Line 1,120:
Line 1,120:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = Bd1
| listnum = Bd1
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = B4
| reqQuest = B4
| namejp = 敵艦隊を撃破せよ!
| namejp = 敵艦隊を撃破せよ!
Line 1,135:
Line 1,136:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = Bd2
| listnum = Bd2
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = Bd1
| reqQuest = Bd1
| namejp = 敵艦隊主力を撃滅せよ!
| namejp = 敵艦隊主力を撃滅せよ!
Line 1,152:
Line 1,154:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = Bd3
| listnum = Bd3
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = Bd2
| reqQuest = Bd2
| namejp = 敵艦隊を10回邀撃せよ!
| namejp = 敵艦隊を10回邀撃せよ!
Line 1,167:
Line 1,170:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = Bd5
| listnum = Bd5
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = Bd2
| reqQuest = Bd2
| namejp = 敵補給艦を3隻撃沈せよ!
| namejp = 敵補給艦を3隻撃沈せよ!
Line 1,184:
Line 1,188:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = Bd6
| listnum = Bd6
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = Bd1
| reqQuest = Bd1
| namejp = 敵輸送船団を叩け!
| namejp = 敵輸送船団を叩け!
Line 1,199:
Line 1,204:
| type = PVP
| type = PVP
| listnum = C3
| listnum = C3
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = C2
| reqQuest = C2
| namejp = 「演習」で他提督を圧倒せよ!
| namejp = 「演習」で他提督を圧倒せよ!
Line 1,228:
Line 1,234:
| type = Supply
| type = Supply
| listnum = E4
| listnum = E4
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = E3
| reqQuest = E3
| namejp = 艦隊酒保祭り!
| namejp = 艦隊酒保祭り!
Line 1,259:
Line 1,266:
| type = Factory
| type = Factory
| listnum = F6
| listnum = F6
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = F5
| reqQuest = F5
| namejp = 新造艦「建造」指令
| namejp = 新造艦「建造」指令
Line 1,275:
Line 1,283:
| type = Factory
| type = Factory
| listnum = F7
| listnum = F7
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = F6
| reqQuest = F6
| namejp = 装備「開発」集中強化!
| namejp = 装備「開発」集中強化!
Line 1,290:
Line 1,299:
| type = Factory
| type = Factory
| listnum = F8
| listnum = F8
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = F7
| reqQuest = F7
| namejp = 艦娘「建造」艦隊強化!
| namejp = 艦娘「建造」艦隊強化!
Line 1,306:
Line 1,316:
| type = Factory
| type = Factory
| listnum = F65
| listnum = F65
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = F7
| reqQuest = F7
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 装備開発力の整備
| namejp = 装備開発力の整備
| nameen = Preparations for Strengthening Equipment Development
| nameen = Preparations for Strengthening Equipment Development
Line 1,323:
Line 1,332:
| type = Factory
| type = Factory
| listnum = F66
| listnum = F66
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = F65
| reqQuest = F65
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 装備開発力の整備
| namejp = 装備開発力の整備
| nameen = Maintenance of the Arsenal Environment
| nameen = Maintenance of the Arsenal Environment
Line 1,345:
Line 1,353:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = Bw1
| listnum = Bw1
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = Bd2
| reqQuest = Bd2
| namejp = あ号作戦
| namejp = あ号作戦
Line 1,366:
Line 1,375:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = Bw2
| listnum = Bw2
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = Bd5
| reqQuest = Bd5
| namejp = い号作戦
| namejp = い号作戦
Line 1,382:
Line 1,392:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = Bw3
| listnum = Bw3
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = Bd2
| reqQuest = Bd2
| namejp = 海上通商破壊作戦
| namejp = 海上通商破壊作戦
Line 1,397:
Line 1,408:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = Bw6
| listnum = Bw6
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = Bw5
| reqQuest = Bw5
| namejp = 敵東方艦隊を撃滅せよ!
| namejp = 敵東方艦隊を撃滅せよ!
Line 1,412:
Line 1,424:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = Bw7
| listnum = Bw7
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = Bw5
| reqQuest = Bw5
| namejp = 敵北方艦隊主力を撃滅せよ!
| namejp = 敵北方艦隊主力を撃滅せよ!
Line 1,427:
Line 1,440:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = Bw8
| listnum = Bw8
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = Bw6
| reqQuest = Bw6
| namejp = 敵東方中枢艦隊を撃破せよ!
| namejp = 敵東方中枢艦隊を撃破せよ!
Line 1,443:
Line 1,457:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = Bw9
| listnum = Bw9
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = Bw8
| reqQuest = Bw8
| namejp = 南方海域珊瑚諸島沖の制空権を握れ!
| namejp = 南方海域珊瑚諸島沖の制空権を握れ!
Line 1,459:
Line 1,474:
| type = PVP
| type = PVP
| listnum = C4
| listnum = C4
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = C2
| reqQuest = C2
| namejp = 大規模演習
| namejp = 大規模演習
Line 1,490:
Line 1,506:
| type = Expedition
| type = Expedition
| listnum = D11
| listnum = D11
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = D9
| reqQuest = D9
| namejp = 南方への鼠輸送を継続実施せよ!
| namejp = 南方への鼠輸送を継続実施せよ!
Line 1,506:
Line 1,523:
| type = Factory
| type = Factory
| listnum = F68
| listnum = F68
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = F66
| reqQuest = F66
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 装備開発力の整備
| namejp = 装備開発力の整備
| nameen = Concentrated Maintainace of Equipment Development Capabilities
| nameen = Concentrated Maintenance of Equipment Development Capabilities
| req = Concentrated Maintenance of Equipment Development Capabilities has been implemented! Proceed to scrap 3 Medium sized Main Gun Mounts, 3 Secondary Gun Mounts, 1 [[Drum Canister]] and prepare 2,400 steel
| req = Concentrated Maintenance of Equipment Development Capabilities has been implemented! Proceed to scrap 3 Medium sized Main Gun Mounts, 3 Secondary Gun Mounts, 1 [[Drum Canister]] and prepare 2,400 steel
* Resources will be consumed upon completion of this mission.
* Resources will be consumed upon completion of this mission.
Line 1,524:
Line 1,540:
| type = Modernization
| type = Modernization
| listnum = G3
| listnum = G3
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = G2
| reqQuest = G2
| namejp = 「近代化改修」を進め、戦備を整えよ!
| namejp = 「近代化改修」を進め、戦備を整えよ!
Line 1,544:
Line 1,561:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = Bm1
| listnum = Bm1
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = A35
| reqQuest = A35
| namejp = 「第五戦隊」出撃せよ!
| namejp = 「第五戦隊」出撃せよ!
Line 1,560:
Line 1,578:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = Bm5
| listnum = Bm5
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = B21
| reqQuest = B21
| page2 = Quests
| reqQuest2 = Bm1
| reqQuest2 = Bm1
| namejp = 海上護衛強化月間
| namejp = 海上護衛強化月間
Line 1,578:
Line 1,598:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = Bm7
| listnum = Bm7
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = A46
| reqQuest = A46
| page2 = Quests
| reqQuest2 = Bm6
| reqQuest2 = Bm6
| namejp = 「水上反撃部隊」突入せよ!
| namejp = 「水上反撃部隊」突入せよ!
Line 1,597:
Line 1,619:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = Bm8
| listnum = Bm8
| reqQuest =
| page = Quests
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest = C8
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 兵站線確保!海上警備を強化実施せよ!
| namejp = 兵站線確保!海上警備を強化実施せよ!
| nameen = Secure the Supply Lines! Strengthen the Marine Guard!
| nameen = Secure the Supply Lines! Strengthen the Marine Guard!
Line 1,609:
Line 1,630:
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 400
| bauxite = 400
| other = '''Choose the following Reward:'''<br>Development Materials x4 <br> '''or'''<br> Insant Repair x4 <br> '''or'''<br> Improvement Material x2 <br> '''Choose the following Reward:'''<br>[[Type 95 Depth Charge]] x1 <br> '''or'''<br> [[25mm Single Autocannon Mount]] x2 <br> '''or'''<br> [[Irako]] x1 <br>
| other = '''Choose the following Reward:'''<br>Development Materials x4 <br> '''or'''<br> Instant Repair x4 <br> '''or'''<br> Improvement Material x2 <br> '''Choose the following Reward:'''<br>[[Type 95 Depth Charge]] x1 <br> '''or'''<br> [[25mm Single Autocannon Mount]] x2 <br> '''or'''<br> [[Irako]] x1 <br>
| notes = ''Monthly Quest''
| notes = ''Monthly Quest''
| once =
| once =
Line 1,616:
Line 1,637:
| type = PVP
| type = PVP
| listnum = C16
| listnum = C16
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = F67
| reqQuest = F67
| page2 = Quests
| reqQuest2 = F68
| reqQuest2 = F68
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 給糧艦「伊良湖」の支援
| namejp = 給糧艦「伊良湖」の支援
| nameen = Support from Supply Ship "Irako"
| nameen = Support from Supply Ship "Irako"
Line 1,639:
Line 1,661:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = Bq4
| listnum = Bq4
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = Bq3
| reqQuest = Bq3
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 前線の航空偵察を実施せよ!
| namejp = 前線の航空偵察を実施せよ!
| nameen = Carry out Air Reconnaissance in the Front Lines!
| nameen = Carry out Air Reconnaissance in the Front Lines!
Line 1,656:
Line 1,677:
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = BQ9
| listnum = Bq9
| reqQuest =
| page = Quests
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest = D11
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 空母戦力の投入による兵站線戦闘哨戒
| namejp = 空母戦力の投入による兵站線戦闘哨戒
| nameen = Utilize the supply line logistics of your Carrier Force!
| nameen = Utilize the supply line logistics of your Carrier Force!
| req = Organize a Patrol fleet that includes a Carrier, and patrol, the Oil Refinery Area(1-3), Nansei Island Defense Line (1-4), Nansei Island Front Waters (2-1), The waters of Bashi Strait (2-2) and the Eastern Orel Sea (2-3). Vigilantly patrol the area and engage the main enemy fleet in the area.
| req = Organize a Patrol fleet that includes a Carrier, and patrol, the Oil Refinery Area(1-3), Nansei Island Defense Line (1-4), Nansei Island Front Waters (2-1), The waters of Bashi Strait (2-2) and the Eastern Orel Sea (2-3). Vigilantly patrol the area and engage the main enemy fleet in the area.
* Organize a fleet with at least 1 CV(L)(B) in your fleet and sortieto 1-3, 1-4, 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3 and score an S rank at the boss nodes
* Organize a fleet with at least 1 CV(L)(B) in your fleet and sortie to 1-3, 1-4, 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3 and score an S rank at the boss nodes
| fuel = 600
| fuel = 600
| ammo = 0
| ammo = 0
Line 1,676:
Line 1,696:
| type = PVP
| type = PVP
| listnum = C29
| listnum = C29
| reqQuest =
| page = Quests
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest = B9
| reqQuest3 =
| page2 = Quests
| reqQuest2 = Bd1
| namejp = 空母機動部隊、演習始め!
| namejp = 空母機動部隊、演習始め!
| nameen = Carrier Task Force, Commence Exercises!
| nameen = Carrier Task Force, Commence Exercises!
| req = Carrier Task Force Exercise Mission: Form a carrier task force that contains at least two standard aircraft carriers, one of them as the flagship, as well as two destroyers. Improve the skills of each task force ship! Have the fleet achieve at least 4 victories in exercises within the same day!
| req = Carrier Task Force Exercise Mission: Form a carrier task force that contains at least two standard aircraft carriers, one of them as the flagship, as well as two destroyers. Improve the skills of each task force ship! Have the fleet achieve at least 4 victories in exercises within the same day!
* Organize a fleet with 2 CV/L/B (1 CV/L/B in flagsip), 2 DD, and 2 XX and score 4 victories in PVP in the same day
* Organize a fleet with 2 CV/L/B (1 CV/L/B in flagship), 2 DD, and 2 XX and score 4 victories in PVP in the same day
| fuel = 0
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 400
| ammo = 400
Line 1,695:
Line 1,716:
| type = Expedition
| type = Expedition
| listnum = D24
| listnum = D24
| reqQuest =
| page = Quests
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest = B63
| reqQuest3 =
| page2 = Quests
| reqQuest2 = F16
| namejp = 海上通商航路の警戒を厳とせよ!
| namejp = 海上通商航路の警戒を厳とせよ!
| nameen = Perform Strict Surveillance of the Maritime Trade Route!
| nameen = Perform Strict Surveillance of the Maritime Trade Route!
Line 1,713:
Line 1,735:
| type = Factory
| type = Factory
| listnum = F39
| listnum = F39
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = F38
| reqQuest = F38
| page2 = Quests
| reqQuest2 = D9
| reqQuest2 = D9
| namejp = 主力「陸攻」の調達
| namejp = 主力「陸攻」の調達
| nameen =Producing the Main "Land Based Attacker"
| nameen =Producing the Main "Land Based Attacker"
| req = ''Conduct the production of the main Land Based Attacker [[Type 1 Land Attacker]]. Dispose 2 [[Zero Fighter Type 21]]s and prepare 1 [[Type 96 Land Attacker]], and 2 [[Type 97 Torpedo Bomber]]s. (After completing the quest, these items will disappear.)''
| req = ''Conduct the production of the main Land Based Attacker [[Type 1 Land Attacker]]. Scrap 2 [[Zero Fighter Type 21]]s and prepare 1 [[Type 96 Land Attacker]], and 2 [[Type 97 Torpedo Bomber]]s. (After completing the quest, these items will disappear.)''
*Scrap 2 [[Type 21 Zero Fighter]]s and have 1 [[Type 96 Land Attacker]], and 2 [[Type 97 Torpedo Bomber]]s in your inventory to complete the quest line once activated.
*Scrap 2 [[Type 21 Zero Fighter]]s and have 1 [[Type 96 Land Attacker]], and 2 [[Type 97 Torpedo Bomber]]s in your inventory to complete the quest line once activated.
| fuel = 250
| fuel = 250
Line 1,731:
Line 1,755:
| type = Factory
| type = Factory
| listnum = F55
| listnum = F55
| page = Quests
| reqQuest = D23
| reqQuest = D23
| reqQuest2 =
| namejp = 新型艤装の継続研究
| namejp = 新型艤装の継続研究
| nameen = Continued Research of New Rigging Types
| nameen = Continued Research of New Rigging Types
Line 1,749:
Line 1,773:
| type = Factory
| type = Factory
| listnum = F67
| listnum = F67
| reqQuest =
| page = Quests
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest = F66
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 装備開発力の整備
| namejp = 装備開発力の整備
| nameen = Integrated Maintenance of Operation Equipment
| nameen = Integrated Maintenance of Operation Equipment
Line 1,766:
Line 1,789:
| type = Factory
| type = Factory
| listnum = F70
| listnum = F70
| reqQuest =
| page = Quests
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest = B9
| reqQuest3 =
| page2 = Quests
| reqQuest2 = Bd2
| namejp = 主力艦上戦闘機の更新
| namejp = 主力艦上戦闘機の更新
| nameen = Improvement of the Main Fighter Force
| nameen = Improvement of the Main Fighter Force
Line 1,784:
Line 1,808:
| type = Factory
| type = Factory
| listnum = F72
| listnum = F72
| reqQuest =
| page = Quests
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest = F71
| reqQuest3 =
| page2 = Quests
| reqQuest2 = F5
| namejp = 対空兵装の整備拡充
| namejp = 対空兵装の整備拡充
| nameen = Maintenance Expansion of Anti-Air Equipment
| nameen = Maintenance Expansion of Anti-Air Equipment