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==Visible Fit Bonuses==
The following equipment provide additional [[Visible Fit Bonuses]] to some ships when improved:
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!rowspan=10|{{Large Gun}}
|{{EquipmentLink|38cm Twin Gun Mount Kai}}
|{{EquipmentLink|35.6cm Triple Gun Mount Kai (Dazzle Camouflage)}}
|{{EquipmentLink|16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.6}}
|{{EquipmentLink|16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.6 mod.2}}
|{{EquipmentLink|16inch Triple Gun Mount Mk.6 + GFCS}}
|{{EquipmentLink|38cm Quadruple Gun Mount Kai Deux}}
|{{EquipmentLink|35.6cm Twin Gun Mount Kai 3 (Dazzle Camouflage)}}
|{{EquipmentLink|35.6cm Twin Gun Mount Kai 4}}
|{{EquipmentLink|14inch/45 Twin Gun Mount}}
|{{EquipmentLink|14inch/45 Triple Gun Mount}}
!rowspan=7|{{Med Gun}}
|{{EquipmentLink|SKC34 20.3cm Twin Gun Mount}}
|{{EquipmentLink|14cm Twin Gun Mount Kai}}
|{{EquipmentLink|6inch Triple Rapid Fire Gun Mount Mk.16}}
|{{EquipmentLink|6inch Triple Rapid Fire Gun Mount Mk.16 mod.2}}
|{{EquipmentLink|6inch Mk.XXIII Triple Gun Mount}}
|{{EquipmentLink|14cm Twin Gun Mount Kai 2}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Prototype 20.3cm (No.4) Twin Gun Mount}}
!rowspan=7|{{Light Gun}}
|{{EquipmentLink|12.7cm Single Gun Mount}}
|{{EquipmentLink|12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 2}}
|{{EquipmentLink|12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model A Kai 2}}
|{{EquipmentLink|12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model D Kai 3}}
|{{EquipmentLink|120mm/50 Twin Gun Mount Kai A.mod.1937}}
|{{EquipmentLink|12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3}}
|{{EquipmentLink|12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3 H}}
!rowspan=5|{{Small Green}}
|{{EquipmentLink|10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director}}
|{{EquipmentLink|12.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount (Late Model)}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Locally Modified 12.7cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Locally Modified 10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount}}
|{{EquipmentLink|12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E Kai}}
!{{Sec Gun}}
|{{EquipmentLink|15.2cm Triple Gun Mount}}
!rowspan=4|{{Sec Green}}
|{{EquipmentLink|8cm High-angle Gun Kai + Additional Machine Guns}}
|{{EquipmentLink|10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount Kai + Additional Machine Guns}}
|{{EquipmentLink|65mm/64 Single Rapid Fire Gun Mount Kai}}
|{{EquipmentLink|12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount + 25mm Machine Guns Additions}}
!rowspan=2|{{AA Gun}}
|{{EquipmentLink|2cm Flakvierling 38}}
|{{EquipmentLink|3.7cm FlaK M42}}
|{{EquipmentLink|53cm Twin Torpedo Mount}}
|{{EquipmentLink|61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model}}
|{{EquipmentLink|61cm Quadruple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model}}
!rowspan=2|{{Sub Torpedo}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Late Model 53cm Bow Torpedo Mount (8 tubes)}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Skilled Sonar Personnel + Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (4 tubes)}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Shiden Kai 4}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 64 (Air Superiority Fighter Specification)}}
!rowspan=5|{{Dive Bomber}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 64 (Two-seat w/ KMX)}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 64 (Skilled Fighter-bomber)}}
!rowspan=2|{{Torpedo Bomber}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Barracuda Mk.II}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Barracuda Mk.III}}
!rowspan=5|{{Carrier Recon}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 2 Reconnaissance Aircraft}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Saiun (Eastern Caroline Air Group)}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Saiun (4th Recon Squad)}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Fulmar (Reconnaissance Fighter/Skilled)}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Ar196 Kai}}
|{{EquipmentLink|SOC Seagull}}
|{{EquipmentLink|SO3C Seamew Kai}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Shiun (Skilled)}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Small Reconnaissance Seaplane}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Small Reconnaissance Seaplane (Skilled)}}
!{{Night Recon}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Loire 130M}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Kyoufuu Kai 2}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft Kai}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model II Kai (20th Squadron)}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model III Kai (Skilled/20th Squadron)}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 2 Depth Charge}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 2 Depth Charge Kai 2}}
!{{Small Sonar}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 3 Active Sonar Kai}}
!{{Large Sonar}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Passive Sonar}}
!rowspan=2|{{Small Radar}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 13 Air Radar Kai (Late Model)}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Passive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)}}
!rowspan=5|{{Large Radar}}
|{{EquipmentLink|FuMO25 Radar}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 21 Air Radar Kai 2}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 42 Air Radar Kai 2}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 281 Radar}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 274 Fire Control Radar}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Late Model Radar & Passive Radiolocator + Snorkel Equipment}}
!rowspan=2|{{AA Shell}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 3 Shell Kai}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Type 3 Shell Kai 2}}
|412 {{EquipmentLink|Torpedo Squadron Skilled Lookouts}}
|{{EquipmentLink|New Model High Temperature High Pressure Boiler}}
!rowspan=2|{{Large Armor}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Pugliese Underwater Protection Bulkhead}}
|{{EquipmentLink|New Kanhon Design Anti-torpedo Bulge (Large)}}
!{{Aviation Personnel}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Skilled Deck Personnel + Aviation Maintenance Hands}}
!rowspan=2|{{Amphibious Tank}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank}}
|{{EquipmentLink|Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai}}
The following equipment have enhanced equipability when improved:
*{{EquipmentLink|Passive Radiolocator (E27) + Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)}} at ★+4:
**Can be equipped in the [[RE]] of: {{Class|Kagerou}}, {{Class|Yuugumo}}, {{Class|Matsu}}, [[Shimakaze Kai]], [[Shigure Kai San]], [[Harusame Kai Ni]], {{Class|Kongou|Kai Ni B/C}}
*{{EquipmentLink|FuMO25 Radar}} at ★+7:
**Can be equipped in the [[RE]] of: {{Class|Bismarck}}, {{Class|Admiral Hipper}}


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