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{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 22|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 22|kai = true
|origin = フタフタマルマル。考えてみると、あの大勝利が、結果的には壊滅的大敗北を生む、遠因の一つなのかもしれません。勝利と敗北。栄光と終焉。いろいろと考えてしまいますね。
|origin = フタフタマルマル。考えてみると、あの大勝利が、結果的には壊滅的大敗北を生む、遠因の一つなのかもしれません。勝利と敗北。栄光と終焉。いろいろと考えてしまいますね。
|translation = 2200… When I think about it, that great victory might be one of the causes of the devastating defeat that would eventually come later<ref>Asahi could be referring to multiple things here - that the victory at Tsushima inflated Japan's belief in its own capabilities by WWII, or that it fed the obsession with recreating another battleship-based decisive battle in Japan's WWII strategy.</ref>. Victory and defeat, glory and demise... One ends up thinking about a lot of things.
|translation = 2200… When I think about it, that great victory might be one of the causes of the devastating defeat that would eventually come later<ref>Asahi could be referring to multiple things here - that the victories at the Battle of the Yellow Sea and at Tsushima inflated Japan's belief in its own capabilities by WWII, or that it fed the obsession with recreating another battleship-based decisive battle in Japan's WWII strategy.</ref>. Victory and defeat, glory and demise... One ends up thinking about a lot of things.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 23|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 23|kai = true