Game Updates/2020/August 27th
August 27th, 2020 Kaga Kai Ni Update
- The 2020 Rainy/Summer Event has come to an End
- Summer Content Removed
- All Swimsuit CGs, Voicelines, furniture, and limited time Summer drops have been removed.
- All CGs can be found in the Library page if necessary.
- Kaga Kai Ni Remodel
- Kaga Kai Ni conversion improves her overall combat strength
- Her initial conversion requires her to be level 82 + 2 Blueprints, 1 Prototype Flight Deck Catapult, 1 Action Report and 2 Aviation Materials along with 120 devmats, 4700 ammo and 8800 steel.
- This remodel is reversible.
- A Prototype Flight Deck Catapult can be obtained in today's quest.
- Kaga Kai Ni E Remodel
- Can be remodeled at level 82 + additional 88 devmats and 30 torches.
- Allows Kaga to attack in night battle.
- This remodel is reversible.
- Kaga Kai Ni Go Remodel
- Can be remodeled at level 84 + additional 84 devmats and 84 torches.
- Allows Kaga to use Autogyros, Helicopters, Jets and ASW patrol planes.
- Grants the ability to perform OASW.
- Will prioritize attacking Submarines.
- This remodel is reversible.
- New Equipment
- New Quests
- A total of 6 new quests have been added
- Aircraft Carrier Exercises
- Reinforce our maritime escorts in the Nansei Islands area!
- Special Aircraft Carrier Mission: Our Carrier Divisions, Peerless and Unmatched!
- You'll be able to obtain a "Prototype Deck Catapult" from the Special Aircraft Carrier Mission
- Remodelled Kaga-class Aircraft Carrier "Kaga K2", Set Sail!
- Peerless "CarDiv 1", Sortie! Defeat Them With a Single Strike!
- Introduction of Cutting-Edge ASW Patrol Aircraft
- A total of 6 new quests have been added
- UI update
- Fixed bugs that caused the game to freeze under certain conditions when you hear the voice lines upon logging in.
- Fixed bugs that caused the game to freeze under certain conditions in fleet preset menu.
- Fixed icon in 3-2 description to show to correct resource that can be obtained.
- Font colors have been added for fleet preset system to make Save and Load option easier to tell apart.
- Changed Save and Load button accordingly.
- New BGM
- Kaga, Conqureing the Sea is now avalaible.
- Can play in various maps and can be selected on your Jukebox.
- New Furniture
- Along with fall furniture, the following new furniture is introduced:
- Coastal Defence Ships' Generic Round Table
- Admiral's & Secretary's Wooden Desk
- "Cape Kaga" Wall Scroll (Quest Reward)
- Along with fall furniture, the following new furniture is introduced:
- Seasonal update to furniture and quests
- The following items are receiving season-appropriate changes:
- Cypress Wood Bathtub
- Rocky Bathtub
- Naval Base Bar Counter (partly)
- Large-scale Flower Arrangement
- Bar Counter has been updated to include food from the 10 new Kanmusu.
- "Summer Exercises" will be updated to their corresponding "Autumn Exercises".
- The following items are receiving season-appropriate changes:
- Stat Buffs
- The Following buffs have been provided:
- Iowa Kai: max Firepower, max LOS
- Ise K2: higher helicopter/autogyro bonus
- Hyuuga K2: max slot size, higher helicopter/autogyro bonus
- The Following buffs have been provided:
- Fall CG and Voice Lines
- Fly, Got Sheep Mini Game Update
- The hidden mini game has been updated with the following content:
- First stage is now a bit easier!
- Small improvements here and there!
- Added "Extra Sequence II" for skilled sheep launchers
- The hidden mini game has been updated with the following content: