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==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Introduction
|origin = あなたは大丈夫ですか? そうよ。私がJ級駆逐艦の名物、ジャブリン。覚えておいてね。 うん、よろしい。
|translation = Are you alright? That's right. I'm the J-class destroyer's nameship, Javelin. Remember that. Hmph. Very well.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Introduction|kai = true
|origin = Are you alright? ふん、よし、J級駆逐艦のネームシップ、ジャブリン。今日は問題なしよ。さあ、始めましょ。
|translation = Are you alright? Hmph. Alright. JQ destroyer's nameship, Javelin. No problem today. Now, let's begin.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Library
|origin = J級駆逐艦ネームシップ ジャベリンよ ダンキャロクからジチューカイまで 縦横無尽に活躍したわ そうよ 共同艦こそジャーヴィスに譲ったものの J級のネームシップはかなう私なんだから 大破損傷を乗り越えて ジャーヴィスと共にあの戦いを最後まで戦い切ったわ J級駆逐艦 あなたも覚えていたね
|translation = I'm Javelin, the J-class destroyer Nameship. I've been active in the Central for a long time, from the Zankya to the Juchu. That's right. I gave the Joint Fleet to Jarvis, but I'm the J-class Nameship. I overcame the damage of the Great Wave and fought that battle with Jarvis until the end. J-class destroyer You remember that, too.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = 身近くはちゃんとさせてちょうだい? さあ、せっかちさんは嫌いや
|translation = Let me watch over you properly. Come on, I hate you, Sekkachi-san.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary 1|kai = true
|origin = 目支度はちゃんとさせてちょうだい? フッ、オーケー。 待たせたわね。
|translation = Let me take care of the house. Fufu, OK? Sorry for the wait.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = 仕方ないなぁ…いいよ
|translation = I guess it can't be helped. Fine.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = なにジョーベス、やめてって、くすぐったいから。 え?アドミロー? はぁ?何やってんの? 怒るよ普通に。 ねえ、聞いてる? Are you listening?
|translation = What's with you, Jarvis? Stop it, it's ticklish. Eh? Admiral? Huh? What are you doing? I'll get mad, normally. Hey, are you listening? Are you listening?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary 3|kai = true
|origin = あ、なに? くすぐったいからやめてって こーら、あなた、ねえ、聞いてる? Are you listening? うっははは、だから、やめてって わかるよ、もー
|translation = Ah, what? I said stop it, it's ticklish. Hey, you! Are you listening? Are you listening? Ahahaha, I said stop it! I'm getting angry! Geez...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Idle
|origin = ああ、あの時のキス? あ、いやよ、見せないわ! 女の子のそんなとこ見たいなんて、最低! あ、違う? なーに、心配してるの? …… 感知しているから、問題なしよ 心配……しないで
|translation = Ah, that kiss? Ah, no, I won't show it! It's the worst to see a girl like that! Ah, no? What, are you worried? I'm aware of it, so it's no problem. Don't... worry.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secretary Married
|origin = 疲れた時には紅茶よねー 私が入れてあげる そうよ私が一番上手なんだから 負けないわー あなた 待ってて
|translation = When you're tired, you need some tea. I'll make it for you. That's right, I'm the best at this. I won't lose. Wait for me, darling.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Wedding
|origin = えっ? あなた、私でいいの? 違う 私が いいの? 本気? 私、いつか反乱を起こしちゃうかもよ ん? 鎮圧してみせる? 言ったなぁ うん じゃあ OKよ あなたなら
|translation = Eh? You're fine with me? No, I'm fine with you? Really? I might cause a rebellion someday. Oh? I'll suppress you? Hehe, you said it. Fufu, then, okay. If it's you...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Looking At Scores
|origin = 情報ね?了解。私が整理しておいたわ。はい、これよ。OK?
|translation = Information, right? Got it. I'll organize it for you. Here, this is it. Okay?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Joining A Fleet
|origin = HMSジャブリン! 罰病します! みんな! ついてきて!
|translation = HMS Javelin! I'll punish you! Everyone! Follow me!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = チュース! フッ、いい感じ!
|translation = Cheers! Fufu, that was good!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = いい感じよ やるじゃない
|translation = Looking good! Not bad!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = Are you listening?
|translation = Are you listening?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Supply
|origin = チュース? 十分よ
|translation = Cheers! That's enough!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Docking Minor
|origin = もう、せっかくの制服が…汚れちゃったわ。
|translation = Man, my uniform is all dirty now.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Docking Major
|origin = I'm not feeling so well. ちょっとお休みもらうわ。いいでしょ?
|translation = I'm not feeling so well. I'm going to take a break. Is that okay?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Construction
|origin = Completed!
|translation = Completed!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|origin = We went home! はぁ、疲れたわ。
|translation = We went home! Haa... I'm tired...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin = 本国艦隊、デストロイヤー・フォーティラ! 出撃よ! 行くわー! フォロミー!
|translation = The destroyer fleet, Destroyer Fortella! Let's go! Here we go! Follow me!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Starting A Sortie|kai = true
|origin = 駆逐艦船隊 Jクラス・ジャブリン 出撃よ! 行くわー! フォローミー!
|translation = Destroyer Squadron, J-Class Javelin! Let's go! Here I go! Follow me!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Battle Start
|origin = ジョブリン!エネミー・インサイト! みんな、用意はいい?
|translation = Joblin, Enemy in Sight! Everyone, are you ready?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Attack
|origin = こっちよ! シュート!
|translation = Over here! Shoot!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secondary Attack
|origin = 私だって…負けないから!
|translation = I won't lose either!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Secondary Attack|kai = true
|origin = ネームシップは伊達じゃない 負けるもんか
|translation = Nameship is not for show! I won't lose!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = デストロイヤーフロティラ 突撃体型 殲滅します!
|translation = Destroyer Flotilla! I will destroy... the assault fleet!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Night Battle|kai = true
|origin = 戦隊突撃隊形! 敵を殲滅します!
|translation = Squadron, prepare to attack! We will... ...destroy the enemy!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = MVP
|origin = ほら、私? ジャブリンがエース? ねえ、ジョーヴィス、あんたも見てたわよね? え? 見てなかった? なぜ? なぜ見てないのよ!
|translation = Oh, it's me? Jovelyne is the ace? Hey, Jovis, you were watching too, right? Eh? You weren't? Why? Why didn't you watch?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = キャーッ!
|translation = Kyaa!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = こんなの……!
|translation = This can't be!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = やられた 艦首?艦尾? え? 嘘? 両方? Really?
|translation = I've been defeated... Kanshuu, Kanbi... ...Eh? No way... Both of them... Really?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = Sunk
|origin = 私ここまでか…… あとはあんただけね ジューベス あとは 頼んだわ
|translation = I guess I'll be going now... You're the only one left, Travis... I'm counting on you...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 00|kai = true
|origin = 今日はジェイクアスネームシップのこの私、ジョブリンが色々と面倒を見てあげるわ。 もちろん任務だから、そう、仕方なく、いや、 嫌いじゃないから、気にしないで。
|translation = Today, I, the J Class Namesheep, Joblin, will take care of you. Of course, it's a mission. So, it can't be helped... No... I don't hate you, so don't worry about it.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 01|kai = true
|origin = It's one o'clock now! そうよ、Jクラスは小さいけれど、強いな。 あなたは十分わかってるでしょ?
|translation = It's one o'clock now! That's right, J-class is small, but... It's strong! You know that well, don't you?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 02|kai = true
|origin = It's 10 o'clock now! だから、どんな時でも油断はダメよ! 聞いてる? Are you listening?
|translation = It's 10 o'clock now! That's why, you can't let your guard down no matter what! Are you listening? Are you listening?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 03|kai = true
|origin = It's 3 o'clock now. Would you like something to drink? Tea? Okay! まかせて! とっくいなの!
|translation = It's 3 o'clock now. Would you like something to drink? Tea? Okay! Leave it to me! I'm good at this!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 04|kai = true
|origin = It's 4 o'clock now! よかったでしょ? All gray! Would you like more tea?
|translation = It's 4 o'clock now. Wasn't that great? All gray. Would you like more tea?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 05|kai = true
|origin = It's 5 o'clock now. 外が明るくなってきたわ。 おはようございます。 Good morning. いい日になりそう。
|translation = It's 5 o'clock now. It's getting brighter outside. Good morning. Good morning. It's going to be a good day.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 06|kai = true
|origin = It's 6 o'clock now! わかってる! まかせて!もう覚えたの! Sawin' Akashin! Get up! Please, get up!
|translation = It's 6 o'clock now! I know! Leave it to me! I already memorized it! Sign! Accomplished! Get up! Please, get up!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 07|kai = true
|origin = It's 7 o'clock now! さあ、私の朝は、Full Breakfastよ! 卵はスクランブルでいいわよね。 トーストはたっぷりのバターで。 召し上がれ!
|translation = It's 7 o'clock now! Now, my breakfast is a full breakfast! Scrambled eggs are fine, right? A lot of butter for toast! Dig in!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 08|kai = true
|origin = It's 8 o'clock now! そうよ、朝は火の通ったもの、たっぷり食べないと パワーが出ないわ おかわりは? おう、そう?
|translation = It's 8 o'clock now! That's right, I have to eat a lot of food that's been cooked in the morning! I can't get the power! Do you want some more? Oh, really?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 09|kai = true
|origin = It's 9 o'clock now! Ark! Good morning! え? 何? Hi, Saint Javelin! やめてよ! 私は J-class Javelin よ! でも、みんなを守る それは変わらないわ!
|translation = It's 9 o'clock now! ARK! Good morning! Eh? What? Hi, Saint Javelin! Stop it! I'm J-class Javelin! But, I'll protect everyone. That won't change!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 10|kai = true
|origin = It's 10 o'clock now! そうよ、Jクラスはみんな最前線で頑張ったわ。 私もそう、できることを、したいの。 それは大切なこと。
|translation = It's 10 o'clock now! That's right. Everyone in the J-Class did their best in the front line. I want to do what I can do too. That's important.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 11|kai = true
|origin = It's Loveness! あ、ハーイ、ジョブス! あんた、いつもほんと元気そうね! わたし?も、もちろん、問題なし! よっ! 負けないわ!
|translation = It's Loveness! Ah, hi, Jobless! You always look so energetic! Me? O-of course! No problem! No, I won't lose!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 12|kai = true
|origin = It's noon! Lunch time! わ? ジョービス、なに? あんたが作った J-Class sandwich? ほら! あなた、ジョービスが! そう? 聞いてた? せっかくだから、いただきましょう! ほら、なんだ、おいしい! んん…ま、負けないから!
|translation = It's noon! Lunch time! Huh? Jervis, what? The J-class sandwich you made? See? You, Jervis, made it! Oh, really? You heard? Since we're here, let's eat! See, it's still delicious! I-I won't lose!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 13|kai = true
|origin = It's one o'clock now. あれは… Japanese Destroyer Flotilla! あれが雪風! そしてあれがシグレカ! ううん… 一見乱気で無防備そうに見えて… 何か得体が知れないあなどれなさ… 私… 感じるわ!
|translation = It's one o'clock now. That's... Japanese Destroyer Flotilla! That's Yukikaze! And that's Shigureka! No... At first glance, they look like a bunch of reckless and reckless girls. I feel like I'm being watched by some unknown entity.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 14|kai = true
|origin = It's 2 o'clock now! 次はジャポニーズの戦艦戦隊か! あれは、カンガクラス! ん? 変装しているのは、うちのレディ!? Hi, Lady! Are you alright?
|translation = It's 2 o'clock now. Next is the Japanese battleship squadron. That's the Kangaroo class. Oh? The one playing the piano is my lady? Hi, lady! Are you alright?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 15|kai = true
|origin = It's 3 o'clock now! そうね、カンゴ! ティータイムは大事! あなた、Rグレーでいい? んっ、任せて!
|translation = It's 3 o'clock now! That's right, Congo! Tea time is important! Are you... R-grade? Fufu, leave it to me!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 16|kai = true
|origin = It's 4 o'clock now! ジェイナス!そうよ、気を付けて! 敵は水上、水中だけではないわ! 空への警戒、忘れちゃダメよ!
|translation = It's 4 o'clock now! Janus! That's right, be careful! The enemy is not only above and below the water! Beware of the sky! Don't forget!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 17|kai = true
|origin = It's 5 o'clock now! そうね この時間の地中海も綺麗だったけど この海も素敵 So beautiful!
|translation = It's 5 o'clock now. That's right. The Mediterranean Sea at this time was beautiful, but... This sea is also wonderful. So beautiful.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 18|kai = true
|origin = It's 6 o'clock now! 今日は本楽艦隊のビクトリアスに誘われてて、有名なパブに行くの! さあ、あなたも一緒よ!
|translation = It's 6 o'clock now! Today, I'm invited by the music team's Victorious, to go to a famous pub! So, you're coming too!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 19|kai = true
|origin = It's 7 o'clock now! Hi, Victorious! ここね、POP!も見んや! 楽しみだわ!
|translation = It's 7 o'clock now! Hi, Victorious! Here, Poff and Mia! I'm looking forward to it!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 20|kai = true
|origin = いっそーっ マンディバルーをブリーチャにでしょ 覚えてる 駆逐艦戦隊だけだけどもちろんかったわー 負けるもんか
|translation = It's 8 o'clock now! So, Normandy, Battle of Brittany, right? I remember. It's just the destroyers, but of course I won! I won't lose!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 21|kai = true
|origin = It's 9 o'clock now. ねえ、ヴィクトリアス。あのテーブルがJapanese Nagma Fleetの空母でしょ? なんかすごい。みんなすごいけど、特にあの中型空母、すごいたべっぷり。 尋常じゃないわ。
|translation = It's 9 o'clock now. Hey, Victorious. That table is the Japanese Nagma Fleet's aircraft carrier, right? It's amazing. Everyone's amazing, but... Especially that medium-sized aircraft carrier. It's really full. It's not normal.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 22|kai = true
|origin = It's 10 o'clock now. なんか釣られて食べ過ぎちゃった。 明日はダイエットしなきゃ。 え? 心配ない? 本当?
|translation = It's 10 o'clock now... I ate too much... I have to go on a diet tomorrow... Eh? You're not worried? Really?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Javelin|scenario = 23|kai = true
|origin = It's eleven o'clock now. Jupiter, Joko, Josie… あ、うん、なんでもない。 今だけ。 少しだけ、抱きしめて。 ありがとう。 大丈夫。 Good night. また、 明日ね。
|translation = It's eleven o'clock now. Jupiter, Joko, Josie... Ah, yeah, it's nothing. Just for now, hold me just a little bit. Thank you, I'm fine. Good night. See you... tomorrow.
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