Line 568:
Line 568:
|origin = 提督、おめでとうございます。艦隊、六周年となります。能代、そして私達阿賀野型、これからもがんばります。
|origin = 提督、おめでとうございます。艦隊、六周年となります。能代、そして私達阿賀野型、これからもがんばります。
|translation = Admiral, congratulations. The fleet has reached its 6th Anniversary. I, and the rest of the Agano-class, will keep working hard.
|translation = Admiral, congratulations. The fleet has reached its 6th Anniversary. I, and the rest of the Agano-class, will keep working hard.
|audio = Noshirio_6th_Anniversary_Sec3.mp3
|audio = Noshiro_6th_Anniversary_Sec3.mp3
|notes = Secretary 3
|notes = Secretary 3