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|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|origin = ブォンジョールノ! マエストラーレ級駆逐艦、長女のマエストラーレです。提督、私もどうぞよろしくお願いしますね!頑張りま~す!
|origin = Buon giorno! Maestrale級駆逐艦、長女のMaestraleです。提督、私もどうぞよろしくお願いしますね!頑張りま~す!
|translation = Buongiorno~! I'm Maestrale, the oldest one in the Maestrale-class. Please take good care of me, admiral! I'll do my be~st!
|translation = Good day! I'm Maestrale, the eldest of the Maestrale-class destroyers. Please take good care of me, Admiral! I'll do my be~st!
|audio = Maestrale-Intro.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-Intro.mp3
Line 17: Line 17:  
|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = ブォンジョールノ! マエストラーレ級駆逐艦、長女のマエストラーレ。今日も頑張りま~す!提督、指揮お願いします。さあ、始めましょ!
|origin = Buon giorno! Maestrale級駆逐艦、長女のMaestrale。今日も頑張りま~す!提督、指揮お願いします。さあ、始めましょ!
|translation = Buongiorno~! I'm Maestrale, the oldest one in the Maestrale-class. I'll do my best today as well! Admiral, please give me orders. Let's get started!
|translation = Good day! I'm Maestrale, the eldest of the Maestrale-class destroyers. I'll do my best today as well! Admiral, please give me orders. Now, let's get started!
|audio = MaestraleKai-Intro.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-Intro.mp3
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin = イタリア海軍マエストラーレ駆逐艦、ネームシップのマエストラーレです。結構いっぱい働いたわよ。船団護衛はもちろんだけど、水上艦隊戦力としても頑張ったんだから。最後はね…ちょっと修理が間に合わなくて…えへへ…まあ~仕方ない…です!
|origin = イタリア海軍Maestrale級駆逐艦、ネームシップのMaestraleです。結構いっぱい働いたわよ。船団護衛はもちろんだけど、水上艦隊戦力としても頑張ったんだから。最後はね…ちょっと修理が間に合わなくて…えへへ…まあ、仕方ない…です!
|translation = I'm the nameship Maestrale, from the Maestrale-class in the Italian navy. I gave it my best you know? I escorted fleets, along with providing firepower out in the sea. In the end...my repairs couldn't really make it in time...hehe...well~...it happens!
|translation = I'm the nameship Maestrale, from the Maestrale-class destroyers of the Italian navy. I gave it my best you know? Aside from escorting convoys, I also worked hard as an asset to the surface fleets. In the end...my repairs couldn't really make it in time...hehe...Well, it just happens!<ref>After getting her stern blown off, her repairs weren't finished by the time the Italian armistice occured and she was scuttled.</ref>
|audio = Maestrale-Library.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-Library.mp3
Line 30: Line 30:  
|scenario = Secretary 1
|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = Ciao! 提督、私に任せて任せて!
|origin = Ciao! 提督、私に任せて任せて!
|translation = Ciao! Admiral, leave it to me! Leave it to me!
|translation = Hello! Admiral, just leave everything to me!
|audio = Maestrale-Sec1.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-Sec1.mp3
Line 37: Line 37:  
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = Ciao! 提督!もっちろん、私よね!
|origin = Ciao! 提督!もっちろん、私よね!
|translation = Ciao! Admiral! Of course it's me!
|translation = Hello! Admiral! Of course it's me!
|audio = MaestraleKai-Sec1.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-Sec1.mp3
Line 55: Line 55:  
|scenario = Secretary 3
|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = あぁ、もう、Libe!よそ見したら駄目だからね!ちゃんと空を警戒してて!て…え?提督?何?機雷?やだ噓!どこどこ?もう~脅かさないで~。
|origin = あぁ、もう、Libe!よそ見したら駄目だからね!ちゃんと空を警戒してて!て…え?提督?何?機雷?やだ噓!どこどこ?もう、脅かさないで~。
|translation = Ah, jeez, Libe! Watch where you're going! Make sure the sky is clear! Eh? Admiral? What? Mines? No way! Where where? Don't scare me like that~.
|translation = Ah, jeez, Libe! Watch where you're going! Make sure the sky is clear! Eh? Admiral? What? Mines? No way! Where where? Jeez, don't scare me like that~.<ref>She almost drifted into a minefield after getting her sterb blown off.</ref>
|audio = Maestrale-Sec3.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-Sec3.mp3
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|origin = Ciao!提督!サミさん!これですか?これはですね~アンカーの鎖と鎖を繋げているんです!ほら、こ~んなに長い!これならいざというときも安心です!お?サミさん、なんか凄い興味持ってません?
|origin = Ciao!提督!Sammyさん!これですか?これはですね~アンカーの鎖と鎖を繋げているんです!ほら、こ~んなに長い!これならいざというときも安心です!お?サミさん、なんか凄い興味持ってません?
|translation = Ciao! Admiral! Sammy-san! This? I connected the chain of an anchor with another chain! Look how long it is! This will definitely be helpful when the time comes! Oh? You look very interested in this Sammy-san.
|translation = Hello! Admiral! Sammy! This? I connected the chain of an anchor with another chain! Look how long it is! This will definitely be helpful when the time comes! Oh? You look very interested in this Sammy-san.<ref>Her captain stopped her from drifting into a minefield by connecting two anchor chains together to arrest her movement.</ref>
|audio = Maestrale-Idle.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-Idle.mp3
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|origin = 提督~おなか減ってない?えへへ~ナポリにも長く居た私、マエストラーレが特性艦隊ナポリタンをお作りしました!どうですか?見た目日本のナポリタンだけど~全然違うでしょう?ザラさんにレシピを教えてもらったんです!おかわりもありますよ!
|origin = 提督~おなか減ってない?えへへ~Napoliにも長く居た私、Maestraleが特性艦隊ナポリタンをお作りしました!どうですか?見た目日本のナポリタンだけど~全然違うでしょう?ザラさんにレシピを教えてもらったんです!おかわりもありますよ!
|translation = Are you hungry~ admiral? Hehe~ I lived in Naples for a long time, so I Maestrale, made a special fleet naporitan! How is it? It looks like the Japanese naporitan, but it's different right? Zara-san taught me the recipe! There's more if you want!
|translation = Are you hungry, Admiral? Hehe~ I lived in Naples for a long time, so I Maestrale, made a special fleet napolitan! How is it? It looks like the Japanese napolitan, but it's different right? Zara-san taught me the recipe! There's more if you want!
|audio = Maestrale-SecMarried.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-SecMarried.mp3
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = 提督…なに?リベ探しているの?それともザラさん?え?私?なんでしょう…か?お…お尻は、もうすっかり治ってますから、はい!え?機雷?もちろん嫌いですけど?そうじゃなくて…あ…ああ!違うんですね!ああ…嘘…私…とっても幸せです!
|origin = 提督…なに?Libe探しているの?それともZaraさん?え?私?なんでしょう…か?お…お尻は、もうすっかり治ってますから、はい!え?機雷?もちろん嫌いですけど?そうじゃなくて…あ…ああ!違うんですね!ああ…嘘…私…とっても幸せです!
|translation = What is it...admiral? Are you looking for Libe? Or perhaps Zara-san? Eh? Me? What is...it? Ah, my butt has fully recovered! Eh? Mines? Of course I don't like them? It's not that? Ah...AHH! It's not that! Ahh...no way...I'm...so happy!
|translation = What is it...Admiral? Are you looking for Libe? Or perhaps Zara? Eh? Me? What is...it? Ah, my butt has fully recovered! Eh? Mines? Of course I don't like them? It's not that? Ah...AHH! It's not that! Ahh...no way...I'm...so happy!
|audio = Maestrale-Wedding.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-Wedding.mp3
Line 85: Line 85:  
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|origin = 第十駆逐隊、マエストラーレ出ます!
|origin = 第十駆逐隊、Maestrale出ます!
|translation = 10th Destroyer Division Maestrale, going out!
|translation = 10th Destroyer Division Maestrale, heading out!
|audio = Maestrale-JoinFleet.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-JoinFleet.mp3
Line 92: Line 92:  
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = 艦隊旗艦、マエストラーレでます!いいですか?
|origin = 艦隊旗艦、Maestrale出ます!いいですか?
|translation = Fleet flagship, Maestrale going out! Everyone ready?
|translation = Fleet flagship, Maestrale heading out! Everyone ready?
|audio = MaestraleKai-JoinFleet.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-JoinFleet.mp3
|scenario = Equipment 1
|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = 提督~良いみたい!Grazie!
|origin = 提督~いいみたい!Grazie!
|translation = Admiral~ thanks! Grazie!
|translation = Admiral~ I like this! Thanks!
|audio = Maestrale-Equip1.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-Equip1.mp3
Line 117: Line 117:  
|scenario = Supply
|scenario = Supply
|origin = 提督、ありがとう!Grazieです!
|origin = 提督、ありがとう!Grazieです!
|translation = Thank you, admiral! Grazie!
|translation = Thank you, Admiral! Thanks!
|audio = Maestrale-Supply.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-Supply.mp3
Line 129: Line 129:  
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = うああ~また…またお尻なの~もう~なんでよ~!
|origin = うああ~また…またお尻なの~もう~なんでよ~!
|translation = Uaa~ my...my butt again~ why~ does this happen~!
|translation = Uaa~ my...my butt again~ why~ does this happen~!<ref>She had the back 12 metres of her stern blown off by a torpedo on 1943/01/09 while escorting a convoy.</ref>
|audio = Maestrale-DockMajor.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-DockMajor.mp3
Line 135: Line 135:  
|scenario = Construction
|scenario = Construction
|origin = 新しい戦力ですね!どんな子?
|origin = 新しい戦力ですね!どんな子?
|translation = We have more firepower! What's she like?
|translation = We have gained some more fighting strength! What's she like?
|audio = Maestrale-Construction.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-Construction.mp3
Line 141: Line 141:  
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|origin = 提督~艦隊帰投で~す!みんなお疲れ様~!
|origin = 提督~艦隊帰投で~す!みんなお疲れ様~!
|translation = Admiral~ the fleet has returned~! Good work everybody~!
|translation = Admiral~ the fleet has returned~! Good work, everybody~!
|audio = Maestrale-SortieReturn.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-SortieReturn.mp3
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = リベ、遅れないで!イタリア水雷魂を見せるときよ!出撃!
|origin = Libe、遅れないで!イタリア水雷魂を見せるときよ!出撃!
|translation = Libe, don't fall behind! Time to show our pride as a Italian-destroyer! Set sail!
|translation = Libe, don't fall behind! Time to show the spirit of an Italian torpedo squadron! Sortie!
|audio = Maestrale-Sortie.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-Sortie.mp3
Line 153: Line 153:  
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = 敵と鉢合わせしちゃった…やるしかない!艦隊戦闘準備!私達の…お仕事です!
|origin = 敵と鉢合わせしちゃった…やるしかない!艦隊戦闘準備!私達の…お仕事です!
|translation = Dang, we bumped into the enemies...we're going to do this! Prepare for battle! It's... time for work!
|translation = Dang, we bumped into the enemies... We're going to do this! Prepare for battle! It's... time for work!
|audio = Maestrale-BattleStart.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-BattleStart.mp3
Line 159: Line 159:  
|scenario = Attack
|scenario = Attack
|origin = よく狙って…行きます!Fuoco!
|origin = よく狙って…行きます!Fuoco!
|translation = Aim carefully...here I go! Fuoco!
|translation = Aim carefully...here I go! Fire!
|audio = Maestrale-Attack.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-Attack.mp3
Line 177: Line 177:  
|scenario = MVP
|scenario = MVP
|origin = あ!私なんだ!Bravi!提督!どう?良い北西の風吹いたでしょう?えへへ~やった~!
|origin = あ!私なんだ!Bravi!提督!どう?良い北西の風吹いたでしょう?えへへ~やった~!
|translation = Ah! It's me! Bravi! Admiral! How is it? Did you feel the north west wind blowing? Hehe~ yay~!
|translation = Ah! It's me! Great! Admiral! How is it? Did you feel the north west wind blowing? Hehe~ yay~!
|audio = Maestrale-MVP.mp3
|audio = Maestrale-MVP.mp3
Line 190: Line 190:  
|kai = yes
|kai = yes
|origin = いやあ~!やだ~!またお尻?噓でしょもう~!?
|origin = いやあ~!やだ~!またお尻?噓でしょもう~!?
|translation = Ahhh~! No~! My butt again? Are you serious~!?
|translation = Ahhh~! No~! My butt again? Are you serious, jeez!?
|audio = MaestraleKai-MinorDmg1.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-MinorDmg1.mp3
Line 219: Line 219:  
|scenario = 00:00  
|scenario = 00:00  
|origin = 本日は、このマエストラーレ級の長女マエストラーレがおそばであれこれ頑張ります!任せてください!
|origin = 本日は、このMaestrale級の長女Maestraleがおそばであれこれ頑張ります!任せてください!
|translation = I Maestrale, the oldest out of the Maestrale-class will be helping you out today! Please count on me!
|translation = I, Maestrale, the eldest of the Maestrale-class will be helping you out today! Please count on me!
|audio = MaestraleKai-00.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-00.mp3
Line 231: Line 231:  
|scenario = 02:00  
|scenario = 02:00  
|origin = ま~るふ~たまるまる!リベとは比較にならぬ流暢差かと思います!はい!長女ですので!当然です!
|origin = ま~るふ~たまるまる!Libeとは比較にならぬ流暢差かと思います!はい!長女ですので!当然です!
|translation = 0~2~00! Things go more smoothly than Libe right? Yup! I am the eldest sister! Of Course!
|translation = 0~2~00! Things go more smoothly than Libe right? Yup! I am the eldest sister! Of Course!
|audio = MaestraleKai-02.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-02.mp3
Line 238: Line 238:  
|scenario = 03:00  
|scenario = 03:00  
|origin = ま~るさ~んまるまる!少し疲れましたね。Tèでも淹れましょうか?セイロンとかどうですか?ね?
|origin = ま~るさ~んまるまる!少し疲れましたね。Tèでも淹れましょうか?セイロンとかどうですか?ね?
|translation = 0~3~00! It's getting tiring. Would you like some ? I can pour some ceylon?
|translation = 0~3~00! It's getting tiring. Would you like some tea? I can pour some ceylon?
|audio = MaestraleKai-03.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-03.mp3
Line 250: Line 250:  
|scenario = 05:00  
|scenario = 05:00  
|origin = ま~るご…ま~るまる!うぇ?違うんですか?ほ~…あ!そうです朝ですよ提督!もう、朝です!
|origin = ま~るご…ま~るまる!うぇ?違うんですか?ほ~…あ!そうです朝ですよ提督!もう、朝です!
|translation = 0~5...0~0! Eh? I'm doing it wrong? Ooo~...ah! It's morning admiral! It's morning!
|translation = 0~5...0~0! Eh? I'm doing it wrong? Ooo~...ah! It's morning, Admiral! It's morning!
|audio = MaestraleKai-05.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-05.mp3
Line 261: Line 261:  
|scenario = 07:00  
|scenario = 07:00  
|origin = ま~るな~なまるまる!朝食はこのマエストラーレにお任せください!もちろんです、長女ですから!
|origin = ま~るな~なまるまる!朝食はこのMaestraleにお任せください!もちろんです、長女ですから!
|translation = 0~7~00! I, Maestrale will be making breakfast! Of course, I'm the eldest sister!
|translation = 0~7~00! I, Maestrale will be making breakfast! Of course, I'm the eldest sister!
|audio = MaestraleKai-07.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-07.mp3
Line 279: Line 279:  
|scenario = 10:00  
|scenario = 10:00  
|origin = ひとま~るまるまる!あ!リットリオさん!リベ!おはようございます!今日も頑張りましょう!
|origin = ひとま~るまるまる!あ!Littorioさん!Libe!おはようございます!今日も頑張りましょう!
|translation = 10~00! Ah! Littorio-san! Libe! Good morning! Let's do our best today!
|translation = 10~00! Ah! Littorio! Libe! Good morning! Let's do our best today!
|audio = MaestraleKai-10.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-10.mp3
|scenario = 11:00  
|scenario = 11:00  
|origin = ひとひとまるまる。あ!そうですか?だいぶ上手くなりましたか?リベ、どう?こんなものよ!
|origin = ひとひとまるまる。あ!そうですか?だいぶ上手くなりましたか?Libe、どう?こんなものよ!
|translation = 1100. Ah! Like this? Did I get better? See, Libe? No problem!
|translation = 1100. Ah! Like this? Did I get better? See, Libe? No problem!
|audio = MaestraleKai-11.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-11.mp3
Line 298: Line 298:  
|scenario = 13:00  
|scenario = 13:00  
|origin = モグモグ…ひとさん…まるまる!提督!お昼はしっかり食べないと持ちませんよ!さ、もう一つ!
|origin = モグモグ…ひとさん…まるまる!提督!お昼はしっかり食べないと持ちませんよ!さ、もう一つ!
|translation = Nomnom...13...00! Admiral! You need to eat a good portion or else you won't last through the day! Here, another!
|translation = Nomnom...13...00! Admiral! You need to eat a good portion or else you won't last through the day! Here, have another!
|audio = MaestraleKai-13.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-13.mp3
Line 309: Line 309:  
|scenario = 15:00  
|scenario = 15:00  
|origin = ひとご~…あ!Ciao!サメさん!ポーさん!鎖を見せて欲しいって?んん~いいけど~普通よ?
|origin = ひとご~…あ!Ciao!サメさん!ポイさん!鎖を見せて欲しいって?んん~いいけど~普通よ?
|translation = 15~...Ah! Ciao! Sammy-san! Po-san! You want to see my chains? Hmm~ sure~ there's nothing special about it though?
|translation = 15~...Ah! Hello! Sammy! Poi! You want to see my chains? Hmm~ sure~ there's nothing special about it though?
|audio = MaestraleKai-15.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-15.mp3
|scenario = 16:00  
|scenario = 16:00  
|origin = 提督!ひとろく~まるまる!うぇ?強い戦艦?それは、リットリオさんやローマじゃない?他で~?んん~誰だろう~?
|origin = 提督!ひとろく~まるまる!うぇ?強い戦艦?それは、LittorioさんやRomaじゃない?他で~?んん~誰だろう~?
|translation =  
|translation = Admiral! 16...00! Eh? A strong battleship? Don't you mean Littorio and Roma? Others? Hmmm, who could it be?
|audio = MaestraleKai-16.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-16.mp3
Line 328: Line 328:  
|scenario = 18:00  
|scenario = 18:00  
|origin = ひとはち~まるまる!もう~夜だよ!一日ってあっという間!提督!夜は?マミ~ヤ?やった~!
|origin = ひとはち~まるまる!もう~夜だよ!一日ってあっという間!提督!夜は?マミ~ヤ?やった~!
|translation = 18~00! It's already~ night time! The day goes by fast! Admiral! What's tonight? Mami~ya? Yay~!
|translation = 18~00! It's already~ night time! The day goes by fast! Admiral! What's on for tonight? Mami~ya? Yay~!
|audio = MaestraleKai-18.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-18.mp3
|scenario = 19:00  
|scenario = 19:00  
|origin = モグモグ…ひときゅう…モグモグ…まるまる!モグモグ…リベも一緒に…得したね!リベ…モグモグ…感謝し…モグモグ…
|origin = モグモグ…ひときゅう…モグモグ…まるまる!モグモグ…Libeも一緒に…得したね!Libe…モグモグ…感謝し…モグモグ…
|translation = Nomnom...19...nomnom...00! Nomnom...Libe, we're lucky...! Libe...nomnom...we need to thank...nomnom.
|translation = Nomnom...19...nomnom...00! Nomnom...Libe, we're lucky...! Libe...nomnom...we need to thank...nomnom.
|audio = MaestraleKai-19.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-19.mp3
Line 339: Line 339:  
|scenario = 20:00  
|scenario = 20:00  
|origin = ふたまる~まるまる!あっちゃちゃ~、ポーラさんまた弾けてる…ザラさんその内胃炎になっちゃいそう…
|origin = ふたまる~まるまる!あっちゃちゃ~、Polaさんまた弾けてる…Zaraさんその内胃炎になっちゃいそう…
|translation = 20~00! Oh no no~, Pola-san is at it again...One day Zara-san will get gastritis at this rate...
|translation = 20~00! Oh no no~, Pola is at it again...One day Zara will get gastritis at this rate...
|audio = MaestraleKai-20.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-20.mp3
|scenario = 21:00  
|scenario = 21:00  
|origin = ザラさんの一撃が決まって…ふたひと~まるまるです!提督!お腹一杯ごちそうさまでした!Grazie!
|origin = Zaraさんの一撃が決まって…ふたひと~まるまるです!提督!お腹一杯ごちそうさまでした!Grazie!
|translation = There's Zara-sans hit...21~00! Admiral! Thank you for the food! Grazie!
|translation = There's Zara's finishing blow...21~00! Admiral! Thank you for the food! Thanks!
|audio = MaestraleKai-21.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-21.mp3
|scenario = 22:00  
|scenario = 22:00  
|origin = ふたふた~まるまる!潜水先鋭も帰ってきた!そろそろ鎮守府もお休みタイムね!皆!お疲れ様!
|origin = ふたふた~まるまる!三水戦も帰ってきた!そろそろ鎮守府もお休みタイムね!皆!お疲れ様!
|translation = 22~00! The submarine squadrons are back! It's sleep time for the naval base as well! Everyone, good work today!
|translation = 22~00! Even DesRon3 is back! It's sleep time for the naval base as well! Everyone, good work today!
|audio = MaestraleKai-22.mp3
|audio = MaestraleKai-22.mp3
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