to me<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Phoenix is cute Phoenix is cute Phoenix is cute
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Lexington is suck Lexington is suck Lexington is suck
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
pls release Gangut and Nisshin so I can complete this game ( 302/306 )
|'''Answer 26'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''ECCCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Free MO
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E5 Node T
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 27'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Equipment Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Mogador is pogged
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 28'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHMDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''A Friend sent it to me<br>'''Event Rating: '''1<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
many "fossils" have been excavated
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Lex suck
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Lex suck Lex suck Lex suck
|'''Answer 29'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''DDDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Artist;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Mogador and Phoenix are cute. Gloire too but I keep forgetting she exists.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Lex's art is weird, to say the least, and even I was feeling the salt from the sidelines. Good lord they seem to have gone overboard across the board.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
My miis of Valiant and Phoenix have more resemblance to my recent non-KC stuff than their sister ships. (This is not the case with Lexington, for obvious reasons.) Is this what people call artstyle evolution? (And why does Miitopia not resize eye stickers when you change the eyes themselves??? I can't change four thousand plus stickers across everyone and all save files in one day!)
|'''Answer 30'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
E1 to E3 was not too bad, the rewards were ok and the bosses were fair imo. I liked in E3 you can mix tags for P4..
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO was just obscene. I initially tried E4 on Medium but the boss of E4P3 just wouldn't die with FF, to save myself the headache and valuable consumables I had to drop to Casual to get it over with. E5 was a bit easier but the wall of CAH and 2 Ne-class was very annoying to deal with. Oh by the way Ne spam everywhere for prebosses, just why? The rewards for E5 weren't even worth it, most of it was stock gear on Lex Kai and they're not even good except for Sudoku and Fits.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 31'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
I have everything about the EOs,
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 32'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;FCM Collector;Guide/Resource Contributor<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 33'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Regular Player<br>'''Source: '''A Friend sent it to me<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Equipment buffs
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Insane E4 felt like banging my head against a wall and E5 Easy LD Comp Bug
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 34'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
European Ships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Lexington Art
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
E-4 was one of the most cancerous map I have ever done
|'''Answer 35'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Challenge Seeker;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''A Friend sent it to me<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
abyssals are so cute and nicely design
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
the event is L, last reward is L, the trophy ship started with an L
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
one of the hardest, the most unfun event i've ever played.
|'''Answer 36'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Lexington.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HDDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''1<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Got Tashkent at E1, totally unexpected
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Worst rewards ever. Lost motivation after getting cockblocked at E1
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 37'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Equipment Collector;FCM Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
slap Clownlao, DarkHeron and all Phoenix havers
|'''Answer 38'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''A Friend sent it to me<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
new euro ship
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO need godness fairy too pass event
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 39'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Lexington.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Equipment Collector;FCM Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Learning how to deal with complex messes.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Poor information distribution in english community. Lock planning.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I dislike how many people made E4-3 harder for themselves by halfassing the LD fight. Chip damage is good.
|'''Answer 40'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;FCM Collector;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New abyssal CGs
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
New factory quests locked behind old factory quests with rewards that are useless for me yet I need to spent significant resources to do them to access the new factory quests that uses the consumable rewards from E4
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 41'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
PT Imps
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Very harsh bucket drain, PT imps in particular have caused me more trouble than I recall them giving me in prior events. Had to stop on on E3p4 due to lack of buckets, making me miss out on Richie K2 and gloire. Really annoying. At least I got Mogador. I also kept getting dupes of the same ships instead of new ones which was also annoying (2 Ark Royals, 2 GZ, 2 Sheffield). Woulda liked Tashkent or Prinz but barely got to farm E1 after abandoning E3, so I guess I cant complain about missing them too much.
|'''Answer 42'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''CCDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 43'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HEMCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Artist<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Respect to our fellow ttks who've stared into the depths of hell itself and came out with an FCM. Bless your autism.
|'''Answer 44'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Streamer;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Everything but 4-3 LD
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
4-3 LD
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
4-3 is S tier boss
|'''Answer 45'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''CCCCD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 46'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HEMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Pretty good MO
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Really Tanaka? WTF wrong you did with EO?
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Why this style for Lexington, why? It's nice, but why?
|'''Answer 47'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HEECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 48'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Ship Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 49'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''CCDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
I did managed to get Mogador and Hatsuzuki and some unexpected yet welcome ship drops like Tashkent and Bismarck.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E-2 boss is one tough SOB (needed a friendly fleet for the Last Dance), and so was the phase 1 boss of E-3.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Aside from the said bosses, I ain't salty that much since I got my main goal of getting Mogador and Hatsuzuki as well as playing gachas made me somehow "immune" to whatever RNG's cooking. Can't continue the event due to real life commitments like my job.
|'''Answer 50'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''CCCCD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 is harder even on casual than previous events in past
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 51'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Other<br>'''Event Rating: '''10<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
E4 filtered some people who are bad at the game, which is amazing! I hope the trend continues.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E5 is LITERALLY free with Repair Goddesses and friend fleet made it even more free
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Yet another free event, this time with mid rewards which made a lot of low skilled so-called " fossil" players do ez diffs on e5, pretty laughable. and some even getting others to clear for them, like usual. which btw should be banned because account sharing is disgusting behaviour. instead of being trapped by le reward fomo, just quit already. or swallow the fragile ego and skip it instead of paying people to do the hard job for you while you play other garbage games kek :pinching_hand:
|'''Answer 52'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 53'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Ship Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''A Friend sent it to me<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
I didnt
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 54'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
fuck tanaka and fuck u grunlig
|'''Answer 55'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MOs were awsome!
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
"E4P3 is TRASH.... I mean ASS!" - End quote. (Also Fast+ fleet stuff be mean.)
|'''Answer 56'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''CCDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New Royal Navy BB, plus tons of rare ship drops.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
I was under leveled, so I can only do the event on casual for my sanity.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I lost sleep because of the event.
|'''Answer 57'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMHCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
That one plane on E3
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Wasted basically all my resources
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 58'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''A Friend sent it to me<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
e3 night recon
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
dog rewards
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 59'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MCEDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Artist<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
My first European Event after my hiatus after the Fall 2019 Event. I'm glad I was able to catch up and get many of the European ships that I missed over the past few years. Also, I liked the addition of new French ships(even though it were just two, three if you want to count Richelieu's deux). I got all the Maestrale sisters, got all the Italians, finished my German ship collection, and even got some dupes for the future. EOs were totally a mess, didn't bother to finish, just farmed MOs.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EOs. The fact that Lexington doesn't look like her sister, despite Saratoga being implemented first. The fact that I had to do 100 runs for Valiant. The fact that I had to adopt a hit and run tactic of sortie-ing, then coming back and having to wait for expedition 5 or 38 to return so I could refuel in order to farm more. Not to mention that I constantly ran out of buckets. Completely. The fact I didn't get Jean Bart- but got three Ukurus and two Richelieus instead.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I couldn't even send my maintenance expeditions out or put any ships in the dock by the time maintenance started, because I had six(6) fuel left. Not six digits. just 6. the last question in this survey is poking fun at me.
|'''Answer 60'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;Equipment Collector;Artist<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Steamrolling MO
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Long routes + Ne Kai in EO
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
E4 & E5 would've been fine....divided up as the climax in separate events.
|'''Answer 61'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Seeing people seethe in EO
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E3 farming
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 62'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Ship Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO was good, and there's a solid potential for events to give materials to complete permanent quests instead of having rewards locked to a time machine. If devs keep bringing back special mats, they can stop hard gating valuable rewards, while still giving very good rewards out.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The EO is hot garbage and ne kai is the worst enemy in the entire game. E5 rewards are basically nonexistent.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
My dream is that devs will learn from the mistakes of the EO. The maps were garbage, but E4 reward scheme has a lot of potential. Devs can add night mats to any later event and a newer player can still get the new night recon or night TB eventually. E5 is still inexcusable, though; it offers effectively nothing whatsoever in return for an overly tedious map that seems keen on diving head first into as many awful design decisions as physically possible. Cut out phases 2 and 4 and it'd be much better, but the best solution would be to not put literal bosses in the preboss nodes. I don't care if devs warned us it would be hard, it's a terrible map. Saying "oops, this might be hard" doesn't excuse atrocious map design, it just makes it sound like you're trying to cover your butt for utterly failing to give a single iota of attention to balance. Not that E4 is much better, but it's at least shorter with its rampant hatred of common decency. It's almost entirely focused on the final phase being garbage instead of most of the map. The only reason i rated the EO a 2 instead of a 1 is because of the potential of the E4 rewards. If they ignore that going forward it's a 1. Zero redeeming qualities.
|'''Answer 63'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEECE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Artist<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
As much as I hated E4P3, clearing it gave me Phoenix.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4P3 in general, and the amount of stupid preboss nodes in EO.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Every year I get closer to retiring from KC just so I don't have to deal with insane events anymore.
|'''Answer 64'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEEDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New foreign ships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Too many boss unlock gimmicks
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 65'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''A Friend sent it to me<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 66'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MEDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 67'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Equipment Collector;Artist<br>'''Source: '''Twitter<br>'''Event Rating: '''2<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO and Mogador
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO and Ne Kai being everywhere on all difficulties
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Event preparedness can be measured in fuel reserve, shipgirls, levels, remodels, equipment, improvements, materials.
You can't measure luck though.
|'''Answer 68'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;FCM Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
phoenix, gloire and old drops comeback
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 crab and lexingtrash
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 69'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
I really should play with the sound on. The music guys go to the effort of composing new tracks, and I keep not listening to them.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Good GODS was this a grindfest, hard AND expensive. Employing a celebrity artist to create Lexington was interesting, but I Do Not Like the design next to her sister Saratoga - too heavy and busy.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 70'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Lexington.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Equipment Collector;FCM Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO was Literally FreeTM. I actually love Lexington's art, and hope Asamiya will do another shipgirl in the future.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
I probably would've had a manifesto to write for this section a couple of weeks ago, but now I only feel a little sad I had to drop difficulty for the first time since Vicky event. Also, another dogshit, uninspired blue eyes blonde hair konishi bongboat.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Dogshit event, I will be here till EoS no matter what, probably, so whatever.
|'''Answer 71'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Main Operations
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 72'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;Equipment Collector;Guide/Resource Contributor<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
No twintails, terrible rewards
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 73'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Lots of time
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Farming & funny preboss
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Maybe I should just play arcade version
|'''Answer 74'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;FCM Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Ship drops, Mogador, Valiant, MO not needing debuff
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Seagull Skilled behind Phoenix Drop, E4P3, E5P5 Z node, Quests behind Nonaka and Yura night scout.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 75'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
E4H it's brick wall.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E5H it's worst event rewards, so i complete on med
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 76'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''ECCDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
mob designs
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
As a returnee, it just felt like gatekeeping at e4p1, used every single possibility with perfect hp pool fleet, tci, nelson touch with iowa n yahagi, lbas with most powefull setup but didnt managed to finish and even in casual, farming was pain, it was just 3-4
|'''Answer 77'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 78'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Equipment Collector;FCM Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
For most new ships, the farm nodes were easy
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4p3 was too RNG with the long route. E5p5 Z node
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Wish all old event drops would be in this event but a few were not here. blah ####
|'''Answer 79'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHMCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Some nice ship drops in MO
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The difficulty
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 80'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;Artist;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
It's quite good in MO
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO is goddamn worst, also Lexington's design looks so uglier than Saratoga.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I hope Tanaka and Kancolle staff don't repeat the mistake once again.
|'''Answer 81'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMEC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Drop rate of ships / farming
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Unnecessary hard preboss nodes.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Nothing much.
|'''Answer 82'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 83'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;FCM Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Seeing big crits using carriers. The new ships were pretty good overall which made it different from other events where I like only a very limited amount Penis1. The MO was pretty comfy to clear.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO maps have too many phases. Overreliance on smoke to have a chance to get to the boss. Even with smoke, boss reach rate is quite low due to getting pounded by some preboss nodes Penis1. Routes being punishing enough that spamming megami is the standard strategy for LD is very disappointing. Having multiple Yamato being optimal for clearing which can bring up the total event cost.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
My opinion of this event would probably be worse had I not cleared E4P3 LD on first try. Mistakenly locking Hatsuzuki to E3 baited me in using Nagato touch instead of my dupe Yamato for E5P5 which took 33 attempt Penis1. At least, I got two phoenix while clearing E5 so I go that gonig.
|'''Answer 84'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEECD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector;Artist<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
no Souya drop
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 85'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;FCM Collector;Guide/Resource Contributor<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO was fun with a good old traditional map. Lots of nice drops and overall balanced event.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Everything about EO
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
The Summer 2024 Extra Operations event in Kancolle is unnecessarily difficult, especially on Hard and Medium modes. While I enjoy a challenge, this event feels punishing. E4’s boss fleet design is poorly balanced, with the two Honolulu Princesses having higher armor than the boss, forcing players to rely heavily on RNG. Even with debuff, the boss is not any easier. This makes boss sniping nearly impossible without highly upgraded gear or a consistent record of Hard mode clears.
The path to the boss is also frustrating. Node W, particularly during the Last Dance, is filled with strong enemies that practically require damage control to pass, and without an on-route repair node, the map becomes unbearably difficult. Even with a Yamato Musashi Fleet or FAST+ Fleet, it feels more like luck than skill that determines success through sniping the flagship.
E5 isn’t any better. While its earlier phases are manageable, the final stages, especially Node Z, are brutal. This node has four Princess-class enemies, making it extremely difficult to pass without using a Touch or using smokes. Even with LBAS and Node Support, the enemies are so tanky that it feels impossible to make progress. The Friend Fleet helps a bit, but waiting for it just adds to the frustration. The silver lining in this whole ordeal was that the Boss is easier than the preboss. If you can pass through them, you have a high chance of dealing damage to the boss with Friendly Fleet.
The Phoenix drop rate is terrible, and the Hard mode rewards are disappointing. The two planes you get in E5H are stock equipment on Lexington Kai and not worth the effort, and are upgradeable via Akashi. After you managed to cleared Hard Mode, the rewards feel like a slap in the face, offering little more than cosmetic items.
I enjoyed the Main Operation, but the Extra Operation felt more like a chore. If future events are this unbalanced, I may consider quitting the game. 0/10.
|'''Answer 86'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;FCM Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
E3 and Glorie
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Bosses are scaled for Yamato touch in late EOs
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
tbh because of this event
|'''Answer 87'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 88'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HEECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Regular Player<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
new ships and equipment
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
even in easy, the EO is a pain to punch thru with limited reso
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 89'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMME<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Decent event-only drops
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Screw E4P3
|'''Answer 90'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;Artist<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''1<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 91'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Lexington.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMEDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''2<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Good art?
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Pretty much everything lol
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 92'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;FCM Collector;Artist<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 and E5
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I didn't get Phoenix
|'''Answer 93'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 94'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''1<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Nothing, it's the worst event
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 and E5 """design"""
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 95'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MMMCD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
My luck. 7/11 ships without much post-clear farm
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 96'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MMMDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Equipment Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''1<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
e1-e3, def e4
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Trash event, trash maps, trash rewards, nothing new. Except this time E4 was definitely new, it sucked more than usual and I really lack motivation I had in 201Xs to resparkle supports and bang my head against the wall. Guess I'm getting old? I'm sorry for insulting you before Tanaka, you're alright.
Mogador's thighs kinda save lives, I want to do things to them. Good thing I don't careabout american ships cause they looked... yeah... more than once during these years.
|'''Answer 97'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;Artist;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
I like we got a full foreign release, that now the french arent limited to Akira alone, speaking of the french, i love their design, Hoshi and Sakana has demostrate they can go beyond US and IJA shipgirls. On a similar note i enjoyed the use of sudoku historical bonuses, yeah it can be a wall for newcomers but at least there was a way to make the phase challenging enough without being too overwhelming, specially when you hit as hard as the abyssals did as well in the MO. The OSTs always deliver.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Not much hate than rather being dissapointed at Phoenix not being more Argentenian that i was expecting, EO was also a letdown how bad balanced it was, even there was a bug with the difficulties lmao, not to mention the rewards were few and behind a quest, hopefully that doesnt become an habit for future events.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I'm curious about what would come next event, is more obvious we are going to get remodels as part of the new release roster so Tanaka can keep saving some big ships for later on. Also the stacking of bonuses should be a must at least as a way of "fixing" the difficulty of a map.
Is very bizarre how SEA was the most out spoken when it came to the Lexington controversy, personally i wish she was a twin sister kinda like I-14&I-13 even if it was on a different style, that way you could differentiated anyway, so far she wouldn't be the last blown of proportion controversy we didn't need.
I don't want another event till next year, so far i would be happy with mini events till next event. I swear sometimes Tanaka fuck ups look more like he just being a bit done with KC(the game), at least he has passion for ww2 ships, otherwise we would have gotten a veteran of manga working with KC to release Lexington(oh the irony of people hating her even tho they have a bit of a point)
I wonder if people still shitting on Intrepid or Helena to this day.
|'''Answer 98'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;FCM Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''10<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
I was finally given what I wanted. A challenge that would finally destroy me. Tanaka has finally shown me he still have tricks up his sleves to give even the most veteran of admirials a challenge.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Not getting an all hard clear, but to be honest. This defeat only means I get to now enter a new arc in my life... the fallen admiral arc.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Serioiusly though, this was the best event ever. And being defeated couldn't have made more happy and perhaps now... motivated.
|'''Answer 99'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Main Operation was pretty fun.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Probably what everyone else hates about it.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I just hope the devs realize that games should be fun and not a test of your frustration tolerance (and/or wallet). How should they achieve this? I don't know but if you're going to make the game "harder" don't do it like you did in the EO. I personally think KanColle should be a much more chill game than this. The frustration adds up fast. Especially so when it doesn't reward you well.
|'''Answer 100'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''MDDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New ships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E-1 air superiority node on Hard, I did not know that I needed Jets to get it, wasted a lot of fuel doing so.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 101'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''2<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO was fairly enjoayble, if not all that difficult. MO farming was perfectly fine. Like new ships not named Lexington. Final EO map did not force Hard for rare equip (nice given E4H). Overall, gimmicks not spammed too much, and while 1 or 2 tough nodes to S-rank, reasonable IMO.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
500 characters are not enough – In short, EO was stupidly designed. No reason for E4P3 (especially Hard) since not the final map. Rewards poor overall – not a fan of carrot pilots & now have to do arsenal quests to get my reward. WTF Tanaka. And yes, I'm going to post it. Lexington's design is terrible - garish and ill-fitting. Will I quit because of it? No, but that doesn’t change anything, and not helping a poorly designed EO.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Rated event 2 because EO blots out MO. Rated EO 2 instead of 1 because I didn't get hammered at E4HP3. Rather than inspire me to play, EO design quelled my motivation to play KC (and again, wasn't hammered at E4HP3). Spring 2023 E2H was terrible for me, but ultimately I powered my way through the event. Maybe I'm getting burned out on KC. A year ago, I would have gone for full Hard clear (had resources, ships, equip for E5H) and spent all available free time up until event end for Phoenix... but I just wasn't motivated to do so. Not going to quit the game, but when I'm thinking more about maybe ranking another month (don't always) and "I can use these resources to LSC Maruyu" with 3 weeks left in the event rather than do E5H (and post clear go all out to farm Phoenix)... that's not good. For me, events were always special, and the daily grind = preparation for them. Hopefully next event will be much better (and I can get Phoenix).
|'''Answer 102'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MMHDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Opportunity to get get new ships, Richi k2
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Too many installstions
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 103'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Length helped
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
I felt I was powercrept
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 104'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''MMMCD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 105'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''NA<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 106'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 E5 too hard, Lexington art
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 107'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHMED<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Europe part was fun and had some cool historical nodes
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Fuck E4 and I hope to see less Fast+ routing in future espically if it means thats the only way to have both Yamato class in fleet
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 108'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''CDDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''A Friend sent it to me<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 109'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HEMCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
That it lasted long and allowed me to clear at a slow pace.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Pretty much everything around the EO.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Thoughts and prayers to all the frontliners that gave their sanity and resources to figure out the hardmodo EO for us.
|'''Answer 110'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
good drops, amount of locks outside E-5, 9999 dmg numbers
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Difficulty of EO, amoung of gimmicks, another 200k fuel map (E-2 PTSD)
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Nisshin with 12682
|'''Answer 111'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;Equipment Collector;Guide/Resource Contributor<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The French!
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
No twin-tails :,(
|'''Answer 112'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MEECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New ships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The Fast+ requirement for Yamato-class/ Pre-boss node of P5
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 113'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Europäische Union, dupe musashi dropped for me in E4 <3
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Abyssmal pass rate
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Tanaka f*** dich, genug gesagt
Aber bitte mehr yamasushi Drops <3
|'''Answer 114'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''MCCDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Europe theme, New ship as rewards
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Not Friendly for beginners. Especially with Installation combined with PT Imp Boats
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Nothing much.
|'''Answer 115'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Artist;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Mogador's thicc leg. European Shipgirl's great bonus damage for MO.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Lexington, Tanaka, E6, and Kia Asamiya
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Please stop Kia Asamiya to draw any capital ship in thr future.
|'''Answer 116'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New ship girls.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4, E5, and Lexington art.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
New Lexington artist pls.
|'''Answer 117'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;FCM Collector;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''10<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Its was a good event, Finally I can spend my resouce that stockpiling in hard cap, alot of mamirako akashi expansion and damegami uses that I have alot of them from 10 years of my career.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Maybe switch diff between E4 and E5, E4 alot harder.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Thank you for making good event Tanaka, unlike last event with no brain full ASW ship and boss killing herselft
|'''Answer 118'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;FCM Collector;Streamer<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 -3 and E5. What else.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
To be fair, the only words to describe that particular phase of this event (yes, I look at you E-4 and E-5) are skibidi toilet. I mean, that map is too extreme to the point I want to (my lawyer advised me to not finishing the sentence).
|'''Answer 119'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''HHHDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
How stupidly hard E4 and E5 is
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 120'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;FCM Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Fun MO
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Hell EO
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Final Friend Fleets need to come earlier.
|'''Answer 121'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EECDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''A Friend sent it to me<br>'''Event Rating: '''10<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
My wife Katori become flagship in E3
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
This is very common but Lexy
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I love my wife Katori
|'''Answer 122'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Being done with it
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
the amount of shiplocks and the difficulty of EO
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 123'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
my fuel gone
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
As soon as I bought the fuel in shop, I instantly cleared the map with all Perfect S'es and opening on the boss node that left only 3 enemy ships from whole fleet.
|'''Answer 124'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''NA<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
E1-E3 I guess
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
everything about EO
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
E5 Z node SUCKS
|'''Answer 125'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO was very relaxed, and very flexible for compositions.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO was just overly RNG dependent trash. Rewards were just plain bad.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
More MO, less EO. Rewards should match the difficulty of the map, and map difficulty should be something that one can overcome with gear and resource preparation, not be ultimately left to personal luck.
Also, there is a point at which art style disparity becomes too much. Lexington on her own is not bad, but she does not fit with anything else currently in the game, so when deploying her she sticks like a sore thumb. Summer Mikuma levels of sore thumb.
|'''Answer 126'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''1<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
My lovely Glorie
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Fucking prebosses...
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 127'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
rewards were kinda troll for EO, also the Lex decision feels nonsensical, there was literally a yoshinori ship this year but i guess tanaka wanted asamiya-kan to be a capital ship
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 128'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;FCM Collector;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 129'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MMMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''2<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 130'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Ship Collector;FCM Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''2<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
New ships and difficulties
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 131'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''9<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
the FEELING the difficulty gave me
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
the ACTUAL difficulty of the event
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
New girls are very cute, Richelieu k2 is the best
|'''Answer 132'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Abundant ship farms
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO difficulty
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 133'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Lexington.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New girls and MO part of event
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 134'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''NA<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Met all drop goals
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Seemed really hard. Dropped to Casual to avoid the pain.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Returnee after not playing for 4 years. Got 30 new ships in the event.
|'''Answer 135'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHMDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Pretty decent MO drops overall, albeit with some questionable choices. Pretty good MO rewards with reasonable difficulty, even for someone going in with next to no European ships to start off.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E3 is a map heavily built around the use of Richelieu/Jean Bart, yet the only place in the entire event that drops them is... the final boss of E3; terrible design choice. Nelson/Rodney also being E3-X exclusive, another bizarre choice. Very nearly everything about the EO's was a mistake - Abysmal clear rewards (save the Night SCM's from E4); fairly poor map drops minus a couple ships; outrageously high difficulties; ridiculously overtuned AA. Tried E4E to fish for lucky boss drops, no such luck
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Ro-chan came home, so I am happy. My stupid beginner's luck didn't hold out for E4, and I didn't get a miracle Saratoga or Phoenix drop, so I could've been happier. Still, my overall haul was quite satisfying for the first Euro event I truly tried at.
|'''Answer 136'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Regular Player;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
If 100% of everyone else's event hate section mentions the EO, then I will wrestle a cat.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 137'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Gloire, Mogador, Phoenix and Valiant are all cute girls. Coral Sea Hime is cool as heck. Getting big number crits thanks to proper planedoku is very satisying.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Disgusting pre-boss nodes. Ne Kai Summer spam. LBAS Raids post-clear. Mixed Imp/Installation nodes. Schnellboots. Bosses nodes that live or die depending on whether you get a 1st shelling touch or not.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
My first event since my retirement after Summer 2022. The sortie simulator is god's gift to mankind.
|'''Answer 138'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
French Girls, new Abyssals
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Absurdly stupid extra phase maps and final boss compositions, Lexington non-Yoshinori design
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 139'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Hardcore Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 and E5
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 140'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
No Comment
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Lack of Interesting Reward
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 141'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Good MO.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The worst EO in history.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Dupe Yamato is no longer a luxury but a requirement.
|'''Answer 142'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''CCCDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
I liked that it was based in Europe and that it didnt request specific item to proced
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
That boss nods most of the time damaged my ships
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 143'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MMMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Lexington, bullshit difficulty
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 144'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMH<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 145'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''ECDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 146'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO (the KC term)
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
MO (the operation name)
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 147'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MMECD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''9<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Very plentiful and various IJN and Allied ship drops, more French ships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Lady Lex's CG
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Shoutout to the dedicated members of KC discord who guided the entirety of playerbase and daringly ventured into the hellscape known as events to collect valuable data. This was no task for normal human beings O7
|'''Answer 148'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMEDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Very good European drops, finally to fill the EU KanmusuDex
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 149'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
So many retiring
|'''Answer 150'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HEECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Artist<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Richelieu Deux implementation and Gloire
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
PT Boats
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I hate to say it but I failed to get phoenix
|'''Answer 151'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MEECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
this is the first event that I've completed in its entirety, along with the extras.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
I didn't like the Lexington's design at all, hopefully it will be modernised in the future with a more appealing look.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
No more
|'''Answer 152'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
funny cvci damage number
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
everything EO (except pheonix)
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Cleared e4p3 on the run where I forgot to restock underway replenishment
|'''Answer 153'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Drop nodes of ship
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 154'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
LBAS moving into better positions.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Difficulty on most maps did not reduce until casual. If felt like I did two maps just to get Lex.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I thought this event could be fun and interesting until I hit the last dance of E2. After that I said screw it and focused on my sanity and rushing to the end of the event. This event was not good at all.
|'''Answer 155'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Ship Collector;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Main Phase was great
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Both EOs were dogshit
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
95 Runs on E5 and i got every rare ship as dupe but still no Phoenix drop
|'''Answer 156'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MMHDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The difficuly compared to the non interesting rewards
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Returning player from 2019, started playing 2014 or 2015
|'''Answer 157'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HECDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Other<br>'''Event Rating: '''NA<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 158'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Other<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New ship
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
I hate map E-4 & E-5
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Go to hell Tanaka , when you release "Tirpitz"
|'''Answer 159'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;FCM Collector;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''2<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
more foreign shipgirls
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO is way too hard for all difficulty
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 160'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Artist<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Everything, the bosses didn't drop anything, it was way too hard even in casual
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Mogador my beloved
|'''Answer 161'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Challenge Seeker;Guide/Resource Contributor<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
4 of 10
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
5 of 10
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 162'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''2<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The event is so difficult that I can do RTA by pure luck!
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Almost everything
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I am the 24th guy to clear E5 hard LMAO
|'''Answer 163'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Got almost all missing ships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO is too hard, preboss taiha is a cancer mechanics
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 164'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The meat wall boss and preboss nodes
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 165'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Equipment Collector;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''A Friend sent it to me<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The amount of rare ships with decent drop rate you could get in the MO maps
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
How the player base, mainly the EN and CN communities, acted all the time
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
DMM will be glad to keep our beloved KC in their server for another while, thank you for your effort, gracious whales widepeepoHappy
|'''Answer 166'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Guide/Resource Contributor;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
As always, the aspect I enjoyed the most was the music, which is consistently fantastic. The new ships, with one exception, are also wonderful. The enemies are all impressive, and the map design shows great intent. This time, the balance between phases and gimmicks feels just right.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
See next
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
As for the things I dislike about this event... where do I even begin? Unfortunately, there are just too many. Starting with Lexington’s design—it feels completely out of place, like it doesn't belong in Kancolle. This wouldn’t necessarily be a problem if the art quality were amazing, but it isn’t. Her face looks downright bad in her regular art. The only redeeming aspect of Lexington is the wealth of memes that have sprung up because of her.
There were also numerous bugs during this event. The gimmick for unlocking the E5-5 boss wasn’t working in hard mode, the new night Murata didn’t deliver the expected night damage, and the touch trigger condition between CTF and single fleet was messed up. And, by the way, that still hasn’t been fixed. The developers might even claim it's a 'feature,' just like they have with other bugs in this game—it's terrible.
Then there’s the EO difficulty, which is a total disaster. E5 is absurdly unfair and requires either a huge amount of time or money, which the devs say is intentional. But there’s absolutely no excuse for E4. That map is cursed, and the only way to have a remotely decent chance of clearing it is to use damage control items and rely on the friend fleet. My point is proven by the fact that the devs rushed out friend fleets for E4, and those who cleared it before that mostly relied on Yamato’s special attack for daytime headshots. It’s a complete mess. And friend fleets for E5? They took far too long to arrive, almost as if the devs were trying to 'balance out' the fact that they introduced them for E4 so early—it’s infuriating.
Lastly, let’s talk about the rewards. The MO rewards are decent enough—easy maps with crazy bonuses, so you can’t expect anything too amazing. While we don’t know the ‘true value’ of the EO rewards yet, based on what we do know, the rewards are incredibly underwhelming for the effort required. EO maps on hard mode are pure masochism this time around, and the rewards are insulting for the level of self-torture involved. The only reason I pushed myself to clear E4 and E5 on hard mode was for my own sense of pride—there was no other real incentive. The carrots will come back, and the night recon 11A and night Murata are already in the permanent quest list for those unable to clear E4 on hard mode, so they shouldn’t even be considered part of the event rewards.
|'''Answer 167'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MEECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''2<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The event is poorly designed. Even Easy modes aren’t easy anymore and have become less enjoyable. This has forced me to downgrade to casual mode twice. Also the rewards are not worth fighting for anymore. And lastly, Lexington seriously needs an art fix. The current official Lexington art is ugly and it should be Yoshinori Shizuma to draw her.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Chinjufu needs to reevaluate how they design future event maps because it involves too much unnecessary transport phases, unnecessary route unlocking gimmicks and the devs should not make easy mode the new “hard” mode. And lastly, we need German ship girls now.
|'''Answer 168'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MEECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The ship drop
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
From shitty rewards to tanak himself, this event is a whole new hard mode compared to previous events
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Keep up the good works kc discord friends
|'''Answer 169'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHMMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The amount of Ne Class Heavy Cruisers
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Friend Fleet is horrible even with strong fleet option
|'''Answer 170'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MMMDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Regular Player<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Richelieu Deux
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
didn't get jean bart, valiant, and others
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
give new players convenience
|'''Answer 171'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Gloire and Mog are cute
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
e4 and 5 were extremely difficult with extremely poor rewards. drop rate on some ships eg.Javelin was incredibly poor
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 172'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Artist<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Main Operations were enjoyable! Also, Mogador, Valiant, and Gloire are beautiful! New Abyssal enemies looked beautiful too, and map design and challenge level exceeded expectations.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Extra Operations at first looked doable, however this proved otherwise. Their lack of rewards per unit of effort invested, as well as too many preboss bosses on both maps (but especially E-4), and literally did not have enough time to finish the EOs. Also, Lexington's design is alright, but it could use another detail pass and/or alterations on her artwork that brings her more in line with her Abyssal counterpart.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Looking foward to a properly finished Extra Operation for the next event, and not the half-baked one we got this time around.
|'''Answer 173'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''EMEDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Equipment Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''1<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Without even taking into account the required efford, rewards were utter garbage. Having last EO give junk that is stock equipment of the ship you can get on casual is beyond laughable. E4N looked like E7H and all just for a crafting material that will most likely come soon with some mini event or quests. MO had rewards you'd expect from C/E mode. E3 with 4 bosses amd a crapton of faffing around just for stock equipment and a worthless plane was disgusting. It's harder and harder to even bother.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Lexington is one of the ugliest designs in the game but still better than most Yoshinori K2.
|'''Answer 174'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Lexington.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Lexington design, French touch, new enemy designs
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Getting unjustly banned from bluecord b/c I hurt the mods ego
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 175'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Artist<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Chill MO, (personal experience: very low consumption because of low difficulty)
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO preboss, buuuut... its kinda not really in casual?? idk don't at me
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 176'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The entirety of EO
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I think Phoenix is overrated and her General Belgrano form is disappointing, but I'm planning to keep her and her dupe regardless.
|'''Answer 177'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
I like it when Twitter start rage against Lexington design
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Adopted child named Lexington
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Fuck Tanaka for choosing this Lexington design
|'''Answer 178'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
I managed to get all of the new girls and all but two of the girls I was missing.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I still need DE #22 and Heian Maru, but farming E5 could bugger off with that pre-boss.
|'''Answer 179'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO was fun i guess
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 and E5 were a terribly balanced untested mess, that show how the Devs have lost touch with reality.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Test your Shit, Tanaka
|'''Answer 180'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MEEDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Artist<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
So far MO is pretty easy and simple
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Somehow I had bad time on MO preboss
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 181'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Lexington.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''9<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Theorycrafting and Problem Solving from different angles. There were a lot of ways to go about EO
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E1 Installations potentially locking out new players
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Overall this event was fairly difficult (from my perspective in hard MO, casual EO) but while our hard-EO peers suffered a lot I enjoyed watching and participating in crafting solutions with everybody. I enjoy talking with everyone else during events a lot and it gives me a sense of community, and I think it was particularly strong this event.
That's why I honestly liked it quite a bit.
|'''Answer 182'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Dogshit E4 and E5P4
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 183'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''1<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Tanaka giving me fairy tale of an ending, mirroring how I got my very first hard medal
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Everyone who came up with this EO should be lynched
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Fuck you Tanaka I'm done dealing with your ever increasing pile of shit, go retire :woorspite:
|'''Answer 184'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Equipment Collector;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO was easy enough and the effort well worth the rewards. Pretty good MO drops too.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO a shit, Tanaka straight up went "F you, give me money" with that one. How about no, you crazy Jap bastard!
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Originally wanted to clear all hard to keep the streak going but it just wasn't worth it. Good thing I don't have to worry about FCM count, having started in 2019. Wonder how much I'll regret clearing E-4 hard for the carrots.
|'''Answer 185'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Lexington.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHCCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 186'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 187'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;FCM Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New ships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Damegami spam
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 188'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''DDDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The new ships because i'm waiting for some doujin artists to make fun of them
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The players reaction
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
As a member of the KanColle, please be wary of players who are way too much interested in history to the point of toxic historical activism.
Also, please be wary of members such as SnitchPogi and Ok_Quality, i got a feeling they been spying us and slandering us to other gacha game groups like Azur Lane ,Genshin Impact, Blue Archive etc.
|'''Answer 189'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Lexington.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO was ok to both length and dificulty, with propper equipment, and had good rewards and drops. Also we finaly utilized mostly EU fleet to do sorties. Yeah, TP phases were annoying (Except E3P3), but thats how TP phases are done lately.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The hell of E5, only single phase, that wasnt agonising was P2, but rest of event was overtuned in dificulty. Like whose idea was to put Hayashio hime into E4 preboss and most importantly not 1, not 2, but 3 NE KAI into P5 preboss. Y node thats not only brutal to reach, but also brutal to S rank making debuff hell of route
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Its ver clear that devs dont test event maps before release (Just like R8 in CSGO), or adapted balance policy or Rito game. Extreme overtune of EO dificulty, when even frontliners could not find routings in 2 days was a crown to terribleness of E5, Yeah and also, Never doubt Myoukou TCI.
|'''Answer 190'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHMEE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Guide/Resource Contributor<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Probably the MOs. Definitely enjoyable with the difficulty and the fact you can get good European drops helped.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
You want to ask? The EOs. Very difficult, no bonuses/little bonuses, rewards that really suck. NOTHING FUCKING worked due to glitches. It's like the devs were like Crowdstrike fucking up? Hold my sake!
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
*sora3 has been pinged with infringement of foul language. Decision has been made that community service must be served*
Well, Tanaka. You've done it. You've really screwed us over.
|'''Answer 191'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
All new ships excluding Lex + the money spent this event will surely keep KC alive awhile longer
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Have you got eyes, have you seen Lexington...and the rest of E5 rewards! Thanks, more landfill NA planes. The fatman is a joke. While E4 was a literal slot machine at least the rewards (if ur do ur quest) were good.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Imagine not getting two Phoenix~
To the players that dropped difficulty to clear E4 but went on to clear E5甲, you good - you'll enjoying having a cosmetic medal over new equipment. Jerpega Clap
|'''Answer 192'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMEDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The new ships are nice. New Equipment and more european ships are always nice.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The amount of different ship locks and bonuses i had to keep in mind while doing earlier maps. Also the amount of phases on a E2 was a bit much.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 193'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMH<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO rewards
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I feel dead inside.
|'''Answer 194'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;Equipment Collector;Streamer<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Music, Long event duration, and New ship being useful for clearing later map (Mogador).
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Ne-kai pre boss nodes, more or less every pre-boss node in the EO, Javelin drop rate, and lack of LBAS at the start of most maps.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Ho boy were do I begin, I think I'll just write a few things from my notes for each map in order to save Grunilg and everyone else from having to read a 1000+ word essay on my feelings for this event. E-1 was more or less a landing craft gear check. E-2 I would say was more annoying then difficult. E-3 was a French BB/ British CV check for most the map and other then the terrible drop rate for ships like Javelin and the Ne-kai pre-boss nodes being everywhere. It was not to bad. Overall I was quite happy with MO as this was the first time I cleared a MO on all hard. The EO on the other hand was way overtuned and was the first time I felt that Dupe Yamato and Musashi was more or less required to have a shot at clearing both full Hard. And due to the difficulty vs Rewards noting above Casual in E4 or E5 felt worth my time, stress, and energy (I did get a Phoenix in E-5 after 22 S-ranks (16 S-ranks E5 6 S-Ranks E-4)). I do hope Javelin returns soon as I failed to get her after 145 S-ranks. My entire event run was streamed and archived on Twitch for those who wish to see any of the runs I did during the Event. - CodRaven1728 on KC, Discord, and Twitch.
|'''Answer 195'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HEMED<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Richelieu K2 and Mogador. And also, new night recon from France.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
#JusticeForLexington #NeverForget
|'''Answer 196'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
That it's finally over
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The Phoenix farm
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
The EO was a design disaster riddled with bugs
|'''Answer 197'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MCCCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Main Ops
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Extra Ops, Ne-class Kai and Outer Southern Sea DD Hime. Also it's so heart-breaking, when E-4 Friend Fleets separating Fletcher and her sisters. Same for the way the historical battle that E-4 based on, when I thought there would be at least 1-2 Fletcher's beloved sisters will be available as drops here, but there're none of them appears making their debut as drops, so I and my girls will have to wait for next event to rescue them to warming home with my fleet.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Also, I know this will not be heard, but please nerf opening torps of Rice Hime, and changing her sclera and tears to normal. Please.
|'''Answer 198'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 199'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEECD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Warspite finally getting a sister
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 200'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 201'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MMMCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Moar European and American hotties. Valiant and Phoenix wuv.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Long ass and painful last pre-boss nodes at E-4 and E-5 even at Easy. Also, Lexington REALLY not looking as good as Saratoga and Hornet bruh. Would literally kms if we got the same for Enterprise or any other American fleet carrier in the future lol.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
German in the future please? :Hinasob: And justice for American fleet carrier looks.
|'''Answer 202'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Community banter
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Difficulty spike
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 203'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Lexington.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
preboss (except Ne)
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 204'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''ECCDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
cute art
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
no hatred
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
first event i cleared Main Maps
|'''Answer 205'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Ship Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The new girls are very cute and the MO was rly nice and comfy.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 and E5 were just bad maps in all aspects... from stupid requirements to the route to being broken and almost unclearable before the FFs arrived to the rewards which were a complete joke. In addition to that there is the whole Lexginton debate. I like her design and love the Fanart of her... but I rly dont like her ingame CG. It personally feels like its not rly fitting and when you see other art from the artist you wonder why he didnt go more in that direction instead.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 206'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Lexington.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Equipment Collector;Guide/Resource Contributor<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Its a challenging event since for a while
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 & E5 hard mode!!!!!
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 207'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ranker;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MUSASHI and the French Girls obviously
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
MUSASHI FARMING, E4 and E5 as a whole, screw Hayashiohime, screw E4p3 preboss and E5p5 preboss, also screw the dogshit rewards for E4 and E5
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
What the fuck did you smoke Tanaka to give up this E4p3 Hard boss? I want it
|'''Answer 208'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Fun MO
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Tedious EO
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 209'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Lexington.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;Equipment Collector;FCM Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 210'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''1<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 211'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
easy EO
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
e4p3 and e5 difficulty on hard
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 212'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MEMDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
nice MO with cute girls and interesting maps.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO had awful rewards even on hard. i also dont like EO shipgirls.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
haven't played EO due to lack of interesting rewards in girls or equipment.
|'''Answer 213'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MCCDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New abyssal designs were nice
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Casual wasn't casual enough, especially on the EOs
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 214'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Challenge Seeker;Guide/Resource Contributor<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
new ships and rewards for the first three maps
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO complexity, maps too big
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Very expensive EO
|'''Answer 215'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEEDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
got Victorious the first time I went to R; Remodel Blueprint from E2
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E3's V1 node and how often I had to visit it; E3 P's Vanguard during the TP phase because of stronk enemy closing Torpedoes; LBAS planes having high losses despite no enemy fighters; Lexington's design ofc + inaccurate gear on her
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 216'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
new shipgirl
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E-4 too hard for low rewards
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 217'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO and the drops were so good, it gives me motivation to complete the event early... until the hate part
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The ENTIRE EO, the difficulty spike is too great that I'm not suprise if a lot of player completing this on Casual and even then, the rewards, drop rate and node checks are abysmal. Spending tons of resouces for ships that couldn't even drop. Including Lexington design choice
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Honestly this event really diverse MO and EO difficulty too much that regulars struggle a lot to complete this event completely. The presence of dreaded Ne-Class Kai Summer alone is making the event hard, including them in a LOT of preboss node is brutal both to seasoned and casual players. While this may be a good move for KC team to make player actually spend some real cash to buy damegami/slots/supplies, it did put a den on players morale and steer players away from the game
|'''Answer 218'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Other<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Mogador's thicc thighs
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Ne-class, as well E-4 and E-5.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 219'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EECCD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
All the new ships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Enemies with too much HP at the Boss nodes (even at lower difficulties), Lexington's artist getting bullied on social media
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Mogador best DD
|'''Answer 220'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''DDDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;Guide/Resource Contributor;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''NA<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 221'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MEDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Other<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The chance to get European shipgirls.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Difficulty getting past E2 for me, I need to increase shipgirl levels
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 222'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
First 3 maps
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Last 2 maps
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 223'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
chill MO
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO in general
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 224'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Music for EO
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
RNG of E4
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
High expenditure is from breaking on E4H..pass rate was near 100, but nothing would even hit much less sink the boss. Had *six* bloody boss protects trigger in one battle alone. So after the 50th 'did not sink her', dropped to normal and sank her next try in a daytime S. Sucks, as had zero interest in the expy carrier from Mugen no Ryvius, so was planning to consider E4 the 'full hard clear' =P
|'''Answer 225'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Challenge Seeker;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Richelieu Deux
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 E5
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 226'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''EECDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Got me back into the game after 6 years
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 227'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO - it's done well: good rewards, pretty shipgirls
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Everything else? EO is too hard, rewards are too small, the girl for the final map doesn't motivate to go through the event. A lot of suffering for nothing
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
This is my first incompleted event in 7 years of playing. One more event like this and, uh, I think I'm gonna drop this game.
|'''Answer 228'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;FCM Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Mo was quite good balanced, was very doable with right ships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO was bullshit even with right ships it was fucked up and rewards were crap for that madness
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 229'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Too much effort and too little reward, unreasonable mechanic and luck requirement
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Surprisingly I don't have ship sinking dream this time, maybe I have finally moved away from my mistake
|'''Answer 230'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''1<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
nothing, lol
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
MO too easy, EO too hard, horrible rewards (new ships were basically dupes and still no Bearn) and THAT (US CV)
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
IMO, Lexington (with wave motion engine) fits better in a fleet with Arcadia, Yamato 2199 and White Base
|'''Answer 231'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMCDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Euro drops. I didn't look at Kasumi this time it's Shigure instead.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
My anti installation is so weak
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
cute boats yippee
|'''Answer 232'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''CCCDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 233'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;Equipment Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Ship drops in E1 - E3
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 + E5
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 234'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''NA<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
E3 felt doable but difficult
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E5 node z holy shift. Also I don't have a lot of the tanks that had bonus for e2.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 235'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 236'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
It's too difficult for no reason.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Smoke mechanic and spoon was a mistake.
|'''Answer 237'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
I got through it and remained Allships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO rewards vs effort
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Valiant and Mogador arts are excellent
|'''Answer 238'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Music is great, as usual. MO is fun with plane sudoku and helpful historical bonus. The girls are cute, especially Mogador. She is my most favorite ships for this year.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E-4 and E-5 were too hard. Even with historical bonus, the en route and the boss nodes were too difficult. Ne-class K2 should be deleted from the game. Permanently.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I hope KC staff know that impose a node that you have no way to counter is not equal difficulty but who am I kidding?
|'''Answer 239'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EMHCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''9<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
All desired rare ships dropped while farming E1 and E4
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Summer Ne
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 240'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New summer modes of Abyssal ships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Phase's Number and difficulty of Extra Operations
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Casual is not casual at all
|'''Answer 241'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;FCM Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Good BGM and MO. Completed kandex for the first time. Phoenix dropping on E4H random A rank chip. E5M being a breeze.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4HP3, fast+ fleets, absurd resource sink in E4H before drop to M
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Making EO's harder by having fast+ being almost mandatory is not a good trend. This event also broke my all hard event streak of 7. It's fascinating to read event channel discussion to see how somebody asks for help with fleet comps, gets a helpful response, then completely denies why their original comp was faulty and on top of that, makes it worse.
|'''Answer 242'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Equipment Collector;Streamer<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
LexingCute. The OST delivers once more, at first I wasn't a fan of the EO themes but after some listening, it clicked. Very good soundtracks all over the Event...
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
... And unfortunately it was the only redeeming quality of this Event. MO wasn't bad per se but it has one single issue : That there are NeKai in ours wall and EVERYWHERE once E2P2 started. E3P4 was the only place were a Preboss NeKai was skippable. The difficulty spike between MO and EO. The over-reliance on difficult Preboss nodes to gatekeep players. The peak level design of E5 node Z. Among other things.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
One could write a whole book about this Event, but I'll make it short here. E1 was nice but in fact started to shown signs of gate-keeping. You don't have enough Anti-installations gears ? Too bad for you ! Same apply for the unlocking phase of E2P2, and then NeKai in Preboss start to show up every time. E3 was in fact the most balanced map of the whole Event (official clearrates seems to confirm it).
Regarding the rewards of the MO, let's be absolutely honest here. It was "bad". It feel underwhelming. What did we truly get from the MO's rewards (Assuming all Hard) ? 1 RE, 2 Radar, 1 Blueprint, 1 Catapult and 1 new Night Recon. I do not count the new Materials in this because it will become something mostly present in regular quests. Imagine someone not even clearing E1 on Casual, Devs has to make sure this person can still clear all the permanents quests in the future.
So why I believe the rewards of the MO were "Bad" ? Honestly we got spoiled to no end by some of the Mini-Events rewards this year. 2 Shinden Kai, Missile LBAS Plane, extra Haya 64th... I think you see the "problem" here.
And then there's the EO.
You take everything I said above and ramp it up to 11 !
E4's issues ? Historical bonuses not present or doesn't feel significant. First boss is already showing signs of hostility when they add Submarine Hime for Last Dance. And then there's Phase 3, where you get double NeKai as the "norm" for even unlock phases (Hi node F1 !). Phase 3 is the enbodiement of ~Scarlet Devil~ everything we do not like about an Event : rough Submarine node, Yasen against Imps, Airstrike node, Na-class + Sub preboss, NeKai Preboss (More airstrike and AA/SS node for Yama/Sushi route) and then there the boss itself. Someone need to make a fan-art of the following :
Abyssal Washington the sassy loli slumped on her throne sighing while having a predatory smile on her face. Abyssal Honolulu and Brooklyn dressed as abyssal princess dancing like Shantae on each side of the throne. Two CV Hime relaxing on deckchairs, and NeKai sipping her juice with a smug face. While being gatekeeped by 2 Atlanta-Hime-level-of-AA Transports ships and Na-class staring menacingly at the shipgirls (Thank god they don't O-Torp). Phoenix tied up and suspended like Princess Peach who watches the scene with a worried look.
Yeeeah, the usage of such heavy bosses is not a good thing when your Historical bonuses aren't following to help.
All of that for nothing or mostly nothing. Such efforts, all for a material that will show up again as a normal thing. It's Protocatapult from Summer 2015 all over again.
AND THEN, there's the blue coins, I mean E5.
Lexington's design aside (I personally don't mind), look at this insanely long map. Five phases. And what do you get beside the Hard Mode medal ? AN ACTION REPORT ! What did it costed ? Eveything. Meanwhile you get one for much cheaper each quaterly with Naganami's quest.
SummerDiva + 3 NeKai is peak level Design. And Devs warned up about the returning Heywood Hime who only show up two time total while NeKai is still everywhere (except E5P4).
FFs putting bandaids on some of the holes do not help. I hope everyone enjoyed their suffering on E4 and E5 (I did not !)
|'''Answer 243'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Lexington.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''CMMMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Got Tashkent = Vernity happy . Got Jervis = My Wife Daughter Asashio has more rivals . Got Natsugumo = Asashio is happy now .
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 P3 . Lexington's design is not that bad , why this is happening again like " Intrepid debutt " , like one of those anime in the 70~80 . Hope the artist alright .
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Need Iowa and Gangut .
|'''Answer 244'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''ECCDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
OST, French ships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 245'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Streamer<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
No new zeco & A士
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
zeco FF & abyssal
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
overkill protection does not exists
|'''Answer 246'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEMDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Cute French ships and an easy E3P4 boss
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Those goddamn fucking Ne class heavy cruisers
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 247'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 248'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Mogador and Musashi drop
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4, E5 and Lexington
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
EO was bullshit
|'''Answer 249'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''A Friend sent it to me<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 250'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New ships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 difficulty
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 251'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO difficulty and rewards were reaspnably
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO preboss bullshit and terrible rewards
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 252'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
new shipgirls and new equipments
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
lexington art
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 253'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Strong historical bonus and BGM
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Shit rewards in EO
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 254'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''2<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Musashi drop
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
It in E4
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
i wish i have 4 51CM twin max* or triple
|'''Answer 255'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''CEEDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Ranger in E4
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I was very lucky
|'''Answer 256'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MMECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Artist<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
I found many new shipgirls.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The sudden difficulty spike on the EO's.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 257'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 258'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO is acceptable
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 259'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New ships, new challenges.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4/E5 were unreasonably hinged on luck targetting. Challenge is fine, but I quite Hard and Medium cause I decided to prioritize saving resources to farm missing ships instead. Regrettable call, but one I would make again in a heart beat considering the situation. I did not want to drown myself in FOMO and end the event sitting days in E4.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 260'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
fk tnk
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
fk tnk
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
no comment
|'''Answer 261'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MMECD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The French Night Recon was quite good
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 262'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HEEDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The possible drops
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Lexington's artstyle making her seem like a not worthwhile reward
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 263'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''DDDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''<br>'''Self-Perception: '''<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''NA<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
This surely was an event of all time
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
sup with E5
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 264'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
equipment Damage bonus, I can finally deal 9999 cap damage to Supply Depot Hime.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 and E5 Preboss node.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Where is Phoenix unhaver club?
|'''Answer 265'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EDDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''10<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
I'm from Brest
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Not getting Mogador after spending all my time for her :(
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 266'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO is genuinely fun. Big bonus = big number makes me happy. Mogador and Phoenix are cute.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO is one of the worst events I've played. Horrendous routes, high equipment requirement, very RNG boss nodes and bad rewards make the EO unsatisfying.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Phoenix is my favourite ship this event, but also the only ship I couldn't get. The last time I missed a new ship is Grecale in Summer 2019 Event.
|'''Answer 267'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEEDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''1<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New ships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
this was the event that finally made me retire, lol
|'''Answer 268'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''DDDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''<br>'''Self-Perception: '''<br>'''Source: '''A Friend sent it to me<br>'''Event Rating: '''NA<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Que viva Kancolle
|'''Answer 269'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MMMDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The new girls
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 and e5
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 270'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Valiant, Mogador, and Europe
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4, Kia Asamiya, Lexington, and Tanaka
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Mogador failed to come home (RIP)
|'''Answer 271'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''FCM Collector;Guide/Resource Contributor;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Whole EO
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
It was amazing to actually get the phoenix 3h before the event
|'''Answer 272'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Equipment Collector;FCM Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO was easy, cleared E3H in day battle with Touch disabled
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4H ate 242k fuel all by itself
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 273'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''CCCCD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''NA<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
E4's difficulty
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Dunking on E4P3 first try (after debuff)
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
farming aquila was pain
|'''Answer 274'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Multiplier design (aircraft and ships) of E1, E2 and E3.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Preboss node is too hard and annoying.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 275'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Cavour came back
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 276'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MEECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
extra long
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Getting hard every event seems like
|'''Answer 277'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 278'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''CCCCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Other<br>'''Event Rating: '''2<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The new ships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The insane difficulty of E4 and E5; specially this last one. What the heck was that of 5 bosses and the final with 8 kills needed to finish it.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Where was Gangut?
|'''Answer 279'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;Equipment Collector;FCM Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO, Plane Sudoku
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO, preboss nodes
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 280'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEMDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
i like events in general c:
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
i always dislike the "pressure" of finishing an event
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
thanks for the survey :D
|'''Answer 281'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Ship Collector;Guide/Resource Contributor;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The amount of historical references in the nodes in the different maps. All the new ship girls were also really nice. I enjoyed the Main Operations more than the Extra Operations.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Difficulty spike in Extra Operations. Also the drop rate for USS Phoenix was weird. Lastly, the immaturity of some groups that it ended having repercussions in real life.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I admit I was busy in real life responsibilities hence why E4 and E5 were dismissed to lower difficulty. But I did heed the warning from the tweets from C2 while I was recovering resources from E3 that the EO's will be more difficult. I love Kia Asamiya's work and I am happy with Lexington but I do have some minor issues with the rigging. Voice choice for all new kanmusu were spot on.
|'''Answer 282'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
It is a event + cute ships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 in general; Debuff route, preboss, boss
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 283'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Stacking bonuses on early events
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
praise the weak yen
|'''Answer 284'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player<br>'''Source: '''<br>'''Event Rating: '''NA<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 285'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 286'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Lexington.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Mogs and Lex
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Everything else
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
The rewards were total shit for the effort needed. Also making ships drop on absolutely horrible nodes (because of god awful pre-boss nodes, needing Fast + fleets or simply 15 min per run (as a side note, after clearing the final boss do I really need to sit through her minute long dialog just to get my 20th Yura, Myoko class or Shouhou))
|'''Answer 287'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Lexington.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HEMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Guide/Resource Contributor<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Cutelex OwO
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
where op lbas plane haiyaaaa
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 288'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''2<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The MO was an easy start which was nice compared to some previous events.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The EO were really bad. Too many strong enemies in the boss node, as well as very annoying preboss nodes. The rewards were also very bad! Also, it is a bad practice to hide necessary items in higher difficulty for quest rewars, a very stupid addition to the game which hopefully will never return. Too long in general and I couldn't motivate myself to farm for the new ships. Having as many drops as rewards is also kind of annoyance.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Hopefully the next event will be easier with better rewards and less farming for new ships.
|'''Answer 289'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 290'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''HHHDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''NA<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Main Operation. Nice roster of returning ships, good historical bonuses. Maps were mostly thought out with drops helping the clear.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Very uneven event. Main Op was nice, EO was terrible, Lex design is jarring.
|'''Answer 291'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''FCM Collector;Challenge Seeker;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Gloire, new high torpedo bomber
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Worst chip design in HISTORY for both E4/E5
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Keep farming devmats
|'''Answer 292'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HEEDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Opportunity to make one of my most commonly used ships (Richelieu) stronger via Kai Ni
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Node P, E-3.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 293'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New ships except Lexington
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Lexington art, extreme difficulty spike on EO
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 294'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''HMECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''2<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
minimal unlocks
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
amount of locks and the preboss nodes
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
who enjoys these preboss nodes?? I don't mind long routes, but when every node has a high chance of making you retreat, the event just becomes tedious. I want to struggle at the boss, not struggle getting there
|'''Answer 295'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO was excellent. I wasn’t able to do full hard clears (I lacked the French BBs so I had to make compromises which hampered by ability to clear E2H and E3H), but I can see all of the pieces, and it felt nice.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
What on earth was that EO. You can see what they’re TRYING to go for on E4, but the pre-boss sucks and you have to hamper everyone’s combat ability (via speed mods) if you want to use a full Yamato Touch without more terrible pre-boss nodes. Once you get there, you face way too many damage sponges. E5’s preboss sucked too, but at least the boss was more reasonable.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 296'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MMMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The Main Operation
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The entire Extra Operation and Lexington
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
If this event was made up of just the 3 Main Operation maps, it would have been a fun, memorable European event. Unfortunately, the completely unrelated Extra Operation and its neverending stream of BS, unfair enemy compositions, and restrictive player fleet setups ruined everything. The general sentiment I saw across English and Japanese players was that the Extra Operation was not fun and not worth doing on any difficulty level other than Very Easy. I agree with this sentiment. The installation HP sponges (particularly in E-4) had way too much HP to cut through, especially if your so-called “nuke” setups never produce “nuke” level damage. In all my time playing this game, anti-installation combat with landing crafts is my most hated combat tactic, tied with the Transport Combined Fleet. The number of phases in E-5 was too high; five phases made it feel like a complete event inside of an event. Then again, I also hate these multi-phase maps that do nothing but waste the player’s time. We must return to “one gauge, one boss per map.” The Extra Operation also penalized players who didn’t have access to speed-enhancing equipment and players who wanted to use a specific Special Attack that required more than 2 shipgirls (such as Colorado’s Special Attack). Restricting players’ fleet setups like this discourages players who want to field their favorites to finish off the event and prevents other shipgirls from having their chance to shine. To top it all off, Lexington is by far the ugliest and absolute worst shipgirl design in the history of Kantai Collection. I don’t care if she was drawn by a so-called famous artist. Lexington’s design does not fit with KanColle’s overall aesthetic, is historically inaccurate in many ways, and in my opinion, looks amateurish and unfinished. Management should have rejected this effort outright and either demanded a redo in line with KanColle’s overall aesthetic or dismissed the artist and had Saratoga’s artist Shizuma Yoshinori draw Lexington instead. I honestly would want the latter, considering Sara and Lex are sister ships and should share similar aesthetics. Lexington’s current design does not look like Saratoga’s sister at all. Azur Lane’s Saratoga and Lexington are much easier to identify as sister ships, and they’re both pleasing to look at, having the same design aesthetic. As far as KanColle’s Lexington is concerned, I’ll raise her to Kai, take away her planes, and give them to the other USN carriers in my armada. This ugly Lexington can be a permanent benchwarmer with the potato Intrepid. I could use a CG replacement mod and replace every instance of ugly KanColle Lexington with Azur Lane Lexington, but it’s easier to simply pretend KanColle Lexington does not exist. Tanaka and management continue to be the true enemies of Kantai Collection as they slowly kill it with a death of a thousand cuts. When KanColle dies, it will be their fault.
|'''Answer 297'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Lexington.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO is pretty chill
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4P3: gimping historical comps, preboss nodes are all terribly hard, boss comp has way too much HP. E5-5 node Z was also painful. It also feels like that if you don't dupe strong ship, you won't be able to clear the event.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Suzutsuki is as always super cute.
|'''Answer 298'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Too hard
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Una kanmusume qué me hable en español... lo valió TODO
|'''Answer 299'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHDC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
It was clearly poorly planned
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Main op was fine, extra op was bad.
|'''Answer 300'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HEMDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
High drop rate farm spots
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Clear rewards
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 301'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHMDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Artist;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New cute girls
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Transport stages
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 302'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''<br>'''Source: '''<br>'''Event Rating: '''NA<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 303'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHMME<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
More non IJN ships
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Rewards were terrible for this event.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 304'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MMEEC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 305'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Challenge Seeker;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
MO maps were really great. All the bonus from historical and equipments gave funny numbers.Most of the new girls are fantastic especially Gloire and Phoenix. A lot of good drops returned, i finally managed to get Tashkent after looking for her during years.All musics from this event were awesome, my favorite one was E3 boss music.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
EO maps were a complete disaster. E4P3 was probably the most brutal part, not only the routing was awful but the boss was absurd, 2 Honolulu hime, 2 Wo/CV Hime and 2 480 hp TP make no sense at all. Being force to use damegami to do LD attempts was disgusting. E5 was so long and painful with horrible prenodes. That was a very bad design to have a prenode with a CA Hime and 3 Ne kai before final boss. Futhermore it made farm a pure torture. Finally rewards were an insult for the effort required.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
There are so many wrong things in those EO maps, if i mentionned all of them it would required a full essay. I can add that the event had many bugs, the FF arrived very late in E5 and at last they messed up with Lexington design, she doesn't look like a kc girl. In the end i managed to reach all my goals, but if devs keep releasing maps like that in the future i don't think i'll be able to struggle for clearing full hard and getting all new girls. This event could have been perfect but EOs maps ruined everything.
|'''Answer 306'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EECDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Challenge Seeker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
overall, the initial part of the event was a great example of a good event. good selection of re-runned ships, not too hard but not too easy and giving quite decent rewards on most of the difficulties.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
even tho I didnt participate in it, the second part of the event basically hard stop after E-3. Lexington was... interesting choice... the artist did alright but the were completely given the wrong ship to do/be told to do so the already jarring art style shift felt even MORE jarring... the Difficulty spike I was hearing for E-4 and E-5 basically pissed away all enthusiasm I had to try and doing it and seeing if I can grab some of the Yanks I wanted
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 307'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''1<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
devs have some serious balancing problems
|'''Answer 308'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMEEE<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Everything buy Lexington
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Cmon man what is this E5 reward
|'''Answer 309'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 310'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
I think the MO was fun, while maybe a little easy due to the plane chart bonuses being crazy the challenge and rewards were pretty balanced
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
The EO in its entirety, the rampant spam of Ne kai or princess prebosses, the clear lack of any sense of balance or slightest idea of what is actually possible for players to achieve and the IKEA flatpack furniture nature of this event's rewards. A battle that was primarily a duel between two carriers from either side sees carriers taking a backseat because most of the time they are completely deplaned. Oh yea and Lexington, please keep your childhood fanboying out of the game Tanaka.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I doubt this is a hot take by far but the EO was a dumpsterfire. This was already clearly visible from the start when frontliners struggled for days to get through the sheer cliff that was E4, only to run into an actual impossible dead wall on E5 with the final boss unlock until Tanaka pulled the emergency lever and changed stuff to make it actually possible. This is also how the whole EO feels like, haphazardly stitched together by a bunch of people that have no idea how their own game actually functions or what is actually feasible in the game.
Damegami use is slowly but surely becoming more of a must rather than a benefit in some of these event maps, and each time devs seem to add a new fun and interesting mechanics for the players the very next event every abyssal is in possession of a counter to this new mechanic (In this event the primary example being smoke, with most difficult nodes having radars which nullifies most of its effect). End of the day this just takes away any challenge in making and designing good comps to deal with the situation at hand and reverts everyone back to Yamato touch + TCI snipe spam accompanied with Damegamis to slightly lessen the mental burden of playing what is essentially roulette with cute girls.
Then there is the case of the event rewards, or as I personally dubbed them, the IKEA flatpack furniture experience. Usually when we have an event we clear the map, we get a reward, we are either happy or sad based upon the usefulness of the reward compared to the difficulty of the map, and move on to the next one. In this event you slog your way through the map and defeat it to be rewarded with building pieces. which you are then supposed to take home with you to your base where you are presented with a construction manual in the form of a quest in order to use the stuff you just received to assemble it into your eventual event reward. But unlike IKEA Tanaka wasn't so nice as to also give us the screws, nuts and bolts, we had to go get these ourselves in the form of additional equipment (including stars) and resources consumed in quest completion. In the case of the 11A and the night Murata the quest is also locked behind relatively expensive and hard to complete quests in the form of the 11b skilled quest and the Nonoka quest. Equipment that suffered from this is the 38cm Quad kai Deux, the 11A night recon and the Night Murata, with Richelieu Deux also being a part of this group to a lesser extend.
Last but not least we have E5, which was a ridiculously hard map to clear on any difficulty, with the grand reward at the end...... A pair of very bad planes with stars you don't need and could've given them yourself cause it was immediately improvable and the planes are stock on the reward ship of that same map. Then there is also Lexington who's art, leaving aside everything about the choice of artist and its artstyle, feels mediocre in quality and has odd design choices which make her all round actually uncomfortable to look at. Personally hoping that the Protopult in E3 was a hint at a possible mod2/mk2 for her which might at least increase the quality of her artwork.
|'''Answer 311'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMECD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 312'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMEDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Richelieu K2, Valiant.
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Difficulty curve.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Between the balance problems in this event and the submarine fleet BS in the last one, I'm on indefinite hiatus.
|'''Answer 313'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Equipment Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''2<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Got 2 Eugens
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 314'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New lovely shipgirls
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
lexington, hard difficulty but bad rewards for MO
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 315'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HEECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 316'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''MEMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Historical references on the events
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
How hard it is to get through it and I did not get Phoenix
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 317'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Challenge Seeker;Ranker<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
e4 and e5
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 318'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''MDDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
A good variety of returning ships I didn't have yet
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
That I was still too weak to clear it on hard
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 319'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
the duration
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
trash rewards for the insane difficulty
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 320'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMEDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Event-Only Player;Casual Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
good waifus
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
tanaka a shit
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
No lol
|'''Answer 321'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHHH<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;FCM Collector;Guide/Resource Contributor<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Utilizing foreign ships & equipment, tags combining on E-3 last phase. New ships (prior to E-5).
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Extreme difficulty requiring tremendous defuffs and friend fleets. Worthless E-5 rewards. Lexington art being out of place. Hayashio being unfarmable.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 322'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHEM<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''3<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Not giving up on E3H and actually finishing a MO Hard only + Getting the drops I wanted (TRASHCAN FINALLY CAME HOME)
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Every single pre-boss node, the (un)reliability of smokes, whoever thought E4 was "fun and engaging"
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
MO was decently challenging, and while I did have a hard time at E3, I still saw a chance, and committed to all-hard MO, and finally did it. Too tired from E4 for a interesting comment, should have dropped to Easy from the start, instead I was too stubborn for that bloody carrot. E5 was at least bearable in Medium until P5, then Z was an ABSOLUTE PAIN to go through. The sheer idiocy of how I would rather fight pre-boss REEEEEs compared to whatever Z was. Even more ironic was in LD where I finally decided to equip damagami and NO SMOKES, failed support proc, and somehow had my most successful battle with that node, while other times lvl3 smoke, all lbas, support fleet proc, and always 2 ships taiha in escort fleet closing torps with TWO ships left. At least I have a trashcan now...
|'''Answer 323'''<br><br>No favourite<br>
|'''Cleared: '''CCDDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
Nice ships, but very unappealing rewards
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Very unappealing rewards and tediously long maps
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Something about the recent events just doesn't grip me as they used to...
|'''Answer 324'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMCE<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
Tanaka why
|'''Answer 325'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''EEECC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Casual Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''7<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New ships and returning drops
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 326'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHME<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Veteran<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''5<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
The MO; bonuses were solid but still required some thought, persistence, and prep
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
Preboss on final phases of E-4 and E-5, general boss design on E-4, anti-player design and lack of use of bonuses to incentivize player actions on E-4 and E-5.
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
E-4 and E-5 in general were just terrible. E-5 rewards were awful, E-4 was a horrific grind with a terrible boss design and a brutal preboss phase. If the devs don't want us to use the Yamatos, don't reward their use with bonuses, design the boss around them, and then make using them a trap option turning an already bad preboss phase into something that basically destroys your fleet's Evasion and damage potential before you reach the boss. There are ways around that, as bonus structure on E-2 and E-3 showed; they could have implemented similar schemes here but just didn't, and instead penalized players who didn't have specific long-term quests unlocked or didn't complete E-4 on Hard despite the sheer difficulty and grind of that map. This is horrible anti-player design; there are better ways to do things.
|'''Answer 327'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Phoenix.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Fossil<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Hardcore Player;Challenge Seeker;Streamer<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
New Ships are nice. MO was so easy it felt refreshing
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
E4 was the most ridiculous, stupid map we had in KC so far. The whole EO was terrible
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
I still think this wasn't the hardest event we had, but E4 is the most stupid map we ever had. I almost enjoyed going through pain that was Summer 2015, or Summer 2017. Playing russian roulette with Yamato touch to just one shot boss is not what I would call rewarding, enjoyable or challenging. Just plain stupid.
MO on the other hand felt extremely easy if you had all the required Euro equipment. That was pretty refreshing and fun.
The only thing I kinda liked in EO was the fact that hard didn't give any really good equipment. My opinion for a while was that final map on hard should give out only hard medal and nothing special that medium wouldn't.
|'''Answer 328'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HHHMM<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Artist<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
hard event, no good rewards in EO
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
better rewards
|'''Answer 329'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Valiant.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HMMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Fanart Appreciator<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''6<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 330'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Gloire.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''CCCDD<br>'''Met Goals: '''Yes<br>'''Player Age: '''Newface<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector;Equipment Collector<br>'''Source: '''Discord<br>'''Event Rating: '''8<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>
|'''Answer 331'''<br>[[File:Ship_Full_Mogador.png|160px]]
|'''Cleared: '''HEMCC<br>'''Met Goals: '''No<br>'''Player Age: '''Regular<br>'''Self-Perception: '''Regular Player;Ship Collector<br>'''Source: '''Reddit<br>'''Event Rating: '''4<br>
|'''What did you like about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What did you hate about the Event?'''<br>
<br>'''What else do you have to say?'''<br>