*A 3CVL + 3DD composition allows air superiority (198+ airpower) to be taken, but takes a longer route via F
*A 3CVL + 3DD composition allows air superiority (198+ airpower) to be taken, but takes a longer route via F
*Boss Elimination Phase Recommendations:
* 2DD + 1CL + 1FBB + 2CVL takes the shortest route (OPSQV) as long as all the ships are fast.
** This fleet can achieve Air Superiority against the boss on Normal Mode (266+ airpower, 278+ on final form), but not on the final form of Hard Mode (518+ airpower).
* 2FBB + 2CAV + 2CV can achieve air superiority against the final form of the boss on Hard Mode, but must pass through OPRSQV, which will face an extra carrier force.