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Module:Data/Equipment/Type 3 Depth Charge Projector (Concentrated Deployment)

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--[[Category:Equipment modules]]

return {
    _name = "Type 3 Depth Charge Projector (Concentrated Deployment)",
    _id = 287,
    _japanese_name = "三式爆雷投射機 集中配備",
    _reading = "さんしきばくらいとうしゃき しゅうちゅうはいび",
    _type = 15,
    _types = {7, 32, 15, 17, 0},
    _icon = 17,
    _rarity = 3,
    _firepower = false,
    _bombing = false,
    _torpedo = false,
    _aa = false,
    _armor = false,
    _asw = 12,
    _shelling_accuracy = false,
    _torpedo_accuracy = false,
    _evasion = false,
    _los = false,
    _speed = false,
    _luck = false,
    _range = false,
    _flight_cost = false,
    _flight_range = false,
    _special = false,
    _scrap_fuel = false,
    _scrap_ammo = 6,
    _scrap_steel = 2,
    _scrap_bauxite = 2,
    _info = "増大する敵潜水艦による脅威に対抗するため、三式爆雷投射機を集中配備。舷側方向に対して、片舷6~8基、両舷12~16基の爆雷投射能力を誇る、対潜艦艇用の対潜制圧兵装です。<br>日振型の次級である、鵜来型以降に装備され、海上護衛や対潜哨戒に威力を発揮しました。",
    _buildable = false,