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no edit summary
Line 12: Line 12:     
===Fit Bonuses===
===Fit Bonuses===
{{:{{BASEPAGENAME}}/Equipment Bonuses}}
{{/Equipment Bonuses}}
;Hidden Fit Bonuses
;Hidden Fit Bonuses
* Has some hidden fit bonuses when equipped with certain equipment. Please see [[Hidden Fit Bonuses]] for more details.
* Has some hidden fit bonuses when equipped with certain equipment. Please see [[Hidden Fit Bonuses]] for more details.
Line 37: Line 37:  
|translation = I'm Matsukaze, the 4th ship of the Kamikaze-class destroyers. And of course you're my commander.
|translation = I'm Matsukaze, the 4th ship of the Kamikaze-class destroyers. And of course you're my commander.
Naturally, that means you've got my back! All right, let's go!
Naturally, that means you've got my back! All right, let's go!
|audio = MatsukazeKai-Intro.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-Intro.mp3
Line 92: Line 92:  
うーん……キミ、少し熱があるんじゃないかな? 仕方ない。僕がおぶっていこう。遠慮するな!
うーん……キミ、少し熱があるんじゃないかな? 仕方ない。僕がおぶっていこう。遠慮するな!
重くはっ……ないさっ……! うっ!
重くはっ……ないさっ……! うっ!
|translation = You look a bit pale don't you? Let me take a closer look and see. Yup, you have a bit of a fever don't you? Well I guess it can't be helped. Let me carry you for awhile. Alright then, full power! Heavy...ha...lift! Ugh!  
|translation = You look a bit pale don't you? Let me take a closer look and see. Yup, you have a bit of a fever don't you? Well I guess it can't be helped. Let me carry you for a while. Alright then, full power! Heavy...ha...lift! Ugh!  
|audio = Matsukaze-SecMarried.mp3
|audio = Matsukaze-SecMarried.mp3
Line 101: Line 101:  
……そうなのかい? はぁ……ありがとう……。待って、いたよ……。
……そうなのかい? はぁ……ありがとう……。待って、いたよ……。
|translation = This isn't like you, calling me out someplace like that? It couldn't be, you plan to make a once-in-a-lifetime confession? Aha! I wonder if that's it? It is? Haa...thank you. Wait just a moment...you kept me waiting too long!
|translation = This isn't like you, calling me out someplace like that? It couldn't be, you plan to make a once-in-a-lifetime confession? Aha! I wonder if that's it? It is? Haa...thank you. Wait just a moment...you kept me waiting too long!
|audio = Matsukaze-Wedding.mp3
|audio = Matsukaze-Wedding.mp3
Line 132: Line 132:  
|scenario = Equipment 2
|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = んー、これは無し。……いや、行けるか? キミ、良いセンスだ!
|origin = んー、これは無し。……いや、行けるか? キミ、良いセンスだ!
|translation = Hmm, this doesn't fit. ......No wait, it might actually. Huh, nice sense you have there!
|translation = Hmm, this doesn't fit...No wait, it might actually. Huh, nice sense you have there!
|audio = Matsukaze-Equip2.mp3
|audio = Matsukaze-Equip2.mp3
Line 181: Line 181:  
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = 特設護衛船団か…良いだろう、守りきるまで!苦しい戦いは、慣れている!  
|origin = 特設護衛船団か…良いだろう、守りきるまで!苦しい戦いは、慣れている!  
|translation =We're a special escort fleet, full capable of defending too! I'm well used to painful battles!
|translation =We're a special escort fleet, fully capable of defending too! I'm well used to painful battles!
|audio = MatsukazeKai-Sortie.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-Sortie.mp3
Line 218: Line 218:  
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = ああ、僕かい?いや、いいよ。そういうのいらないんだ。でも…君の気持ちなら…もらっておこう…かな?  
|origin = ああ、僕かい?いや、いいよ。そういうのいらないんだ。でも…君の気持ちなら…もらっておこう…かな?  
|translation = Ah, me? Nah, it's fine, I don't need that. But thanks, it's the thought that counts and I'll accept that, okay?
|translation = Ah, me? Nah, it's fine, I don't need that. But thanks, it's the thought that counts and I'll accept that, okay?
|audio = MatsukazeKai-MVP.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-MVP.mp3
Line 243: Line 243:  
|origin = あれ……? これって……。僕、また沈むのかい?
|origin = あれ……? これって……。僕、また沈むのかい?
今度は、護れた、かな……? なあ……姉貴……。
今度は、護れた、かな……? なあ……姉貴……。
|translation = ....Huh? This can't be. I'm sinking again? I couldn't protect them this time either, could I....? Hey...big sis...
|translation = ....Huh? This can't be. I'm sinking again? I couldn't protect them this time either, could I....? Hey...big sis...
|audio = Matsukaze-Sinking.mp3
|audio = Matsukaze-Sinking.mp3
|} <references/>
   Line 261: Line 260:  
|scenario = 01:00  
|scenario = 01:00  
|origin = マルヒト、マルマル。そう、1時だ。
|origin = マルヒト、マルマル。そう、1時だ。
|translation = 0100. Yup, it's one o'clock.
|translation = 0100. Yup, it's one o'clock.
|audio = MatsukazeKai-0100.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-0100.mp3
Line 273: Line 272:  
|scenario = 03:00  
|scenario = 03:00  
|origin = マルサンマルマル。え? もっと喋ってくれって? キミ、難しいことを言うねぇ……。
|origin = マルサンマルマル。え? もっと喋ってくれって? キミ、難しいことを言うねぇ……。
|translation = 0300. Eh? Talk a bit more? Well aren't you hard to please, are you...
|translation = 0300. Eh? Talk a bit more? Well aren't you hard to please, are you...
|audio = MatsukazeKai-0300.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-0300.mp3
Line 280: Line 279:  
|origin = マルヨンマルマル。キミも少し眠そうだ。どうだろう、少しだけ横になっては?
|origin = マルヨンマルマル。キミも少し眠そうだ。どうだろう、少しだけ横になっては?
必要なら、僕も添い寝しようか? あはっ、冗談、冗談!
必要なら、僕も添い寝しようか? あはっ、冗談、冗談!
|translation = 0400. you're a bit sleepy too, aren't you? How about you lie down for a bit? I'll join you if you want. Ahaha, nope, just kidding!
|translation = 0400. you're a bit sleepy too, aren't you? How about you lie down for a bit? I'll join you if you want. Ahaha, nope, just kidding!  
|audio = MatsukazeKai-0400.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-0400.mp3
Line 287: Line 286:  
|origin = マルゴーマルマル。そろそろ朝だ。みんなを起こそうか。
|origin = マルゴーマルマル。そろそろ朝だ。みんなを起こそうか。
|translation = 0500. It's almost morning. Should we go wake everyone up? Aah, the morning glow. It's beautiful, isn't it? Not bad at all.
|translation = 0500. It's almost morning. Should we go wake everyone up? Aah, the morning glow. It's beautiful, isn't it? Not bad at all.
|audio = MatsukazeKai-0500.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-0500.mp3
Line 293: Line 292:  
|scenario = 06:00  
|scenario = 06:00  
|origin = マルロクマルマル。みんな、朝だ。あぁ、姉貴も。おはよう、朝は元気だね。
|origin = マルロクマルマル。みんな、朝だ。あぁ、姉貴も。おはよう、朝は元気だね。
|translation = 0600. Everyone, it's morning. Ah, good morning, sis. Still early and already full of pep, aren't we?  
|translation = 0600. Everyone, it's morning. Ah, good morning, sis. Still early and already full of pep, aren't we?  
|audio = MatsukazeKai-0600.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-0600.mp3
Line 307: Line 306:  
|origin = マルハチマルマル。そうかぁ……。姉貴の飯はキミには少し物足りないのかぁ……。
|origin = マルハチマルマル。そうかぁ……。姉貴の飯はキミには少し物足りないのかぁ……。
じゃあ、僕も今度作ってみる、かな? どうだろうか?
じゃあ、僕も今度作ってみる、かな? どうだろうか?
|translation = 0800. I see....her meals aren't quite enough for you... Well, how about I try making some this time? How does that sound?
|translation = 0800. I see....her meals aren't quite enough for you... Well, how about I try making some this time? How does that sound?
|audio = MatsukazeKai-0800.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-0800.mp3
Line 314: Line 313:  
|origin = マルキュウマルマル……! えぇ? なぜ息が上がってるかって?
|origin = マルキュウマルマル……! えぇ? なぜ息が上がってるかって?
|translation = 0900...! Huh? Why I'm breathing so heavily? Well, it's my dear big sister's morning practice after all. *sigh*.....If there's one thing I have to put up with, it's that.
|translation = 0900...! Huh? Why I'm breathing so heavily? Well, it's my dear big sister's morning practice after all. *sigh*.....If there's one thing I have to put up with, it's that.
|audio = MatsukazeKai-0900.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-0900.mp3
Line 321: Line 320:  
|origin = ヒトマルマルマル。姉貴なぁ……。黙ってればいい女なんだけどねぇ。
|origin = ヒトマルマルマル。姉貴なぁ……。黙ってればいい女なんだけどねぇ。
|translation = 1000. You know, my sister... she'd be such a nice woman if she just shut up for once. So, what do ''you'' think?
|translation = 1000. You know, my sister... she'd be such a nice woman if she just shut up for once. So, what do ''you'' think?
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1000.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1000.mp3
Line 327: Line 326:  
|scenario = 11:00  
|scenario = 11:00  
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマル。さて、キミ、お昼はどうする? 間宮の新作、試してみないか?
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマル。さて、キミ、お昼はどうする? 間宮の新作、試してみないか?
|translation = 1100. Alright then, what'd you like for lunch? I heard Mamiya has something new on her menu. Wanna try it?
|translation = 1100. Alright then, what'd you like for lunch? I heard Mamiya has something new on her menu. Wanna try it?
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1100.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1100.mp3
Line 334: Line 333:  
|origin = ヒトフタマルマル。あぁ、有りだこれ! 間宮特製新作ハヤシライス! これはいける!
|origin = ヒトフタマルマル。あぁ、有りだこれ! 間宮特製新作ハヤシライス! これはいける!
キミのも一口貰っていいか? おっ、これもいいなぁ!
キミのも一口貰っていいか? おっ、これもいいなぁ!
|translation = 1200. Ah, this is it! Mamiya's new special Hayashi Rice. Let's get this! Could I get a bite of yours too? Oh, this is also great!
|translation = 1200. Ah, this is it! Mamiya's new special Hayashi Rice. Let's get this! Could I get a bite of yours too? Oh, this is also great!
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1200.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1200.mp3
Line 340: Line 339:  
|scenario = 13:00  
|scenario = 13:00  
|origin = ヒトサンマルマル。食べたね。運動しないと。
|origin = ヒトサンマルマル。食べたね。運動しないと。
|translation = 1300. Done eating. Now we gotta exercise.
|translation = 1300. Done eating. Now we gotta exercise.
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1300.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1300.mp3
Line 347: Line 346:  
|origin = ヒトヨンマル……おっ、ミナ、ミカ! 元気そうだね? さっちんはどうした?
|origin = ヒトヨンマル……おっ、ミナ、ミカ! 元気そうだね? さっちんはどうした?
……そうか、いいね! よろしく言っといてな!
……そうか、いいね! よろしく言っといてな!
|translation = 1400..oh, Mina, Mika! Are you doing well? Where's Sacchin? I see, that's cool! Glad to hear that! <ref>[[Minazuki]], [[Mikazuki]] and [[Satsuki]].</ref>
|translation = 1400..oh, Mina, Mika! Are you doing well? Where's Sacchin? I see, that's cool! Glad to hear that! <ref>[[Minazuki]], [[Mikazuki]] and [[Satsuki]].</ref>
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1400.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1400.mp3
Line 354: Line 353:  
|origin = ヒトゴーマルマル。ふわぁ……ちょっと眠くなるねぇ、この時間。
|origin = ヒトゴーマルマル。ふわぁ……ちょっと眠くなるねぇ、この時間。
横になっちゃおうか? ふっ、少しだけさ。
横になっちゃおうか? ふっ、少しだけさ。
|translation = 1500. *yawn*....I always get a little sleepy around this time. Should I lie down for a bit? Eh, a little bit wouldn't hurt.  
|translation = 1500. *yawn*....I always get a little sleepy around this time. Should I lie down for a bit? Eh, a little bit wouldn't hurt.  
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1500.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1500.mp3
Line 361: Line 360:  
|origin = ヒトロクマルマル。おっ、うーちゃん! 夕の字はまだかい?
|origin = ヒトロクマルマル。おっ、うーちゃん! 夕の字はまだかい?
あいつ本当は照れ屋だかんなぁ。まっ、気長に待つこった! な?
あいつ本当は照れ屋だかんなぁ。まっ、気長に待つこった! な?
|translation = 1600. Oh, U-chan! Have you seen Yuu? She sure is shy. Oh well, I'll just wait patiently for her! Kay?<ref>Asking [[Uzuki]] about Yuuzuki, the last Mutsuki class that hasn't been released.</ref>
|translation = 1600. Oh, U-chan! Have you seen Yuu? She sure is shy. Oh well, I'll just wait patiently for her! Kay?<ref>Asking [[Uzuki]] about Yuuzuki, the last Mutsuki class that hasn't been released.</ref>
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1600.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1600.mp3
Line 368: Line 367:  
|origin = ヒトナナマルマル。キミ?
|origin = ヒトナナマルマル。キミ?
……あの夕日、赤いな。血のようにも見えるよね……。あっは! 冗談さ、冗談!
……あの夕日、赤いな。血のようにも見えるよね……。あっは! 冗談さ、冗談!
|translation = 1700. Hey you? The evening sun sure is red. It looks just like blood. Aha! I'm joking, I'm joking!
|translation = 1700. Hey you? The evening sun sure is red. It looks just like blood. Aha! I'm joking, I'm joking!
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1700.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1700.mp3
Line 376: Line 375:  
まだ早いかな? どうだろう? あぁ、ごめん。作ってくれって意味じゃあ……ないけど……。
まだ早いかな? どうだろう? あぁ、ごめん。作ってくれって意味じゃあ……ないけど……。
|translation = 1800. What should we get for dinner? Would you like me to make something myself? Or is it still too early? What do you think? Ah, sorry. I didn't mean it like that...it's nothing. Huh...... hey you, I bet you're pretty good at cooking, no?
|translation = 1800. What should we get for dinner? Would you like me to make something myself? Or is it still too early? What do you think? Ah, sorry. I didn't mean it like that...it's nothing. Huh...... hey you, I bet you're pretty good at cooking, no?
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1800.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1800.mp3
Line 383: Line 382:  
|origin = ヒトキュウマルマル。あっは! ホントにうまそう! キミやるねぇ! 頂いていいかな?
|origin = ヒトキュウマルマル。あっは! ホントにうまそう! キミやるねぇ! 頂いていいかな?
ふふ、頂きます! はむ……うん、おいしいよこれ! すごいなぁキミ!
ふふ、頂きます! はむ……うん、おいしいよこれ! すごいなぁキミ!
|translation = 1900. Aha! This looks really delicious! Good job! Can I dig in? Haha, here I go! *Chew* Oh wow, it really is delicious! You're awesome!
|translation = 1900. Aha! This looks really delicious! Good job! Can I dig in? Haha, here I go! *Chew* Oh wow, it really is delicious! You're awesome!
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1900.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-1900.mp3
Line 389: Line 388:  
|scenario = 20:00  
|scenario = 20:00  
|origin = フタマルマルマル。ふわぁ……お腹いっぱいだよ。ご馳走様! いいねぇ、手料理はさぁ!
|origin = フタマルマルマル。ふわぁ……お腹いっぱいだよ。ご馳走様! いいねぇ、手料理はさぁ!
|translation = 2000. Ugh...I'm so full. Thanks for the meal. Home cooking sure is awesome!
|translation = 2000. Ugh...I'm so full. Thanks for the meal. Home cooking sure is awesome!
|audio = MatsukazeKai-2000.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-2000.mp3
Line 396: Line 395:  
|origin = フタヒトマルマル。ああ……なるほど、そういう時間ね。
|origin = フタヒトマルマル。ああ……なるほど、そういう時間ね。
|translation = 2100. Ah, I see. It's <i>that</i> time. Well, I used to be part of Desron 3, sooo... yeah, I suppose this is nice.  
|translation = 2100. Ah, I see. It's ''that'' time. Well, I used to be part of Desron 3, sooo... yeah, I suppose this is nice.  
|audio = MatsukazeKai-2100.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-2100.mp3
Line 403: Line 402:  
|origin = フタフタマルマル。でも、夜はさ。ゆっくりしようよ。
|origin = フタフタマルマル。でも、夜はさ。ゆっくりしようよ。
キミの顔を見ながらさ。悪くないよな? こんな時間も。なっ?
キミの顔を見ながらさ。悪くないよな? こんな時間も。なっ?
|translation = 2200. But it's night now. Let's take it easy. What's with that look on your face? This time isn't bad at all, don' you agree?
|translation = 2200. But it's night now. Let's take it easy. What's with that look on your face? This time isn't bad at all, don' you agree?
|audio = MatsukazeKai-2200.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-2200.mp3
Line 410: Line 409:  
|origin = フタサンマルマル。キミ、今日はお疲れ様だ。また明日も頑張ろう。
|origin = フタサンマルマル。キミ、今日はお疲れ様だ。また明日も頑張ろう。
|translation = 2300. Hey you, good job today. Keep it up tomorrow too. I had fun today. G'night and sweet dreams.
|translation = 2300. Hey you, good job today. Keep it up tomorrow too. I had fun today. G'night and sweet dreams.
|audio = MatsukazeKai-2300.mp3
|audio = MatsukazeKai-2300.mp3
|} <references/>
   Line 429: Line 427:  
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fourth_Anniversary|4th Anniversary]]
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fourth_Anniversary|4th Anniversary]]
|origin = 君、すごいな!艦隊は五年目に入るんだって?びっくりだよ!三年と八ヶ月を、超えたんだな…
|origin = 君、すごいな!艦隊は五年目に入るんだって?びっくりだよ!三年と八ヶ月を、超えたんだな…
|translation = You’re amazing! The fleet is in it’s 5th year? I’m shocked! I just lasted 3 years and 8 months…<ref>Referring to her wartime career.</ref>
|translation = You’re amazing! The fleet is in its 5th year? I’m shocked! I just lasted 3 years and 8 months…<ref>Referring to her wartime career.</ref>
|audio = Matsukaze_4th_Anniversary_Sec1_2017.mp3
|audio = Matsukaze_4th_Anniversary_Sec1_2017.mp3
|notes =  
|notes =  
Line 506: Line 504:  
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fifth_Anniversary|5th Anniversary]]
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fifth_Anniversary|5th Anniversary]]
|origin = 君、ちょっとありえないな。艦隊は六年目を入るそうじゃないか。五周年とはね、感慨深いよ。
|origin = 君、ちょっとありえないな。艦隊は六年目を入るそうじゃないか。五周年とはね、感慨深いよ。
|translation = You know, I find this kinda hard to believe. I heard that the fleet was entering it’s 6th year. A 5th Anniversary is really impressive.
|translation = You know, I find this kinda hard to believe. I heard that the fleet was entering its 6th year. A 5th Anniversary is really impressive.  
|audio = Matsukaze_5th_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|audio = Matsukaze_5th_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =  
|notes =  
Line 518: Line 516:  
   Line 531: Line 528:  
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="width: 100%;"
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Line 545: Line 541:     
'''General Information'''
;General Information
* Her name means "Pine Wind".
* Her name means "Pine Wind".
* She was launched on the 30th October 1923.
* She was launched on the 30th of October 1923.
* Sunk by USS Swordfish, 9 June 1944.
* Sunk by USS Swordfish, on the 9th of June 1944.
'''Update History'''
;Update History
* She was added on the 11th February 2017 as [[Winter 2017 Event]] E2 reward.
* She was added on the 11th of February 2017 as [[Winter 2017 Event]] E2 reward.
* Her hat is most likely an allusion to the haiku 「松風を うつつに聞くよ 夏帽子」<!-- Translation Needed(?) --> by Akutagawa Ryūnosuke.
* Her hat is most likely an allusion to the haiku 「松風を うつつに聞くよ 夏帽子」<!--Translation Needed?--> by Akutagawa Ryūnosuke.
==See Also==
==See Also==
*[[wikipedia:Japanese_destroyer_Matsukaze_(1923)|Wikipedia entry on {{PAGENAME}}]]
*[[wikipedia:Japanese_destroyer_Matsukaze_(1923)|Wikipedia entry on Matsukaze]]


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