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|translation = I'm the Nagara-class light cruiser, Abukuma.
|translation = I'm the Nagara-class light cruiser, Abukuma.
Yes... To tell you the truth, I'm not really good with Kitakami-san. I mean she... But I got my bow all fixed up and worked hard!<ref>She collided with Kitakami and ended up losing her bow.</ref>
Yes... To be honest, I'm not really good with Kitakami-san. What is she... But I got my bow all fixed up and worked hard!<ref>She collided with Kitakami and ended up losing her bow.</ref>
Thank you too... Ushio-chan.<ref>Ushio rescued her survivors after she was sunk.</ref>
Thank you too... Ushio-chan.<ref>Ushio rescued her survivors after she was sunk.</ref>
|audio = Abukuma-Library.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Library.ogg
Line 68: Line 68:  
|scenario = Secretary 1
|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = 阿武隈の名前、覚えてくれました?
|origin = 阿武隈の名前、覚えてくれました?
|translation = Did you remember my name?
|translation = Do you remember my name?
|audio = Abukuma-Secretary_1.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Secretary_1.ogg
Line 74: Line 74:  
|scenario = Secretary 2
|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = あたしの名前、漢字で書けます?
|origin = あたしの名前、漢字で書けます?
|translation = Can you write my name in kanji?
|translation = Can you write my name, in kanji?
|audio = Abukuma-Secretary_2.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Secretary_2.ogg
Line 81: Line 81:  
|kai2 = yes
|kai2 = yes
|origin = 阿武隈の漢字、覚えてくれました?書いてみて …ん!違います!
|origin = 阿武隈の漢字、覚えてくれました?書いてみて …ん!違います!
|translation = Do you remember the kanji for my name? Let me see you write it... Hmm! That's wrong!
|translation = Do you remember the kanji for my name? Let's try writing... Hmm! That's wrong!
|audio = AbukumaKaiNi-Secretrary_2.mp3
|audio = AbukumaKaiNi-Secretrary_2.mp3
Line 87: Line 87:  
|scenario = Secretary 3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = わあぁ!あんまり触らないでくださいよぉ! あたしの前髪崩れやすいんだから。 提督、ちょっと北上さんみたいです。
|origin = わあぁ!あんまり触らないでくださいよぉ! あたしの前髪崩れやすいんだから。 提督、ちょっと北上さんみたいです。
|translation = Whoa! Please don't touch me so much! It's because my bangs are delicate. You're acting a bit like Kitakami-san, Admiral.
|translation = Whoa! Please don't touch me so much! It's because my bangs are delicate. Admiral, you're acting a bit like Kitakami-san.
|audio = Abukuma-Secretary_3.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Secretary_3.ogg
Line 94: Line 94:  
|kai2 = yes
|kai2 = yes
|origin = もぉぉぅ、提督まで私の前髪さわり過ぎなんですけど。ううう、やめてぇ!
|origin = もぉぉぅ、提督まで私の前髪さわり過ぎなんですけど。ううう、やめてぇ!
|translation = Jeeez, you're touching my bangs too much again, Admiral. Urgh, stop that!
|translation = Jeeez, even Admiral is touching my bangs too much. Urgh, stop that!
|audio = AbukumaKaiNi-Secretrary_3.mp3
|audio = AbukumaKaiNi-Secretrary_3.mp3
Line 100: Line 100:  
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|origin = もう!忘れられちゃったかと思ったじゃない!
|origin = もう!忘れられちゃったかと思ったじゃない!
|translation = Jeez! I feel like I've been forgotten!
|translation = Jeez! I assume you forget me!
|audio = Abukuma-Idle.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Idle.ogg
Line 112: Line 112:  
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = 提督ー、お待ちしてました!一言お礼を言いたくて…大事に育ててくれたおかげで、あたし、少し自信もてるようになったんです。提督、ありがとう。
|origin = 提督ー、お待ちしてました!一言お礼を言いたくて…大事に育ててくれたおかげで、あたし、少し自信もてるようになったんです。提督、ありがとう。
|translation = Thanks for waiting, Admiral~! I want to say few of words of thanks to you... I was able to gain some confidence because you looked after me so well. Thank you, Admiral.
|translation = I was waiting for you, Admiral~! I want to say few of words of thanks to you... I was able to gain some confidence because you looked after me so well. Thank you, Admiral.
|audio = Abukuma-Wedding.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Wedding.ogg
Line 124: Line 124:  
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|origin = えっ、やだ、私!?い、行けるけど。
|origin = えっ、やだ、私!?い、行けるけど。
|translation = Eh, why me!? I-I can go though.
|translation = Eh, no, me!? I-I can go though.
|audio = Abukuma-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
Line 137: Line 137:  
|scenario = Equipment 1
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = あたしに期待してるの?そうなのね!
|origin = あたしに期待してるの?そうなのね!
|translation = Am I looking forward to it? I am!
|translation = Am I looking forward to it? Isn't right!
|audio = Abukuma-Equipment_1.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Equipment_1.ogg
Line 144: Line 144:  
|kai2 = yes
|kai2 = yes
|origin = まあ、あたし的には気に入っていたんですけど、主砲を換装しました、はい!
|origin = まあ、あたし的には気に入っていたんですけど、主砲を換装しました、はい!
|translation = Well, personally I liked it but my main guns have been replaced, yes!<ref>Several times over her career, her main guns were removed to make way for more anti-air guns.</ref>
|translation = Well, personally I liked it, but my main guns have been replaced, yes!<ref>Several times over her career, her main guns were removed to make way for more anti-air guns.</ref>
|audio = AbukumaKaiNi-Equipment_1.mp3
|audio = AbukumaKaiNi-Equipment_1.mp3
|scenario = Equipment 2
|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = わかったわ!あたしの力が必要なのね
|origin = わかったわ!あたしの力が必要なのね!
|translation = I understand! My power will be needed right?
|translation = I understand! My power will be needed right!
|audio = Abukuma-Equipment_2.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Equipment_2.ogg
Line 163: Line 163:  
|kai2 = yes
|kai2 = yes
|origin = あたし的には、とっってもOKです!
|origin = あたし的には、とっってもOKです!
|translation = Personally I'm totally OK!
|translation = Personally I'm very OK!
|audio = AbukumaKaiNi_Equipment_3.mp3
|audio = AbukumaKaiNi_Equipment_3.mp3
Line 181: Line 181:  
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = ちょっと長いお風呂になりそう…いいよね?
|origin = ちょっと長いお風呂になりそう…いいよね?
|translation = Looks like I need to take quite a long bath... That's fine right?
|translation = I think maybe my baths are long... That's fine right?
|audio = Abukuma-Docking_Major.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Docking_Major.ogg
Line 191: Line 191:  
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|scenario = the fleet is returning at home port from Sortie
|origin = 艦隊が母港に帰還しました!
|origin = 艦隊が母港に帰還しました!
|translation = The fleet has returned to the base!
|translation = The fleet has returned to home port!
|audio = Abukuma-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg
Line 212: Line 212:  
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = 阿武隈、ご期待に応えます!
|origin = 阿武隈、ご期待に応えます!
|translation = I'll meet your expectations!!
|translation = Abukuma, I'll meet your expectations!!
|audio = Abukuma-Battle_Start.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Battle_Start.ogg
Line 238: Line 238:  
|kai2 = yes
|kai2 = yes
|origin = ほ~らねっ、そこにいたでしょ?
|origin = ほ~らねっ、そこにいたでしょ?
|translation = See, didn't I say they'd be over there?
|translation = See, It is there, right?
|audio = AbukumaKaiNi-Night_Attack.mp3
|audio = AbukumaKaiNi-Night_Attack.mp3
|scenario = Night Battle
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = さぁて夜戦ね、どこかの夜戦バカには負けないんだから
|origin = さぁて夜戦ね、どこかの夜戦バカには負けないんだから!
|translation = Well then, it's a night battle huh, I won't lose to some night battle idiot though!
|translation = Well, in night battle huh, I won't lose to some night battle idiot!
|audio = Abukuma-Night_Battle.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Night_Battle.ogg
Line 256: Line 256:  
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = きゃっ!嘘でしょ!?
|origin = きゃっ!嘘でしょ!?
|translation = Kyaah! Is this really happening!?
|translation = Kyaah! No way!?
|audio = Abukuma-Minor_Damage_1.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Minor_Damage_1.ogg
Line 268: Line 268:  
|scenario = Major Damage
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = やっぱあたしじゃムリ…? でもこのまま負けるなんてイヤ!
|origin = やっぱあたしじゃムリ…? でもこのまま負けるなんてイヤ!
|translation = Looks like I just can't do it...? But, I don't want to lose like this!
|translation = After all, I can't do it...? But, I don't want to lose like this!
|audio = Abukuma-Major_Damage.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Major_Damage.ogg
Line 274: Line 274:  
|scenario = Sunk
|scenario = Sunk
|origin = やられた・・・ねぇ、潮ちゃん、傍にいる・・・? 後の事、頼んでいいかな・・・
|origin = やられた・・・ねぇ、潮ちゃん、傍にいる・・・? 後の事、頼んでいいかな・・・
|translation = They got me... Hey, Ushio, are you there...? Can I leave the rest to you...
|translation = I've been hit... Hey, Ushio, are you there...? Can I leave the rest to you...
|audio = Abukuma-Sunk.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Sunk.ogg


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