The following page will be intended to keep track of Dev tweets of all kinds outside of maintenance updates notices, and patch notices when new content is added. This will include tweets from the devs that mention things ranging from how to live your life all the way to things that may be happening in Japan.
The whole purpose of this is to serve as an information library to pull information from the past. All tweets will come from the Kancolle Staff Twitter
November 6, 2015
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 5th, 2015
@KanColle_STAFF |
[1] |
#艦これ |
The "Kancolle" Autumn 2015 Limited Time Waters Event is set to begin this month.The Main stage operations will focus on combat vessels engaging in "Transport Operations" among the circular island in the Southern Seas. It is recommended that you have well train escort vessels ready for this. |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[2] |
#艦これ |
From the implementations from last update, we included the ability to preform "Fleet recording amd Re-organizing". It can be found in the Organize menu down at the bottom left corner marked on the tab "Record / Organize". You can save up to 3 fleet by default. Please be sure to use this menu feature for your daily naval needs. |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[3] |
マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は木曜日!今朝の運営鎮守府上空は、気持ちのよい秋晴れの空が広がっています。今年もあと二か月を残すばかり。本日も気合い、入れて、頑張ってまいりましょう!
#艦これ |
0930. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
Today's Thursday! Today's weather over in the Naval prefecture forcast for long clear skys for today! There's onlu two month's left to the year. So let's get ready, and do our best for today! |
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 4th, 2015
@KanColle_STAFF |
[4] |
#艦これ |
The "Kancolle" Autumn 2015 Limited Time Waters Event is set to begin on 11/18. The Limited time event will not be as large scale as the Summer Event. The Limited Time Event will feature Warships "transportation operations" and battles long the islands of the Southern Seas |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[5] |
マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は水曜日!十一月最初の水曜日となりました。仕事の疲れなどもたまりやすくなるこの季節、ここが踏ん張りどころと考えて、今週後半も元気に乗り切ってまいりましょう!
#艦これ |
0900. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
Today's the first week of the first Wendnsday in November! The season continue to move on as we get more tired through our day of the week. Let's try to keep up the good work for the rest of this week! |
Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 3rd, 2015
@KanColle_STAFF |
[6] |
#艦これ |
With the recent implementations to Houshou's "Forming the new elite fleet squadron" from last month. We experience several issues in which admirals have not completed or are missing the quest. We have completed the fix for this quest and now the quests will remain active once you have completed the required quest for it. Thank you very much for your patience and we apologize for the inconvenience. |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[7] |
#艦これ |
Kancolle's The Autumn Event: Limited time waters area is scheduled to be implemented on the start of 11/18. The operation will include you having to organized "Combined Fleets" for various operation, it'll feature "several new Kanmusus". The Scale of the Event waters will be Medium-Sized in scale. |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[8] |
#艦これ |
We've extended the "Kanmusu" Capacitiy to now allow 270+ through hom port extensions. This will also include the equipment port as it has now been expanded "+40" equipment. We have also implemented the UI feature "Fleet recording and re-organizing", Please be sure to use the for your daily fleet needs. |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[9] |
#艦これ |
With the recent implementations to Houshou's "Forming the new elite fleet squadron" from last month. We experience several issues in which admirals have not completed or are missing the quest following completing some of the "Zero Fighter Type 21 / Type 52" quests last month. We will be fixing the issue sometime this morning so that once you completed the model conversion the remaining quests will remain unlocked. |
@KanColle_STAFF |
[10] |
マルキューサンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は祝日の火曜日!文化の日です。そして、姉の「扶桑」と共に秋のスリガオ海峡に没した扶桑型戦艦二番艦「山城」、彼女が今からちょうど百年前に進水した日でもあります。本日も頑張って前進してまいりましょう!
#艦これ |
0830. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there!
Tuesday is a National Holiday of Culture Day! It also marks the day in which the Second Fusou-Class Battleship "Yamashiro" sunk in the Sugario Strait along with her sister ship. This day also marks the day she was launched 100 years ago! Let's continue moving forward and work hard today! |