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==Gameplay Notes==
==Gameplay Notes==
===Special Mechanics===
===Special Mechanics===
* Able to perform daytime special attacks. Please see [[Combat/Artillery_Spotting|Artillery Spotting]] for more details.
* Have 4 slots at '''Kai'''.
===Equipment Compatibility===
* Can equip {{RedGunMedium}} [[List of Main Guns by stats#Medium Guns|Medium Guns]] and {{AviationPersonnel}} Aviation Personnel
* '''Cannot''' equip {{TorpedoWeapon}}  {{EquipmentLink|Type A Kouhyouteki|Type C Kouhyouteki|Type D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai)|text=Midget Submarine|link=List of Torpedoes by stats#Midget Submarines}}
** {{Sonar}} [[List of Anti-Submarine Equipment by stats#Sonars|Sonars]]
**{{Autogyro}} [[List of Anti-Submarine Equipment by stats#Anti-Submarine Patrol Aircraft|Rotorcraft]]
** {{AviationPersonnel}} Aviation Personnel
** {{Searchlight}} {{EquipmentLink|Type 96 150cm Searchlight|text= Large Searchlight}}
* Cannot equip:
** {{DepthCharge}} [[List of Anti-Submarine Equipment by stats#Depth Charges|Depth Charges]]
** {{LandingCraft}} [[:Category:Landing_Craft|Landing Craft]]
** {{Amphibious Tank}} {{EquipmentLink|Special Type 2 Amphibious Tank|text=Tanks}}
* Gain the ability to equip:
** {{LandingCraft}} [[:Category:Landing_Craft|Landing Craft]]
** {{Amphibious Tank}} {{EquipmentLink|Special Type 2 Amphibious Tank|text=Tanks}}
* Good firepower and armour.
* Decent HP.
* Good plane count.
* Good slot distribution.
===Fit Bonuses===
===Fit Bonuses===


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