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|自己紹介 =陽炎型駆逐艦17番艦、萩風、まいりました。司令、ご指示をお願いします。
| EN1=
第四駆逐隊、萩風、配置につきました! 司令、ご指示をお願いします。(改)
| Note1=
|EN1 =The 17th ship of the Kagerou-class destroyers, Hagikaze, has arrived. Commander, I look forward to your instruction.
| Note23=
Hagikaze of the 4th Destroyer Squadron has arrived on station. Commander, I look forward to your instruction. (Remodelled)
|Library =
|Note1 =
|EN0 =
|Library =陽炎型駆逐艦十七番艦、萩風です。浦賀生まれです。
|Note0 =
| EN2=
|EN0 =17th ship of the Kagerou-class destroyers, Hagikaze. I come from Uraga.
| Note2=
I worked hard together with Arashi in the 4th Destroyer Squadron. As the escort for the Nagumo Task Force, we experienced the mortal struggle in the Solomons.
During my final night... I was together with Arashi. Please never forget the 4thDesRon.
| EN3=
|Note0 =
| Note3=
|秘書クリック会話① =はい、萩風はここに
|EN2 =Yes, Hagikaze is here.
| EN4=
|Note2 =
| Note4=
|秘書クリック会話② =司令、萩風にできることがあったら言ってくださいね。頑張ります。
|Married =
|EN3 =Commander, please let me know if there's anything I can do. I'll do my best.
|EN25 =
|Note3 =
|Wedding =
|秘書クリック会話③ =聞いて聞いて、あのね… あっ、やだ、司令!? 私ったら…ご、ごめんなさい!
|EN26 =
|EN4 =Hey listen, you know... ah, wha, Commander!? I uh... I'm sorry!
|Note4 =
| EN4a=
|秘書放置時 =司令、嵐見ました?え、見てない? もう、嵐ったらいったい何をやっているのかしら。私から今度ちゃんと言っておきますね。
| Note4a=
|EN4a =Commander have you seen Arashi? Eh, you haven't? Ugh, where did you go Arashi. I'll go call her properly now.
|Note4a =
| EN5=
|Married =司令?えっ、夜はもう大丈夫か…って?…はい、まだあまり夜は好きにはなれませんが。でも、今は大丈夫。 司令…ここに手を重ねてもらっていいですか?…安心します。
| Note5=
|EN25 =Commander? Eh, am I fine at... night? Yes, I still don't really like to be left alone at night. But I'm fine now. Commander... can you take my hand again? ...It makes me feel better.
|Note25 =
| EN6=
|Wedding =司令?どうされましたか?四駆のみんなに何か通達でも?嵐を呼んできましょうか? えっ、違うの…私? これは…あ、ありがとうございます。私、絶対大事にします。
| Note6=
|EN26 =Commander? What is going on? Do you have something to tell the 4thDesRon? Should I call Arashi? Eh, that's not it... Me? This is... Ah, thank you very much. I'll definitely treasure this very much.
|Note26 =
| EN7=
|戦績表示時 =司令、戦況の確認ですね?了解です。情報、お持ちしますね。
| Note7=
|EN5 =You'd like to confirm the status of the war Commander? Roger. I'll get you the information.
|Note5 =
| EN8=
|編成選択時 =第四駆逐隊、萩風、抜錨いたします
| Note8=
|EN6 =4th Destroyer Squadron, Hagikaze, heading out.
|Note6 =
| EN9=
|装備時① =この改装…嬉しいですね
| Note9=
|EN7 =This remodel... I'm happy.
|Note7 =
|EN24 =
|装備時② =夜は…私…。 …ううん、大丈夫!
|EN8 =I'm... at night... ...Yep, I'm fine!
| EN10=
|Note8 =
| Note10=
|装備時③ =どこかしら?うーん…
|EN9 =Somehow someway? Yup...
| EN11=
|Note9 =
| Note11=
|補給時 =ありがとうございます。また、出れますね。
|EN24 =Thank you very much. I'll be heading out again.
|EN27 =
|Note24 =
|ドック入り(小破以下) =ご迷惑をおかけしてすみません、司令。 萩風、少し下がらせていただきます。
| EN12=
|EN10 =I'm sorry for the trouble Commander. I'll be retiring for a bit.
| Note12=
|Note10 =
|ドック入り(中破以上) =ふぅ…こうやってお風呂に浸かると…。あれ? 司令…ご飯、ちゃんと食べたかな?
| EN13=
|EN11 =Phew...soaking in the bath is... Huh? Commander... have you been eating properly?
| Note13=
|Note11 =
|入渠完了 =
| EN14=
|EN27 =
| Note14=
|Note27 =
|建造時 =新造艦が完成しました。素敵ですね。
| EN15=
|EN12 =A new ship has been completed. It's fantastic.
| Note15=
|Note12 =
|艦隊帰投時 =艦隊が帰投します。みんな、お疲れ様です。
| EN15a=
|EN13 =The fleet has returned to base. Thanks for your hard work everyone.
| Note15a=
|Note13 =
|出撃時 =みんな、準備はいい?艦隊、旗艦、萩風、出撃します!
| EN16=
|EN14 =Everyone ready? Fleef flagship Hagikaze, sortieing!
| Note16=
|Note14 =
|戦闘開始時 =敵は…敵はどこ?み、見つけた!敵艦見ゆ!艦隊、左魚雷戦、左砲戦、よーい!
| EN17=
|EN15 =Where is... where is the enemy? I... I found them! Enemy ships spotted! Fleet, torpedoes and guns to port, fire!
| Note17=
|Note15 =
|航空戦開始時 =
| EN18=
|EN15a =
| Note18=
|Note15a =
|攻撃時 =敵艦を見つけました。撃ち方、はじめ!
| EN19=
|EN16 =Enemy ships have been spotted. Open fire!
| Note19=
|Note16 =
|夜戦開始時 =夜…夜の海は、危険です…でも、私、進みます!全艦、萩風に後続せよ!夜戦です!
| EN20=
|EN17 =The... the sea at night is dangerous... But, I'll continue forward! All ships, follow me! It's time for night battle!
| Note20=
|Note17 =
|夜戦攻撃時 =砲撃開始!萩風、撃ちます!
| EN21=
|EN18 =Commence shelling! I'm opening fire!
| Note21=
|Note18 =
|MVP時 =え?私ですか?萩風が一番、ですか?それは、四駆のみんなのおかげです。ありがとう。
| EN22=
|EN19 =Eh? Me? I'm really number one? That is, thanks to everyone from the 4thDesRon
| Note22=
|Note19 =
|小破① =ああ~っ! も、もぉ…
| EN23=
|EN20 =Aah~~! Ge...geez...
|Note20 =
|小破② =きゃっ!?や、やだ…まだ、いける?
|EN21 =Kya~!? No...way... can I continue?
|Note21 =
|中破 =きゃああっ!?まさか、舵をやられたの?復旧できる?お、お願い!
|EN22 =Kyaa~!? It can't be, my rudder was hit? Can I recover? Pl... Please!
|Note22 =
|撃沈時(反転) =この傷では、戻れない…。 はっ…嵐! 萩風、ここで…お別れです。また…ね…
|EN23 =This wound can't be fixed... Ha~... Arashi! I'll be saying... farewell. See... you...
|Note23 =
|Clip0 = {{Audio|file=Hagikaze_25.ogg}}
|Clip0 = {{Audio|file=Hagikaze_25.ogg}}
|Clip1 = {{Audio|file=Hagikaze_1.ogg}}
|Clip1 = {{Audio|file=Hagikaze_1.ogg}}