Line 28:
Line 28:
|translation = I'm the Nagara-class light cruiser, Abukuma.
|translation = I'm the Nagara-class light cruiser, Abukuma.
Yes... To tell you the truth, I'm not really good with Kitakami-san. I mean she... But I got my bow all fixed up and worked hard!<ref>She collieded with Kitakami and ended up losing her bow.</ref>
Yes... To tell you the truth, I'm not really good with Kitakami-san. I mean she... But I got my bow all fixed up and worked hard!<ref>She collided with Kitakami and ended up losing her bow.</ref>
Thank you too... Ushio-chan.<ref>Ushio rescued her survivors after she was sunk.</ref>
Thank you too... Ushio-chan.<ref>Ushio rescued her survivors after she was sunk.</ref>
|audio = Abukuma-Library.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Library.ogg
Line 79:
Line 79:
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = 提督ー、お待ちしてました!一言お礼を言いたくて…大事に育ててくれたおかげで、あたし、少し自信もてるようになったんです。提督、ありがとう。
|origin = 提督ー、お待ちしてました!一言お礼を言いたくて…大事に育ててくれたおかげで、あたし、少し自信もてるようになったんです。提督、ありがとう。
|translation = Tthanks for waiting, Admiral~! I want to say few of words of thanks to you... I was able to gain some confidence because you looked after me so well. Thank you, Admiral.
|translation = Thanks for waiting, Admiral~! I want to say few of words of thanks to you... I was able to gain some confidence because you looked after me so well. Thank you, Admiral.
|audio = Abukuma-Wedding.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Wedding.ogg
Line 211:
Line 211:
|scenario = Night Battle
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = さぁて夜戦ね、どこかの夜戦バカには負けないんだから
|origin = さぁて夜戦ね、どこかの夜戦バカには負けないんだから
|translation = Well then, it's a night battle huh, I won'tlose to some night battle idiot though!
|translation = Well then, it's a night battle huh, I won't lose to some night battle idiot though!
|audio = Abukuma-Night_Battle.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-Night_Battle.ogg
Line 288:
Line 288:
|scenario = 06:00
|scenario = 06:00
|origin = もう6時かぁ。髪作ってくるね。
|origin = もう6時かぁ。髪作ってくるね。
|translation = It's already 6 o'clock. I'll go do my hair
|translation = It's already 6 o'clock. I'll go do my hair.
|audio = Abukuma-06.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-06.ogg
Line 384:
Line 384:
|scenario = 22:00
|scenario = 22:00
|origin = 10時です!ちょっと一息入れましょうよ。.
|origin = 10時です!ちょっと一息入れましょうよ。.
|translation = It's 10 o'clock! Let's take a short break
|translation = It's 10 o'clock! Let's take a short break.
|audio = Abukuma-22.ogg
|audio = Abukuma-22.ogg