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The Naval District Saury Festival mini-event taking place over the course of November contains special related quests:
The Naval District Saury Festival mini-event taking place over the course of November contains special related quests:
[[File:Frontpage_Banner_Saury_Placeholder.png|center|link=Naval District Saury Festival#Quests]]
[[File:Frontpage_Banner_Saury_Placeholder.png|center|link=Naval District Saury Festival#Quests]]
| cat= Sortie| type= One| ID= 2311 B1
| qreq1=
| namejp= 秋刀魚漁:秋刀魚祭り、主力オブ主力、いきますね!
| nameen= Saury fishing: Let's draw Big Catch flag!
| text= 【秋刀魚漁】いいですか?艦隊を近海、北方海域、中部海域などの秋刀魚漁漁場に展開してください。秋刀魚漁に協力し、新鮮な旬の「秋刀魚」を8尾獲得してくださいね。うふふ、大丈夫よ……できるわ。
| req= Have 8 Saury in the inventory.
| fuel= 800
| ammo= 800
| choice1= {{QuestRewardShip|Jingei}}<br>{{QuestRewardShip|Chougei}}<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Food Supply Ship Irako|qty=3}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 96 150cm Searchlight}} {{QuestRewardItem|Furniture Fairy}}<br>{{QuestRewardShip|Akashi}}
| cat= Sortie| type= One| ID= 2311 B2
| qreq1= 2311 B1
| namejp= 秋刀魚漁:さらさらさら~大漁旗、描き始めるぜ~!
| nameen= Saury fishing: Let's Draw Big Catch Flag!
| text= 【秋刀魚漁】いや~、秋刀魚漁支援艦隊はいつ見ても壮観だな~。探照灯が沢山光ってて、夜でもイラストが描きやすいぜ!旬の「秋刀魚」16尾位、いけるっしょ?あ、大漁旗?その後描き始めるぜ~!
| req= Have 16 Saury in the inventory.
| fuel= 1200
| ammo= 1200
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem|New Model Armament Material|qty=3}} {{QuestRewardItem|New Model Aerial Armament Material|qty=4}} {{QuestRewardItem|Action Report}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 33 Surface Radar|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Remodel Blueprint}}
| cat= Sortie| type= One| ID= 2311 B3
| qreq1= 2311 B2
| namejp= 秋刀魚漁:あら、今年も大漁ですか?よろしくてよ。
| nameen= Saury Fishing: Oh, Is It A Big Catch Again This Year? Nice To Meet You.
| text= 【秋刀魚漁】この朝日もお手伝い致したく存じます。ええ、……よろしくてよ。提督。遠慮なさらないで。旬の「秋刀魚」46尾位、皆さんなら造作もないこと。さ、がんばりましょう!天気晴朗なれど、波高し!
| req= Have 46 Saury in the inventory.
| steel= 2300
| bauxite= 2300
| choice1= {{QuestRewardEquip|Ki-96|stars=4}} {{QuestRewardItem|Remodel Blueprint|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Prototype Flight Deck Catapult}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardFurniture|???<!--Type 23 Big Catch Flag-->}} {{QuestRewardFurniture|578<!--Type 22 Big Catch Flag-->}}
| cat= Sortie| type= One| ID= 2311 B4
| qreq1=
| namejp= 【鎮守府秋刀魚祭り】本格作戦準備!
| nameen= [Naval Base Saury Festival] Full-Scale Operation Preparations!
| text= 軽巡(含む練習巡洋艦)・工作艦・特務艦を旗艦とした艦隊で、鎮守府正面海域、南西諸島沖、製油所地帯沿岸、南西諸島防衛線、鎮守府近海を偵察!鎮守府海域周辺の安全を確保せよ!
| req= Assemble a fleet containing 1 CL/CT/AR/LHA as flagship and up to 5 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[1-1]], [[1-2]], [[1-3]], [[1-4]], and [[1-5]].
| fuel= 400
| steel= 400
| choice1= {{QuestRewardEquip|Searchlight }} {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 3 Active Sonar|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=2}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardEquip|Ka Type Observation Autogyro|qty=3}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 2 Two-seat Fighter Toryuu|qty=3}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=3}}
| cat= Sortie| type= One| ID= 2311 B5
| qreq1= 2311 B4
| namejp= 【鎮守府秋刀魚祭り】北方漁場防衛作戦!
| nameen= [Naval Base Saury Festival] Northern Fishing Grounds Defense Strategy!
| text= 軽巡(含む練習巡洋艦)・工作艦・特務艦を旗艦とした艦隊で、北方海域モーレイ海、キス島沖、アルフォンシーノ方面、北方海域全域、北方AL海域へ展開!北方でのサンマ漁を推進せよ!
| req= Assemble a fleet containing 1 CL/CT/AR/LHA as flagship and up to 5 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[3-1]], [[3-2]], [[3-3]], [[3-4]], and [[3-5]].
| fuel= 800
| ammo= 800
| bauxite= 600
| choice1= {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 22 Surface Radar Kai 4}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Skilled Lookouts|qty=3}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=5}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardEquip|Do 17 Z-2|qty=4}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 4 Heavy Bomber Hiryuu + No.1 Model 1A Guided Missile}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 2 Large Flying Boat|qty=2|stars=3}}
| cat= PVP| type= One| ID= 2311 C1
| qreq1=
| namejp= 【鎮守府秋刀魚祭り】秋刀魚塩焼き演習
| nameen= [Naval Base Saury Festival] Saury Fishing Exercises!
| text= 第7駆逐隊各隊、「夕雲」「沖波」「岸波」「朝霜」「磯波」「大鯨」「満潮」「時雨改二/改三」「白雪」「祥鳳」「Ranger」のうち4隻以上を含む艦隊で本日中に演習【A勝利】以上を4回達成せよ!
| req= Assemble a fleet containing any 4 of: "[[Akebono]], [[Ushio]], [[Sazanami]], [[Sazanami]], [[Oboro]], [[Michishio]], [[Isokaze]], [[Yuugumo]], [[Okinami]], [[Kishinami]], [[Taigei]], or [[Shigure Kai Ni]]+"; and up to 2 XX, then score 4 A+ ranks in PVP within the same day.
| fuel= 600
| ammo= 600
| bauxite= 600
| choice1= {{QuestRewardItem|Food Supply Ship Mamiya|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=4}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 2 Two-seat Fighter Toryuu Model C}}
| choice2= {{QuestRewardShip|Yamashio Maru}}<br>{{QuestRewardShip|Kumano Maru}}<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Medal}}
| cat= Factory| type= One| ID= 2311 F1
| qreq1= 2311 B1
| namejp= 秋刀魚祭り【拡張任務】最精鋭「飛龍」飛行戦隊!
| nameen= Saury Festival [Extra Operation] The Most Elite Hiryuu Squadron!
| text= The Most Elite Hiryuu Squadron:
| req= Set [[Yamashio Maru]], [[Kumano Maru]]n or [[Asahi]] as Secretary, then, prepare a [[Type 4 Heavy Bomber Hiryuu + No.1 Model 1A Guided Missile]], a {{Star}}+7 [[Ki-96]], 10 Saury, and 35 Development Materials.
| main= {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 4 Heavy Bomber Hiryuu (Skilled) + No.1 Model 1A Guided Missile|stars=1}}
| notes= Items and equipment are consumed upon completion.
*The [[Type 4 Heavy Bomber Hiryuu + No.1 Model 1A Guided Missile]] will be converted into the reward.
*'''{{color|red|All {{Star}} on the [[Type 4 Heavy Bomber Hiryuu + No.1 Model 1A Guided Missile]] and the [[Ki-96]] are lost during conversion.}}
==11th of October 2023==
==11th of October 2023==


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