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{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 18|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 18|kai = true
|origin = 1800 提督お夕食も朝日がご準備しますね 今晩は何がいいかしら そうだ 美不敵なんてどうですか 少しハイカラでいいですよね ご用意します
|origin = ヒトハチマルマル。 提督、お夕食も朝日がご準備しますね。今晩は何がいいかしら。そうだ!ビーフステーキなんてどうですか。少しハイカラでいいですよね。ご用意します!
|translation = 1800. Admiral, I'll prepare your dinner as well. What should I have for dinner? Oh, that's right! How about beefsteak? It's a little high-calorie, isn't it? I'll prepare it for you.
|translation = 1800. Admiral, I'll prepare your dinner as well. What should we have for dinner? Oh, that's right! How about beefsteak? It's a bit high-calorie, but that's fine, right? I'll cook it for you!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 19|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 19|kai = true
|origin = 1900 提督お待たせしました朝日特製のビフテキとライスはオムライスにしてみたの さあ召し上がれ ビールもあけましょうか
|origin = ヒトキューマルマル。 提督、お待たせしました。朝日特製のビフテキと、ライスはオムライスにしてみたの。さぁ、召し上がれ。ビールもあけましょうか。
|translation = 1900. Admiral, sorry for the wait. I made a special Asahi steak and rice omelette. Now, eat up. Let's open the beer too.
|translation = 1900. Admiral, sorry for the wait. I made a Asahi-special steak and rice omelette. Now, eat up. Let's have a beer as well, yes?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 20|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 20|kai = true
|origin = 2000 提督 そろそろお酒は日本酒に変えましょうか お買いにします よろしくてよ 少しお待ちくださいね うふふ
|origin = フタマルマルマル。提督、そろそろお酒は日本酒に変えましょうか。お買いにします?よろしくてよ。少しお待ちくださいね、うふふ。
|translation = 2000. Admiral, it's about time to change the sake to sake. Shall we go? I'm counting on you. Please wait a little. Fufu.
|translation = 2000. Admiral, maybe it's time to switch from beer to sake? Would you like me to buy some? I'd be happy to. Please wait a little, fufufu.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 21|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 21|kai = true
|origin = 2100 ロシアとのあの回戦ですか そうですね 今思うと神人への部分もありましたが 結果大勝利となりました 考えてみると
|origin = フタヒトマルマル。ロシアとの、あの回戦ですか。そうですね。今思うと紙一重の部分もありましたが、結果大勝利となりました。考えてみると...
|translation = 2100... Is it that battle with Russia? Let's see... Now that I think about it, there was a part where I was a bit of a god, but... In the end, I won a great victory. When I think about it...
|translation = 2100. Ah, that battle with Russia? Let's see... Thinking about it now, it was a close call, but... In the end, it was a great victory. When I think about it...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 22|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 22|kai = true
|origin = ふたふたまるまる 考えてみると あの大勝利が結果的には壊滅的大敗北を生む 縁の一つなのかもしれません 勝利と敗北 栄光と終焉 いろいろと考えてしまいますね
|origin = フタフタマルマル。考えてみると、あの大勝利が、結果的には壊滅的大敗北を生む。縁の一つなのかもしれません。勝利と敗北。栄光と終焉。いろいろと考えてしまいますね。
|translation = 2200… When I think about it, that great victory, might be one of the causes of the great defeat that would eventually come to an end. Victory and defeat, glory and end… I end up thinking about a lot of things.
|translation = 2200… When I think about it, that great victory might be one of the causes of the devastating defeat that would eventually come later. Victory and defeat, glory and demise… One ends up thinking about a lot of things.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 23|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 23|kai = true
|origin = 2300 でも この静かな海 静かな時間は 何者にも変えられない尊いものだと感じます あら もうこんな時間 提督 おやすみなさい 良き夢よ
|origin = フタサンマルマル。でも、この静かな海。静かな時間は、何者にも変えられない。尊いものだと感じます。あら、もうこんな時間?提督、おやすみなさい。良き夢よ。
|translation = 2300. But, this quiet sea, this quiet time, I feel that it's a precious thing that no one can change. Huh? It's already this time? Admiral, good night. Sweet dreams.
|translation = 2300. But, this quiet sea, this quiet time, I feel that it's a precious thing that nothing can change. Oh? It's already this late? Admiral, good night. Sweet dreams.