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The '''{{ROOTPAGENAME}}''', launched on the 27th of July (1 day delay) with an EO launch on the 8th of August. It is scheduled to end in early to mid-September. It is a "Medium Scale Event".
*The 1st Stage Operations are titled "Operation Menace",
**They take place in the Atlantic Theater and involve French vessels, with Operations Catapult and Menace in Europe and North Africa.
*The 2nd Stage Operations are titled "New Operation MO".
5 new ships have been released.
*Gloire had an additional IRL collaboration with Lawson.
10 new equipment have also been added.
'''For additional information regarding event-related subjects and content, please refer to [[#Mechanics|Mechanics]]'''.
=Historical Background=
==1st Stage Operations==
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
As of the latest information from the devs, the 1st Stage Operations will cover the Atlantic and North Africa, with French cruiser Gloire as one of the new kanmusu of the event. With that in mind, it is important to know who Gloire is and her career.
Gloire is a French La Galissonnière-class cruiser. She had an active time in the Atlantic in the opening years of the war. She made a trip to Canada and escorted a convoy back to mainland Europe. She was stationed in Brest and was part of the famous Force de Raid. Force L of Force de Raide comprised of Dunkerque, Béarn, Montcalm, Georges Leygues, L'Audacieux, Le Fantasque, Le Malin, Le Terrible, Le Triomphant, L'Indomptable, Mogador, Volta, and Gloire. Gloired took part in operations that covered convoy KJ4 from Kingston, Jamaica to the British Isles to prevent attacks by the pocket battleship Deutschland. They then moved from Brest to Mers El Kebir. With the fall of France she came under Vichy French control. She wasn't present during the Attack on Mers El Kebir nor the Battle of Dakar and managed to survive into the rejoining of the Free French after Operation Torch. She had her refit in New York in 1943 and she then operated from Dakar along other French and Italian cruisers. She covered the areas around the Central and Southern areas of the Atlantic. She was then moved to the Mediterranean and supported the landings at Anzio. She then transferred to Southern France for Operation Dragoon in August 1944. She will continue to support Allied operations in the South of France until the end of the war.
The main operations involving Gloire are listed below.
===Force De Raid: Force L Patrols in the Atlantic===
Is part of Gloire's early career as part of Force de Raid. They were initially fielded when the German Pocket Battleship Admiral Graf Spee started operations against Allied Merchant shipping in the Southern Atlantic. She also took part in convoy escort duties to protect said convoy from the German Pocket Battleship Deutschland. In between these, she was part of several patrol operations and transport operations spanning from Western France, the Atlantic, North Africa, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and back.
===Battle of Dakar===
===Battle of Mers El Kebir===
The Royal Navy Force H engaged the Vichy French Force de Raid moored in the port. This resulted in
===Central and Southern Atlantic Patrols===
After her being reinstated in the Free French Navy she took part in operations to seek and destroy Axis Blockade runners in the Central and Southern regions of the Atlantic Ocean. She made patrols from Dakar all to the seas way of Southeastern section of South America and lower Southwestern Africa. These areas were part of the Middle and South Atlantic convoy routes and was part of the larger Battle for the Atlantic.
===Battle of Anzio and shelling Bay of Gaeta===
She took part in the invasion of Anzio during Operation Shingle. She is notable for her role in providing shelling support to the Allied Landings and she fired 604 rounds at Bay of Gaeta.
===Operation Dragoon===
;''Copied from Wikipedia: [[wikipedia:Operation Dragoon|''Operation Dragoon'']]
Operation Dragoon was the code name for the landing operation of the Allied invasion of Provence (Southern France) on the 15th of August 1944. Although initially designed to be executed in conjunction with Operation Overlord, the Allied landing in Normandy, a lack of available resources led to a cancellation of the second landing. By July 1944 the landing was reconsidered, as the clogged-up ports in Normandy did not have the capacity to adequately supply the Allied forces. Concurrently, the High Command of the French Liberation Army pushed for a revival of the operation that would include large numbers of French troops. As a result, the operation was finally approved in July to be executed in August.
;Involved Forces
The operation was divided into four main forces, each with a naval component, and involving ships from the [[US Navy]], [[Royal Navy]], and the [[MN|FNFL]].
*[[Nevada]], [[Tuscaloosa]], and [[Brooklyn]] were part of the Allied forces.
*Those forces were relatively unopposed on the sea, the German forces only being a "security flotilla".
*''See [[wikipedia:Operation Dragoon order of battle|Allied order of battle for Operation Dragoon]].
==2nd Stage Operations==
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
The Extra Operations have been confirmed to be based on the historical Operation MO (MO作戦, Mo Sakusen). The Operation has been dubbed "'''The New MO Operation'''" (新MO作戦, Shin MO Sakusen).
This was based on the planned invasion of New Guinea, in reality, this was thwarted at the Battle of the Coral Sea when the US Navy learned the Japanese plan via intercepting Japanese intelligence.
''See [[wikipedia:Operation Mo|Operation Mo]] on Wikipedia.
===Involved Forces===
The following list of historical ships are based off the kanmusu currently implemented as of 02-08-2024
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!colspan=2| Operation MO
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; margin:auto"
! Carrier Strike Force
| '''Car Div 5:<br>
{{QuestRewardShip|Shoukaku Kai Ni A|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Zuikaku Kai Ni A|small=true}}
| '''Cru Div 5:<br>
{{QuestRewardShip|Myoukou Kai Ni|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Haguro Kai Ni|small=true}}
| '''Des Div 7:<br>
{{QuestRewardShip|Ushio Kai Ni|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Akebono Kai Ni|small=true}}
| '''Des Div 27:<br>
{{QuestRewardShip|Ariake Kai|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Yuugure Kai|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Shiratsuyu Kai Ni|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Shigure Kai San|small=true}}
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; margin:auto"
! Invasion Forces
| '''Cru Div 6:<br>
{{QuestRewardShip|Aoba Kai|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Kinugasa Kai Ni|small=true}}{{QuestRewardShip|Furutaka Kai Ni|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Kako Kai Ni|small=true}}
| '''Car Div 4:<br>
{{QuestRewardShip|Shouhou Kai|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Sazanami Kai|small=true}}
| '''Cru Div 18:<br>
{{QuestRewardShip|Tenryuu Kai Ni|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Tatsuta Kai Ni|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Kikuzuki Kai|small=true}}
| '''Port Moresby Invasion Group:<br>
{{QuestRewardShip|Yuubari Kai Ni|small=true}}
| '''Port Moresby Screen (Des Div 30):<br>
{{QuestRewardShip|Mutsuki Kai Ni|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Uzuki Kai|small=true}}{{QuestRewardShip|Yayoi Kai|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Mochizuki Kai|small=true}}
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! [[USN]] Forces
! CV
| {{Class|Lexington}} x1, {{Class|Yorktown}} x1
! CA
| ''Astoria''-class x3, ''Portland''-class x1, {{Class|Northampton}} x1
! DD
| ''Sims''-class x5, ''Porter''-class x1, Farragut-class x4, ''Mahan''-class x1
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! [[RAN]] Forces
! CA
| ''County''-class x1
! CL
| {{Class|Perth}} x1
===Operation KON===
In May 1944, Allied forces launched an invasion of the island of Biak, where the IJA had a major airbase.  In response, Japanese forces attempted significant relief and reinforcement efforts.  The IJN plan for this was labeled Operation KON;  unfortunately, while some reinforcements were able to reach the island, the initial wave of Operation KON was aborted after surprise was lost, and subsequent waves were canceled after Allied attacks began against the Marianas.
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! Operation KON !! Operation Horlicks
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! No. 1 screen (part of Distant Cover force)
| '''Cru Div 5:'''<br> {{QuestRewardShip|Myoukou Kai Ni|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Haguro Kai Ni|small=true}}
| '''Des Div 27:'''<br> {{QuestRewardShip|Shiratsuyu Kai Ni|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Harusame Kai Ni|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Samidare Kai|small=true}}
! No. 2 screen (part of Distant Cover force)
| {{QuestRewardShip|Fusou Kai Ni|small=true}}
| '''Des Div 10:'''<br> {{QuestRewardShip|Asagumo Kai|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Kazagumo Kai Ni|small=true}}
! Transport force
| '''Cru Div 16:'''<br> {{QuestRewardShip|Aoba Kai|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Kinu Kai Ni|small=true}}
| '''Des Div 19:'''<br> {{QuestRewardShip|Shikinami Kai Ni|small=true}} {{QuestRewardShip|Uranami Kai Ni|small=true}}
| '''Des Div 27:'''<br> {{QuestRewardShip|Shigure Kai San|small=true}}
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! Task Group 77.2 (7th Amphibious Force)
| '''DD:'''<br> {{Class|Fletcher}} x12
! Task Force 74 (Covering Group A)
| '''CA:'''<br> {{Class|County}} x2
| '''DD:'''<br> {{Class|Fletcher}} x4
! Task Force 75 (Covering Group B)
| '''CL:'''<br> {{Class|Brooklyn}} x3
| '''DD:'''<br> {{Class|Fletcher}} x5
===Quick Info Table===
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!width=100px|Fleet Type
!Friendly Fleet
!Fleet Tags
!rowspan=3| 1st Stage Operations
! [[{{ROOTPAGENAME}}/E-1|E-1]]
| '''Commence! Operation Catapult
| '''Single
| '''1/2
| ''TBA
| [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 1.png|40px]]
! [[{{ROOTPAGENAME}}/E-2|E-2]]
| '''Battle of Mers-el-Kébir
| '''Single<br>Combined
| '''0/2
| ''TBA
| [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 1.png|40px]] [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 2.png|40px]]
! [[{{ROOTPAGENAME}}/E-3|E-3]]
| '''Clash! Battle of Dakar
| '''Single<br>Striking<br>Combined
| '''0/3
| ''TBA
| [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 1.png|40px]] [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 3.png|40px]] [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 4.png|40px]]
!rowspan=2| 2nd Stage Operations
! [[{{ROOTPAGENAME}}/E-4|E-4]]
| '''Biak Island Engagement
| '''Striking<br>Combined
| '''3
| ''TBA
| [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 5.png|40px]] [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 6.png|40px]]
! [[{{ROOTPAGENAME}}/E-5|E-5]]
| '''Second Battle of the Coral Sea
| '''Striking<br>Combined
| '''0/3
| ''TBA
| [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 7.png|40px]] [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 8.png|40px]] [[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 9.png|40px]]
|style="text-align:left"|'''Lock limited to Hard Only'''
* Once E-5 is cleared, {{TextGlow|'''tag restrictions stop getting enforced on every map!'''|black|text-colour=Lime|glow-size=2px}}
===Fleet Locking Table===
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!width=150px colspan=2|Tags
![[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 1.png|40px]]!!''Home Fleet
|style="background:Grey; color:black"|<br>''Single
|style="background:Grey; color:black"|Phase 1<br>''Single
|style="background:Grey; color:black"|Phase 2<br>''Striking
![[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 2.png|40px]]!!''Force H
|style="background:cyan; color:black"|Phase 2 & 3<br>''Combined
![[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 3.png|40px]]!!''Force M Advance Squadron
|style="background:Orange; color:black"|Phase 1 & 4<br>''Single
![[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 4.png|40px]]!!''Force M
|style="background:Green; color:black"|Phase 3 & 4<br>''Combined
![[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 5.png|40px]]!!''Operation Kon Fleet
|style="background:Purple; color:black"|Phase 1 & 2<br>''Striking
![[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 6.png|40px]]!!''Operation Kon Reinforcement
|style="background:Pink; color:black"|Phase 3<br>''Combined
![[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 7.png|40px]]!!''Rabaul Support
|style="background:Red; color:black"|Phase 1<br>''Striking
![[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 8.png|40px]]!!''MO Invasion Fleet
|style="background:Lime; color:black"|Phase 2 & 4<br>''Combined
![[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 9.png|40px]]!!''MO Mobile Fleet
|style="background:Blue; color:white"|Phase 3 & 5<br>''Combined
===Event-Wide Bonuses===
[[Foreign Plane Bonuses]] are available on E-1, E-2, & E-3.
{{/Info/Event-Wide Bonus}}
===New Mechanics===
*The {{Class|Richelieu|Kai/Deux}} "[[French Touch]]" [[Special Attack]].
*The {{Class|Queen Elizabeth|Kai}} [[Special Attack]].
*The [[File:Item Icon Latest Overseas Warship Technology.png|25px]] [[Latest Overseas Warship Technology]], a new item required to remodel [[Richelieu Deux]] and a new quest.
*The [[File:Item Icon Night Skilled Crew Member.png|25px]] [[Night Skilled Crew Member]], a new item required for new quests.
*The [[Foreign Plane Bonuses]] is back in a new form.
===New Ships===
|{{Ship/Banner|small=true|Mogador}}||[[DD]]||[[Mogador]]||E-1 & E-2 Drop
|{{Ship/Banner|small=true|Valiant}}||[[BB]]||[[Valiant]]||E-2 & E-3 Drop
|{{Ship/Banner|small=true|Gloire}}||[[CL]]||[[Gloire]]||E-3 Reward & E-5 Drop
|{{Ship/Banner|small=true|Phoenix}}||[[CL]]||[[Phoenix]]||E-4 & E-5 Drop
|{{Ship/Banner|small=true|Lexington}}||[[CV]]||[[Lexington]]||E-5 Reward
===Returning Ships===
A non-exhaustive list of "notable returning ships". Please refer to drop table of each individual map for more complete lists.
*''See [[#See Also|below]] for the full list of returning "Event Only Drops",
*''See uptodate drop database via [https://tsunkit.net/nav/#/ KCnav], or via Discord bots.
!Notable returning ships<br><span class="mw-customtoggle-names" style="cursor:pointer; color:blue">''[Toggle Names]''</span>
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|E-2 & E-3
!{{QuestRewardShip|Conte di Cavour|small=true|collapsed=names}}
!{{QuestRewardShip|Jean Bart|small=true|collapsed=names}}
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!{{QuestRewardShip|Ark Royal|small=true|collapsed=names}}
|E-1, E-2, E-3
!{{QuestRewardShip|Graf Zeppelin|small=true|collapsed=names}}
|E-4, E-5
!{{QuestRewardShip|Gambier Bay|small=true|collapsed=names}}
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!{{QuestRewardShip|Prinz Eugen|small=true|collapsed=names}}
|E-1 & E-3
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!{{QuestRewardShip|Commandant Teste|small=true|collapsed=names}}
!{{QuestRewardShip|Shinshuu Maru|small=true|collapsed=names}}
!{{QuestRewardShip|No.101 Transport Ship|small=true|collapsed=names}}
!{{QuestRewardShip|Heian Maru|small=true|collapsed=names}}
===New Equipment===
|{{Equipment/Card|13.8cm Twin Gun Mount|size=60px}}
|[[13.8cm Twin Gun Mount]]
|rowspan=2|{{Light Gun}} [[Small Caliber Main Gun]]
|E-1 Reward<br>Mogador stock
|{{Equipment/Card|13.8cm Twin Gun Mount Kai|size=60px}}
|[[13.8cm Twin Gun Mount Kai]]
|E-2 Reward<br>Mogador stock<br>[[13.8cm Twin Gun Mount]] Akashi upgrade with Mogador
|{{Equipment/Card|15.2cm Triple Main Gun Mount|size=60px}}
|[[15.2cm Triple Main Gun Mount]]
|rowspan=2|{{Med Gun}} [[Medium Caliber Main Gun]]
|E-3 Reward<br>Gloire stock
|{{Equipment/Card|15.2cm Triple Main Gun Mount Kai‎‎|size=60px}}
|[[15.2cm Triple Main Gun Mount Kai‎‎]]
|E-3 Reward<br>[[15.2cm Triple Main Gun Mount]] Akashi upgrade with Gloire
|{{Equipment/Card|Loire 130M Kai (Skilled)|size=60px}}
|[[Loire 130M Kai (Skilled)]]
|{{Night Recon}} [[Night Recon]]
|E-3 Reward
|{{Equipment/Card|SOC Seagull Late Model (Skilled)|size=60px}}
|[[SOC Seagull Late Model (Skilled)]]
|{{SPR}} [[Seaplane Recon]]
|[[SOC Seagull]] Akashi upgrade with Phoenix
|{{Equipment/Card|SBD (Yellow Wings)|size=60px}}
|[[SBD (Yellow Wings)]]
|rowspan=2|{{Dive Bomber}} [[Dive Bomber]]
|Lexington stock
|{{Equipment/Card|SBD VB-2 (Bomber Squadron)|size=60px}}
|[[SBD VB-2 (Bomber Squadron)]]
|E-5 Reward<br>Lexington stock
|{{Equipment/Card|TBD (Yellow Wings)|size=60px}}
|[[TBD (Yellow Wings)]]
|{{Torpedo Bomber}} [[Torpedo Bomber]]
|Lexington stock
|{{Equipment/Card|SBD VS-2 (Reconnaissance Squadron)|size=60px}}
|[[SBD VS-2 (Reconnaissance Squadron)]]
|{{Carrier Recon}} [[Carrier Recon]]
|E-5 Reward<br>Lexington stock
===New Enemy Vessels===
*[[Airfield Summer Princess]]
*[[French Light Cruiser Princess]]
*[[Harbour Princess Holiday Mode]]
*[[Pacific Airfield Princess]]
*[[Supply Depot Princess E Vacation Mode]]
*[[Abyssal Coral Sea Water Demon]]
===New Enemy Equipment===
*[[Abyssal 15.2cm Triple Gun Mount]]
*[[Abyssal Buffalo Fighter Mk.II]]
*[[Abyssal Dauntless Dive Bomber Mk.II]]
*[[Abyssal Devastation Torpedo Bomber Mk.II]]
==[[Friendly Fleet]]s==
Friendly Fleets (FF) come with a function that allows players to choose if they want to use a FF to aid them in battle or not. It is possible to choose between using "normal only" or "normal and powerful" FF. Powerful FF have an additional cost of '''6 Instant Constructions''' {{IC}} for each time they are deployed in a battle (the blowtorches won't be consumed unless a powerful FF appears).
*Friendly Fleets are available on:
==Voice Lines==
{{:{{ROOTPAGENAME}}/Voice Lines}}
{{Template:Event Mechanics}}
===LBAS Leveling===
It is possible to regain [[Proficiency]] for [[LBAS]] aircraft on the following spots:
!Amount<br>of LBAS
|[[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 1.png|30px]]
|[[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 5.png|30px]]
*The SS may be damaged on node A1
*The range is increased after the LBAS relocation
===Resource Farming===
[[Resource Node]]s are present on this event and can bring some substantial resources:
!Map!!Nodes!!Resource!!Gains!!Cap!!Recommended Fleets!!Route!!Lock!!Notes
|rowspan=2|[[{{ROOTPAGENAME}}/E-1#Phase 0.3: Unlock The Second Starting Point|E-1's Gimmick]]<br>1 CV(L)/CL, 4 DD, 1 AO
|rowspan=2|[[File:{{ROOTPAGENAME}} Tag 1.png|30px]]
*Type A craft give +7
*Type B craft give +5
{{Gain Modifier Sp}}
=See Also=
{{Event Drop}}


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