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Kancolle Wiki:Chat/Logs/18 March 2015

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[11:52] <Admiral Mikado> I get 15€/1h for punching Japanese into people's head :V
[11:52] <Crazy teitoku> A doujinshi full of taihou? :<
[11:52] <Admiral Mikado> Among other girls
[11:52] <Crazy teitoku> lel 'punching Japanese into people's head'
[11:53] <Dechidechi> why so brutal
[11:53] <Dechidechi> listen to p0rn is better
[11:53] <Admiral Mikado> Because I can :v
[11:53] <Dechidechi> play p0rn for the dude and he
[11:53] <Crazy teitoku> lel just yolo it like GTO
[11:53] <Dechidechi> will learn all the jp
[11:55] <SerialConvort> Kinda sad how theres no voice clips for Ryuuhou
[11:55] <SerialConvort> :V
[11:55] <SerialConvort> The hourlies
[11:55] <SerialConvort> I mean
[11:56] <Dechidechi> there is
[11:56] <Dechidechi> on niconico
[11:56] <Dechidechi> :>
[11:56] <Dechidechi> http://kancolle.jetri.co/decodes/extra/voice?id=318
[11:56] <Dechidechi> also here
[11:57] <Dechidechi> clicking the blue just plays, clicking the down downloads it
[11:57] <SerialConvort> Kk
[11:57] <SerialConvort> Ty
[11:57] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls in
[11:58] <SerialConvort> <span class="me-username">* <span>SerialConvort</span></span> sees WanWan roll into a chat on its last knees
[11:58] <SerialConvort> Kek
[11:59] <WanWan101> o/
[11:59] <SerialConvort> \o
[11:59] <Crazy teitoku> hi
[11:59] <DaveSD83> \o/
[11:59] <Alonne> \o/\o/
[12:00] <WanWan101> yo yo 
[12:00] <Fleux> <span class="me-username">* <span>Fleux</span></span> says goooooooooooooooood morning!
[12:01] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> says good. mor. ning.
[12:01] <Magicrailgunner> guten morgen, fleux
[12:01] <Alonne> buenos días, fleux
[12:01] <SerialConvort> I love how 5-3 is pretty much Sendais heaven
[12:02] <SerialConvort> And how much hell it is for my resources
[12:03] <SerialConvort> Guten Morgen
[12:03] <SerialConvort> Good morn
[12:04] <WanWan101> 75 - 48 = ....
[12:04] <WanWan101> 27 levels =3=)
[12:06] <Dechidechi> that's not a good way to calculate levels
[12:06] <Admiral Mikado> ^
[12:06] <Dechidechi> it's like saying lv99-98 
1 more level
[12:06] <Flonnaru> 150-48 is 102
[12:07] <Dechidechi> but the exp for leveling that one level = leveling 50+ low level 
[12:09] <Sshinka> Pheeew! 50 transports done!
[12:09] <Dechidechi> hardcore
[12:09] <SerialConvort> Really hardcore
[12:09] <Dechidechi> i'm not done cause i'm studying
[12:09] <Dechidechi> tmr last final
[12:09] <Sshinka> seriously Bw1 and 50 transports kill whole day
[12:09] <Flonnaru> get your 50 kills done in 5-4
[12:09] <Dechidechi> ^
[12:09] <Admiral Mikado> Bw1 takes longer IMHO
[12:10] <Sshinka> depends on compass rly... both 1-1 and Orel
[12:10] <Dechidechi> bw1 basically = at least 24 boss runs 
[12:10] <Sshinka> yep
[12:11] <WWII44> hey
[12:11] <Dechidechi> 50 transport if ur lucky at 2-2, you can get it down in 13 runs
[12:11] <Admiral Mikado> I do the 50 transporter kills in 4-2 while trying to get 12 boss kills for the weekly quest
[12:11] <Sshinka> hey WW
[12:11] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> realized that chat is still on
[12:11] <SerialConvort> Yerp
[12:12] <Alexanderex> ugh wagahai not giving obs
[12:12] <Dechidechi> dayum someone married a yayoi
[12:12] <Dechidechi> lv126 in pvp alone
[12:12] <Dechidechi> dericious :9
[12:12] <Segar> still 0 on world 2 daily :v
[12:12] <SerialConvort> Yayoi is best jellyfish
[12:12] <SerialConvort> :V
[12:13] <Flonnaru> should i mention that my yayoi is lv 92
[12:13] <Magicrailgunner> flatchouli is great
I love her too c:
[12:13] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> pick up wan and shoves him in a cup
[12:13] <Qu33k> interesting. the white-haired Mutsuki class is a beer drinker
[12:13] <Sshinka> now off to 1-5
[12:13] <Magicrailgunner> kakizuki?
[12:13] <Qu33k> while Nagato is still drinking juice
[12:13] <Admiral Mikado> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/530272
[12:14] <Kitsuboshi> oh queek is here now too o/
[12:14] <Admiral Mikado> Whoops, wrong Yayoi
[12:14] <Admiral Mikado> :P 
[12:14] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[12:14] <Kitsuboshi> fine update steam w/e :x
[12:14] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls out from the cup
[12:14] <Dechidechi> dammit i think i got a little of the flu from all the people coughing during exam yesterday :/ 
[12:15] <Dechidechi> I was healthy until the 9 hour finals :/ 
[12:15] <Segar> bucket yourself
[12:15] <Segar> :>
[12:15] <Qu33k> yeah, got out of work early
[12:15] <CreamX> lel
[12:15] <Admiral Mikado> Someone tell me why I'm levelling Nowaki...
[12:15] <Dechidechi> love
[12:15] <Segar> because you are bored
[12:15] <Qu33k> and realized that I hadn't shut the chat window down before leaving
[12:15] <Kitsuboshi> you got nothing better to do?
[12:15] <Alexanderex> knock-off maki
[12:15] <Alexanderex> maki knock-off
[12:15] <Admiral Mikado> Oh right, because she's cute and I have a thing for tomboyish girls :3
[12:15] <Dechidechi> My Angel 6 DD div is all lv80+ :>
[12:15] <Qu33k> green-haired is love?
[12:15] <CreamX> no one using hankey during exam lel
[12:15] <Kitsuboshi> :o
[12:16] <Kitsuboshi> you're testing no time for otheres
[12:16] <Qu33k> backup cut-in girl?
[12:16] <Kitsuboshi> unless your cheating off them
[12:16] <Dechidechi> I mean I fking studying late into the night but I can still keep my health with my nutritious diet
[12:16] <Magicrailgunner> which item shows the food/drink again?
[12:16] <Dechidechi> why don't you stay healthy to protect others :/ 
[12:17] <Kitsuboshi> the bar window
[12:17] <Crazy teitoku> ^
[12:17] <Kitsuboshi> i don't think i saw it there this month
[12:17] <Magicrailgunner> purple one that costs 32000 coins?
[12:17] <Dechidechi> yes
[12:17] <Kitsuboshi> yes
[12:17] <Magicrailgunner> ok
[12:17] <WWII44> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1613279?tags=jun%27you_%28kantai_collection%29+rating%3Asafe
[12:17] <Magicrailgunner> welp, i know what i need to do
[12:17] <Alexanderex> 3-3 all the way
[12:17] <Magicrailgunner> "rating:safe"
[12:17] <Alexanderex> lolol
[12:17] <Kitsuboshi> buy the 80k window
[12:17] <Kitsuboshi> yup
[12:17] <Kitsuboshi> or was it 40k
[12:17] <Kitsuboshi> i don't remember
[12:17] <Qu33k> Miyuki genki
[12:17] <Qu33k> o so genki
[12:17] <CreamX> 80k drawer
[12:18] <Alexanderex> just buy any 5-digit window
[12:18] <Dechidechi> 40k window
[12:18] <Kitsuboshi> that junyou
[12:18] <Dechidechi> that's the most expensive window
[12:18] <CreamX> who wants to buy thay
[12:18] <WWII44> Kashiwara Maru actually
[12:18] <Dechidechi> I bought the 88K drawer
[12:18] <Kitsuboshi> i wanna buy it :x
[12:18] <CreamX> lel
[12:18] <Alexanderex> me too :| 
[12:18] <Admiral Mikado> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1896601
'Sup, biatches? :V
[12:18] <Kitsuboshi> lmao
[12:18] <Magicrailgunner> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1938615?tags=asashio_%28kantai_collection%29+rating%3Asafe
[12:19] <Dechidechi> you mean this
[12:19] <Kitsuboshi> that poi
[12:19] <Dragonjet> https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11008495_10204195948514091_6670502498651699380_n.jpg?oh=89cfb090df0728d1df34a6e92b8cccb8&oe=55B4731F&__gda__=1438068832_328ecabcbc27f3b8c22c591a594d3697
[12:20] <SerialConvort> Waitin on dat Repulse ship
[12:20] <SerialConvort> That will probs never happen
[12:20] <SerialConvort> :V
[12:20] <SerialConvort> Or maybe one of Kongous Cousins
[12:20] <CreamX> http://puu.sh/gEJbX/c4b2bb5468.jpg 
[12:20] <Qu33k> Ika drinking juice
[12:20] <Admiral Mikado> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=43788459
Too manly for you :v
[12:21] <Qu33k> probably a good thing
[12:21] <Dragonjet> https://scontent-hkg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10410421_650320901736592_4947768260538143155_n.jpg?oh=e3c2a19f8bea29e991897ea31c37926e&oe=557A8DED
[12:21] <Flonnaru> wtf little bit nsfw
[12:21] <CreamX> https://scontent-hkg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10392541_650466305055385_6109292891687725301_n.jpg?oh=5f3b3287d2bfffa6e6c324de64505754&oe=55B51A94 ohh yea
[12:22] <Admiral Mikado> lel
[12:22] <Admiral Mikado> I ain't gonna ignore mah Kaga :V
[12:22] <Flonnaru> how yukikaze is unharmed
[12:22] <Dechidechi> i ignore kaga :9
[12:23] <Admiral Mikado> GTFO DECHI--- :<
[12:23] <SerialConvort> Shes like my only CV
[12:23] <Dechidechi> love dechi
[12:23] <Crazy teitoku> 夕立 (lewd) http://tsundora.com/127603
[12:23] <Alexanderex> ... i'm guilty of it too
[12:23] <Admiral Mikado> I LOVE THEM ALL :>
[12:23] <SerialConvort> Literally the only one above 20
[12:23] <CreamX> https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10941427_1116412828384343_7877043655305745945_n.jpg?oh=41b4c4a7bd72cc8cdcc90cb310e75b12&oe=55B78E9F&__gda__=1433939476_481b677bee9a2a16fd35c1301e2d0812 yasen (nsfw)
[12:23] <SerialConvort> Crazy I love it
[12:23] <SerialConvort> :C
[12:23] <Kitsuboshi> hmm
[12:23] <Kitsuboshi> we going into these position now
[12:23] <Kitsuboshi> I want some MOAR
[12:23] <Kitsuboshi> maor
[12:24] <Admiral Mikado> Oh my, whatcha gonna do with dat torpedo...? :9
[12:24] <Kitsuboshi> that word is still weird 
[12:24] <CreamX> ram it in
[12:24] <CreamX> :>
[12:24] <Dechidechi> it's mah PEDO
[12:24] <Dechidechi> u know wut im going to do :>
[12:24] <SerialConvort> Da Pedo
[12:24] <Kitsuboshi> is it gonna blow it's load? 
[12:24] <Crazy teitoku> 天津風 http://tsundora.com/127593
[12:24] <DaveSD83> just make sure the torpedo is disarmed first... we don't want any accidents... right?
[12:25] <Admiral Mikado> Always use protection :>
[12:25] <Kitsuboshi> my eyes, too loli
[12:25] <SerialConvort> @Kitsu heres your pose https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1465051?tags=arakawa_under_the_bridge
[12:25] <Dechidechi> heres the orignial sauce
[12:25] <Crazy teitoku> inb4 hacchan gets mentioned, or even iku
[12:25] <CreamX> http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im4638702
[12:25] <CreamX> nsfw
[12:26] <DaveSD83> nsfw: http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1886248?tags=yahagi_%28kantai_collection%29
[12:26] <Qu33k> tfw you start your game day with two subs hit to orange
[12:26] <Kitsuboshi> thats how you eat that stuff
[12:26] <CreamX> https://scontent-hkg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/11062061_356976661171623_1968928855912375934_n.jpg?oh=cf54caa5e038d71864130b545f3dec75&oe=55B3DF68
[12:26] <Dragonjet> kamido
[12:26] <Flonnaru> night guys,im out
[12:26] <Segar> night
[12:26] <Dragonjet> she called out to you yet?
[12:26] <Dragonjet> https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11036303_808442492572318_2350631583419083365_n.jpg?oh=8afb2bb6e5da9e12c6361a687f5ad4fa&oe=557A57C1&__gda__=1434347435_b1046694df7b515e4c78feaf7bedb848
[12:26] <CreamX> cya
[12:26] <Sshinka> nn Flo
[12:27] <Qu33k> tfw you get rekt and get side-doored.
[12:27] <CreamX> mikado kun lel
[12:27] <Qu33k> yay, a nother burner
[12:27] <Admiral Mikado> WHo's that? :V
[12:27] <SerialConvort> Nightttttt
[12:27] <Dragonjet> ive no idea :v
[12:27] <SerialConvort> I think
[12:27] <SerialConvort> Ehh
[12:27] <CreamX> https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11074397_844873288893578_3636494696796229157_n.jpg?oh=5ce271b833c9b9c3e2f521ea2178bbe2&oe=557EEB8C&__gda__=1433796660_9c3945a402ef3623b1e6e6f28375250e lewd
[12:27] <Kitsuboshi> you got a stalker Mikado~
[12:28] <Magicrailgunner> haruna a best
[12:28] <Kitsuboshi> come on cream you know how i feel about the harubna :T
[12:28] <Segar> beast*?
[12:28] <Dechidechi> https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=102952
[12:28] <Magicrailgunner> no
haruna is the best :D 
[12:28] <Admiral Mikado> Is that the one, Dechi?
[12:28] <SerialConvort> Dechi da heck
[12:30] <CreamX> @kitsu https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1950163?tags=bismarck_%28kantai_collection%29 nsfw
[12:30] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> looks at Bisko
[12:30] <Kitsuboshi> put some cloths on dear 
[12:30] <Magicrailgunner> is bisko's chest that large?
[12:30] <Magicrailgunner> second OOI
[12:30] <CreamX> ktkm*
[12:31] <Kitsuboshi> that kaga
[12:31] <Kitsuboshi> i think i know that artist
[12:31] <Dechidechi> here kimado
[12:32] <Admiral Mikado> http://danbooru.donmai.us/pools/9280
Best Kaga
[12:32] <Admiral Mikado> How did you find it so fast, Dechi...? :V
[12:32] <CreamX> @kitsu http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48889696 nsfw 
[12:32] <Crazy teitoku> 瑞鳳 (lewd) http://tsundora.com/110421
[12:32] <Kitsuboshi> Akaryuu~
[12:33] <Dechidechi> cause I search picture sauce for lyfe :v
[12:33] <Kitsuboshi> i have that one cream :x
[12:33] <Kitsuboshi> ty thoguh
[12:33] <SerialConvort> https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10329220_650388368396512_6897504269738571110_n.jpg?oh=31dc5b9fb4b7a3a27bed6dcf04384c88&oe=55BD3564&__gda__=1437863606_65c07a59165efdb8ee05d32290218ccf
[12:33] <SerialConvort> New mekkanics
[12:33] <CreamX> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48746093
[12:33] <Magicrailgunner> the cherry stem tying doesn't only apply to kissing
[12:34] <DaveSD83> <span class="me-username">* <span>DaveSD83</span></span> just had to find that mystery girl posted a bit ago: Komone Hinata http://bato.to/read/_/258273/kyou-no-kerberos_v1_ch3_by_cat-scans/9
[12:34] <Ninthsense> magic practicing for ass kissing?
[12:34] <Dechidechi> rather than downloading poor resolution images from secondary sites, I look for the original sauce
[12:34] <Admiral Mikado> ^
[12:35] <CreamX> http://tsundora.com/111087 lewd
[12:35] <Magicrailgunner> mikado = kimado? lol
[12:35] <Dechidechi> mikado, kimado, madoki 
[12:35] <Dechidechi> :>
[12:35] <Crazy teitoku> 磯風 (NSFW) http://tsundora.com/123208
[12:35] <Kitsuboshi> mikomiko
[12:35] <Admiral Mikado> People never bothered to spell my name correctly :V
[12:35] <Ninthsense> mikado has many faces
[12:35] <Ninthsense> all of which dechi is familiar with
[12:35] <SerialConvort> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48729940
[12:36] <Magicrailgunner> Admiral Mikado
there, there
[12:36] <Kitsuboshi> who wants to type out whole names
[12:36] <Dechidechi> i think i was the one that started those names :v
[12:36] <CreamX> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48215263 nb bisko
[12:36] <Kitsuboshi> witn rail
[12:36] <Dechidechi> :>
[12:36] <Kitsuboshi> right*
[12:36] <Crazy teitoku> 提督帝
[12:36] <Magicrailgunner> hahaha
[12:37] <Kitsuboshi> thats not how you play that game bisko
[12:37] <Admiral Mikado> 御門提督
[12:37] <SerialConvort> https://scontent-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1604639_649597255142290_4912555131949781831_n.jpg?oh=a50fd60b6a9fd46301d49c1a10f7b4b5&oe=557CBEBE
[12:37] <Crazy teitoku> Got the order wrong and wrong kanji lel.
[12:38] <Crazy teitoku> If only we can change our usernames on wiki :>
[12:38] <Dechidechi> https://twitter.com/watarai/status/399981888275623936
original sauce
[12:38] <Kitsuboshi> for what 
[12:38] <Kitsuboshi> woooo dechi is ontop of these
[12:39] <Crazy teitoku> Change it for some fancy one :v
[12:39] <SerialConvort> Dechi is on the job
[12:39] <Alexanderex> fuck, i have to stop using fodder DDs for 1-1 sparkling already
[12:39] <Kitsuboshi> hmm
[12:39] <Dechidechi> it's also in pixiv
[12:39] <Dechidechi> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=39999978
[12:39] <Magicrailgunner> dechi saucemaster
[12:40] <SerialConvort> https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11074139_649146325187383_1679662147182815649_n.jpg?oh=529a310cdf7ae6a8f3f8462e65be3d6a&oe=55B10F5F&__gda__=1434490459_8ae96826d5ed2178271e2eb9b92e1798
[12:40] <SerialConvort> Naka abuse is real
[12:41] <Magicrailgunner> hahaha
[12:41] <Qu33k> inB4 domestic abuse PSA
[12:42] <Crazy teitoku> 陸奥 (lewd) http://tsundora.com/123167
[12:42] <Kitsuboshi> 4662 is taht a good sushi plan?
[12:42] <Dechidechi> i prefer 1000 more extra rsc
[12:42] <Kitsuboshi> i htought 3 was bad :x
[12:43] <Dechidechi> I'm kindof into believing the total rsc count thing, but there's not too much stat on that
[12:43] <Alexanderex> 'cause dechi's tricking him into rolling a jun'you out 
[12:43] <Alexanderex> kek
[12:43] <Crazy teitoku> @Jintsuu gonna craft sushi?
[12:43] <Kitsuboshi> gonna try again
[12:43] <Kitsuboshi> most likly noshiroo
[12:43] <Kitsuboshi> \again
[12:43] <Alexanderex> lol
[12:43] <Dechidechi> and I got my sushi with 4672, cause too much steel
[12:43] <Alexanderex> i haven't gotten a single CL with larger recipes before
[12:44] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> table flip
[12:44] <Alexanderex> guess i'm lucky?
[12:44] <Admiral Mikado> Me neither
[12:44] <Kitsuboshi> GIVE ME NOSHIRO
[12:44] <Kitsuboshi> i don't want no Kongou
[12:44] <Alexanderex> you jinxed your self brah
[12:44] <Dechidechi> yea, that's what the wikiwiki is trying to prove, like 20000 total rsc = 0 CL results
[12:44] <Admiral Mikado> Not really, I'm done with LSC
[12:44] <Crazy teitoku> inb4 segar's curse
[12:44] <Alexanderex> so it's possible to get CL with 4662, huh?
[12:44] <Qu33k> I posted this earlier, but for those who weren't here then, dogs & booze for St Paddy's Day: https://40.media.tumblr.com/79ea35deb82971f6ddcde8176fcf39df/tumblr_nl9t30I7Sl1sywi7vo1_540.jpg
[12:44] <Kitsuboshi> lol taht dog
[12:44] <CreamX> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=42246702
[12:45] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> looks at res....
[12:45] <Kitsuboshi> i can do it again but then i'm out of the game
[12:45] <Dechidechi> yea i got my agano with 4/6/6/2
[12:45] <CreamX> nsfw
[12:45] <Dechidechi> so i suppose yes you can get CL with 4/6/6/2
[12:45] <Kitsuboshi> w/e yolo
[12:46] <Dechidechi> so far there are 0 reports of CL results on rsc over 20000 for LSC
[12:46] <Kitsuboshi> 4:30?
[12:46] <Qu33k> ffs, that's not nsfw
[12:46] <Kitsuboshi> isn't taht fusou
[12:46] <Qu33k> fully clothed
[12:46] <Dechidechi> 4:30 is akagi
[12:46] <Qu33k> >.<
[12:46] <Alexanderex> fusou's 4:20
[12:46] <Kitsuboshi> lame
[12:46] <Xenzul> well, i got noshiro in 5-4
[12:46] <Qu33k> silly concept, but still cute
[12:46] <Xenzul> well event first
[12:46] <Xenzul> but you can try 5-4
[12:46] <Kitsuboshi> so Mikado's plan got me kongou and dechi's got akagi :T
[12:47] <Admiral Mikado> I got Noshiro twice from Fall E-3
[12:47] <Xenzul> i got her from the original event :V
[12:47] <Dechidechi> my first noshiro is dated back to march 2014
[12:47] <Qu33k> someone on Tumblr mentioned 4772 as the Musashi plan
[12:47] <Qu33k> I got Kongou
[12:47] <Crazy teitoku> Agano and Noshiro sort of dropped like candies for me at that last event.
[12:47] <Kitsuboshi> ^
[12:47] <Qu33k> you and everyone else, CrazyTTK
[12:47] <Kitsuboshi> all i know is
[12:48] <Kitsuboshi> someone is gonna get a sushi/yamato today
[12:48] <Kitsuboshi> always happens after i fail :T
[12:48] <CreamX> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BjkdCrWCQAAHYkI.jpg:large lewd
[12:48] <Crazy teitoku> @Qu33k inb4 self declaration of milking all the luck and not getting one mochi :p 
[12:48] <Crazy teitoku> I got Yamato pretty much first try as well, crafted her during the event.
[12:49] <Alexanderex> lol kitsu
[12:49] <Alexanderex> quick, rig the system
[12:49] <Arkayda963> (nanodesu) 
[12:49] <Alexanderex> go to your alt account and LSC now
[12:49] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls arkay
[12:49] <Kitsuboshi> i don't have one D:
[12:49] <Kitsuboshi> ARK~
[12:49] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> flop
[12:50] <Arkayda963> >_<
[12:50] <Kitsuboshi> I just failed 2x Yamato/sushi plans
[12:50] <Kitsuboshi> i'm out of KC for today YAY~
[12:50] <Admiral Mikado> So?
[12:50] <Kitsuboshi> hmm was just informing him :x
[12:50] <Arkayda963> lol
[12:50] <Crazy teitoku> I've stopped LSC for awhile now, going to continue not LSCing for maybe at least a month or so.
[12:50] <Dechidechi> well, you know if I were you and i have 0 LSC big ships, I would aim for Bismarck first
[12:51] <Admiral Mikado> ^
[12:51] <Dechidechi> cause you can get yamato and sushi from bismarck recipe too
[12:51] <Alexanderex> 4672, huh
[12:51] <Admiral Mikado> And you have control over whether Bismarck can appear or not
[12:51] <Kitsuboshi> um was that aimed at me?
[12:51] <CreamX> aimed for maruyu
[12:51] <Arkayda963> but 5hr can mean Nagato-class :s 
[12:51] <Dechidechi> if you don't have LSC big ships that is
[12:51] <Alexanderex> basic recepie kek
[12:51] <Reikyu> and a bonus chance for musashi
[12:52] <Alexanderex> lol
[12:52] <Alexanderex> arkay, better see a 5 hour timer than never
[12:52] <CreamX> use z1 fs
[12:52] <Arkayda963> well yeah xD
[12:52] <Kitsuboshi> i have Bismark, no interest in taihou, so going for yamasushi
[12:52] <Dechidechi> is ur bismarck drei yet?
[12:52] <Kitsuboshi> and married
[12:52] <Dechidechi> I got both yamato and sushi with bismarck drei tho
[12:53] <Arkayda963> i need Atago for finish my pre-quest for get Z1
[12:53] <Crazy teitoku> Some have also said that if you aim for sush's recipe, hotel appears.
[12:53] <Dechidechi> Yamato on Bismarck drei patch
[12:53] <Arkayda963> so need wait for biscuit :p 
[12:53] <Alexanderex> z1's a sham for me
[12:53] <Dechidechi> Sushi right after Yamashiro k2 patch
[12:53] <Admiral Mikado> Hotel & Sushi share the same recipe :P 
[12:53] <Alexanderex> I've gotten better ships with prinz lel
[12:53] <Alexanderex> me and my poor z1 streak
[12:53] <Kitsuboshi> hmm
[12:53] <CreamX> waiting for eugen to be crafted on lsc
[12:53] <CreamX> :>
[12:53] <Crazy teitoku> They do, except supposedly sushi's was something like 4/7/7/2 on wiki or something.
[12:53] <Kitsuboshi> kuro should have rolled after my fail
[12:53] <Kitsuboshi> maybe he could have gotten her
[12:53] <Admiral Mikado> That's just a variation of the same basic recipe
[12:54] <Admiral Mikado> The only real difference is that Musashi requires at least 20 (devmat)
[12:54] <Arkayda963> on wiki they say Sushi come when you put 20 dev mat than 1...
[12:54] <Admiral Mikado> Why is there no icon yet...? :<
[12:54] <Crazy teitoku> shrug I got yamato with 20 devmat :) 
[12:54] <Admiral Mikado> So did I
[12:54] <Alexanderex> ^
[12:54] <Arkayda963> (lag) :p 
[12:54] <CreamX> (screw) 
[12:54] <Kitsuboshi> same reason we don't have (taiha)
[12:54] <Dechidechi> we have (de ) (chi ) <3 
[12:55] <Admiral Mikado> It's just that if you already have Musashi you can effectively remove her from the result pool by using only 1 dev mat
[12:55] <Alexanderex> where's the riot for it when we need one
[12:55] <CreamX> (batman) (screw) ing (nanodesu) 
[12:55] <Alexanderex> can bissie appear with 1 devmat?
[12:55] <Admiral Mikado> No
[12:55] <Crazy teitoku> Ah
[12:55] <CreamX> No~
[12:55] <Dechidechi> just 20 devmat them
[12:55] <Alexanderex> crap
[12:55] <Reikyu> i tried for musashi but got yamato, and now i'm stuck still using 20 dev mat attempts :x
[12:55] <Alexanderex> oh well, not like i'm gonna LSC for the next few months
[12:55] <Crazy teitoku> ^
[12:55] <Alexanderex> i'm already starting to prepare for hibernation
[12:56] <Reikyu> hibernation?
[12:56] <CreamX> lsc b4 the event stats :3
[12:56] <Arkayda963> as for me i can't do LSC anyway
[12:56] <Alexanderex> event
[12:56] <Reikyu> too soon
[12:56] <Crazy teitoku> It appears for me I have better luck at crafting during events.
[12:56] <Alexanderex> nevah too soon :3
[12:56] <CreamX> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1530482?tags=zuikaku_%28kantai_collection%29
[12:56] <Arkayda963> 18k (fuel) / 15k (steel) / 4k (ammo / 5k (baux) 
[12:56] <Crazy teitoku> @Arkay even though you managed to get Nagato class :P 
[12:56] <Reikyu> too soon = no more milking regen
[12:56] <Alexanderex> event preparation is only for a limited time but i can LSC whenever
[12:56] <Arkayda963> i already have nagato class :p 
[12:57] <Arkayda963> Nagato my normal craft and Mutsu by drop
[12:57] <Crazy teitoku> That is what I meant lel, they also appear in LSC drops
[12:57] <Arkayda963> i know
[12:57] <Reikyu> every 4 days above softcap = 1 big ship lsc attempt
[12:57] <Alexanderex> oh, the heartache
[12:57] <Crazy teitoku> < still missing mutslug
[12:57] <Alexanderex> I've gotten a nagato and a mutsu from LSC
[12:57] <Dechidechi> you can 1 big ship LSC per 1.5 day
[12:57] <Crazy teitoku> Nagato from normal crafting.
[12:57] <Alexanderex> imagine the heartstopping 5 hour timer
[12:57] <Alexanderex> and you see either of them
[12:57] <Dechidechi> it means an attempt for Sushi every 1.5 day
[12:58] <WanWan101> both nagato and mutsu from yamato recipe =3=
[12:58] <Kitsuboshi> that how it works~
[12:58] <Alexanderex> i can't farm 4662 within 1.5 days lol
[12:58] <Arkayda963> i can't get the ressource in 1.5 days Dechi =w=
[12:58] <Reikyu> 4 days of natural regen alone is a big ship lsc
[12:58] <Blasterion> My mutsuki crew is so cute
[12:58] <Reikyu> that takes 0 work
[12:58] <WanWan101> finally reaching the boss
[12:58] <Crazy teitoku> 1.5 days crafting sushi is like yolo style.
[12:59] <Crazy teitoku> Stuff that.
[12:59] <Dechidechi> why would you not play kancolle for 4 days tho
[12:59] <Reikyu> i'm saying if you go over softcap now, you're losing lscs
[12:59] <Crazy teitoku> inb4 desire detector
[12:59] <Blasterion> because 80 hour expedition is cancer
[12:59] <Kitsuboshi> i still played during that exp
[12:59] <Kitsuboshi> during event
[01:00] <Kitsuboshi> no biggy
[01:00] <Dechidechi> 80 hour is only 1 fleet down
[01:00] <Kitsuboshi> ^
[01:00] <Dechidechi> you always still have the first fleet to poke with
[01:00] <Sshinka> i'm without one fleet for 2 weeks now.. clearing all long expeditions
[01:00] <Sshinka> and i'm still ok with resources
[01:00] <Qu33k> Sshinka, we've all been there
[01:01] <Qu33k> no fun, but worth the results
[01:01] <Sshinka> yeah
[01:01] <Crazy teitoku> I plan to do that next month actually. Doing all the long expeditions on three fleets after I amassed enough res.
[01:01] <Kitsuboshi> idk i just elt like i really needed tokyo so i did everything for it
[01:01] <Blasterion> gotta do the 2 day SS one like 5 times or something
[01:01] <Blasterion> yeah
[01:01] <Blasterion> I figured it's not an event yet
[01:01] <Sshinka> you get enough res for daily needs from 2 expeditions + quests
[01:01] <Blasterion> I need tokyo
[01:02] <Kitsuboshi> hoenstly
[01:02] <Blasterion> Better Now than ever
[01:02] <Dechidechi> guess i should start wasting mah burners on maruyu LSC :>
[01:02] <Kitsuboshi> tokyo>z1
[01:02] <Dechidechi> 1450+ burners lel
[01:02] <Sshinka> hell didn't even have 4th expedition until HQ level 74
[01:02] <CreamX> 735 atm
[01:02] <Crazy teitoku> I like to be better prepared nonetheless, I have too many long exp not even attempted.
[01:02] <Sshinka> i mean 4th fleet
[01:03] <Crazy teitoku> Almost the same here.
[01:03] <CreamX> who?
[01:03] <Crazy teitoku> You meant 4th fleet?
[01:03] <CreamX> i unlock my 4th fleet at 65 . .
[01:03] <Sshinka> 74 here
[01:03] <Crazy teitoku> 73 or so.
[01:03] <Sshinka> funny how some ppl unlock it before lvl 40
[01:03] <Dechidechi> about this time 1 year ago, i crafted shimakaze 
[01:04] <Xenzul> crafted
[01:04] <Xenzul> pfffffffffffft
[01:04] <Xenzul> why not drop
[01:04] <Alexanderex> i crafted shimabutt quite early on too
[01:04] <Crazy teitoku> I also crafted shimabutt as well.
[01:04] <CreamX> shimabutt at lvl 10
[01:04] <Alexanderex> though I didn't find immediate use of her
[01:04] <Arkayda963> wait... 5 days natural genere = big LSC ? =w=
[01:04] <Dechidechi> cause shimakaze decided to come when I was about to enter my finals week last year
[01:04] <Dechidechi> it was sunday and i was stuyding, then shimakaze crafted
[01:04] <Sshinka> crafted her very early.. like lvl 10-12
[01:05] <Alexanderex> arkayda... 5 days natural regen without loss
[01:05] <Dechidechi> I was HQ 55? 
[01:05] <Alexanderex> that means 0 sorties, unless you supplement sortieswith expeds
[01:05] <WanWan101> i unlocked 4th fleet just before 40 :/ 
[01:05] <Crazy teitoku> I think I was around HQ 30 when I got shimabutt.
[01:05] <SerialConvort> I got shimakaze on like 2-3 or something
[01:05] <SerialConvort> When I was HQ 23 or 30
[01:05] <Crazy teitoku> er I meant got as in crafted.
[01:05] <Arkayda963> hum......... weird
[01:05] <Dechidechi> well I crafted all my buildable ships
[01:06] <Crazy teitoku> I was also hoping to get beaver but got shimabutt instead, wasn't complaining.
[01:06] <Alexanderex> .. sending DDs as 1-1 fodder is fucking suicidal for me
[01:06] <CreamX> http://imgur.com/8yxsGip dechi . . .celebrate for shimakaze
[01:06] <Dechidechi> I don't have anything to aim for :v
[01:06] <Dechidechi> and I stocked up too many maruyus yesterday :v
[01:06] <Alexanderex> 2nd bismarck
[01:06] <CreamX> just waste rsc :b
[01:06] <Alexanderex> get like 4 more 38cm guns to kai
[01:06] <Alexanderex> kek
[01:06] <Dechidechi> my slot is filled with maruyus
[01:07] <Dechidechi> and mikumas
[01:07] <Alexanderex> feed maruyus to maruyus
[01:07] <Alexanderex> why mikumas lol
[01:07] <Crazy teitoku> @Cream and panic when event comes around? :) 
[01:07] <Dechidechi> free 20.3 (no.3
[01:07] <Dechidechi> lv 30 for a free 20.3 (no.3)
[01:07] <Dechidechi> kinugasa is lv55
[01:07] <Alexanderex> oh yeah, kai
[01:07] <Admiral Mikado> https://twitter.com/gabetoshi/status/577107786598723584
[01:07] <Alexanderex> hmm wouldn't no.2 be better?
[01:08] <Alexanderex> unless you improve no.3 to like 5 or stars
[01:08] <Dechidechi> I can get no.2 from modding factory
[01:08] <Xenzul> Did you know
[01:08] <Xenzul> Spending 5mins in K-chat
[01:08] <Reikyu> is cancerous to your health?
[01:08] <Xenzul> Will make you lose half your brain cells
[01:08] <Xenzul> Cancer
[01:08] <Xenzul> CANCER
[01:08] <Sshinka> Xen why are you so obsessed with Cancer today?
[01:08] <Dechidechi> I thought 5 mins in K-cht = lose half of ur sperm stock
[01:08] <Admiral Mikado> no.3 is better for CA(V)s since they don't really need the accuracy bonus of the no.2 guns, they have a 4th slot for radars.
[01:08] <Xenzul> Today?
[01:09] <Xenzul> Arent you sure its been like this for the last 4 days
[01:09] <Arkayda963> Xen are obsessed by Cancer since 2 day ago too =w=
[01:09] <Dechidechi> the only way to get cheap no.3 is from Mikuma kai
[01:09] <Sshinka> hmm didnt notice it before, let's say 15 hours
[01:09] <Dechidechi> and I have 10+ no.2
[01:09] <Xenzul> I wonder why?
[01:09] <Xenzul> <span class="me-username">* <span>Xenzul</span></span> looks at certain people
[01:10] <Reikyu> only you can stop the cancer xen
[01:10] <Xenzul> nuke chat?
[01:10] <Qu33k> Able/Baker
[01:10] <Qu33k> Nagato and Prinz Eugen ask no
[01:10] <SerialConvort> Pantheon: I always wanted to be a baker
[01:10] <CreamX> new episode of hsdxd
[01:10] <Qu33k> Sakawa would as well, but I don't have her
[01:10] <Arkayda963> Seriel
[01:11] <Arkayda963> Get out :v
[01:11] <SerialConvort> Mehhhh
[01:11] <Qu33k> got her sister today though
[01:11] <SerialConvort> :V
[01:11] <Qu33k> never thought I'd be so bummed for a Yahagi drop
[01:11] <DaveSD83> wait, I knew of the new season for HSDxD... but it's out already?
[01:11] <CreamX> oVa
[01:11] <Xenzul> ^
[01:11] <SerialConvort> OVA
[01:11] <Xenzul> CANCER
[01:11] <Xenzul> CANCER
[01:11] <DaveSD83> ohh
[01:11] <SerialConvort> Is all your gettin
[01:11] <SerialConvort> :V
[01:11] <Dechidechi> its the fap anime
[01:12] <Dechidechi> 24 minutes of bewbs vs ur torpedo
[01:12] <Sshinka> Xen, quite a few new TTK in chat, give them some time to adapt man... and chill out :) 
[01:12] <SerialConvort> I recall DxD for the Matrix Boob Physics
[01:12] <SerialConvort> Thats about it
[01:12] <Xenzul> Nah, Im looking at people, and if you want specifics, you're one of them
[01:12] <Alexanderex> Sshinka, no rest for the wicked
[01:12] <CreamX> its hotd
[01:12] <SerialConvort> Hm
[01:12] <SerialConvort> Maybe im mixin up two animes
[01:12] <Xenzul> The chat log can hold on to my words
[01:13] <Dragonjet> gen
[01:13] <DaveSD83> High School of the Dead.... wish that manga would come out of hiatus... and stay out of hiatus....
[01:13] <Dragonjet> sui
[01:14] <Dragonjet> hime
[01:14] <Xenzul> awww
[01:14] <Xenzul> DJ acting cute~
[01:14] <Dragonjet> is he here?
[01:14] <Kitsuboshi> says he is
[01:14] <Dechidechi> hes there alright, doesn't mean he's in his chair
[01:14] <Dechidechi> doesn't mean he's not fapping
[01:15] <Dragonjet> oh i better not disturb his le sexy time
[01:15] <Xenzul> 7 Haruna's dropped on me today. Makes you wonder about that time Segar didn't have any......
[01:16] <Xenzul> Good timessss
[01:16] <Dechidechi> after a drop has dropped, it will always drop
[01:16] <Sshinka> true that
[01:16] <Dechidechi> like i get an iku every week from 1-5 weekly for the past 3 months
[01:16] <Xenzul> Thanks dechi, but I don't think you get the meaning
[01:16] <Crazy teitoku> I got 5 kaga in like a week from 2-3 boss node.
[01:17] <Sshinka> just doing last 1-5 weekly run
[01:17] <Sshinka> Oscar avoidance sucess - as always :P 
[01:17] <Dechidechi> Xenzul that's just bullying :>
[01:20] <Xenzul> sue me
[01:20] <CreamX> i got 4 taigei this week
[01:20] <Qu33k> dodging Oscar is always a good thing
[01:20] <Reikyu> wat
[01:20] <Qu33k> just happens so rarely
[01:21] <Dechidechi> 4 taigei's what is this voodoo
[01:21] <Sshinka> he didn't ever manage to taiha me.
[01:21] <Xenzul> one week?
[01:21] <Xenzul> That's pretty hardcore
[01:21] <CreamX> yep . . 
[01:21] <Dechidechi> where are you whaling
[01:21] <CreamX> 2-5
[01:21] <Reikyu> that's beyond hardcore, that's impossiburuu
[01:21] <Dechidechi> and how many 2-5 did u do
[01:21] <Hossinator> hes lucky hoss wasnt here for that comment
[01:22] <CreamX> last tuesday 2 consecutive . . 
[01:22] <Xenzul> are you calling hoss?
[01:22] <Qu33k> RNG works in mysterious ways. . . .
[01:22] <Crazy teitoku> ^
[01:22] <Reikyu> why so much whaling, what are you missing, an akashi?
[01:22] <Crazy teitoku> inb4 milking all your luck out like I did.
[01:23] <CreamX> yea i dont have akashi :>
[01:23] <Reikyu> then your luck is so good it's bad
[01:24] <Crazy teitoku> lel you and Veeliam missing Akashi.
[01:24] <Blasterion> i dont have an akashi either
[01:24] <Dechidechi> it's like crafting 4 hotels but 0 sushis
[01:24] <Segar> thats Echo`s case
[01:24] <Segar> :>
[01:24] <CreamX> http://imgur.com/3SuYziP
[01:25] <Reikyu> the screenshot of someone who started during e-1
[01:25] <Reikyu> dat 5 and 15 id taigei
[01:26] <Dragonjet> i want a daiku
[01:26] <Admiral Mikado> > Taigei ID 5

.........................WAIT WHAT?!?!?
[01:26] <Dragonjet> new player
[01:26] <Xenzul> yfw
[01:26] <Segar> Taigei ID 5?
[01:26] <Reikyu> new players had it so easy in e-1
[01:26] <Dragonjet> wait what, 1758
[01:26] <Dragonjet> so many ships already
[01:27] <Decyl> Well dang, them Taigeis
[01:27] <Dragonjet> wait i think he got more ships than me
[01:27] <Dragonjet> what
[01:27] <Dechidechi> I'm just waiting for a second Taigei so I can kai the second taigei
[01:27] <Dechidechi> the first taigei will stay as taigie
[01:27] <Blasterion> haha
[01:28] <CreamX> https://scontent-hkg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11064859_10153200531546108_541418610665676798_n.jpg?oh=144ace5cfe26cb38d6e7ced12779ece7&oe=558590B9
[01:28] <Xenzul> what
[01:29] <Dechidechi> ko ru ri
[01:29] <Blasterion> the 1758 ships part
[01:29] <Xenzul> you dont have a second taigei?
[01:29] <Blasterion> not taigei
[01:29] <Xenzul> Ive gotten like 4 already
[01:29] <Kitsuboshi> yay a stick 
[01:29] <Dechidechi> yea I only have 1
[01:29] <Crazy teitoku> Oh 1758 ships.
[01:29] <Crazy teitoku> @Dechi should have farmed E-1 that time :>
[01:29] <Dragonjet> http://puu.sh/gEPMF.png
[01:29] <Dechidechi> nah it's not that important
[01:29] <Dechidechi> I already have a taigei anyways
[01:29] <Xenzul> yah, but i got them as random drops from 2-5
[01:30] <Kitsuboshi> megumisoft?
[01:30] <Dragonjet> blessing software
[01:30] <Kitsuboshi> ah
[01:30] <Decyl> I only have one other Taigei, it's pretty rare for me
[01:30] <Dechidechi> I clear 2-5s, second one doesn't want to come, makes me wonder if I should remodel the first one so the second taigei will cum
[01:30] <Crazy teitoku> I got two whales from E-1
[01:30] <Sshinka> omg... my TTK page.... sortie count: 7188 ... is this sorties, or nodes?
[01:31] <Dechidechi> nodes
[01:31] <Sshinka> ah kk
[01:31] <Xenzul> Oh boy
[01:31] <Sshinka> too much 3-2-A
[01:31] <Kevadu> 42,961 nodes for me
[01:32] <Dragonjet> where is that number?
[01:32] <Sshinka> ur the old man kev
[01:32] <Sshinka> :P 
[01:32] <Dechidechi> lel this battle
[01:32] <Dechidechi> https://twitter.com/ko_ru_ri/status/577207079368175616
[01:32] <Dragonjet> is that throughout your career or this month only?
[01:32] <Kevadu> Actually that's just wins
[01:32] <Dechidechi> https://twitter.com/ko_ru_ri/status/577207138121986049
[01:32] <Kevadu> That's total
[01:32] <Blasterion> 4014 nodes
[01:33] <CreamX> https://scontent-nrt.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/s851x315/10351608_846832998743172_3883967924277665535_n.jpg?oh=86f245be0239a7cc7b1d8c483f97c78f&oe=55720D66
[01:33] <Kitsuboshi> well [played non kai2ed jintswuu
[01:33] <Dechidechi> koruri won
[01:33] <Dechidechi> lel
[01:33] <Ninthsense> what did he win
[01:33] <Kevadu> The respect and admiration of his peers
[01:34] <Dechidechi> https://twitter.com/ko_ru_ri/status/576818440402395136
[01:34] <Dechidechi> where's faerie
[01:34] <CreamX> there is a prize with 3k dmm points
[01:34] <CreamX> dunno what contest is that
[01:34] <Dragonjet> no naka thats not a mic
[01:35] <CreamX> s*x toy?
[01:35] <CreamX> lel
[01:35] <CreamX> https://twitter.com/musk_tiger/status/577749410085408768
[01:35] <Ninthsense> shes going to use it to help her sing
[01:35] <Dechidechi> i guess koruri really likes sendai class
[01:36] <Dechidechi> https://twitter.com/ko_ru_ri/status/573715680383492096
[01:36] <Kevadu> I'm pretty sure those kind of massagers were not originally intended for use as sex toys...they just ended up being used as sex toys an awful lot
[01:36] <Xenzul> I thought we went through this already
[01:36] <Xenzul> Naka fan for the longest time I know
[01:37] <Dechidechi> no not just naka
[01:37] <Dechidechi> Koruri is all of sendai class
[01:37] <Decyl> Wait, I only have 18,949 sortie wins? That's... lower than expected
[01:37] <Ninthsense> 68k nodes
[01:37] <Decyl> Well you rank Ninth
[01:37] <Xenzul> I dont play enough. Im less then 10k :V
[01:37] <Hossinator> than*
[01:38] <Reikyu> you don't sparkle then
[01:38] <Decyl> You're right, I hardly do
[01:38] <Dragonjet> ♫ 1D time ♪
[01:38] <Dechidechi> lel I only have 12600 nodes 
[01:38] <Dechidechi> and I joined like 7 days later than decyl only
[01:38] <Hossinator> i will always correct your misuse of then and than Xen
[01:38] <Decyl> But you're like... 6 HQ levels behind me
[01:38] <Ninthsense> i dont think ranking helps
[01:39] <Decyl> Nice rank btw Ninth
[01:39] <Ninthsense> what do you mean
[01:39] <Dechidechi> decyl is on ur server
[01:39] <Decyl> So close to top 50
[01:39] <Ninthsense> oh im just going for top 100 this month
[01:39] <Xenzul> Please Hoss
[01:39] <Ninthsense> i thought he was talking about total sortie ranks lol
[01:39] <Decyl> I see
[01:39] <Xenzul> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAV689nWoAAgvug.jpg:large
[01:40] <Hossinator> then, than, your, you're, there, their, they're
[01:40] <Hossinator> all of those
[01:40] <Hossinator> anger me
[01:40] <Hossinator> when misused
[01:40] <Xenzul> Fk, are you ald now?
[01:40] <Hossinator> no
[01:40] <Hossinator> id correct everything then
[01:40] <Dechidechi> hossi AKA grammar nazi :>
[01:40] <Hossinator> only with those words
[01:40] <Ninthsense> hoss your dumb
[01:40] <Hossinator> everything else is fair game
[01:41] <Hossinator> my dmb?
[01:41] <Hossinator> dumb*
[01:42] <Dechidechi> torpedo check
[01:42] <Dechidechi> 1
[01:42] <Dechidechi> 2
[01:42] <Dechidechi> IKUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[01:43] <Crazy teitoku> uguuu
[01:43] <CreamX> uguuu~
[01:45] <CreamX> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1935658?tags=i-19_%28kantai_collection%29
[01:45] <Dechidechi> dam it, my AP shell is 6 stars now
[01:46] <Dechidechi> I need moar AP shells :/ 
[01:48] <Kevadu> That's what I've been doing for nearly all my dailies since AP shells become upgradable...
[01:48] <Kevadu> The rate is not good
[01:48] <Dechidechi> i know
[01:48] <Kevadu> But I've gotten a few...
[01:48] <CreamX> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48782220
[01:48] <Marcorius> it's the 3th or 4th dechi?
[01:48] <Dechidechi> I've been alternating between obs seaplane and AP shell
[01:48] <Dechidechi> Trying to get my 3rd Type 1
[01:49] <Dechidechi> i'm only upgrading it now cause Akizuki doesn't upgrade T91 now
[01:49] <Dechidechi> going to get a 7th akizuki gun for akizuki to match her CG
[01:50] <Marcorius> Im going for my 3th two more stars :> I spamed so hard the type 91 recipe 
[01:50] <Kevadu> I also want to at least +1 all my type 1s
[01:50] <Kevadu> Which eats a lot of AP shells
[01:51] <Dechidechi> now that i'm out of slots for extra maruyus, I'll just spam AP shells and Type 0s to stay under cap
[01:52] <Crazy teitoku> > stay under cap
[01:52] <Crazy teitoku> soft cap?
[01:52] <Sshinka> it's waste of resources whenever you go over soft cap
[01:53] <Kevadu> It is but resources are cheap
[01:53] <Ninthsense> kev how many type 1 you have
[01:53] <Sshinka> i do it only prior to event. one or two weeks
[01:53] <Kevadu> I wouldn't really worry about it unless you're LSC'ing
[01:53] <Kevadu> Just the two, Ninth
[01:53] <Kevadu> But I'm pretty close to a third
[01:53] <Crazy teitoku> It isn't so much of a waste during events, people showing off 6 digit res figures.
[01:53] <Ninthsense> 3rd from akashi?
[01:53] <Sshinka> yeah, still got lots of LSCs to do...
[01:53] <Kevadu> Yes, how else would you get a third?
[01:55] <Sshinka> Crazy Tetoku - those people have all LSC ships they want, and most of their ships is levelled to where they should be..
[01:56] <Reikyu> only some of them
[01:56] <Qu33k> or are just hoarders by nature
[01:56] <Qu33k> o/
[01:56] <Crazy teitoku> ^
[01:56] <Reikyu> hoarding instead of investing makes things cost more!
[01:56] <Qu33k> but we have 6 figure resources for events
[01:57] <Kevadu> Well after I stopped LSC'ing (I do have everything) my resources just naturally went up a lot
[01:57] <Qu33k> and don't have to post single digit resource screen shots
[01:57] <Kevadu> Didn't even have to try to hit six digits, really
[01:57] <Qu33k> :-p 
[01:57] <Qu33k> same here, Kev, without LSC, resources pile up quick
[01:58] <Qu33k> esp with the drum expeditions
[01:58] <Sshinka> being over the soft cap gives you loss of 43'200 fuel, ammo and steel per month
[01:59] <CreamX> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1938027?tags=akigumo_%28kantai_collection%29
[01:59] <Alexanderex> that's no loss
[01:59] <WanWan101> :3
[01:59] <Qu33k> right
[01:59] <Sshinka> ok potential income
[01:59] <Qu33k> better
[02:00] <Crazy teitoku> Also waiting patiently for the res to build up as well at that.
[02:00] <Alexanderex> i don't know if income is used there....
[02:00] <Alexanderex> "expeditions and weeklies" are more income than daily 1440
[02:01] <Kevadu> Sshinka, I agree if you're actively LSC'ing and the like, but you don't seem to be acknowledging that there really are a lot of people who's resource pile up because they don't have anything to spend them on
[02:01] <CreamX> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1906343?tags=akigumo_%28kantai_collection%29
[02:01] <Sshinka> tbh i'll hit my soft cap only prior to event.. got stuff to craft before that
[02:01] <Kevadu> So potential lost income isn't a big deal
[02:01] <Alexanderex> yeah
[02:02] <Kevadu> And building up a stockpile for events isn't a bad things if you want to power clear them
[02:02] <Qu33k> ^
[02:02] <Qu33k> ^^
[02:02] <Qu33k> that's me
[02:02] <Alexanderex> this game's players are pretty much divided into "those who have everything" and "those who don't have everything, yet"
[02:02] <Qu33k> in a nutshell
[02:02] <Reikyu> unless your luck is capped on all your cut in ships, you don't have everything, yet :3
[02:02] <Crazy teitoku> More like hardcore players vs casual players, that and different strategies used.
[02:02] <Qu33k> I learned first Event just how fast resources can be burned
[02:03] <Qu33k> so I stock up
[02:03] <Qu33k> big time
[02:03] <Alexanderex> I can overstock, and afford to LSC during event
[02:03] <Kevadu> Yeah, E5 last event was pretty brutal on my resources
[02:03] <Alexanderex> sure ,crafting is important, but the only mandatory crafting i do is the daily 4 craftings
[02:03] <Qu33k> last event was brutal period
[02:03] <Kevadu> Combined fleet, Yamato-class, two support expeditions, low success rate...
[02:03] <Ninthsense> E5 was a bit costly cause i used all my good shipsand 2 support expeditions
[02:04] <Alexanderex> lel
[02:04] <Alexanderex> costly in terms of resources
[02:04] <Crazy teitoku> I'll never forget my moment at AL/MI.
[02:04] <Alexanderex> at least we get to use all our good ships lol
[02:04] <Qu33k> it ate buckets like nobodies biz as well
[02:04] <Alexanderex> imagine ship lock at e-3
[02:04] <Qu33k> just wasn't a good farming map
[02:04] <Kevadu> I had plenty of buckets, honestly
[02:04] <Qu33k> that didn't eat buckets
[02:05] <Kevadu> My resources dipped dangerously low, on the other hand (though I never hit bottom unlike some)
[02:05] <Kevadu> But at the rate they were dropping it wouldn't have taken that many more runs...
[02:05] <Ninthsense> did you sparkle yamato class at 1-1?
[02:06] <Qu33k> I really do need to graph out the last Event
[02:06] <Reikyu> do you need to ask?
[02:06] <Qu33k> it would be amusing
[02:06] <Kevadu> Of course!
[02:06] <Reikyu> kevadu all sparkle all ships
[02:06] <Alexanderex> 1-1 is the only place to sparkle effectively
[02:06] <Alexanderex> well, that and PvP
[02:06] <Qu33k> PVP sparkles don't last 
[02:07] <Ninthsense> dam only like 800 fuel ammo to sparkle them
[02:07] <Qu33k> and are of limited amount
[02:07] <Alexanderex> yeah
[02:07] <Alexanderex> unless it's those single ship fleet
[02:07] <Qu33k> right
[02:07] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> loves those
[02:07] <Alexanderex> hope for those lvl 120+ single ship fleets lol
[02:07] <Alexanderex> <span class="me-username">* <span>Alexanderex</span></span> has 4 of them today
[02:07] <Qu33k> pair of waifu subs/DDs
[02:07] <Qu33k> best
[02:07] <Ninthsense> i usually pvp if i need to sparkle yamato
[02:07] <Alexanderex> free exp for my utility ships!
[02:08] <Alexanderex> it's hard to train katori, akitsu, akashi, taigei and 2 random ships at the same time
[02:08] <Alexanderex> without guzzling resources just for an S rank
[02:08] <Qu33k> no kidding
[02:08] <Alexanderex> my katori still not kai yet
[02:08] <Alexanderex> sad lyfe
[02:08] <Decyl> Do 1-2 at a time
[02:09] <Alexanderex> hmmphs
[02:09] <Decyl> No need to do them all at once
[02:09] <Alexanderex> i *can* train them at 3-2-A
[02:09] <Qu33k> you need to be disciplined, gently. . . 
[02:09] <Alexanderex> but i'm stockpiling for now so no sorties
[02:09] <Decyl> Katori's almost 80 now
[02:09] <Ninthsense> hmm training katori
[02:09] <Decyl> Taigei's... slowly getting there
[02:09] <Alexanderex> i don't really feel the need to rush any of the utilities ships out
[02:09] <Dechidechi> I kind of stopped feeding katori after she reached lv50
[02:09] <Reikyu> so much stockpiling, going for hard medal?
[02:09] <Alexanderex> i just want to get her to kai
[02:10] <Alexanderex> though i don't know why
[02:10] <Ninthsense> idk if its worth leveling katori i just put her in pvp when i can
[02:10] <Decyl> Akitsumaru I can't bring myself to level
[02:10] <Alexanderex> katori can be used in expeds
[02:10] <Qu33k> another twin 14cm, oc
[02:10] <Ninthsense> she doesnt count as CL though?
[02:10] <Reikyu> no, CT
[02:10] <Alexanderex> since she's supposedly the lowest cost CL
[02:10] <Alexanderex> cruiser*
[02:10] <Ninthsense> harder to use in expedition since she doesnt classify as anything useful
[02:10] <Alexanderex> oh well
[02:11] <Alexanderex> .... event routing again, perhaps
[02:11] <Kevadu> She's got 4 slots so you can make a decent ASW ship out of her
[02:11] <Qu33k> Decyl, Akitsu is worth leveling, she shows up as Event branching a lot
[02:11] <Alexanderex> jeezus, what were the devs smoking for last event
[02:11] <Dechidechi> well you do see a married akashi on Decyl
[02:11] <Ninthsense> yeah you could 4-3 her if you cared
[02:11] <Alexanderex> making katori a routing requirement
[02:11] <Reikyu> devs are S, players are M, we make a good match
[02:11] <Alexanderex> yin and yang
[02:11] <Decyl> My Akitsu is 44
[02:11] <Qu33k> Alex, Katori was sunk at Truk
[02:11] <Alexanderex> a good balance of salt producer and salt consumer
[02:12] <Decyl> That's was all Summer and Fall event leveling
[02:12] <Qu33k> her and Agano
[02:12] <Kevadu> Katori was sunk by Iowa
[02:12] <Reikyu> akashi being the exception
[02:12] <Decyl> But I don't like her enough to actively level her
[02:12] <Ninthsense> kev any predictions for choukai
[02:12] <Reikyu> or was she sunk there too
[02:12] <Kevadu> Which is so overkill it's kind of hilarious
[02:12] <Alexanderex> so sending ships to their supposed resting place is supposed to rewrite history of sorts
[02:12] <Alexanderex> lel
[02:12] <Kevadu> I predict Choukai k2 will be bad ass
[02:12] <Alexanderex> OP firepower
[02:12] <Sshinka> She will
[02:13] <Ninthsense> like nacht level?
[02:13] <Kevadu> Yeah, maybe the highest FP for a CA
[02:13] <Alexanderex> probably even higher than myoukou or haguro
[02:13] <Sshinka> FP + Lookouts - granted
[02:13] <Reikyu> one cruiser to rule them all?
[02:13] <Kevadu> But lower torp maybe...
[02:13] <Alexanderex> probably 75 kai ni too
[02:13] <Alexanderex> ^
[02:13] <Alexanderex> yeah
[02:13] <Alexanderex> lower torp
[02:13] <Alexanderex> probably
[02:13] <Alexanderex> more skewed towards day battle i guess
[02:14] <Sshinka> she is famous for NB tho :P 
[02:14] <Alexanderex> ... hence the lookout, perhaps?
[02:14] <Alexanderex> >:D
[02:14] <Kitsuboshi> hmm twitch seems to be wonky right now, anyone else?
[02:14] <Alexanderex> low torps, make up for that with lookout
[02:14] <Alexanderex> dayum
[02:14] <Alexanderex> most CAs are balanced between day and night, guess choukai's about to break that
[02:14] <Sshinka> And her real life Lookouts are mentioned ALOT in texts
[02:14] <Sshinka> did awesome job
[02:15] <Reikyu> inb4 blueprint :<
[02:15] <Alexanderex> LOL
[02:15] <Sshinka> probably
[02:15] <Alexanderex> BP for look out
[02:15] <Sshinka> coz of lookouts
[02:15] <Alexanderex> > not sure if want
[02:15] <Ninthsense> hmm i hope she gets cute
[02:15] <Sshinka> yeah
[02:15] <Reikyu> 2 lookouts would be just right
[02:15] <Alexanderex> as of now I'm missing one BP for amagi or ryuuhou
[02:15] <Decyl> MOAR MIDRIFF
[02:16] <Alexanderex> i currently have.... 6 BPs
[02:16] <Alexanderex> hmmphs
[02:16] <Ninthsense> 6bp?
[02:16] <Kevadu> Well I really like Maya k2's art
[02:16] <Alexanderex> yeah
[02:16] <Alexanderex> i got nothing to use on LOL
[02:16] <Alexanderex> YamaFusou not 80 yet
[02:16] <Alexanderex> chikuma not K2 yet
[02:16] <Ninthsense> i like maya k2
[02:16] <Alexanderex> no Biscuit too
[02:16] <Reikyu> maya kai ni art so wonderful
[02:16] <Decyl> Maya's great
[02:16] <Segar> 80% on 50 trans
[02:16] <Decyl> I really like it
[02:16] <Ninthsense> i think furutaka was a bit underwhelming
[02:16] <Segar> 50% on world 2 daily
[02:16] <Alexanderex> maya K2 is like a freaking godsend
[02:17] <Segar> which will finish first
[02:17] <Ninthsense> but rest of them have been pretty good
[02:17] <Sshinka> I also expect next event to be full of NB nodes... lookouts montly reward... mochi lookouts, choukai + lookouts.... smells like Yasen to me
[02:17] <Decyl> Furutaka was bland to me
[02:17] <Alexanderex> finally a K2 art that everyone digs
[02:17] <Segar> :<
[02:17] <Reikyu> and installations
[02:17] <Segar> what about Haguro
[02:17] <Alexanderex> yes
[02:17] <Reikyu> gotta use that sub thingamajig
[02:17] <Alexanderex> since her , too lol
[02:17] <Kevadu> Nachi and Ashigara were a bit disappointing after Haguro and Myoukou (which I *really* liked)
[02:17] <Decyl> Haguro is bob, bob is awesome
[02:17] <Kevadu> But it's not like they're bad
[02:17] <Alexanderex> it's been quite awhile since people don't complain about K2 arts
[02:17] <Alexanderex> yeah, but people just like to find faults lol
[02:18] <Alexanderex> like with Yamafusou K2 arts
[02:18] <Qu33k> yes
[02:18] <Qu33k> yes they do
[02:18] <Decyl> Patiently awaiting Shouhou kai2
[02:18] <Qu33k> :-) 
[02:18] <Qu33k> bring it
[02:18] <Ninthsense> ive gotten to like nacht
[02:18] <Alexanderex> honestly speaking, Yamafusou K2 is just OP
[02:18] <Qu33k> she's in the 90s
[02:18] <Ninthsense> ashigara is w/e
[02:18] <Reikyu> next event will have the return of AL-2 and those wg42s will save the day
[02:18] <Alexanderex> ...
[02:19] <Sshinka> i would still like little bit more armor on YamaFusou K2
[02:19] <Alexanderex> wg42
[02:19] <Alexanderex> yasen
[02:19] <Alexanderex> gee gee
[02:19] <Ninthsense> fusou was dinosauring
[02:19] <Alexanderex> launching potatoes at night sounds like a good idea kek
[02:19] <Ninthsense> t rex needs no armor
[02:19] <Alexanderex> T-rexing you mean
[02:19] <Alexanderex> lel
[02:19] <Reikyu> it's been a while since we had installation event bosses
[02:19] <Reikyu> Hoppo Mk2
[02:20] <Alexanderex> god please no
[02:20] <Alexanderex> actually
[02:20] <Alexanderex> I've never encountered an installation before
[02:20] <Alexanderex> save for 3-5's hoppo
[02:20] <Reikyu> you missed AL/MI?
[02:20] <Alexanderex> yea
[02:20] <Decyl> O boy
[02:20] <Alexanderex> i joined on 24 august
[02:20] <Alexanderex> that's like
[02:20] <Decyl> You missed suffering
[02:20] <Alexanderex> 2 days to the end of AL/MI
[02:20] <Decyl> And tears
[02:21] <Reikyu> had 2 of those suckers, daytime chip chip chip 
[02:21] <Crazy teitoku> ^
[02:21] <Alexanderex> chipping is okay if it drops hp bar
[02:21] <Alexanderex> just mentally exhaustive 
[02:21] <Crazy teitoku> I hit rock bottom on res at AL/MI, learnt my lesson and started hoarding my res like hell.
[02:22] <Hossinator> http://imgur.com/gallery/jm1F4MX
[02:22] <Alexanderex> i think AL/MI is an exception though
[02:22] <Reikyu> you had to, one of the bosses had 600 hp
[02:22] <Alexanderex> your resource count pretty much relies on RNG too
[02:22] <Reikyu> super big chips
[02:22] <SerialConvort> http://danbooru.donmai.us/pools/9705 Really cute comic
[02:22] <Alexanderex> the boss was accompanied by?
[02:22] <Reikyu> small junk
[02:22] <SerialConvort> Please do not abuse Naka chan da yo.
[02:22] <Alexanderex> hmmphs
[02:22] <Kevadu> What do you suppose the odds are that the next event will be something light?
[02:22] <Alexanderex> it actually sounds loads better than last event
[02:23] <Alexanderex> 3 himes
[02:23] <Crazy teitoku> I think people with like 6 digit res figures probably would have stood better chance at AL/MI compared to what I had.
[02:23] <Kevadu> Another crossover or something...
[02:23] <Reikyu> i think it's higher than normal
[02:23] <Alexanderex> total 1.3k hp
[02:23] <Reikyu> 2 year annivesary, a while since a small event
[02:23] <Alexanderex> i mean the prospect of facing 1 installation versus 3 himes lol
[02:23] <Crazy teitoku> They talk about spending like 60k or so per 2 maps at AL/MI
[02:23] <Kevadu> There's also only so many big battles left to base events on
[02:23] <Crazy teitoku> Er no, 60k per 3 or so maps.
[02:23] <Alexanderex> of course I guess final map isn't just about boss
[02:23] <Kevadu> But I guess they could do a string of minor ones
[02:23] <Alexanderex> the pre-boss nodes must've been hell, too
[02:23] <Reikyu> throw us a special bonus event
[02:24] <Reikyu> like arpeggio
[02:24] <Crazy teitoku> > arpeggio
[02:24] <Alexanderex> just the prospect of facing a 600hp installation isn't that daunting
[02:24] <Crazy teitoku> not gonna happen again.
[02:24] <Alexanderex> wait season 2
[02:24] <Alexanderex> kek
[02:24] <Kevadu> Arpeggio event was fun
[02:24] <SerialConvort> Need
[02:24] <SerialConvort> Arpeggio
[02:24] <SerialConvort> Will
[02:24] <Kevadu> I would like something in that vain
[02:24] <SerialConvort> Kill
[02:24] <SerialConvort> For
[02:24] <Alexanderex> i wan see european fleet of fog~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[02:24] <SerialConvort> Arpeggio
[02:24] <Kevadu> It doesn't have to be Arpeggio itself
[02:24] <Ninthsense> would be fun but dont think its happening
[02:24] <Alexanderex> wait for another ship-turns-girl animu
[02:24] <Kevadu> Just an event that's more about fun than suffering...
[02:25] <Crazy teitoku> ^ what Ninth said
[02:25] <Crazy teitoku> It was probably to counteract the event before that, which was also insane.
[02:25] <Crazy teitoku> boss gauge regen.
[02:25] <Alexanderex> lolwhut.
[02:25] <Alexanderex> how bad was the regen
[02:25] <Alonne> hell on earth?
[02:26] <Decyl> O hey... 50 transport done
[02:26] <Decyl> Yay
[02:26] <Crazy teitoku> Enough to piss low level ttk off.
[02:26] <Sshinka> GZ
[02:26] <Kevadu> Everything pisses off low level teitoku. Ironbottom pissed off everyone
[02:26] <Alexanderex> like what, 1/4 bar a day regen?
[02:26] <Sshinka> that and Bw1 drained me of life force today
[02:26] <SerialConvort> AL/MI Pissed me off greatly
[02:26] <SerialConvort> Actually more like made me cry
[02:27] <Crazy teitoku> Anyway, since that last AL/MI event which I must dare say was just as full of salt the devs hasn't offered any fun event other than an easy event that I missed out.
[02:27] <Alexanderex> ... fall event?
[02:27] <Kevadu> Fall was cake
[02:27] <Reikyu> last event was very newbie friendly
[02:27] <Crazy teitoku> The one with akiduki and Eugen
[02:27] <Alexanderex> ^fall event, yeah
[02:27] <Crazy teitoku> Last event E-1 was newb friendly.
[02:27] <SerialConvort> > Last Event Was Friendly
[02:27] <Kevadu> And AL/MI was *not* "just full of salt"
[02:27] <Alonne> then becomes hell
[02:28] <SerialConvort> > I wasted all my 40k resources
[02:28] <SerialConvort> > Wasted 150 bukkits
[02:28] <Kevadu> E6 was challenging but for the most part I quite enjoyed AL/MI. A lot of interesting new mechanics and stuff
[02:28] <SerialConvort> > Only Cleared E-3
[02:28] <Alexanderex> bth it was newbie friendly
[02:28] <SerialConvort> What am I doing
[02:28] <Alexanderex> not farm-friendly
[02:28] <Reikyu> newbie friendly, average level not so friendly, high level farmer not friendly
[02:28] <Crazy teitoku> I couldn't imagine AL/MI being all that interesting, all that ship locking.
[02:29] <Alexanderex> ^
[02:29] <Alexanderex> > interesting
[02:29] <Decyl> It was interesting... to hear all the stories
[02:29] <Alexanderex> /cues Masochism 
[02:29] <Kevadu> Ship locking made it more interessting
[02:29] <Alonne> anything is not friendly there you go
[02:29] <Kevadu> Actually having to plan where to use your ships
[02:29] <Crazy teitoku> ^ more signs of maso
[02:29] <Decyl> And creativeness TTK had to go through in later maps
[02:29] <Kevadu> Instead of just throwing your top ships at everything
[02:29] <Sshinka> E4 was the cheapest and super rewarding for me.. 4 clean runs with fleet without carriers. Unryuu and Nagamon from those 4 runs
[02:29] <Reikyu> where's the hitler video talking about e-6
[02:29] <Alexanderex> i made that mistake in fall
[02:29] <Crazy teitoku> So…maybe the next event we shall see a combination of both ship locking and boss gauge regen?
[02:30] <Kevadu> Unlikely
[02:30] <Decyl> I want more ship locking, planning was fun
[02:30] <Alexanderex> used Nagatos and KTKM/ooi in e1/2
[02:30] <Crazy teitoku> maybe that would please the maso fans?
[02:30] <Kevadu> I don't think they're going to bring back regen
[02:30] <Alexanderex> can't use them in e-3
[02:30] <Qu33k> ggggggggggRAH!
[02:30] <Hossinator> ship lock on hard
[02:30] <Alexanderex> oh, they will
[02:30] <Crazy teitoku> Never know how sad devs can get.
[02:30] <Alexanderex> they will bring back regen
[02:30] <Qu33k> can NOT find bosses this evening
[02:30] <Crazy teitoku> ^
[02:30] <Alexanderex> on those small event
[02:30] <Reikyu> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvjn0h4XZA4
[02:30] <Crazy teitoku> and then ship locks.
[02:30] <Sshinka> lol Qu33
[02:30] <Qu33k> switched to 2-2, went to transport node
[02:30] <Kevadu> I don't think you guys understand
[02:30] <Alexanderex> they purposely made the event small so the regenerating bar will have bigger impact
[02:30] <Marcorius> ah that video Reikyu :>
[02:31] <Kevadu> You can complain about recent events but Ironbottom was on a whole different level of suffering
[02:31] <EchoHolic> ^
[02:31] <SerialConvort> I wasnt there
[02:31] <SerialConvort> Only for salty AL/MI
[02:31] <Alonne> same
[02:31] <Crazy teitoku> Saying AL/MI wasn't hard is just bs for new ttk
[02:31] <SerialConvort> Salty salty AL/MI
[02:31] <EchoHolic> Ironbottom is like E5/E6 but that you have to finish it within a single day or you'll have to start all over again
[02:32] <Reikyu> AL/MI was my first event, and it was wonderful! except i didn't do e6
[02:32] <EchoHolic> Nobody wants that
[02:32] <Alexanderex> sounds harsh
[02:32] <Dechidechi> one hour one bar
[02:32] <Alexanderex> sounds like a whole load of NOPE to me
[02:32] <Dechidechi> four hour a full boss hp
[02:32] <Reikyu> i went from 2 CV to 5 CV because of MI
[02:32] <EchoHolic> Wasn't it 2.7% per hour
[02:32] <Dechidechi> idk
[02:32] <Alexanderex> ok, i really hope they don't bring regenerating bars back
[02:32] <EchoHolic> It was nuts
[02:33] <Dechidechi> basically (bucket) dump
[02:33] <SerialConvort> Regen bars
[02:33] <Dechidechi> the reward is a sushi tho
[02:33] <Alexanderex> ....
[02:33] <SerialConvort> Sounds like I should hold my Bukkits dear and hug them
[02:33] <Dechidechi> your (bucket) vs sushi
[02:33] <EchoHolic> That was the only event where admirals sank ships enmasse to get Sushi
[02:33] <Alexanderex> imagine all the sushi drops now
[02:33] <Alonne> Regen Bars= pain on (bucket) 
[02:33] <EchoHolic> Truly ironbottomed
[02:33] <Alexanderex> > sinking ships to get sushi
[02:34] <Dechidechi> if the next foreign BB in spring is the last map, it will be regen bar?
[02:34] <Blasterion> I thought ttks sank plenty of ships on the Arpeggio event
[02:34] <Alexanderex> maaan if i got my sushi that way, she wouldn't be happy about it
[02:34] <Blasterion> Regen bar is cancer
[02:34] <EchoHolic> Arpeggio was dirt easy iirc
[02:34] <EchoHolic> I didn't try it
[02:34] <Blasterion> idk I wasn't here
[02:34] <Crazy teitoku> I still maintain AL/MI was pretty torturous for new ttk. All those ship locks and compass trolling.
[02:34] <Dechidechi> I'm so glad they didn't make bismarck an event reward
[02:34] <EchoHolic> But it was the first event without regen
[02:34] <EchoHolic> And you had 70hp sub
[02:34] <Alexanderex> lolwhut
[02:34] <Blasterion> with Kleins shield
[02:34] <Alexanderex> 70hp
[02:34] <Dechidechi> if Bismarck became 2014 spring E-5, prob boss bar regen
[02:35] <Blasterion> nono no
[02:35] <Blasterion> not 70 hp
[02:35] <Reikyu> like 3 maps with easy branching and op ships 
[02:35] <Blasterion> 70 hp with KLEINS FIELD
[02:35] <Crazy teitoku> Iona was also classed as a fast SS as well.
[02:35] <Blasterion> big difference
[02:35] <Reikyu> that put lsc ships to shame with reload and repair costs
[02:35] <Crazy teitoku> You could basically run world 2 with just Iona or something.
[02:35] <Dechidechi> well you do have enough fuel power to push a yamato class, and Iona < in size
[02:35] <Blasterion> too bad OP ships weren't here to stay =/
[02:36] <Crazy teitoku> ^
[02:36] <Crazy teitoku> Never intended to be.
[02:36] <Crazy teitoku> Devs just like to make us go all salty.
[02:36] <SerialConvort> Ikr
[02:36] <SerialConvort> But atleast you got to use em
[02:36] <Blasterion> yep
[02:36] <Dechidechi> no pls, if OP ships stayed, Imagine winter 2015 the boss would also have kleins field
[02:36] <Alexanderex> no.jpg
[02:36] <Dechidechi> remember the Devs gives you something good, but also something good to abyssals
[02:36] <Reikyu> i thought kleins was the evasion animation?
[02:37] <Crazy teitoku> They've given plenty more good stuff to abyssals than us.
[02:37] <Crazy teitoku> 400HP BB water demon.
[02:37] <Alexanderex> final abyssal boss Arpeggio Yamato
[02:37] <Qu33k> final Abyssal Boss, Neuroi Yamato
[02:37] <Crazy teitoku> …and if you went maso mode you have those two dysons
[02:38] <Reikyu> can i get an installation 'ship' that can only be damaged by sanshikis?
[02:38] <Alexanderex> zero fucks given to your NB cut-in
[02:38] <Qu33k> final form with Fuso shield. . . .
[02:38] <Dechidechi> and that dyson was in IBS
[02:38] <EchoHolic> Its not the HP that made us suffer
[02:38] <Dechidechi> you have to kill dyson to get sushi
[02:38] <EchoHolic> It's the armor
[02:38] <Alexanderex> 200 armour kek
[02:38] <Alexanderex> what are the devs smoking
[02:38] <Dechidechi> and during IBS there was no AP shell buff
[02:39] <Decyl> Salt, devs were smoking all that salt
[02:39] <Blasterion> It would be fucked up if the final abyssal boss is Enola Gay
[02:39] <Blasterion> but then again Enola Gay isn't a ship
[02:39] <Segar> inb4 catnuked
[02:39] <Blasterion> lol
[02:39] <Crazy teitoku> Wasn't that IBS event that also gave you those hull mount torps?
[02:39] <Hossinator> <span class="me-username">* <span>Hossinator</span></span> Enola Gays blast
[02:39] <Kevadu> Actually E-4 of IBS was the really hard map (which is not to say E-5 wasn't hard)
[02:40] <Blasterion> =(
[02:40] <Blasterion> I got Enola Gay'ed
[02:40] <Hossinator> hehe
[02:40] <Kevadu> But all night battles plus random compass BS plus regen plus bizarre requirements to get a second round at the boss...
[02:40] <Dechidechi> and no many K2 ships
[02:40] <Dechidechi> not 
[02:40] <Kevadu> That's the map where people started using suicide escorts
[02:40] <Blasterion> You know what would suck?
[02:40] <Blasterion> Another fleet lock
[02:41] <Dechidechi> there was only Poi k2 and kinugasa k2 and kongou k2 during that time
[02:41] <Dechidechi> and shigu
[02:41] <Hossinator> Fleet lock + random branching + regen
[02:41] <Blasterion> Combined Fleet
[02:41] <Sshinka> :( 
[02:41] <Xol2000> wasn't IBS the event that also has night battle -> day battle mechanics?
[02:42] <Dechidechi> ^
[02:42] <Dechidechi> yes
[02:42] <Blasterion> lol
[02:42] <Crazy teitoku> Fleet lock + random branching + regen + difficult enemies at dead end nodes and being sent to dead end nodes most of the time.
[02:42] <Dechidechi> get killed at night then continue to day
[02:42] <Kevadu> Yeah Xol
[02:42] <Alexanderex> 1 map
[02:42] <Blasterion> lol
[02:42] <Kevadu> Except to get the day battle you had to not kill (!) certain ships
[02:42] <Alexanderex> 4 dead ends, 1 boss
[02:42] <Kevadu> Because you totally had control over that
[02:42] <Sshinka> I hope one one of the Devs is not reading all this....... It's all i hope for concerning next Event......
[02:42] <Kevadu> If you killed certain escort ships you didn't even get a day battle round
[02:42] <Dechidechi> we're not the first @sshinka
[02:42] <Crazy teitoku> I am sure devs has plenty of other ways to torture us.
[02:43] <Dechidechi> it has been discussed every since after 2013 fafl
[02:43] <Reikyu> good thing we don't have a chat log pasted all over the internet
[02:43] <Crazy teitoku> fleet lock + equip lock.
[02:43] <Reikyu> they might see what goes on here
[02:43] <Alexanderex> <span class="me-username">* <span>Alexanderex</span></span> sneaks chatlog to kancolle devs
[02:43] <WanWan101> abyssal support fleet.
[02:43] <Reikyu> OH HEY CHATLOG
[02:43] <Dechidechi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Dechidechi</span></span> flops on Alex
[02:43] <Blasterion> lol
[02:43] <Alexanderex> <span class="me-username">* <span>Alexanderex</span></span> flops with chatlogs
[02:44] <Sshinka> haha
[02:44] <Blasterion> <span class="me-username">* <span>Blasterion</span></span> Enola Gays Alex
[02:44] <Alexanderex> "must... give... to devs!"
[02:44] <Crazy teitoku> You make it sound like devs ran out of ideas to make us go salty :p how sad.
[02:44] <Alexanderex> all the salts!
[02:44] <Alexanderex> or rather, motivation
[02:44] <Crazy teitoku> They'll never run out of ideas to make us salty.
[02:44] <Alexanderex> or excuses to bring the pain
[02:44] <Blasterion> dude I am basically made of salt
[02:44] <Alexanderex> AL/MI round 2
[02:45] <Crazy teitoku> Ooyodo
[02:45] <Alexanderex> Oh!yodo
[02:45] <Hossinator> NEW FACE!
[02:45] <Blasterion> One set of my uniform still has salt crystals on it from all the sweat
[02:45] <Alexanderex> it's been 3 hours since i started work
[02:45] <Dechidechi> oMG THAT CAKE
[02:45] <Alexanderex> and I still haven't finished sparkling my ships
[02:45] <Alexanderex> fml
[02:45] <Blasterion> NEW FACE
[02:45] <Alonne> NEW FACE ALL POI HIM!
[02:45] <Dechidechi> https://twitter.com/ko_ru_ri/status/573079950674153473
koruri drew this and made a birthday cake for himself
[02:45] <Segar> jeez...
[02:46] <Alexanderex> <span class="me-username">* <span>Alexanderex</span></span> ppois newfaec
[02:46] <EchoHolic> Gimme the sendai part
[02:46] <Blasterion> KOCHA WA NOMITAI NE~~~
[02:46] <Segar> WHERES THE MYOUKOU CAKE :<
[02:46] <Alexanderex> myoukou cake
[02:46] <Dechidechi> koruri loves sendai class :>
[02:46] <Alonne> lol
[02:46] <Alexanderex> what, the one with her taiha face?
[02:46] <Alexanderex> good gods
[02:46] <Alexanderex> imagine a cake with myoukou's taiha face
[02:46] <Alexanderex> kek
[02:47] <Segar> plz no
[02:47] <Alexanderex> wait
[02:47] <Hossinator> must have red filling
[02:47] <Hossinator> that way when you cut the cake
[02:47] <Hossinator> it bleeds
[02:47] <Sshinka> don't torture Segar!
[02:47] <Segar> OUCH
[02:47] <Alexanderex> please make (myoukou) happen
[02:48] <Kevadu> On a cake?
[02:48] <Alexanderex> as an icon
[02:48] <Alexanderex> like (nanodesu) 
[02:48] <Dechidechi> https://twitter.com/ko_ru_ri/status/571989703928365058
[02:48] <Dechidechi> yes kev
[02:48] <Dechidechi> koruri made a cake with sendai class drawn on it
[02:48] <Dechidechi> https://twitter.com/ko_ru_ri/status/571987569426100224
[02:48] <Kevadu> No, I saw
[02:51] <Qu33k> next year, this time, Event is Battle of Bismarck Sea, Abyssals have air support . . .
[02:51] <Dechidechi> https://twitter.com/oldspear/status/569016193849253888
[02:52] <Qu33k> the IJN fleet was crushed on Dolls Day
[02:52] <Qu33k> by land-based air
[02:52] <Dechidechi> apparently Koruri cleared Winter E-5 with nakachan in his second fleet too
[02:53] <Dragonjet> what was cdrw's judgement?
[02:53] <Hossinator> thats something to ask in pms DJ
[02:53] <Alonne> IT'S DJ! 
[02:53] <Dragonjet> ashigara?
[02:53] <Decyl> That Tatsuta
[02:55] <Dechidechi> dammit koruri pussied E4
[02:56] <Dechidechi> koruri went medium difficulty for E4
[02:58] <Dechidechi> oh lol, they have 2-4-11 in Karaoke in japan
[03:04] <Marcorius> Hey TS
[03:04] <Alonne> you know Dechi i just end up reading a very emotive Doujinshi about Naka now you ruin the mood....
[03:04] <TScript> Hello.
[03:05] <TScript> >emotive
[03:05] <Dechidechi> naka-chan kawaii dayo~
[03:05] <TScript> ? what??
[03:05] <Dechidechi> https://twitter.com/ko_ru_ri/status/576818440402395136
[03:05] <Ninthsense> itsumo arigato
[03:05] <TScript> Oh shit
[03:05] <Alonne> <span class="me-username">* <span>Alonne</span></span> is sad
[03:06] <TScript> That chat logger
[03:07] <Segar> @faeir
[03:07] <Ninthsense> its recording every ecchi you read or post
[03:07] <TScript> So we gave up hiding it
[03:07] <Dechidechi> it just means gensui is reading my ecchi diary
[03:07] <Dechidechi> <3 
[03:07] <Alonne> Dechi Eechi....
[03:08] <Dechidechi> (e) (t) (chi) (de ) (chi ) <#
[03:08] <Dechidechi> <3 
[03:08] <Alonne> lol
[03:08] <Ninthsense> (de) 
[03:09] <Ninthsense> (tsu)
[03:09] <Alonne> (nanodesu) 
[03:09] <Segar> ima still curious why the banner will change randomly
[03:09] <Segar> about8
[03:09] <Segar> *
[03:10] <TScript> The musashi banner?
[03:10] <Segar> √
[03:10] <RabidRage> hi
[03:10] <Alonne> o/
[03:10] <Segar> hi
[03:10] <WanWan101> o/
[03:10] <RabidRage> yea i was wondering about the banner too
[03:10] <TScript> Changes between two different messages
[03:11] <TScript> Hourly
[03:11] <RabidRage> like is it increased rates for musashi ONLY when it is one message and not the other?
[03:11] <Ninthsense> 100% when you craft right as it changes
[03:11] <RabidRage> lol
[03:11] <WanWan101> lol
[03:11] <Segar> IT JUST CHANGED
[03:11] <Segar> :V
[03:11] <Ninthsense> wait no 200%
[03:11] <TScript> That musashi increased rate is pretty much (bait)
[03:11] <Ninthsense> gogogog
[03:11] <RabidRage> i want to try LSC again for musashi
[03:12] <RabidRage> but heard there's an event coming up u.u
[03:12] <TScript> I want to 5-4, but I can't 5-4
[03:12] <Ninthsense> i heard you need musashi for event tho
[03:12] <RabidRage> what
[03:12] <RabidRage> (nanodesu) 
[03:12] <TScript> 3rd world KC problems
[03:12] <Ninthsense> those 91 on musashi would solve a lot of problems in kancolle
[03:13] <TScript> 91?
[03:13] <Arkayda963> hey ! In Kancolle the text are on Kanji or Hiragana ?
[03:13] <Segar> well there is no evidence about the text...
[03:13] <Segar> :v
[03:14] <Arkayda963> Kanji then :v
[03:14] <Etherlite> ? 
[03:14] <Etherlite> the games uses both kanji and kana
[03:14] <Etherlite> game
[03:14] <Ninthsense> also has kata 
[03:15] <RabidRage> anyone here play the new DMM game?
[03:15] <Ninthsense> which game is that
[03:15] <RabidRage> 99hime 
[03:15] <Ninthsense> nope
[03:15] <Dechidechi> new DMM games still loses to kancolle
[03:15] <Arkayda963> i play :D 
[03:15] <RabidRage> :o
[03:15] <Dechidechi> they only get popular for 2 days
[03:15] <Arkayda963> but it's on maintenance !
[03:16] <RabidRage> yea
[03:16] <Dechidechi> then down the rank it goes
[03:16] <Arkayda963> during 2hr tho
[03:16] <RabidRage> maint ends in 45 mins
[03:16] <RabidRage> o3o
[03:16] <RabidRage> i really like it
[03:16] <Arkayda963> o3o
[03:16] <Arkayda963> :p 
[03:16] <RabidRage> it's like FKG =w=
[03:16] <Dechidechi> kancolle > everything
[03:16] <Dechidechi> :>
[03:16] <Arkayda963> https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t35.0-12/11076469_972855292725381_215528394_o.jpg?oh=c864a5177c6ca0f826937c4f3de4563c&oe=550B31CD&__gda__=1426787839_6decdbd52023a4d5c179e3826c323524
[03:16] <RabidRage> :o
[03:16] <WanWan101> :3
[03:17] <Arkayda963> :>
[03:17] <RabidRage> is that gold rarity?
[03:17] <Arkayda963> nah
[03:17] <Arkayda963> lol
[03:17] <RabidRage> u.u
[03:17] <Arkayda963> black rarity
[03:17] <TScript> What game is that?
[03:17] <RabidRage> mm
[03:17] <Arkayda963> the new game out today
[03:17] <Etherlite> her body... is weird
[03:17] <Arkayda963> in dmm
[03:17] <TScript> On DMM?
[03:17] <RabidRage> 九十九姫
[03:17] <Dechidechi> this @ Tscript
[03:17] <TScript> Oh
[03:18] <Arkayda963> https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpt1/v/t35.0-12/11065560_972655586078685_1906959703_o.jpg?oh=f12ca7ec3b1efda87310645629b34593&oe=550AD87A&__gda__=1426778313_5e4fa7942b67c5f9b8be00d2d4fedd00
[03:18] <RabidRage> so cute *w*
[03:18] <Arkayda963> =w=
[03:18] <RabidRage> dem chibis o3o
[03:18] <TScript> <insert why u do dis to me reaction face>
[03:18] <Dechidechi> you traitors :>
[03:18] <Arkayda963> :>
[03:18] <Dechidechi> cum back to kancolle
[03:18] <RabidRage> im still playing kancolle
[03:18] <Dechidechi> ur waifu is lonely
[03:18] <RabidRage> :o
[03:18] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> playing SR 
[03:19] <Arkayda963> i gathering ressource on Kancolle
[03:19] <TScript> Needs Unity Web Player
[03:19] <RabidRage> doing exped 2,3,6 and running 2-3 for dailies
[03:19] <RabidRage> u.u
[03:19] <TScript> <span class="me-username">* <span>TScript</span></span> laughs
[03:19] <SerialConvort> I use 2, 3, and 5
[03:19] <Dechidechi> why do 3?
[03:20] <Segar> 2 21 tokyo1 right now
[03:20] <RabidRage> steel
[03:20] <Dechidechi> ur trading more fuel for the same amount of (steel) 
[03:20] <Arkayda963> http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/458867Capture.png 
[03:20] <SerialConvort> If you use the bare mininum you gain like 15 fuel and otherwise
[03:20] <RabidRage> well
[03:20] <Arkayda963> see ? my ressource are still low
[03:20] <Segar> actually 21 cut off some fuel cost for tokyo1
[03:20] <Segar> so thats pretty good
[03:20] <RabidRage> i have fuel surplus
[03:20] <SerialConvort> I use like two unkai DD and one CL for Exp 3
[03:20] <SerialConvort> I get more fuel than Im using
[03:20] <Dechidechi> the other thing people need to think about is fuel and ammo lost per rsc gained
[03:21] <RabidRage> what's the optimal combo for fuel, steel, ammo focus then?
[03:21] <Dechidechi> 21 37 38
[03:21] <Dechidechi> with GS
[03:21] <RabidRage> GS?
[03:21] <Dechidechi> great success
[03:21] <Arkayda963> great sucess
[03:21] <RabidRage> mmm
[03:21] <TScript> But (baux) 
[03:21] <RabidRage> too lazy to sparkle though
[03:21] <SerialConvort> Ditto.
[03:21] <RabidRage> rather
[03:22] <RabidRage> i have no time for that