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Seasonal: SB29-->
Seasonal: SB29-->
==August 4th, 2022==
==October 14th, 2022==
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = B186
| listnum = B??
| reqQuest = B107
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 = D18
| reqQuest2 =  
| namejp = Samuel B.Roberts Mk.II、抜錨せよ!
| namejp = 【期間限定任務】艦隊南瓜秋祭り、始め!
| nameen = Samuel B.Roberts Mk.II, Weigh Anchor!
| nameen =  
| req = ''Organize a fleet using the remodeled Destroyer Samuel B. Robbers Mk.II as your flagship of the fleet, then sortie into the seas near the Naval District, the Naval District Sea route, Bashi Island within the Nansei Islands, and Operation AL in the Northern Waters and destroy the main enemy fleets! Thanks a lot !''
| req = ''「朝潮」「浜波」「野分」「夕立」「瑞穂」のいずれかを旗艦とする艦隊で、製油所地帯沿岸、南西諸島防衛線、鎮守府近海に出撃!敵艦隊を捜索、これを殲滅せよ! Trick or Treat!''
*Assemble a fleet containing [[Samuel B. Roberts Mk.II]] as flagship and up to 5 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[1-5]], [[2-2]], and [[3-5]], and reach node N on [[1-6]].
*Assemble a fleet containing ???, then S rank the boss nodes of ???.
| fuel = 413
| fuel =  
| ammo = 413
| ammo =  
| steel = 413
| steel =  
| bauxite = 413
| bauxite =  
| other = '''Choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Instant Repair Material|qty=6}} {{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=7}}<br>'''Then choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|New Model Armament Material|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardEquip|5inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Medal}}
| other =  
| notes = ''Limited Time Quest''
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = B187
| listnum = B??
| reqQuest = C68
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 = F112
| reqQuest2 =  
| namejp = 不屈敢闘「Taffy Ⅲ」、Weigh anchor!
| namejp = 【期間限定任務】艦隊南瓜秋祭り、北方へ!
| nameen = Unyielding Fight [Taffy Ⅲ], Weigh anchor!
| nameen =  
| req = ''Organize a fleet that includes Gambier Bay, Johnston, and Samuel B. Roberts as part of the Taffy III force that is p[art of your fleet then sortie into the Easter Orel Sea in the Nansei Islands, Off the waters of Okashima Island, Off the Coast of Ri-Lanka near the Curry Ocean in the Western Waters, and North of the Salmon Sea area in the Southern Waters. Destroy the main enemy fleets!''
| req = ''「最上」「時雨」「満潮」「山雲」「朝雲」のうち2隻以上を含む艦隊を編成、北方モーレイ海、アルフォンシーノ方面、北方AL海域に展開!北方方面の敵艦隊を捕捉、これを撃滅せよ!''
*Assemble a fleet containing [[Gambier Bay]], [[Johnston]], [[Samuel B. Roberts]], and up to 3 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[2-3]], [[2-5]], [[4-5]], and [[5-5]].
*Assemble a fleet containing ???, then S rank the boss nodes of ???.
| fuel = 1500
| fuel =  
| ammo = 1500
| ammo =  
| other = {{QuestRewardEquip|Mk.32 ASW Torpedo (Mk.2 Thrower)}}<br>'''Then choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Reinforcement Expansion|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardEquip|FM-2|stars=7}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=7}}
| steel =  
| bauxite =  
| other =  
| type = PVP
| notes = ''Limited Time Quest''
| listnum = C68
| reqQuest = C7
| namejp = 「Taffy Ⅲ」 This is a drill!
| nameen = [Taffy Ⅲ] This is a drill!
| req = ''Organize the Taffy III fleet consisting of the ships, Samuel B. Roberts, Johnston, and Gambier Bay as part of your fleet and score 4 S ranks in Practice on the same day! This is a drill. I repeat, this is a drill.''
*Assemble a fleet containing [[Samuel B. Roberts]], [[Johnston]], [[Gambier Bay]], and up to 3 XX, then score 4 S ranks in PVP within the same day.
| fuel = 240
| steel = 240
| other = '''Choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Food Supply Ship Irako}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=2}}<br>'''Then choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=10}} {{QuestRewardEquip|TBF}} {{QuestRewardEquip|SG Radar (Initial Model)}}
| type = Factory
| listnum = F112
| reqQuest = B186
| reqQuest2 = F97
| namejp = 【工廠任務】Hedgehogの配備
| nameen = [Arsenal Quest] Deployment of Hedgehog
| req = ''Arsenal Quest''
*Set [[Samuel B. Roberts Mk.II]] as Secretary, equipped with a [[5inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30]] in her '''1st slot''', then,
*Prepare 15 Development Materials, 2 [[New Model Rocket Development Material]]s, 2 [[New Model Armament Material]]s, and 960 ammo.
| steel = 50
| other = {{QuestRewardEquip|Hedgehog (Initial Model)}}
| notes = Consumables and resources will be consumed upon completion.
*The [[5inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30]] will be converted into the reward.
==July 13th, 2022==
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = 2207 B1
| listnum = B??
| reqQuest = C2
| reqQuest =  
| namejp = 【期間限定任務】資源回復海上護衛
| reqQuest2 =
| nameen = [Limited Timed Mission] Resource Recover Maritime Escort
| namejp = 【期間限定任務】艦隊南瓜秋祭り、西方へ!
| req = ''Conduct a Maritime Escort Around the Naval District, sortie into the sea off the Nansei Island, the coastal refinery area, the Seas adjacent to the Naval District, the Naval District Sea Route, and the Eastern Orel Sea in the Nansei Island area! Secure safely each area!''
| nameen =  
*S rank the boss nodes of [[1-2]], [[1-3]], [[1-5]], and [[2-3]], and reach node N on [[1-6]].
| req = ''「Roma」「Libeccio」「Grecale」「早波」「多摩」のいずれかを旗艦とする艦隊で、カレー洋海域、リランカ島、カレー洋リランカ島沖に展開!同地の敵戦力を殲滅せよ! Happy Halloween!''
| fuel = 300
*Assemble a fleet containing ???, then S rank the boss nodes of ???.
| ammo = 300
| fuel =  
| steel = 300
| ammo =  
| bauxite = 300
| steel =  
| other = '''Choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Instant Repair Material|qty=8}} {{QuestRewardItem|Steel|qty=4000}} {{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=10}}<br>'''Then choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Medal}} {{QuestRewardItem|Fuel|qty=8000}} {{QuestRewardItem|Furniture Fairy}}
| bauxite =  
| other =  
| notes = ''Limited Time Quest''
| notes = ''Limited Time Quest''
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = B184
| listnum = B??
| reqQuest = B174
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 = Bd1
| reqQuest2 =  
| namejp = 抜錨!精強「第十五駆逐隊」
| namejp = 【甲種任務】艦隊南瓜祭り、拡張作戦!
| nameen = Weigh Anchor! Strong [15th Destroyer Division]
| nameen =  
| req = ''Organize a fleet consisting of two or more members of [Destroyer Division 15] which must include Hayashio Kai Ni, Oyashio Kai Ni, or Kuroshio Kai Ni as part of the fleet, then proceed into the Okashima Waters, the Southern Waters of the Salmon Sea area, the waters north of the Salmon Sea area, and the Central Waters area off Peacock Island, proceed to destroy the main enemy fleet!''
| req = ''「扶桑」「山城」2隻、「伊勢」「日向」2隻または「磯風」「浜風」「雪風」3隻を含む艦隊で、MS諸島沖、グアノ環礁沖海域、中部北海域ピーコック島沖、KW環礁沖海域の敵を撃滅せよ!''
*Assemble a fleet containing any two of: "[[Hayashio Kai Ni]], [[Oyashio Kai Ni]], or [[Kuroshio Kai Ni]]"; and up to 4 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[2-4]], [[5-4]], [[5-5]], and [[6-4]].
*Assemble a fleet containing ???, then S rank the boss nodes of ???.
| fuel = 500
| fuel =  
| ammo = 500
| ammo =  
| steel = 150
| steel =  
| bauxite = 150
| bauxite =  
| other = '''Choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Furniture Fairy}} {{QuestRewardItem|Reinforcement Expansion}} {{QuestRewardItem|Medal}}<br>'''Then choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Action Report}} {{QuestRewardEquip|12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 3}} {{QuestRewardEquip|61cm Quadruple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model}}
| other =  
| notes = ''Limited Time Quest''
| type = Sortie
| type = PVP
| listnum = B185
| listnum = C??
| reqQuest = B184
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 = F110
| namejp = Halloween 特別演習!
| namejp = 米駆逐艦部隊の奮戦
| nameen =  
| nameen = The hard fight of US destroyer unit
| req = ''「朝潮」「夕立」「野分」「浜波」「早波」「瑞穂」「伊47」「Johnston」「Brooklyn」のうち3隻以上を含む、特務演習艦隊を編成。同艦隊で本日中に演習で【S判定】勝利4回以上を達成せよ!''
| req = ''Organize a fleet of 2 ships from the Fletcher class or John C. Butler class ship as part of the fleet and conduct repeated sorties into the Eastern Orel Sea in the Nansei Islands, Off the Coast of Peacock Island in the Central Waters, Off the coast of Panang Island in the South Western Waters and Shonan Sea Route, proceed to destroy the main enemy fleet''
*Assemble a fleet containing ???, and up to 3 XX, then score 4 S ranks in PVP within the same day.
*Assemble a fleet containing any 2 of the: "[[:Category:Fletcher Class|''Fletcher''-class]] or [[:Category:John C. Butler Class|''John C. Butler''-class]]"; and up to 4 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[2-3]], [[7-3|7-3 (part 2)]], [[7-4]], and [[6-4]], twice each.
| fuel =  
| fuel = 557
| ammo =  
| ammo = 533
| steel =  
| steel = 413
| bauxite =  
| other = '''Choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Furniture Fairy|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Food Supply Ship Mamiya|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=7}}<br>'''Then choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardEquip|5inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30|qty=4}} {{QuestRewardEquip|GFCS Mk.37}}
| other =  
| notes = ''Limited Time Quest''
| type = Factory
| type = Factory
| listnum = F110
| listnum = F??
| reqQuest = F97
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 = F109
| reqQuest2 =  
| namejp =【工廠任務】新装備開発計画III
| namejp = 【期間限定任務】Halloweenはお掃除も!
| nameen = [Arsenal Quest] New Equipment Development III
| nameen =  
| req = ''Arsenal Quest''
| req = ''「小口径主砲」「中口径主砲」「水上偵察機」各x5を廃棄、「35.6cm連装砲」x4、「13号対空電探」x2 家具コイン1031を準備せよ!(任務達成後、準備した装備・家具コインは消費します)''
*Scrap 3 "[[SPR|Seaplane Recons]]", 3 "[[SPB|Seaplane Bombers]]", 3 "[[:Category:Anti-Air Gun|AA Guns]]", and prepare 2 [[Type 98 Reconnaissance Seaplane (Night Recon)]], 10 Instant Construction Materials, and 2,800 steel.
| fuel = 200
| fuel =  
| ammo = 200
| ammo =  
| bauxite = 200
| steel =  
| other = '''Choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=8}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=2}}<br>'''Then choose between:'''<br>{{QuestRewardItem|New Model Aerial Armament Material
| bauxite =  
}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=3}} {{QuestRewardItem|Skilled Crew Member}}
| other =  
| notes = Resources, consumables, and equipment will be consumed upon completion.
| notes = ''Limited Time Quest''
| type = Factory
| listnum = F111
| reqQuest = F101
| reqQuest2 = F110
| namejp = 【工廠任務】新夜偵の実戦配備
| nameen = [Arsenal Quest] New Night Recon for deployment
| req = ''Arsenal Quest''
*Set [[Sendai Kai Ni]] or [[Yura Kai Ni]] as Secretary, equiped with a {{MaxStar}} [[Type 98 Reconnaissance Seaplane (Night Recon)]] in her '''1st slot''', then,
*Prepare 1 {{MaxStar}} [[Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane Model 11B]], 13 Development Material, 13 Improvement Material, and 3 [[Skilled Crew Member]]s.
| bauxite = 100
| other = {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane Model 11B Kai (Night Recon)}}
| notes = Consumables and equipment will be consumed upon completion.
*The [[Type 98 Reconnaissance Seaplane (Night Recon)]] will be converted into the reward.
[[File:Quest pvp.png|30px]] [[#C67]] Large Scale Summer Exercise is back.
[[File:Quest pvp.png|30px]] [[#C69]] Large Scale Fall Exercise is back.
=Composition Quests=
=Composition Quests=


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