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==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
*Note, the following voice lines are currently machine translated, request for translator to revise these lines is requested.
{{ShipquoteHeader|expand = true}}
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Introduction
|origin = 提督 お疲れ様です 私練習特務艦朝日です はいそうです かつては戦艦四季島型です いいえ昔のことです よろしくお願い申し上げます
|translation = Admiral, good work. I am Asahi, a training special force officer. Yes, that's right. I was a battleship, Shikishima-class. No, that was a long time ago. Nice to meet you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Introduction|kai = true
|origin = 提督、お疲れ様です。工作官、朝日です。 はい、そうです。 武装は、あの、偽装砲とお設けました。 私の工作機械で、皆さんのお修繕、少しでもお力になれば。
|translation = Good work, Admiral. I'm Asahi, a craftsman. Yes, that's right. My weaponry is... Um, I've set up a camouflage turret. If my craftsmanship can help you repair your ship...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Library
|origin = あの戦いの一つ前の時代の主力戦艦、朝日です。 四季島型戦艦の一隻として、日本海海戦などに参加しました。 時代は変わり、近代戦に対応できなくなった私は、練習特務艦、そして貴重な広報戦力、工作艦に改装され、あの大戦に参加します。 奇跡と最後、覚えていてくださいませね。
|translation = I'm Asahi, the main battleship of the era before that battle. I participated in the Japan-Pacific War as a part of the Shikishima-class battleships. As the times changed, I couldn't handle the modern wars, so I was transferred to the練習特務艦 and the precious Kouhou Sennryoku Kousaku-kan, and participated in that battle. Please remember this miracle and the end.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = ごきげんよう
|translation = Have a nice day.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Secretary 1|kai = true
|origin = ごきげんよう、修理いたしますか?
|translation = How do you do? Would you like to repair it?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = アサヒがお手伝いできることありますか? 喜んで!
|translation = Is there anything I can help with? I'd be happy to!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Secretary 2|kai = true
|origin = 朝日がお手伝いできることありますか? 提督、なんなりと。
|translation = Is there anything I can help with, Admiral?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = ごめんなさい 足は早くはないんです ですから移動時は少し怖いですね 敵の潜水艦などに襲われないように注意しないと そうだ 波しぶき描いておくと早く見えるかしら
|translation = I'm sorry, I don't have fast legs. So, I'm a little scared when I'm moving. I have to be careful not to be attacked by enemy submarines. Ah, that's right! I wonder if I can see it quickly if I draw a wave spray.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Idle
|origin = ああ、ナカちゃん。その後お加減はどうですか?全然問題ない? ナカちゃんセンター?センター…あって… セレター!湘南のセレター軍港のことかしら。でもほんと元気そうで何よりです 私もナカちゃんみたいに早く海を駆けられるといいのだけれど 提督にそんな回数をお願いしてみようかしら
|translation = Ah, Naka-chan. How are you doing after that? Is everything okay? Naka-chan, Center? Center... ...Hotel? Seletar! I think it's the Seletar Bank in the south. But really, it's good that you look well. I wish I could go to the sea as soon as possible like Naka-chan, but... I wonder if I should ask the Admiral for such a room?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Secretary Married
|origin = 提督? いえ、あなた? お仕事、あまり高音を詰めてはダメですよ この朝日がアイスクリームをご用意しました 召し上がってください とっても甘いですよ うふふ よろしくてよ
|translation = Admiral? No, you. Don't get too excited about work, okay? I've prepared some ice cream. Please enjoy it. It's very sweet, you know? Fufu. I'm glad to have you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Wedding
|origin = 提督、私を呼びになりましたか? はぁ、これを、私に? 提督、ご冗談はやめてくださいな。 第一戦で活躍する華やかな勘は他に… え、私がいいの、ですか? ご冗談でないなら、慎んで。 あ、もちろん。 よろしくてよ、あなた。 この指に、はめてくださいな。
|translation = Admiral, did you call for me? Oh, you're going to give this to me? Admiral, please stop joking around. Is there any other gorgeous ship that will be active in the first battle? Eh? You want me to do it? If you're not joking, then be more modest. Ah, of course! Nice to meet you, dear. Please put it on my finger.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Looking At Scores
|origin = 昔はこれでも主力官の一億王になっていたのですよ あっ、ごめんなさい、昔話なんて はい、情報はこちらです
|translation = In the past, I was still the most powerful king of the main force. Ah, I'm sorry, I'm talking about the past. Yes, here is the information.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Joining A Fleet
|origin = 練習特務官朝日、罰病いたします。 皆様、どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。
|translation = I, Asahi, the training special force officer, will be your punishment. Everyone, please take care of me!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Joining A Fleet|kai = true
|origin = 工作官朝日、罰病いたします。お手数をおかけします。 皆様、どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。
|translation = I, Asahi, will be the one to punish you. I'll be counting on you. Everyone, I'm counting on you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = よろしくてよ
|translation = Nice to meet you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Equipment 1|kai = true
|origin = うん、よろしくてよ
|translation = Yeah, nice to meet you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = 最新の装備ですね、私に合うかしら?
|translation = It's the latest equipment, I wonder if it suits me?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Equipment 2|kai = true
|origin = 贅沢な装備、ありがとう存じます。
|translation = Thank you for your luxurious equipment.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = よろしくてよ
|translation = Nice to meet you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Supply
|origin = ありがとう存じます
|translation = I appreciate it.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Docking Minor
|origin = あいすみません。わたくし、入居させていただきます。
|translation = I'm sorry, but I'm going to move in.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Docking Minor|kai = true
|origin = 工作間が修理なんて、愛すみません。
|translation = I'm sorry for the trouble you caused, but I love you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Docking Major
|origin = 大きな損害を受けました。 お終戦の時間、頂きと尊じます。
|translation = I have suffered a great loss. I hope you will accept my apology.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Construction
|origin = 心臓管が完成したようです 可愛い
|translation = It seems that the heart is complete. How cute!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|origin = 無事、港に戻りました。 はぁ、ほっとします。
|translation = I've safely returned to the harbor. Haah... I feel relieved.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin = おはようございます 朝日出発いたします
|translation = Good morning. I, Asahi, will be departing.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Battle Start
|origin = あらあらどうしましょう敵と快適 ぜひもありません 合戦用意 昔とった気根塚お見せしましょうか
|translation = Oh my, what should I do? Enemy or friend... I have no choice. Prepare for battle! Shall I show you the old Kinezuka?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Battle Start|kai = true
|origin = なんてことどうしましょうあれは敵 是非もありません 合戦用意 昔とったキネ図鑑お見せしましょう 胸が たぎります
|translation = What's going on? What should we do? Is that an enemy? There's no need to do that. Prepare for battle! I'll show you the Kinezuka I took long ago. My chest is... ...pounding!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Attack
|origin = 近づけるな! テン!
|translation = Don't come any closer! Ten!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Secondary Attack
|origin = うふっ、懐かしい よく狙って! てぇ!
|translation = Hehe, how nostalgic. Aim well! Tei!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Secondary Attack|kai = true
|origin = 今の私、工作官ですから でも、致し方ありません!
|translation = I'm a workaholic right now. But, I have no choice!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = 夜は、さすがに今の私には…… でも、お望みというならお相手しましょう! 覚悟!
|translation = At night, I'm not really... But, if you wish, I'll go against you! Prepare yourself!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = MVP
|origin = 私が勲章を? いえ、今の私の務めは、後ろで皆様のお役に立つこと。 でも、 ふふ、少し懐かしいですね。
|translation = I'm the one who's wearing the medal? No, my current role is to stand behind everyone and help them. But... ...It's a little nostalgic, isn't it?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = ああああああ あの部屋は無事 よかった
|translation = Ahh! That room is safe! Thank goodness!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = ひ、被弾!? 救難装置は無事!?
|translation = A-ambulance!? Is the first aid kit safe!?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Minor Damage 2|kai = true
|origin = 飛弾!? 高価な工作機材が… 己!
|translation = A bomb!? What a valuable work equipment! Damn you!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = ああああああ 日を日を消してお部屋が押しながっ 誰か早く
|translation = Aaaaah! Turn off the fire! The room, the castle... Someone, hurry!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = Sunk
|origin = だめ、持たないか。私はいい、お部屋を失おう早く!お願いだから! もう、失いたくはないの…
|translation = No, I can't hold it. I'm fine! I want to lose my room! Please! I don't... want to lose it... anymore...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 00|kai = true
|origin = 提督、ちょうど深夜0時を回りました。本日はこのアサヒが秘書官を務めさせていただきます。何かと足りないことがあるやもしれませんが、何でもおっしゃってくださいね。お願いします。
|translation = Admiral, it's just around midnight. Today, I, Asahi, will be your secretary. There may be some things that I'm lacking, but please tell me anything. I'm counting on you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 01|kai = true
|origin = 0100 艦隊書類はすべてこの朝日が処理しておきました 今夜はどうぞごゆっくりなさってください
|translation = 0100. The fleet, all documents, I, Asahi, have processed them. Please enjoy yourself tonight.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 02|kai = true
|origin = 0200 そうだ!甘いものはいかがですか? 手作りのアイスクリーム!お待ちしますね!お待ちくださいませ!
|translation = 0200... Oh, right! How about something sweet? I'll have a handmade ice cream! Please wait a moment.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 03|kai = true
|origin = 0300 提督 アイスクリームはいかがでしたか 甘いものって気持ちが優しくなりますよね 私も好きです
|translation = 0300 Admiral, how was the ice cream? Sweet things make you feel better, don't they? Yes, I like it too.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 04|kai = true
|origin = マリオンも あら、提督お休みに? うん、まだ大丈夫 少しだけ寝かせて差し上げよう 意外と可愛い寝顔 うふふ 少しだけ、約束ね
|translation = Maruyan too. Oh, Admiral, you're taking a break? Yes, I'm still fine. I'll let you sleep for a bit. You have a surprisingly cute sleeping face. Fufu. I'll let you sleep for a bit.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 05|kai = true
|origin = 0500 提督そろそろ あっ あら うふふ 提督おはようございます いいえいいえよろしくてよ お気遣いなく もう少しこうしてます?
|translation = 0500... Admiral, it's about time... Ah! Oh my... Fufu... Admiral, good morning. No, no, it's nice to meet you. Don't worry about me. Can you do this a little more?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 06|kai = true
|origin = 提督、0600です。艦隊に総員おこしかけますね。 艦隊、総員、おこし! 総員、おこし! 起床! 爽やかな朝です!
|translation = Admiral, this is 0600. I'll call for the fleet to come to the front. Fleet, come to the front! Come to the front! It's a fresh morning!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 07|kai = true
|origin = 0700 さあ朝食です召し上がれ 今日はパンにしてみました 西洋の食事も良いものですよ えっ 麦飯か銀シャリがいい? せっかく作ったのに
|translation = 0700. Now, it's breakfast! Dig in! I made some bread today. Western food is good too. Eh? Do you want wheat rice or silver rice? I made it for you...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 08|kai = true
|origin = 0800。提督はパンも食べてくれたので、仕方ありません。麦飯も炊きました。さあ、特別にべったらもおつけしましょう。 あら、いい食べっぷり。やはりお米が好きなんですね。たまにならパンもいいのに。
|translation = 0800. Admiral ate some bread, so it can't be helped. I also made some barley rice. Now, let's make a special beddara. Oh, that's a good meal. You really like rice, don't you? Bread is good once in a while, though.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 09|kai = true
|origin = 0900、さあ朝のお片付けも終わりました。提督、港の方を見ていきましょうか。
|translation = 0900. Now, the morning cleaning is done. Admiral, let's go see the harbor.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 10|kai = true
|origin = 1000 修理が必要な間はいないかしら 私が可能な限りご修正いたします
|translation = I wonder if there's a ship that needs repairs... I will repair it as much as I can.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 11|kai = true
|origin = ひとひとまるまる。そうですね、艦内に装備したせっかくのこの工作機械。できるだけお役に立ちたいと存じます。
|translation = It's 1100. That's right, this is a precious craft I've equipped in the ship. I wish to be of use to you as much as possible.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 12|kai = true
|origin = 一二丸々 さあお昼にいたしましょう 安心してくださいお昼はちゃんとお米 朝日のおにぎりです 梅干しはもちろんおかかもありますよ どうぞ召し上がれ
|translation = 1200. Now, let's have lunch. Don't worry. Lunch is rice. Asahi's rice balls. Of course, there's also pickled plums and okaka. Here you go. Enjoy.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 13|kai = true
|origin = 1300 おにぎりもう一ついかがですか? お茶、はいどうぞ ちゃんと食べて午後を乗り切って参りましょう
|translation = 1300. Would you like another onigiri? Tea. Here you go. Eat well and let's get through the afternoon.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 14|kai = true
|origin = 14もあらあかしちゃんごきげんよう さすがに最新の装備ねー素敵だわー 一つ二つ工作機材とクレーンを いい うそうそうよ
|translation = 140... Oh, Akashi-chan! How are you? As expected, the latest equipment. It's wonderful. One or two, craft equipment and cranes... No, no way! It's a lie!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 15|kai = true
|origin = 1500 アカシちゃん本当に毎日忙しそう アカシちゃん 何か手伝えることがあったら私にも言ってくださいね 私にも何かお手伝いできることがあれば
|translation = 1500. Akashi-chan, you really seem to be busy every day. Akashi-chan, if you need any help, please tell me. If I can help you with anything...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 16|kai = true
|origin = 1600 今日も何事もなくて本当によかった 静かな海 それが何よりです 本当に
|translation = 1600. I'm really glad that nothing happened today. The quiet sea, that's the best part. Really.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 17|kai = true
|origin = 1700 見てくださいな夕日があんなに綺麗 いつの時代でも夕日は見惚れてしまいますね 不思議です
|translation = 1700. Look at that! The sunset is so beautiful! No matter what era it is, I can't help but fall in love with the sunset. It's mysterious.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 18|kai = true
|origin = 1800 提督お夕食も朝日がご準備しますね 今晩は何がいいかしら そうだ 美不敵なんてどうですか 少しハイカラでいいですよね ご用意します
|translation = 1800. Admiral, I'll prepare your dinner as well. What should I have for dinner? Oh, that's right! How about beefsteak? It's a little high-calorie, isn't it? I'll prepare it for you.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 19|kai = true
|origin = 1900 提督お待たせしました朝日特製のビフテキとライスはオムライスにしてみたの さあ召し上がれ ビールもあけましょうか
|translation = 1900. Admiral, sorry for the wait. I made a special Asahi steak and rice omelette. Now, eat up. Let's open the beer too.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 20|kai = true
|origin = 2000 提督 そろそろお酒は日本酒に変えましょうか お買いにします よろしくてよ 少しお待ちくださいね うふふ
|translation = 2000. Admiral, it's about time to change the sake to sake. Shall we go? I'm counting on you. Please wait a little. Fufu.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 21|kai = true
|origin = 2100 ロシアとのあの回戦ですか そうですね 今思うと神人への部分もありましたが 結果大勝利となりました 考えてみると
|translation = 2100... Is it that battle with Russia? Let's see... Now that I think about it, there was a part where I was a bit of a god, but... In the end, I won a great victory. When I think about it...
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 22|kai = true
|origin = ふたふたまるまる 考えてみると あの大勝利が結果的には壊滅的大敗北を生む 縁の一つなのかもしれません 勝利と敗北 栄光と終焉 いろいろと考えてしまいますね
|translation = 2200… When I think about it, that great victory, might be one of the causes of the great defeat that would eventually come to an end. Victory and defeat, glory and end… I end up thinking about a lot of things.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Asahi|scenario = 23|kai = true
|origin = 2300 でも この静かな海 静かな時間は 何者にも変えられない尊いものだと感じます あら もうこんな時間 提督 おやすみなさい 良き夢よ
|translation = 2300. But, this quiet sea, this quiet time, I feel that it's a precious thing that no one can change. Huh? It's already this time? Admiral, good night. Sweet dreams.
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