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Since this dot system is very approximate, the [[#Reference_Tables|Reference Tables]] may be referred to instead.
Since this dot system is very approximate, the [[#Reference_Tables|Reference Tables]] may be referred to instead.
==Expedition gain formula==
The primary resources ({{Fuel}}{{Ammo}}{{Steel}}{{Bauxite}}) rewarded by expedition is summarized by the following formula:
|Title=Expedition Gain Formula
|Math=\text{Gain}_\text{Total} = \big\lfloor \text{Gain}_\text{Base}  \times
\Big( 1 + \text{MIN} \Big[ \sum^{\text{ All DLC } } \text{Mod}_\text{DLC}  ; 0.2 \Big] \times ( 1 + 0.01 \times \text{Avg}_\bigstar ) \Big) \times \text{Mod}_\text{GS}
+ \big\lfloor \text{Gain}_\text{Base} \times \text{Mod}_\text{GS} \times \text{Mod}_\text{Toku DLC} \big\rfloor
|Var=<math>\text{Gain}_\text{Base}</math> the base gain of the expedition given in the tables below.
*<math>\text{Mod}_\text{GS}</math> being '''1.5''' if it is a {{TextGlow|'''"Great Success" (GS) (大成功)'''|black|text-colour=gold|glow-size=1px}} and '''1''' otherwise.
*<math>\text{Mod}_\text{DLC}</math> the bonus given by [[Landing Equipment]]s:
{{{!}}class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center; width:700px"
!colspan=3{{!}}[[Landing Equipment]] Bonus
! width=10%{{!}}Type
! width=40%{{!}}Name
! <math>\text{Mod}_\text{DLC}</math>
! Ship
! {{ShipLink|Kinu/Kai Ni}}
{{!}} rowspan=2{{!}} 0.05
! rowspan=3{{!}} {{LandingCraft}}
! {{EquipmentLink|Daihatsu Landing Craft}}<br>{{EquipmentLink|Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft}}
! {{EquipmentLink|Armed Daihatsu}}
{{!}} 0.03
! {{EquipmentLink|Daihatsu Landing Craft (Type 89 Medium Tank & Landing Force)|text=DLC + T89 Tank}}<br>{{EquipmentLink|Soukoutei (Armored Boat Class)|text=Soukoutei}}<br>{{EquipmentLink|Daihatsu Landing Craft (Panzer II/North African Specification)|text=DLC + Panzer II}}<br>{{EquipmentLink|Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Type 1 Gun Tank|text=Toku DLC + Ho-Ni Tank}}
{{!}} 0.02
! {{Amphibious Tank}}
! {{EquipmentLink|Special Type 2 Amphibious Tank|text=Ka-Mi Tank}}
{{!}} 0.01
!{{EquipmentLink|Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft + 11th Tank Regiment|text=Toku DLC + 11th Reg}}<br>{{EquipmentLink|M4A1 DD}}<br>{{EquipmentLink|Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Panzer III (North African Specification)|text=Toku DLC + Panzer III}}<br>{{EquipmentLink|Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Chi-Ha|text=Toku DLC + Chi-Ha}}<br>{{EquipmentLink|Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Chi-Ha Kai|text=Toku DLC + Chi-Ha Kai}}
{{!}} rowspan=2{{!}} 0
! {{Drum}}
! {{EquipmentLink|Drum Canister (Transport Use)|text=Drums}}
*<math>\text{Avg}_\bigstar</math> the average number of {{star}} on "Landing Equipment".
** Landing Craft with a <math>\text{Mod}_\text{DLC}</math> of '''0''' are not counted.
**Which means that [[Kinu Kai Ni]] is counted as a 0{{star}} craft.
*<math>\text{Mod}_\text{Toku DLC}</math> is a bonus added based on the number of {{EquipmentLink|Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft}} and {{EquipmentLink|Daihatsu Landing Craft}} in the fleet, as per follows:
{{{!}}class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center; width:700px"
!colspan=6{{!}}<math>\text{Mod}_\text{Toku DLC}</math>
! width=20%{{!}}
! 0 Daihatsu!! 1 Daihatsu!! 2 Daihatsu!! 3 Daihatsu!! 4+ Daihatsu
! 1 Toku
{{!}} colspan=5{{!}} 0.02
! 2 Toku
{{!}} colspan=5{{!}} 0.04
! 3 Toku
{{!}} 0.05{{!}}{{!}} 0.05{{!}}{{!}} 0.052{{!}}{{!}} 0.054{{!}}{{!}} 0.054
! 4+ Toku
{{!}} 0.054{{!}}{{!}} 0.056{{!}}{{!}} 0.058{{!}}{{!}} 0.059{{!}}{{!}} 0.06
|Notes=The maximum is 1.28<math>\times \text{Gain}_\text{Base}</math>
The elements that can increase expedition gains are details bellow.
===Landing Craft===
===Landing Craft===
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!rowspan=2| {{Landing Craft}}
!rowspan=3| {{Landing Craft}}
! {{EquipmentLink|Daihatsu Landing Craft}}<br>{{EquipmentLink|Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft}}
! {{EquipmentLink|Daihatsu Landing Craft}}<br>{{EquipmentLink|Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft}}
| '''0.05%'''|| 0.10%|| 0.15%|| 0.20%|| 0.25%|| 0.30%|| 0.35%|| 0.40%|| 0.45%|| 0.50%
| '''0.05%'''|| 0.10%|| 0.15%|| 0.20%|| 0.25%|| 0.30%|| 0.35%|| 0.40%|| 0.45%|| 0.50%
! {{EquipmentLink|Daihatsu Landing Craft (Type 89 Medium Tank & Landing Force)|text=DLC + T89 Tank}}
!{{EquipmentLink|Armed Daihatsu}}
| '''0.03%'''|| 0.06%|| 0.09%|| 0.12%|| 0.15%|| 0.18%|| 0.21%|| 0.24%|| 0.27%|| 0.30%
! {{EquipmentLink|Daihatsu Landing Craft (Type 89 Medium Tank & Landing Force)|text=DLC + T89 Tank}}<br>{{EquipmentLink|Soukoutei (Armored Boat Class)|text=Soukoutei}}
| '''0.02%'''|| 0.04%|| 0.06%|| 0.08%|| 0.10%|| 0.12%|| 0.14%|| 0.16%|| 0.18%|| 0.20%
| '''0.02%'''|| 0.04%|| 0.06%|| 0.08%|| 0.10%|| 0.12%|| 0.14%|| 0.16%|| 0.18%|| 0.20%


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