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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Ship/Gloire/doc

return {
  [""] = {
    _name = "Gloire",
    _suffix = false,
    _rarity = 5,
    _api_id = 965,
    _id = 565,
    _true_id = false,
    _japanese_name = "Gloire",
    _reading = "グロワール",
    _class = "La Galissonnière",
    _class_number = 5,
    _type = 3,
    _hp = 33,
    _hp_max = 46,
    _firepower = 23,
    _firepower_max = 56,
    _firepower_mod = 2,
    _armor = 16,
    _armor_max = 37,
    _armor_mod = 2,
    _torpedo = 12,
    _torpedo_max = 48,
    _torpedo_mod = 0,
    _evasion = 32,
    _evasion_max = 74,
    _aa = 32,
    _aa_max = 68,
    _aa_mod = 2,
    _asw = 0,
    _asw_max = 36,
    _speed = 10,
    _los = 20,
    _los_max = 64,
    _range = 2,
    _luck = 22,
    _luck_max = 82,
    _luck_mod = false,
    _buildable = false,
    _buildable_lsc = false,
    _build_time = 70,
    _remodel_level = false,
    _remodel_from = false,
    _remodel_to = "Gloire/Kai",
    _fuel = 30,
    _ammo = 40,
    _scrap_fuel = 3,
    _scrap_ammo = 3,
    _scrap_steel = 12,
    _scrap_baux = 2,
    _equipment = {
      {equipment = "15.2cm Triple Main Gun Mount", size = 1},
      {equipment = "15.2cm Triple Main Gun Mount", size = 1},
      {equipment = false, size = 4},
    _voice_flag = nil,
    _voice_actor = "Tanibe Yumi",
    _artist = "Hoshi Akari",
    _implementation_date = {2024, 7, 27},
    _availability = {"event_drop"},
    _get_message = "貴方がMon amiralね? Bonjour! 私、La Galissonnière級<br>軽巡洋艦Gloire ! トリコロール、好きだけれど……ちょっと<br>目立つかしら……あとで着替えてみますね?",
  ["Kai"] = {
    _name = "Gloire",
    _suffix = "Kai",
    _rarity = 6,
    _api_id = 970,
    _id = 570,
    _true_id = false,
    _cg_reference = "/",
    _cg_damaged_reference = "/",
    _japanese_name = "Gloire改",
    _reading = "グロワールかい",
    _class = "La Galissonnière",
    _class_number = 5,
    _type = 3,
    _hp = 46,
    _hp_max = 62,
    _firepower = 30,
    _firepower_max = 75,
    _firepower_mod = 2,
    _armor = 24,
    _armor_max = 66,
    _armor_mod = 2,
    _torpedo = 12,
    _torpedo_max = 60,
    _torpedo_mod = 0,
    _evasion = 61,
    _evasion_max = 83,
    _aa = 38,
    _aa_max = 76,
    _aa_mod = 2,
    _asw = 23,
    _asw_max = 45,
    _speed = 10,
    _los = 51,
    _los_max = 76,
    _range = 2,
    _luck = 35,
    _luck_max = 97,
    _luck_mod = false,
    _remodel_level = 52,
    _remodel_ammo = 380,
    _remodel_steel = 520,
    _remodel_development_material = false,
    _remodel_blueprint = false,
    _remodel_catapult = false,
    _remodel_report = false,
    _remodel_from = "Gloire/",
    _remodel_to = false,
    _fuel = 35,
    _ammo = 50,
    _scrap_fuel = 4,
    _scrap_ammo = 7,
    _scrap_steel = 17,
    _scrap_baux = 2,
    _equipment = {
      {equipment = "15.2cm Triple Main Gun Mount", size = 1},
      {equipment = "15.2cm Triple Main Gun Mount", size = 2},
      {equipment = "Loire 130M", size = 2},
      {equipment = false, size = 2},
    _voice_flag = nil,