SO3C Seamew Kai

Curtiss SO3C-4 Seamew
No.415 SO3C Seamew改
Seaplane.png Reconnaissance Seaplane
Effects: AA+1 ASW+2 Accuracy+3 LoS+7
Combat Radius: 4 (Deployment Cost: Bauxite 5)
Scrap value: Fuel 2 Ammo 1 Bauxite 3 (Unbuildable)
Refittable Ship Types
Fast Battleship Battleship
Aviation Battleship Standard Aircraft Carrier
Armored Carrier Light Carrier
Heavy Cruiser Aviation Cruiser
Light Cruiser Torpedo Cruiser
Training Cruiser Destroyer
Coastal Defense Ship Submarine
Aircraft Carrying Submarine Seaplane Tender
Fleet Oiler Submarine Tender
Repair Ship Amphibious Assault Ship
LBAS Plane



The SO3C Seamew was developed as the successor to the wildly successful and widely used SOC ship-based seaplane.
Its development was plagued with problems and it didn't achieve the desired performance, with this what-if upgraded version being improved and ready for roll-out to improve the performance of USN cruisers.


  Seaplanes are the main aircraft type used by non-carrier ships (mainly battleships, cruisers, and auxiliaries).

Reconnaissance Aircraft  Sp LB Recon  are planes that:


How To Obtain

Upgradeable from: SOC Seagull 

Event reward for:

Updates History

  • 2021-05-08: Implemented

Fit Bonuses

SO3C Seamew Kai Equipment Bonuses
Ship Extra Requirement                 Note

New Orleans-class 

St. Louis-class 
(1st equipped) (★0-2) +1 +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★3-4) +1 +1 +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★5-7) +1 +1 +1 +2 One-time
(1st equipped) (★8-MAX) +2 +1 +1 +2 One-time
Other United States Navy Vessels (1st equipped) (★0-4) +1 +1 One-time
(1st equipped) (★5-MAX) +1 +1 +1 One-time
Seaplane Recon Type Equipment Bonuses
Ship Extra Requirement                 Note
Noshiro Kai Ni 
Yahagi Kai Ni /B 
(1st equipped) +2 +3 +1 One-time[1]
Mogami Kai Ni /Toku 

Mikuma Kai Ni /Toku 
(1st equipped) +2 One-time[1]
  1. 1.0 1.1 Shared with all  Seaplane Recon


Improvement   effects
 Recon 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ 5★ 6★ 7★ 8★ 9★ Max★
  1.2 1.69 2.07 2.40 2.68 2.93 3.17 3.39 3.60 3.79

See Also

Curtiss SO3C Seamew