#Identify the key points of the sentence. These could include such things as subject, verbs, adjectives and other words that have importance in the meaning of the sentence. Generally, when identifying these and storing them in your head or whatever, try to be as verbose as possible. For me, I find it easier to identify these points and make them verbose in English. An important distinction here is that you aren't really "translating" the text for a reader. Rather, you're "describing" the translation to yourself. The wording you come up with this section should feel more like a description of the text rather than a translation you would provide someone. | #Identify the key points of the sentence. These could include such things as subject, verbs, adjectives and other words that have importance in the meaning of the sentence. Generally, when identifying these and storing them in your head or whatever, try to be as verbose as possible. For me, I find it easier to identify these points and make them verbose in English. An important distinction here is that you aren't really "translating" the text for a reader. Rather, you're "describing" the translation to yourself. The wording you come up with this section should feel more like a description of the text rather than a translation you would provide someone. |