Special Attacks/Yamato Touch

Yamato gains two different specials attacks on Kai Ni/Juu.

The devs have called them:

  • "1st Squadron, charge! Main guns, full salvo!" (第一戦隊、突撃!主砲、全力斉射ッ!)
  • "Yamato, charge! Second ship, please follow up!" (大和、突撃します!二番艦も続いてください!)
    • for the touch with other ships it can be a 2-ship or a 3-ship touch.

However, mechanic-wise it makes more sense to distinguish the touches as 2-ship touch and 3-ship touch:

Yamato 2-Ship Special Attack

"Touch Helpers"
Ship Banner Musashi Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Iowa Kai.png
Ship Banner Bismarck Kai.png
Ship Banner Richelieu Kai.png
  • Yamato Kai Ni/Juu must be the flagship.
    • Secretary for combined fleets.
    • She must not be more than lightly damaged (小破).
  • Another "Touch Helper" must be in the 2nd position.
    • She must not be more than lightly damaged (小破).
    • When using Musashi Kai Ni as the helper, Yamato and Musashi positions can be swaped freely.
  • ?? There must be 6 or more surface ships in the fleet.
    • ?? There must be no submarine in 6-ship fleets. In 7-ship fleets, only 1 submarine is allowed.
    • ?? There must be no surface ship in the fleet sunk or retreated via Command Facility FCFFleet Command Facility
      Striking Force Fleet Command Facility
      during sortie causing remaining < 6. Ships in the escort fleet are not affected.
  • The touch can activate even if Yamato Kai Ni Juu is equipped with ASW equipment when is facing a fleet mixed with submarines.

If triggered:

  • The flagship will do a 1st & 2nd attack,
  • The Helper will do a 3rd attack.
  • Each attack target a ship at random.
Equipment Musashi Kai NiMusashi Kai Ni Other HelpersIowa Kai
Bismarck Kai
Richelieu Kai
Attacks 1 & 2 Attack 3 Attacks 1 & 2 Attack 3
No Bonus Equipment 1.54 1.85 1.40 1.68
RADARRadar Only 1.77 2.13 1.61 1.93
RADARSp Very large radar15m Duplex Rangefinder + Type 21 Radar Kai Ni
15m Duplex Rangefinder Kai + Type 21 Radar Kai Ni + Skilled Fire Direction Center
2.63 2.34 1.77 2.13
Armor-Piercing ShellAP Only 2.08 2.49 1.89 2.27
Armor-Piercing ShellAP + RADARRadar 2.39 2.89 2.17 2.61
Armor-Piercing ShellAP + RADARSp Very large radar15m Duplex Rangefinder + Type 21 Radar Kai Ni
15m Duplex Rangefinder Kai + Type 21 Radar Kai Ni + Skilled Fire Direction Center
2.63 3.16 2.39 2.87

The equipment bonuses do not stack further than 1 radar and/or 1 AP shell.

  • Only ships equipped with those equipment will get a bonus for their attack(s).

The attack will consume extra ammo from participating ships when triggered. The total ammo consumption will be x1.6 of the original ammo consumption of those ships when the attack is triggered.

Currently measured above 70%, it seems similar to Big 7 touches:

  • Trigger rate is affected by the Level and luck Luck stat of the participating ships.
  • Can be triggered even if artillery spotting fails to activate.
  • Can only be activated once per sortie.
  • Has a chance to trigger every time Yamato takes a turn at shelling.
    • In single fleet, if it fails to trigger in day battle, there is a chance to trigger it in the follow-up night battle.

Yamato 3-Ship Special Attack

  • Yamato Kai Ni/Juu must be the flagship.
    • She must not be more than lightly damaged (小破).
  • A pair of ships from a same "Helper Pair" must be in the 2nd and 3rd positions.
    • They must not be more than lightly damaged (小破).
  • ?? There must be 6 or more surface ships in the fleet.
    • ?? There must be no submarine in 6-ship fleets. In 7-ship fleets, only 1 submarine is allowed.
    • ?? There must be no surface ship in the fleet sunk or retreated via Command Facility FCFFleet Command Facility
      Striking Force Fleet Command Facility
      during sortie causing remaining < 6. Ships in the escort fleet are not affected.
"Helper Pairs"
One of the following pairs in any order
Ship Banner Musashi Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Nagato Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Nagato Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Mutsu Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Kongou Kai Ni C.png
Ship Banner Hiei Kai Ni C.png
Ship Banner Ise Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Hyuuga Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Fusou Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Yamashiro Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Musashi Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner Mutsu Kai Ni.png
Ship Banner South Dakota Kai.png
Ship Banner Washington Kai.png
Ship Banner Warspite Kai.png
Ship Banner Nelson Kai.png
Ship Banner Italia.png
Ship Banner Roma Kai.png

If triggered:

  • Yamato will do a 1st attack,
  • The 2nd ship will do a 2nd attack,
  • The 3rd ship will do a 3rd attack.
  • Each attack target a ship at random.
Equipment Musashi Kai NiMusashi Kai Ni (& HelperNagato Kai Ni
Mutsu Kai Ni
Other "Helper Pairs"
Attacks 1 Attack 2 & 3 Attacks 1, 2, & 3
No Bonus Equipment 1.65 1.82 1.65
RADARRadar Only 1.90 2.09 1.90
RADARSp Very large radar15m Duplex Rangefinder + Type 21 Radar Kai Ni
15m Duplex Rangefinder Kai + Type 21 Radar Kai Ni + Skilled Fire Direction Center
2.09 2.30 2.09
Armor-Piercing ShellAP Only 2.23 2.45 2.23
Armor-Piercing ShellAP + RADARRadar 2.56 2.82 2.56
Armor-Piercing ShellAP + RADARSp Very large radar15m Duplex Rangefinder + Type 21 Radar Kai Ni
15m Duplex Rangefinder Kai + Type 21 Radar Kai Ni + Skilled Fire Direction Center
2.82 3.10 2.82

The equipment bonuses do not stack further than 1 radar and/or 1 AP shell.

  • Only ships equipped with those equipment will get a bonus for their attack(s).

The attack will consume extra ammo from participating ships when triggered. The total ammo consumption will be x1.8 of the original ammo consumption of those ships when the attack is triggered.

Currently measured above 70%, it seems similar to Big 7 touches:

  • Trigger rate is affected by the Level and luck Luck stat of the participating ships.
  • Can be triggered even if artillery spotting fails to activate.
  • Can only be activated once per sortie.
  • Has a chance to trigger every time Yamato takes a turn at shelling.
    • In single fleet, if it fails to trigger in day battle, there is a chance to trigger it in the follow-up night battle.

Main source: [1]