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4,439 bytes added ,  8 years ago
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| scenario = 08:00
| scenario = 08:00
| origin =  
| origin = マルハチマルマルです〜。さあ〜、お腹もいっぱいになったし、出撃しますか?今日わどんな編制みますかね?ねえ〜。
| translation =  
| translation = It's 0800~. Right~, now that we're all full, shall we sortie? What sort of operation shall we try today? Hey~
| audio =  
| audio =  
| scenario = 09:00
| scenario = 09:00
| origin =  
| origin = マルキューマルマルでーす。あ、そっか、任務かぁ。任務の確認ね?やりましょー
| translation =  
| translation = It's 0900~. Ah, is that so, a mission huh. I'll go confirm the mission alright? Let's do this~
| audio =  
| audio =  
| scenario = 10:00
| scenario = 10:00
| origin =  
| origin = ヒトマルマルマルでーす。あ、空母ですか?はい、なんとなく、得意な感じがします!いけます!やっちゃいますぅ?
| translation =  
| translation = It's 1000~. Ah, aircraft carriers? Yes, somehow I get a feeling of pride when I see them! Let's go! Let's do this!
| audio =  
| audio =  
| scenario = 11:00
| scenario = 11:00
| origin =  
| origin = ヒトヒトマルマル。あ、もうすぐお昼だー!提督、ニム、お昼ご飯炊くね。待ってて!
| translation =  
| translation = 1100. Ah, it's almost lunch! Admiral, I'll make lunch again. Please wait!
| audio =  
| audio =  
| scenario = 12:00
| scenario = 12:00
| origin =  
| origin = ヒトフタマルマル。お昼ご飯の時間でーす。お昼は豪華です!銀シャリに牛缶、そして、乾燥野菜の煮物でーす!さあ、召し上がれ
| translation =  
| translation = 1200. It's time for lunch~. Today's lunch is extra special! Freshly cooked rice with canned beef, and also boiled dried vegetables. Go ahead and dig in!
| audio =  
| audio =  
| scenario = 13:00
| scenario = 13:00
| origin =  
| origin = ヒトサンマルマルでーす。提督、お昼ご飯どうでした?豪華だったでしょ?そうでしょ、そうでしょ?うんうんうん!
| translation =  
| translation = It's 1300~. Admiral, how was lunch? It was extra special right? Right, right? Yup yup yup!
| audio =  
| audio =  
| scenario = 14:00
| scenario = 14:00
| origin =  
| origin = ヒトヨンマル…あ、あれは…あれはもしかして、レキシントン級?もしかしてサラっちかな?サラっちー?
| translation =  
| translation = 140... Ah, could that... could that really be a Lexington-class? Could it be Saracchi? Saracchi~?<ref>Saracchi refers to the USS Saratoga that was crippled by I-26 on 31 Aug 1942.</ref>
| audio =  
| audio =  
| scenario = 15:00
| scenario = 15:00
| origin =  
| origin = ヒトゴーマルマルです。うーん、人違いっていうか、勘違いかな?似てたなー、まーいっか!
| translation =  
| translation = It's 1500~.  Yeah, rather than being mistaken identity, it was more like a misunderstanding? She really looked alike, oh well~!
| audio =  
| audio =  
| scenario = 16:00
| scenario = 16:00
| origin =  
| origin = ヒトロクマルマルでーす。提督、どうする?南方海域とか、激戦区だけど、哨戒しちゃう?ねえねえ、行っちゃう?
| translation =  
| translation = It's 1600~. Admiral, what should we do? Even though it's a battleground, shall we go patrolling the southern waters? Hey hey, let's go?<ref>World 4</ref>
| audio =  
| audio =  
| scenario = 17:00
| scenario = 17:00
| origin =  
| origin = ヒトナナマルマルでーす。ねえねえねえ、見て見て見て!提督、夕日が落ちるよ。綺麗だよね?戦ってるの、忘れちゃうね…
| translation =  
| translation = It's 1700~. Hey hey hey, just look at that! Admiral, the sun is setting. It's beautiful right? Makes me forget the fighting...
| audio =  
| audio =  
| scenario = 18:00
| scenario = 18:00
| origin =  
| origin = ヒトハチマルマルでーす。さあ、夜ご飯は更にさらに豪華にいきますよー!ニムの究極奥義。提督、楽しみに待ってて!
| translation =  
| translation = It's 1800~. Well now, tonight's dinner will be super extra special~! It'll be my ultimate secret. Admiral, please look forward to it!
| audio =  
| audio =  
| scenario = 19:00
| scenario = 19:00
| origin =  
| origin = ヒトキューマルマルでーす。提督、見てみてー。じゃーん!夜ご飯は超豪華に、ニム特製のカレーでーす。ほら、馬鈴薯大きいでしょ?
| translation =  
| translation = It's 1900~. Admiral, look at this~. Ta da~! Dinner is the super extra special, Nimu Special Curry~. See, the potatoes are really big right?
| audio =  
| audio =  
| scenario = 20:00
| scenario = 20:00
| origin =  
| origin = フタマルマルマルでーす。さあ提督、洗い物片付けたら、夜の出撃しちゃいますかー。夜の獲物は、どれかなー?いるかなぁ?
| translation =  
| translation = It's 2000~. Well admiral, after we finish washing up shall we go on a night sortie? I wonder who will be the prey tonight? Wonder if there will be any at all?
| audio =  
| audio =  
| scenario = 21:00
| scenario = 21:00
| origin =  
| origin = フタヒトマルマルでーす。夜の出撃、いっちゃいましょー!魚雷も準備万端、はりきっていきましょー!
| translation =  
| translation = It's 2100~. Let's begin the night sortie~! My torpedoes and everything else is all ready, let's get going!
| audio =  
| audio =  
| scenario = 22:00
| scenario = 22:00
| origin =  
| origin = フタフタマルマルでーす。ふわぁ、夜のお勤め、おしまいです。今夜もばっちりでしたね。提督もお疲れ様でしたー
| translation =  
| translation = It's 2200~. Fuwaah~, tonight's work is all done. It went perfectly tonight too. You worked really hard too Admiral.
| audio =  
| audio =  
| scenario = 23:00
| scenario = 23:00
| origin =  
| origin = フタサンマルマル提督、今日も一日、大変たいへんお疲れ様でした。明日も、ニムと一緒に頑張ろー!おー、おー!
| translation =  
| translation = 2300. Admiral, thank you so so much for your hard work today and everyday. Work hard with me tomorrow too~! Oh, ho~!
| audio =  
| audio =  
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