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==Gameplay Notes==
==Gameplay Notes==
===Special Mechanics===
===Special Mechanics===
* Able to perform daytime special attacks. Please see [[Combat/Artillery_Spotting|Artillery Spotting]] for more details.
* None
===Equipment Compatibility===
* Can equip equip [[:Category:Landing_Craft|Landing Craft]] and {{EquipmentLink|Special Type 2 Amphibious Tank|text=Tanks}}.
* Can equip carrier fighters on Kai.
* Non exhaustive list of equipment that '''Akitsu Maru Kai''' can equip:
** {{GreenPlane}} [[List of Fighters by stats|Fighter]]
** {{Autogyro}} [[List of Anti-Submarine Equipment by stats#Anti-Submarine Patrol Aircraft|Rotorcraft]]
** {{ASWPlane}} {{EquipmentLink|Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft (ASW)|Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft Kai|text=ASW Planes|link=List of Anti-Submarine Equipment by stats#Anti-Submarine Patrol Aircraft}}
** {{LandingCraft}} [[:Category:Landing_Craft|Landing Craft]]
** {{Amphibious Tank}} {{EquipmentLink|Special Type 2 Amphibious Tank|text=Tanks}}
** {{AntiGroundArtillery}} {{EquipmentLink|WG42 (Wurfgerät 42)|Shipborne Model Type 4 20cm Anti-ground Rocket Launcher|Type 4 20cm Anti-ground Rocket Launcher (Concentrated Deployment)|text=Anti-ground Rocket Launchers}}
===Fit Bonuses===
===Fit Bonuses===