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18 bytes added ,  11 months ago
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|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin =条約下で建造された、大型の軽巡洋艦、Brooklyn級のname ship、Brooklynよ。日本海軍の最上型に対抗する、6"砲十五門を備える大型軽巡。大西洋での船団護衛、北アフリカや地中海でも活躍したわ。覚えておきなさい。
|origin =条約下で建造された大型の軽巡洋艦、Brooklyn級のネームシップ、Brooklynよ。日本海軍の最上型に対抗する、6inch砲15門を備える大型軽巡。大西洋での船団護衛、北アフリカや地中海の作戦でも活躍したわ。覚えておきなさい!
|translation =I'm Brooklyn, name ship of the Brooklyn-class large Treaty light cruisers. I'm a large light cruiser that was meant to compete with the Japanese Navy's Mogami-class with my fifteen 6" guns. I escorted convoys in the Atlantic in addition to operating in North Africa and the Mediterranean. You better remember that.
|translation =I'm Brooklyn, name ship of the Brooklyn-class large treaty light cruisers. I'm a large light cruiser that was meant to compete with the Japanese Navy's Mogami-class with my fifteen 6 inch guns. I escorted convoys in the Atlantic in addition to operating in North Africa and the Mediterranean. You better remember that.


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