
Equipment Chosing

While the above set-up guide recommends only types of equipment, this section gives the general rules on how to choose equipment within a given type.

Equipment of a same type are mainly differentiated by their "Stats" ( ,  ,  , ...), as well as some more specific attributes, like:

  • Fit Bonuses (both visible and invisible),
  • Improvement   stats,
  • Modifiers brought in certain mechanics, ranging from combat to routing,
  • Special mechanics induced by certain equipment...

Equipment have a wide range of stats, however, not all stats are ranked the same way, some being more important than other, depending on the equipment type.

Here, equipment stats are dispatched into 3 categories:

  • Primary Stats: stats that influence the effectiveness of the equipment in its main role, being the main choosing factor,
  • Secondary Stats: stats that can influence the effectiveness of the equipment for other purposes, helping to choose between equipment sharing the same "Primary Stats".
  • Bonus Stats: All the other stats. These stats do not influence the effectiveness of the equipment much, but are appreciable for the general stat stats of the equipping ship.
Equipment Stats Category
Main Armament
Icon Equipment Types Primary Stats Secondary Stats Notes
     Main Gun & Secondary Gun    
  • for smal caliber Fit Bonus generaly are higher than base stats
  • For Medium and Large caliber Hidden Fit Bonuses plays a major role when choosing a gun
  High-Angle Gun      
  • Having an good AACI takes priority over stats
  AA Gun      
Midget Submarine
    Anti-submarine Weaponry     Armor Penetration
  • Having OASW takes priority over stats
  • When already having OASW, then ASW Synergy takes priority over stats
Icon Equipment types Primary stats Secondary stats Note
    Dive Bomber   AAR ❱❱  
  • If the main purpose of the ship is ASW then naturaly   becomes a primary stat
Fighter-Bomber and Jets     AAR ❱❱  
    Torpedo Bomber   AAR ❱❱  
  • If the main purpose of the ship is ASW then naturaly   becomes a primary stat
    Fighter   ❱❱  
  Carrier Recon      
  • Equipping a Saiun 
    will override Red T engagements and turn them into Head-on, see here
    Seaplane Recon      
 Bomber Seaplane Bomber     ❱❱ AAR
  Seaplane Fighter   ❱❱
    ASW Aircraft  
Other Equipment
Icon Equipment types Primary stats Secondary stats Note
  Surface Radar        
  • Because of AACI priority, radar without   may be choosed
Air Radar      
      ... Anti-intallation Equipment Anti-installation modifiers
  • The best equipment can change depending on the enemy installation
  Extra Armor  
  • The   malus is negligible
  Engine Improvement  
  • The   gained is negligible
All Other Equipment Are chosen on a case-by-case basis, being often bounded to some specific mechanics
  •   Range gained from certain equipment can either be advantageous or detrimental, depending on the situation, like for Special Attacks or when Leveling.