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==Gameplay Notes==
==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
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=== Drop Locations ===
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Second_Anniversary|2nd Anniversary]]
|origin =二周年です!二周年!あたし的に超オッケーです!提督!おめでとうございます!
|translation = It’s the 2nd anniversary! It’s here! I’m totally ready for this! Admiral! Congratulations!
|audio = 110_Abukuma_2ndAnniv.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2015|Rainy Season 2015]]
|origin = 雨の日が多い、梅雨の季節かあ…心なしか、白露型がはしゃいでる。…駆逐艦、うざい。…やだ、誰かさんの口癖が移っちゃった!
|translation = We’re getting lots of rainy days, so it’s the rainy season now… Somehow, the Shiratsuyu-class are having fun… Destroyers are annoying… Oh no, I’m starting to speak like a certain someone!
|audio = Abukuma_Rainy_Secretary_1.ogg
|notes = She means [[Kitakami]].
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Summer_Season_Update|Early Summer 2015]]
|origin = 日の入りがずいぶんと長くなりましたねぇ。もうすぐ夏ですねぇ。……ふぅ。そうなるとどこかの三水戦のがうるさくなるなぁ……
|translation = The days have gotten quite long. It’s almost summer then. … *Sigh* Someone in DesRon3 will get a lot nosier now…
|audio = Abukuma_Early_Summer_HQ.ogg
|notes = Referring to [[Sendai]].
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Mid_Summer_Season_Update|Midsummer 2015]]
|origin = この焼けつくような太陽…夏ですね~。お肌が荒れて、ちょっと困ります。…あのー、提督、聞いてます?
|translation = This blistering sun… must mean it’s summer. This’ll ruin my skin. …Umm, are you listening, Admiral?
|audio = Abukuma_Mid_Summer.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Autumn_2015_Seasonal_Update|Early Autumn 2015]]
|origin = 秋、この季節は、あの夜の戦いを思い出します。綺麗な火。怖い火。一緒のモノなのに。うふふ、不思議ですね、提督。
|translation = Autumn; this season makes me remember the night of that battle. Beautiful flames. Scary flames. Even though they are one and the same. Ufufu, isn’t it strange, Admiral?<ref>She was torpedoed at the [ Battle of Surigao Strait].</ref>
|audio = Abukuma_Early_Autumn2015.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2015|Christmas 2015]]
|origin = メリークリスマスです!今晩はパーティーするって足柄さんたちから招待状が…提督、どうしましょう?あ、あたしてきには…
|translation = Merry Christmas! I got an invitation to a party with Ashigara and the others tonight… What should I do, Admiral? W-well if it were up to me…
|audio = Abukuma_Christmas_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/End_of_Year_2015|End of Year 2015]]
|origin = あぁー、忙しい!ほら、提督も手伝ってください!鎮守府のすす払い!あぁ、右舷にすす発見です!
|translation = Aaah, I’m so busy! Hey, give me a hand, Admiral! With the Naval Base cleaning! Ah, dust spotted to starboard!
|audio = Abukuma_Year_End_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2016|New Year 2016]]
|origin = 新年、あけましておめでとうございます!今年も阿武隈と一水戦の皆をどぞよろしくお願いたします!
|translation = Happy New Year! Please take good care of us in DesRon1 this year too!
|audio = Abukuma_New_Years_Day_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2016|Setsubun 2016]]
|origin = 節分って、歳の数だけお豆を頂くって聞きましたけど…ふぇ、深く考えるのはやめましょう! えぇ! あたし的にはオーケーです!
|translation = I heard that you need to eat as many beans as your age during Setsubun but… Eh, I shouldn’t dwell on it! Eh! Personally I’m OK!
|audio = Abukuma_Setsubun_2016_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2016|Valentine’s Day 2016]]
|origin = 提督、今年は手作りで作ってみました。どうでしょうか?私てきにはオーケーなんですけど。
|translation = I tried making these by hand this year, Admiral. What do you think? Personally, I think they’re ok though.
|audio = Abukuma_Valentine_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/White_Day_2016|White Day 2016]]
|origin = 提督、があたしに?提督の手作り?えへへへ、不格好なところがかわいいですね~。あたし的には、大事に頂きます!
|translation = Is this for me, Admiral? You made them yourself? Ehehehe, the misshapen look is cute. I’ll happily dig in!
|audio = Abukuma_White_Day_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Coming_of_Spring_2016|Spring 2016]]
|origin = 鎮守府の桜も今年も綺麗に咲きましたね。提督も一緒にお花見しましょうぅ。楽しみぃ。
|translation = The cherry blossoms in the Naval Base are blooming beautifully again this year. Come cherry blossom viewing with me, Admiral. I can’t wait.
|audio = Abukuma_Spring_2016_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Third_Anniversary|3rd Anniversary]]
|origin = 三周年、三周年ですよ。三周年!私的に、とってもオーケーです!提督、おめでとうございます!
|translation = It’s the 3rd Anniversary now. The 3rd Anniversary! Personally, I’m totally OK! Congratulations, Admiral!
|audio = Abukuma_3rd_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2018|Setsubun 2018]]
|origin = いてぇ!嫌だなに?えぇ、あ、あたし?嫌だもう!お豆を投げるの!やめて…やめてくださいぃ!いてぇ!
|translation = Ouch! What was that? Eh, m-me? No, stop that! Don’t throw beans at me! Stop… stop please! Ouch!
|audio = Abukuma_Setsubun_2018_Sec2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fifth_Anniversary|5th Anniversary]]
|origin = ついに五周年、五周年です!あたし的にはスーパオーケーです!提督、みんなさん、おめでとうございます!
|translation = It’s finally the 5th Anniversary! Personally I’m super OK! Admiral, everyone; congratulations!
|audio = Abukuma_5th_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2018|Rainy Season 2018]]
|origin = 提督、あ、あの、良かったらこの傘を…あ、あたし的にはOKです!
|translation = Admiral, uh-umm, you can have this umbrella if you like… Pe-personally I’m OK with that!
|audio = Abukuma_Rainy_Season_2018_Sec2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
Required by [[Quests#A30|Quest A30]].
Abukuma is depicted to have long dark blond hair that is tied to the sides of her head forming a unique bun shape that has a loop coming from the top while the remains ends on the bottom form side tails. She has blue colored eye and wears a a tale collared colored, white sailor uniform with black buttons going down the front, a tale skirt, and black long boots much like [[Kinu]] and [[Yura]] from the Nagara-Class wear. The rigging she wares is a basic ship components along with some basic [[14cm Naval Gun]]s and on her arm are also the same guns that are attached to her forearms like a brace.
At around the time she reaches Kai Ni, her entire uniform changes drastically with Abukuma now wearing a grey collared, beige sailor uniform with a red ribbon along with a black jacket that is worn open, and a grey skirt with rusty red trimming in the end of it. She also now wears black fingerless gloves on her hands and black spats underneath her skirt along with the black boots she still wears from her previous former upgrade.
===Misc Lines===
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Final_Battle|Eve of the Final Battle 2017]]
|origin = よーしぃ!決戦の時です。一水戦旗艦の経験と自負は伊達じゃないです!旗艦戦闘!みんな、ついてきて!
|translation = Alriiiight! It’s time for the final battle. My pride and experience as the flagship of DesRon1 isn’t just for show! Flagship starting battle! Follow me, everyone!
|audio = Abukuma_Kantai_Kessen_2017_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Final_Battle|Homecoming 2018]]
|origin = みんなさん、ありがとう…ございました!提督…提督…あたし…あたし…頑張ったよね!?
|translation = Thank you… so much, everyone! Admiral… Admiral… I… I… did my best right!?
|audio = Abukuma-Homecoming_2018_Sec1.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
Her rigging is more complex in this form as she now dual wields two [[12.7cm Twin High-Angle Mount (Late Model)]]s with a radar, some AA guns and part of a hull strapped to her left arm. She also has a boiler that is attached on her belt that comes up from behind her and is also armed with two Quad Torpedo launchers on mid section of her boots.
Abukuma is commonly depicted as being a rather shy and timid girl who's desperately tries her hardest to prove that she can be worthy of working for her admiral. When she's not on duty she tends to act more cheerful in her personality.
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="width: 100%;"
114_4.png |Base Damaged
Abukuma_kai_ni.png|Kai Ni
Abukuma_kai_ni_dmg.png|Kai Ni Damaged
By the time she reaches Kai Ni, her personality takes a shift as she becomes more confident in herself and begins to at least try to prove that she can lead more efficiently in battle.
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" style="width: 100%;"
KanMusu200_SurigaoStrait.png|[[Seasonal/Final_Battle|Kai Ni Final Battle 2018]]
KanMusu200_SurigaoStraitDmg.png|[[Seasonal/Final_Battle|Kai Ni Final Battle 2018 Damaged]]
==In-Game Tips==
==Drop Locations==
While Abukuma is rather average for a light cruiser in combat, her shining moment comes once she reaches Kai Ni. Once she is provided a blue-print and has reached level 75 she can become a unique light cruiser that has the ability to use [[Type A Ko-hyoteki]] and [[Daihatsu]]. Because of this Abukuma is considered to be a very valuable light cruiser for use in both combat and [[expedition]] situations.
Since she is a light cruiser that can use [[Daihatsu]] she can used to help gain extra resources while not partaking in sorties. At the same time, in sorties, Abukuma can be useful for situations involving Amphibious beach landings with [[Daihatsu]] and being able to launch preemptive torpedo strikes against abyssal units. While her torpedo strength isn't nearly as strong as [[Kitakami]], [[Ooi]], or [[Kiso]], the main advantage she has over them is her accessibility.
Thanks to the fact that Torpedo Cruisers can be restricted from certain maps and especially in various event maps, light cruisers such as Abukuma are mainly here to aid in backing up and bring the necessary strength of some form of preemptive torpedo strike against the enemy where torpedo cruisers aren't allowed to. Some regular map examples which Abukuma can be useful in to help give an advantage in are [[World 3#3-5|3-5]] and [[World 6#6-3|6-3]]
*Named after [[wikipedia:Abukuma_River|Abukuma River]].
*She is named after the [[wikipedia:Abukuma_River|Abukuma River]].
*On October 1930, ''Abukuma'' collided with light cruiser ''[[Kitakami]]''. ''Abukuma'' lost her bow while ''Kitakami'' sustained only light damage above the waterline. She was later fitted from the old spoon-shaped bow to a new double-curved one.
*On October 1930, ''Abukuma'' collided with light cruiser ''[[Kitakami]]''. ''Abukuma'' lost her bow while ''Kitakami'' sustained only light damage above the waterline. She was later fitted from the old spoon-shaped bow to a new double-curved one.
*She was escorted by ''[[Ushio]]'' en route to repairs when she sunk. ''Ushio'' then rescued more than half of her crew.
*She was escorted by ''[[Ushio]]'' en route to repairs when she sunk. ''Ushio'' then rescued more than half of her crew.
*Her name exist in ''Abukuma''-class Destroyers Escort in JSMDF naming from the World War II along the ship names from ''[[Ooyodo]]'',[[:Category:Sendai Class|''Sendai''-class]] and [[:Category:Tone Class|''Tone''-class]] cruisers.
*Her name exist in ''Abukuma''-class Destroyers Escort in JSMDF naming from the World War II along the ship names from ''[[Ooyodo]]'',[[:Category:Sendai Class|''Sendai''-class]] and [[:Category:Tone Class|''Tone''-class]] cruisers.
*Sunk 26 October 1944: bombed by [ USAAF] [ B-24 Liberator] bombers off [ Negros Island], [ Mindanao Sea] [¶ms=09_20_N_122_32_E_ 09°20′N 122°32′E].
*Sunk 26 October 1944: bombed by [ USAAF] [ B-24 Liberator] bombers off [ Negros Island], [ Mindanao Sea] [¶ms=09_20_N_122_32_E_ 09°20′N 122°32′E].
*She is required for [[Quests#A30|quest A30]].
==See Also==
==See Also==