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General Expeditions

# Key Resource Time Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Fuel.png+Ammunition.png Total Gross Resources per Hour[1] Item Icon Instant Repair Material.png CollapseSparkling Load [2]
2 Ammunition.png Item Icon Instant Repair Material.png 0:30 200 60 200 230 1 8+ for GS
3 Steel.png 0:30 90 90 120 180 300 9+ for GS
5 Fuel.pngAmmunition.png 1:30 133 133 13 13 266 318
5 GS Fuel.pngAmmunition.png 1:30 200 200 20 20 400 477 3 13 [3]
6 Bauxite.png 0:40 120 360
6 GS Bauxite.png 0:40 200 600 6
21 Fuel.pngAmmunition.png 2:20 137 116 253 253
21 GS Fuel.pngAmmunition.png 2:20 206 174 380 380 1.7 [4]
37 Ammunition.png Steel.png 2:45 138 98 138 236
37 GS Ammunition.png Steel.png 2:45 207 147 207 354 1.5 [5]
38 Fuel.png Steel.png 2:55 144 69 144 213
38 GS Fuel.png Steel.png 2:55 216 104 216 320 1.4 [6]
41 GS Fuel.png Item Icon Instant Repair Material.png 1:00 150 30 150 240 1 4 [7]
45 GS Bauxite.png 3:20 18 100 18 354 1 (95%)
A2 GS Fuel.pngAmmunition.png 0:55 115 65 16 180 228 1 4 [8]

Discussion of Expeditions

  • Great Success rates (GSR) stand at ~16 23% (i.e. 1/6) per sparkled ship, the base GS rate for expeditions with 4 and 5 sparkled ships is therefore approximately 23 (66 23%), 56 (83 13%). The rate for 6 ships should theoretically be 1, but instances of 6 sparkled ships not returning a GS have been reported, leading it to be theorized that there is a cap on the GSR.
    • For expeditions that utilize drums (i.e. the short expeditions 21, 37, 38, and the long expeditions 24 and 40), carrying over the minimum number required will also increase the GSR

Short Expeditions: 2, 3, and 6

These three expeditions form the core "short expedition" group, with 2 and 6 being the more important expeditions of the three

  • Expeditions 2, 3, and 6 possess extremely high turnover rates, and as such possess an high sparkling load
    • Expedition 2 is a great ammo expedition that also brings in steel, but its main resource is in the form of buckets, which are brought in at an average rate of 1 for every 2 expeditions, regardless of sparkling
    • Expedition 3's low ship count results in a low base GSR, and its high turnover rates mean that sparkling enough ships to ensure a high GSR is not only time-consuming and inefficient, but will result in net losses of fuel and ammo in exchange for a greater amount of steel.
    • Expedition 6 is the gold standard (aluminium standard?) of bauxite expeditions, and is the primary source of bauxite for any player; for this reason, it may be well-suited for sparkling
    • While expedition 6 gives the "highest" gross resources per hour, this is all in bauxite, which has varying utility.

"Fuel and Ammo": 5 and 21

Expeditions 5 and 21 represent the two expeditions which grant the highest combined rate of fuel and ammo in the game

  • Expedition 5 is overall the best expedition in the game, effectively dominating expedition 21 by bringing in fuel and ammunition at high rates, while also providing a small trickle of bauxite.
    • Its only real drawback is its relatively high sparkling load. As it is a 4 ship expedition, adding on a 5th sparkled ship provides a significantly higher rate of returns
      • Even given a GSR of 80%, expedition 5 still achieves 380 gross resources per hour, equal to a 100% GSR on expedition 21
  • Expedition 21, is on its own somewhat less efficient than expedition 5, but it has a slightly lighter sparkling load; with 5 ships and drum canisters, it can easily attain a near-100% GSR
    • Used in conjunction with expedition 5 brings in a very strong 406/374 fuel/ammo per hour

Tokyo Express Expeditions: 37 and 38

Expedition 37 and 38 are known as the Tokyo Express expeditions, and last just under 3 hours, serving to bring in steel and either fuel or ammo. Nonetheless, they are important expeditions for the weekly quests (which grant an improvement screw).

While still being overall strong expeditions, both 37 and 38 are relatively poor expeditions for resources when compared to 5 and 21.

  • In terms of gross resources gained, a GS 38 brings in only 2 more resources per hour than even an unsparkled 5, and both 37 and 38 bring in significantly less than a sparkled expedition 21
    • This is due to not only bringing in less resources than them, but also their focus being on fuel or ammo, and steel, instead of fuel and ammo.
    • On the other hand, they possess key advantages in their relatively light sparkle load and being much less reliant on constant monitoring than expedition 5 does.
  • Expedition 37 is the single-best ammo and steel expedition in the game, but does not bring in any fuel
    • Expedition 2's base rate brings in almost as much ammo per hour as a GS 37, and provides all-important buckets
  • Expedition 38 is the single-best fuel expedition in the game, but provides less steel than 37. This is mostly only useful when used in conjunction with expeditions 5 and 21 together
    • A combination of the three expeditions brings in 622 fuel per hour, the highest possible expeditionary fuel income, at the cost of not bringing in any buckets and very little bauxite

Key assumptions and limitations:

  • The table assumes that expedition timings are run optimally (i.e. with continuous monitoring)
  • The table lists gross, not net, resource gain.
  • Gross Resources Weightage is derived from natural regeneration rates, in which Fuel, Ammo, and Steel are weighed equally, and Bauxite is given triple weightage.
    • In practical gameplay, Fuel (used for repairs and sorties) is much more important than Ammunition (only for sortie), while steel is the least important resource (only for repairs),
    • Bauxite usage varies greatly depending on the current demands of the fleet (a carrier or LBAS-dependent event will consume bauxite rapidly, while less CV-heavy events will consume far less)
  • The chart does not take into account resources spent sparkling

Common Expedition Combinations

As one of the three expeditions is usually committed towards either expedition 2 for buckets or expedition 6 for bauxite, most combinations here will cover the options for the remaining two expeditions.

Combination Overall Resource Focus Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Fuel.png+Ammunition.png CollapseTotal Gross Resources per Hour[9]
5 GS
21 GS
Fuel.png Ammunition.png 406 374 20 20 780 860
21 GS
38 GS
Fuel.png Ammunition.png 422 174 104 0 596 700
5 GS
38 GS
Fuel.png Ammunition.png 416 200 124 20 616 800
37 GS
38 GS
Fuel.png Ammunition.png 216 207 251 0 423 674
5 GS
21 GS
38 GS
Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png 622 374 123 20 996 1180

Forming Expedition Compositions

The following can be seen from the above table

  • For extra sparkling chance, expedition 5 can be run with five sparkled ships instead of the minimum of 4.
  • Assuming perfect efficiency, expedition 5 effectively dominates expedition 21.
    • Therefore, expedition 21 should not be run unless expedition 5 is also being run
  • Stacking expeditions 5, 21, and 38 brings in the highest fuel income of all possible comnbinations

Bucket Expeditions

# Key (Non-Bucket) Resource Time Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png CollapseAverage Time Per Bucket
(lower is better)
2 Ammunition.png 0:30 200 60 01:00
4 Ammunition.png 0:50 72 01:40
9 GS Fuel.png 4:00 130 02:40 [10]
10 Ammunition.pngBauxite.png 1:30 33 19 03:00
13 GS Fuel.pngAmmunition.png 4:00 90 113 04:00
A2 GS Fuel.pngAmmunition.png 0:55 115 65 16 00:55
A3 GS Fuel.png 2:15 68 35 35 04:30
B1 GS Bauxite.png 0:35 15 45 00:35
41 GS Fuel.png 0:35 150 01:00

Sortie Resource Farming (outdated for new maps)

This portion of the review will discuss maps in which resources may be farmed.

  • 2-2: Runs have a 25% chance of averaging 10 bauxite per 1.5 nodes and a 75% chance of averaging 25 bauxite for 2 nodes
    • This works out to an average of 21 bauxite per run of 1.9 nodes, or about 110 bauxite for a full load of 5 nodes
  • 2-3: Orel cruising collects about 45 fuel and 12 ammo for a single sub per run, and is discussed further on its page
  • 3-2: Kis Island is an excellent place to farm steel with submarines, averaging 100 steel per successful run [11]
    • Farming here requires either a single high-evasion/armor submarine (to ensure that attacks are aimed a target with high evasion), or failing which, a larger fleet of submarines to eliminate enemies, preferably 4 to protect against accidentally advancing with a taiha (battle at node 2 will not start automatically with 4 subs due to the formation screen)

Overnight/Long Expeditions

# Key Resources Time Fuel.png Ammunition.png Steel.png Bauxite.png Fuel.png+Ammunition.png Total Gross Resources[12] CollapseItem Icon Instant Repair Material.png
9 GS Fuel.png 4:00 525 525 525 1.5
11 GS Bauxite.png 5:00 375 1125 1
12 GS Ammunition.pngSteel.png 8:00 75 325 300 75 400 925
13 GS Fuel.pngAmmunition.png 4:00 360 450 810 810 1
15 GS Steel.pngBauxite.png 12:00 450 600 2250
16 GS Fuel.pngAmmunition.pngSteel.pngBauxite.png 15:00 750 750 300 300 1500 2700
24 GS Fuel.pngBauxite.png 8:20 750 225 750 1425 1
35 GS Steel.pngBauxite.png 7:00 360 420 1620
36 GS Fuel.pngSteel.pngBauxite.png 9:00 720 300 300 750 1950 1
40 GS Fuel.png Ammunition.pngBauxite.png 6:50 450 450 150 900 1350 1

  1. Fuel + Ammo + Steel + 3(Bauxite)
  2. Ships per exped per hour (unless stated otherwise)
  3. Assuming 5 ships used for higher GS rate
  4. for 4 ships, 2.1 if 5 sparkled ships
  5. for 4 ships, 1.8 or 2.2 for 5, and 6 sparkled ships respectively
  6. for 4 sparkled, for 1.7 or 2.1 for 5 and 6 sparkled ships respectively
  7. Dependent on level
  8. Dependent on level
  9. Fuel + Ammo + Steel + 3(Bauxite)
  10. A GS on exped 9 either gives 1 or 2 buckets, thus averaging 1.5 buckets in 4 hours
  11. http://5-4.blog.jp/archives/1055823606.html
  12. Fuel + Ammo + Steel + 3(Bauxite)