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→‎Food Collection Quests: Imported updated quest data from Quests/Seasonal.
Line 148: Line 148:  
===Food Collection Quests===
===Food Collection Quests===
| type = Supply
| type = Supply
| listnum = FE1
| listnum = Su01
| reqQuest =
| reqQuest =
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =  
| namejp = 主計科任務【おにぎりを作る!】
| namejp = 主計科任務【おにぎりを作る!】
| nameen = Accounting Department Mission: "Time to make Onigiri!"
| nameen = Accounting Department Mission: "Time to make Onigiri!"
Line 165: Line 167:  
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = x2 Development Materials '''Choose one of the following Rewards'''<br> x1 [[Searchlight]] <br> or <br> x2 Improvement Materials
| other = {{QuestRewardItem|Development Material|qty=2}}<br/>'''Choose between:'''<br/>{{QuestRewardEquip|Searchlight}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=2}}
| once = True
| notes =  
| notes =
| type = Supply
| type = Supply
| listnum = FE2
| listnum = Su02
| reqQuest =FE1
| reqQuest = Su01
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 主計科任務【おにぎりを振舞おう!】
| namejp = 主計科任務【おにぎりを振舞おう!】
| nameen = Accounting Department Mission: "Treat everyone to some Onigiri!"
| nameen = Accounting Department Mission: "Treat everyone to some Onigiri!"
Line 185: Line 188:  
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = '''Choose one of the following Rewards'''<br> x1 [[Type 2 Flying Boat]] <br> or <br> x1 [[Toku Daihatsu]] <br> or <br> x1 [[61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model]]
| other = '''Choose between:'''<br/>{{QuestRewardEquip|Type 2 Large Flying Boat}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft}} {{QuestRewardEquip|61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model}}
| once = True
| notes = 3 [[Battle Rations]] will be consumed upon the completion of this quest
| notes = 3 [[Battle Rations]] will be consumed upon the completion of this quest
| type = Supply
| type = Supply
| listnum = FE3
| listnum = Su03
| reqQuest =FE1
| reqQuest = Su01
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 主計科任務【高級おにぎりを作る!】
| namejp = 主計科任務【高級おにぎりを作る!】
| nameen = Accounting Department Mission: "Time to make high-class Onigiri!"
| nameen = Accounting Department Mission: "Time to make high-class Onigiri!"
Line 203: Line 207:  
| steel = 400
| steel = 400
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = '''Choose one of the following Rewards'''<br> x1 [[Skilled Lookouts]] <br> or <br> x2 [[12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher]] <br> or <br> x7 Instant Repair
| other = '''Choose between:'''<br/>{{QuestRewardEquip|Skilled Lookouts}} {{QuestRewardEquip|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|Instant Repair Material|qty=7}}
| once = True
| notes =  
| notes =
| type = Supply
| type = Supply
| listnum = FE4
| listnum = Su04
| reqQuest =FE2
| reqQuest = Su02
| reqQuest2 =FE3
| reqQuest2 = Su03
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 主計科任務【差し入れ!高級おにぎり】
| namejp = 主計科任務【差し入れ!高級おにぎり】
| nameen = Accounting Department Mission: Here, have some high-class rice balls as a token of gratitude!
| nameen = Accounting Department Mission: Here, have some high-class rice balls as a token of gratitude!
Line 224: Line 228:  
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 500
| bauxite = 500
| other = '''Choose one of the following Rewards'''<br> x3 [[Type 52 Zero Fighter]] <br> or <br> x2 [[Shiden Kai 2]] <br> or <br> x1 New Type Aviation Materials <br>'''and'''<br> '''Choose one of the following Rewards'''<br>  x1 Furniture Fairy <br> or <br> x1 [[Reinforcement Expansion]]
| other = '''Choose between:'''<br/>{{QuestRewardEquip|Type 0 Fighter Model 52|qty=3}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Shiden Kai 2|qty=2}} {{QuestRewardItem|New Model Aerial Armament Material}}<br/>'''Then choose between:'''<br/>{{QuestRewardItem|Furniture Fairy}} {{QuestRewardItem|Reinforcement Expansion}}
| once = True
| notes = Quest Description spoken by [[Akagi]]
| notes = Quest Description spoken by [[Akagi]]  
| type = Supply
| type = Supply
| listnum = FE5
| listnum = Su05
| reqQuest =FE3
| reqQuest = Su03
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 主計科任務【お茶漬けを作る!】
| namejp = 主計科任務【お茶漬けを作る!】
| nameen = Accounting Department Mission: Time to make ochazuke!
| nameen = Accounting Department Mission: Time to make ochazuke!
Line 242: Line 247:  
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = '''Choose one of the following Rewards'''<br> x1 [[Canned Saury]] <br> or <br> x7 Improvement Materials <br> or <br> x1 [[61cm Quad (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model]]
| other = '''Choose between:'''<br/>{{QuestRewardEquip|Canned Saury}} {{QuestRewardEquip|61cm Quadruple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model}} {{QuestRewardItem|Improvement Material|qty=7}}
| once = True
| notes =  
| notes =
| type = Supply
| type = Supply
| listnum = FE6
| listnum = Su06
| reqQuest = FE4
| reqQuest = Su04
| reqQuest2 = FE5
| reqQuest2 = Su05
| namejp = 主計科任務 【お茶漬け、夜食にどうぞ!】
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 主計科任務【お茶漬け、夜食にどうぞ!】
| nameen = Accounting Department Mission: "Here, have some ochazuke for supper!"
| nameen = Accounting Department Mission: "Here, have some ochazuke for supper!"
| req = Accounting Department Mission: Ōyo-- I mean, the mission girl and A-- uh, the item shop owner are always doing so much for us, so how about we treat them to some delicious ochazuke as a late-night snack?
| req = Accounting Department Mission: Ōyo-- I mean, the mission girl and A-- uh, the item shop owner are always doing so much for us, so how about we treat them to some delicious ochazuke as a late-night snack?
Line 261: Line 266:  
| steel = 500
| steel = 500
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = '''Choose one of the following Rewards'''<br> x1 [[Canned Saury]] <br> or <br> x1 [[Reinforcement Expansion]]<br> and <br>'''Choose one of the following Rewards'''<br> x1 [[Canned Saury]] <br> or <br> x1 [[Type 3 Depth Charge Launcher (Concentrated Deployment)]]
| other = '''Choose between:'''<br/>{{QuestRewardEquip|Canned Saury}} {{QuestRewardItem|Reinforcement Expansion}}<br/>'''Then choose between:'''<br/>{{QuestRewardEquip|Canned Saury}} {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 3 Depth Charge Projector (Concentrated Deployment)}}
| once = True
| notes = Quest Description spoken by [[Yura]]
| notes = Quest Description spoken by [[Yura]]  
| type = Supply
| type = Supply
| listnum = FE7
| listnum = Su07
| reqQuest =FE5
| reqQuest = Su05
| namejp = 主計科任務 【海苔巻きを作ろう!】
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 主計科任務【海苔巻きを作ろう!】
| nameen = Accounting Department Mission: Let's Make Nori Rolls!
| nameen = Accounting Department Mission: Let's Make Nori Rolls!
| req = Accounting Department Mission: Nope, can't stock up on saury cans this time! ...Don't worry! If you gather  12 rice and 6 Nori for airplane lunch box Nori rolls, the budget bureau will exchange that for saury cans!
| req = Accounting Department Mission: Nope, can't stock up on saury cans this time! ...Don't worry! If you gather  12 rice and 6 Nori for airplane lunch box Nori rolls, the budget bureau will exchange that for saury cans!
Line 278: Line 284:  
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = x1 [[Canned Saury]]<br> and <br>'''Choose one of the following Rewards'''<br> x1 [[12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher]] <br> or <br> x1 [[25mm Triple Autocannon Mount]]
| other = {{QuestRewardEquip|Canned Saury}}<br/>'''Choose between:'''<br/>{{QuestRewardEquip|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher}} {{QuestRewardEquip|25mm Triple Autocannon Mount}}
| once = True
| notes = ※ Required Food is consumed upon completion of quest
| notes = ※ Required Food is consumed upon completion of quest
| type = Supply
| type = Supply
| listnum = FE8
| listnum = Su08
| reqQuest =FE5
| reqQuest = Su05
| namejp = 主計科任務 【和定食膳を作って完食!】
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 主計科任務【和定食膳を作って完食!】
| nameen = Accounting Department Mission: Make a Japanese set meal and eat up!
| nameen = Accounting Department Mission: Make a Japanese set meal and eat up!
| req = Accounting Department Mission: We've finally reached the climax of the accounting department missions. Let's mobilise all the ingredients we've got and make a Japanese set meal!
| req = Accounting Department Mission: We've finally reached the climax of the accounting department missions. Let's mobilise all the ingredients we've got and make a Japanese set meal!
Line 297: Line 304:  
| steel = 500
| steel = 500
| bauxite = 500
| bauxite = 500
| other = x1 [[Type 2 Depth Charge]]<br> x1 "Eat Up" Scroll
| other = {{QuestRewardEquip|Type 2 Depth Charge}} {{QuestRewardFurniture|381}}
| once = True
| notes =  
| notes =
| type = Supply
| type = Supply
| listnum = FE9
| listnum = Su09
| reqQuest = FE4
| reqQuest = Su04
| reqQuest2 = FE8
| reqQuest2 = Su08
| namejp = 主計科拡張任務 【日の丸弁当、量産!】
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 主計科拡張任務【日の丸弁当、量産!】
| nameen = Accounting Department Extra Mission: "Rising Sun Lunch Boxes for everyone!"
| nameen = Accounting Department Extra Mission: "Rising Sun Lunch Boxes for everyone!"
| req = Accounting Department Extra Mission: "Rising Sun Lunch Boxes for everyone!"
| req = Accounting Department Extra Mission: "Rising Sun Lunch Boxes for everyone!"
Line 315: Line 322:  
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = [[Prototype 15cm Nonuple ASW Rocket Launcher]]
| other = {{QuestRewardEquip|Prototype 15cm 9-tube ASW Rocket Launcher}}
| once = true
| notes = Quest Description spoken by [[Inazuma]] <br> ※ Required Food is consumed upon completion of quest.
| notes = Quest Description spoken by [[Inazuma]] <br> ※ Required Food is consumed upon completion of quest.
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