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| {{QuestsKai | | {{QuestsKai |
| | cat= Sortie| type= Weekly| ID= 2310 Bw1| lim= True | | | cat= Sortie| type= Weekly| ID= 2310 Bw1| lim= True |
− | | qreq1= 2310 B3 | + | | qreq1= Cs1| qreq2= 2310 B3 |
| | namejp= 【拡張反復任務】10周年秋南瓜祭りおかわり! | | | namejp= 【拡張反復任務】10周年秋南瓜祭りおかわり! |
| | nameen= [Extended Cyclical Quest] 10th Anniversary Autumn Pumpkin Festival, Seconds! | | | nameen= [Extended Cyclical Quest] 10th Anniversary Autumn Pumpkin Festival, Seconds! |
− | | text= ?? | + | | text= 「阿武隈」「伊201」2隻、「鵜来」「稲木」2隻、または「瑞穂」「Brooklyn」「Johnston」3隻を含む艦隊で、中部海域哨戒線、MS諸島沖、グアノ環礁沖海域に展開、遭遇する敵を撃破せよ! |
| | req= Assemble a fleet containing "[[Abukuma]] and [[I-201]]", or "[[Ukuru]] and [[Inagi]]", or "[[Mizuho]], [[Brooklyn]], and [[Johnston]]", and up to 3-4 XX, then A+ rank the boss nodes of [[6-1]], [[6-2]], and [[6-3]]. | | | req= Assemble a fleet containing "[[Abukuma]] and [[I-201]]", or "[[Ukuru]] and [[Inagi]]", or "[[Mizuho]], [[Brooklyn]], and [[Johnston]]", and up to 3-4 XX, then A+ rank the boss nodes of [[6-1]], [[6-2]], and [[6-3]]. |
| | fuel= 880 | | | fuel= 880 |
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| | namejp= 【期間限定】Halloweenはお掃除もね、ね? | | | namejp= 【期間限定】Halloweenはお掃除もね、ね? |
| | nameen= [Limited Time] Cleaning up for Halloween, huh? | | | nameen= [Limited Time] Cleaning up for Halloween, huh? |
− | | text= ?? | + | | text= Halloween cleanup: |
| | req= Scrap 6 "[[Small Caliber Main Gun]]s", 6 "[[Medium Caliber Main Gun]]s", and 6 "[[Seaplane Recon]]s", and prepare 3 [[35.6cm Twin Gun Mount]], 3 [[25mm Twin Autocannon Mount]], and 1 031 furniture coins. | | | req= Scrap 6 "[[Small Caliber Main Gun]]s", 6 "[[Medium Caliber Main Gun]]s", and 6 "[[Seaplane Recon]]s", and prepare 3 [[35.6cm Twin Gun Mount]], 3 [[25mm Twin Autocannon Mount]], and 1 031 furniture coins. |
| | steel= 880 | | | steel= 880 |
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Line 72: |
| | namejp= 【期間限定任務】10周年秋南瓜祭り、始め! | | | namejp= 【期間限定任務】10周年秋南瓜祭り、始め! |
| | nameen= [Limited Time Quest] 10th Anniversary Autumn Pumpkin Festival, Begin! | | | nameen= [Limited Time Quest] 10th Anniversary Autumn Pumpkin Festival, Begin! |
− | | text= ?? | + | | text= 「鵜来」「稲木」「夕立」「朝潮」「清霜」のいずれかを旗艦とする艦隊で、製油所地帯沿岸、南西諸島防衛戦、鎮守府近海に出撃!敵艦隊を捜索、これを殲滅せよ! Trick or Treat! |
| | req= Assemble a fleet containing any 1 of: "[[Yuudachi]], [[Asashio]], [[Kiyoshimo]], [[Ukuru]], or [[Inagi]]" as flagship, and up to 5 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[1-3]], [[1-4]], and [[1-5]]. | | | req= Assemble a fleet containing any 1 of: "[[Yuudachi]], [[Asashio]], [[Kiyoshimo]], [[Ukuru]], or [[Inagi]]" as flagship, and up to 5 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[1-3]], [[1-4]], and [[1-5]]. |
| | fuel= 330 | | | fuel= 330 |
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Line 84: |
| | namejp= 【期間限定任務】10周年秋南瓜祭り、北方へ! | | | namejp= 【期間限定任務】10周年秋南瓜祭り、北方へ! |
| | nameen= [Limited Time Quest] 10th Anniversary Autumn Pumpkin Festival, Northward! | | | nameen= [Limited Time Quest] 10th Anniversary Autumn Pumpkin Festival, Northward! |
− | | text= ?? | + | | text= 「霞」「足柄」「大淀」「朝霜」「清霜」のうち2隻以上を含む艦隊を編成、北方モーレイ海、アルフォンシーノ方面、北方AL海域に展開!北方方面の敵艦隊を補足、これを撃滅せよ! |
| | req= Assemble a fleet containing any 2 of: "[[Ashigara]], [[Ooyodo]], [[Kasumi]], [[Asashimo]], or [[Kiyoshimo]]", and up to 4 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[3-1]], [[3-3]], and [[3-5]]. | | | req= Assemble a fleet containing any 2 of: "[[Ashigara]], [[Ooyodo]], [[Kasumi]], [[Asashimo]], or [[Kiyoshimo]]", and up to 4 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[3-1]], [[3-3]], and [[3-5]]. |
| | fuel= 550 | | | fuel= 550 |
Line 96: |
Line 96: |
| | namejp= 【期間限定任務】10周年秋南瓜祭り、西方へ! | | | namejp= 【期間限定任務】10周年秋南瓜祭り、西方へ! |
| | nameen= [Limited Time Quest] 10th Anniversary Autumn Pumpkin Festival, Westward! | | | nameen= [Limited Time Quest] 10th Anniversary Autumn Pumpkin Festival, Westward! |
− | | text= ?? | + | | text= 「Roma」 「Maestrale」 「Grecale」 「Libeccio」 「Scirocco」 「浜波」 「早波」2隻以上を含む艦隊でカレー洋海域、リランカ島、カレー洋リランカ島沖の敵戦力を殲滅せよ! Happy Halloween! |
| | req= Assemble a fleet containing any 2 of: "[[Roma]], [[Maestrale]], [[Grecale]], [[Libeccio]], [[Scirocco]], [[Hamanami]], or [[Hayanami]]", and up to 4 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[4-2]], [[4-3]], and [[4-5]]. | | | req= Assemble a fleet containing any 2 of: "[[Roma]], [[Maestrale]], [[Grecale]], [[Libeccio]], [[Scirocco]], [[Hamanami]], or [[Hayanami]]", and up to 4 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[4-2]], [[4-3]], and [[4-5]]. |
| | steel= 770 | | | steel= 770 |
Line 108: |
Line 108: |
| | namejp= 【期間限定任務】10周年秋南瓜祭り拡張作戦! | | | namejp= 【期間限定任務】10周年秋南瓜祭り拡張作戦! |
| | nameen= [Limited Time Quest] 10th Anniversary Autumn Pumpkin Festival, Expanded Strategy! | | | nameen= [Limited Time Quest] 10th Anniversary Autumn Pumpkin Festival, Expanded Strategy! |
− | | text= ?? | + | | text= 「鵜来」「稲木」「朝潮」「夕立」「野分」「浜波」「早波」「阿武隈」のうち2隻を含む精鋭艦隊で鎮守府近海、東部オリョール海、カスガダマ島、中部北海域ピーコック島沖の敵戦力を撃滅せよ! |
| | req= Assemble a fleet containing any 2 of: "[[Abukuma]], [[Yuudachi]], [[Asashio]], [[Nowaki]], [[Hamanami]], [[Hayanami]], [[Ukuru]], or [[Inagi]]", and up to 4 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[1-5]], [[2-3]], [[4-4]], and [[6-4]]. | | | req= Assemble a fleet containing any 2 of: "[[Abukuma]], [[Yuudachi]], [[Asashio]], [[Nowaki]], [[Hamanami]], [[Hayanami]], [[Ukuru]], or [[Inagi]]", and up to 4 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[1-5]], [[2-3]], [[4-4]], and [[6-4]]. |
| | fuel= 2023 | | | fuel= 2023 |
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| | namejp= Halloween 小型艦艇 特別演習! | | | namejp= Halloween 小型艦艇 特別演習! |
| | nameen= Halloween Small Ship Exercises! | | | nameen= Halloween Small Ship Exercises! |
− | | text= ?? | + | | text= 「野分」「朝潮」「夕立」「浜波」「早波」「鵜来」「稲木」「伊47」「伊201」「Johnston」のうち、4隻以上を含むHaloween艦隊を編成。同編成で本日中に演習で【A判定】以上を4回達成せよ! |
| | req= Assemble a fleet containing any 4 of: "[[Nowaki]], [[Asashio]], [[Yuudachi]], [[Hamanami]], [[Hayanami]], [[Johnston]], [[Ukuru]], [[Inagi]], [[I-47]], or [[I-201]]", and up to 2 XX, then score 4 A+ ranks in PVP within the same day. | | | req= Assemble a fleet containing any 4 of: "[[Nowaki]], [[Asashio]], [[Yuudachi]], [[Hamanami]], [[Hayanami]], [[Johnston]], [[Ukuru]], [[Inagi]], [[I-47]], or [[I-201]]", and up to 2 XX, then score 4 A+ ranks in PVP within the same day. |
| | fuel= 440 | | | fuel= 440 |