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Module:Data/Season/White Day 2015

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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Season/White Day 2015/doc

--[[Category:Seasonal modules]]

return {
  index = {
    ["Destroyers"] = { "Mutsuki", "Kisaragi", "Shiratsuyu", "Shigure", "Murasame", "Yuudachi", "Hatsukaze", "Maikaze" },
    ["Light Cruisers"] = { "Yuubari" },
    ["Heavy Cruisers"] = { "Myoukou", "Nachi", "Ashigara", "Haguro", "Maya", "Choukai", "Suzuya", "Kumano" },
    ["Battleships"] = { "Kongou", "Hiei", "Haruna", "Kirishima" },
    ["Light Carriers"] = { "Shouhou" },
    ["Auxiliaries"] = { "Akashi" },
  ships = {
    ["Mutsuki"] = {
        ja = "ええっと、如月ちゃんと提督にクッキー焼いたけど... 食べるくれるかにゃ~",
        en = "Umm, I made some cookies for Kisaragi & the Admiral.... Would you like to try some?~",
        note = "",
    ["Kisaragi"] = {
        ja = "うう、睦月ちゃんこのクッキーを如月に... ありがとう... 大切に食べるはね... ふふふふ",
        en = "Huh, Mutsuki, you're giving these cookies to me?... Thank you.... I'll eat them with appreciation. Fufufufu.",
        note = "",
    ["Shiratsuyu"] = {
        ja = "提督!はい!一番いいバレンタインのお返し頂戴!えっ!?ないのぉ~!?",
        en = "Admiral! Here! Give me the best return gift for Valentine's! Eh!? There isn't any~!?",
        note = "",
    ["Shigure"] = {
        ja = "提督、これは..僕に? ありがとう",
        en = "Admiral, is....this....for me? Thank you!",
        note = "",
    ["Murasame"] = {
        ja = "うーん...バレンタインのお返し?いい感じ、いい感じ、村雨 ちよっと期待ちゃうなぁ",
        en = "Hmm.... A return gift for Valentine's? It's going great. Murasame has been expecting this.",
        note = "",
    ["Yuudachi"] = {
        ja = "提督さん、この包みは?いい匂い、クッキーっぽい!もしかして、手作りっぽい?",
        en = "What is this package, Admiral? Smells nice~ It's cookies-poi! Perhaps these are handmade-poi?",
        note = "",
    ["Hatsukaze"] = {
        ja = "なあに?これを私に?。。。でも提督はこれを何人あげているのかしら?ん、いいけど。",
        en = "What? Is this for me?... But aren't you going to give this to someone else?... Um, I'll accept it anyways.",
        note = "",
    ["Maikaze"] = {
        ja = "あ、これ、舞風にくれるの?提督、ありがと!嬉しいな~、踊ろう、踊ろうよ!",
        en = "Ah, you are giving this to Maikaze? Thank you Admiral! I'm very happy~ Come on, let's dance!",
        note = "",
    ["Yuubari"] = {
        ja = "っえ、提督、これを私に? ありがとう! 早速、開けて食べてしまってもいいかしら?",
        en = "Ah, Admiral, is this for me? Thanks! Should I eat this all once when I unwrap it?",
        note = "",
    ["Myoukou"] = {
        ja = "ええっ、提督.このクッキーを私に? ありがとうございます! いただきます! うふふ、嬉しい!",
        en = "Eh, Admiral. These cookies are for me? Thank you very much! Let me dig in! Uhuhu, I'm happy!",
        note = "",
    ["Nachi"] = {
        ja = "貴様、何だこれは? お返し、なの? っまあ,いい... これを肴にいっぱいあるか. ぱくぱくもぐもぐ.. 甘いな..",
        en = "You, what's this? A return gift, right? Well.... This is already enough for the garnishes. *Munch* *Munch* *Chew* *Chew* Sweet....",
        note = "Mogumogu is an onomatopoeia for chewing.",
    ["Ashigara"] = {
        ja = "ええっ?この手は何かって?チョコのお返しは未だかなって... ああ、え? そうなの?",
        en = "Ehh? What are these hands for? The return gift for the chocolate has yet.... Aahh.... Eh? Is that so?",
        note = "",
    ["Haguro"] = {
        ja = "ん? この可愛らしいクッキーを、私に!? 司令官さん…本当に、ありがとうございます! ぐすっ、うぅ…",
        en = "What? These lovely cookies - for me!? Commander.... Really, thank you! *Cries*",
        note = "",
    ["Maya"] = {
        ja = "おう。チョコのお返しかい?サンキュ、提督。甘い物にがてだけど、くってみかな?",
        en = "Oh. The return gift for the chocolate? Thank you, Admiral. Although I can't stand sweets, maybe I'll try to eat this?",
        note = "",
    ["Choukai"] = {
        ja = "これは…チョコレートのお返しに…あ、ありがとございます…嬉しいです。",
        en = "This.... A return gift for the chocolate.... T-thank you very much, I'm so happy.",
        note = "",
    ["Suzuya"] = {
        ja = "わぁ!なにこの包み?鈴谷にくれるの?ハー、提督 サンキュー!なんだろう、なんだろう…ひーひーひーひ…",
        en = "Woah! What's this package? You gonna give it to me? Ah hah, thank you, Admiral! What did I get, what did I get? Heehee....",
        note = "",
    ["Kumano"] = {
        ja = "何ですの?提督。この包みは。いい匂いが致しますは!ええっ?これをわたくしに?",
        en = "What's this package, Admiral? What a pleasant smell! Eh? Is this for me?",
        note = "",
    ["Kongou"] = {
        ja = "ヘーエイ、提督.わたしへのホワイトデーのビッグなお返しは、なんですか?",
        en = "Hey, Admiral. What's your big White Day return gift for me?",
        note = "",
    ["Hiei"] = {
        ja = "司令、お姉さま見ませんでした?…せっかくクッキー焼いたのに…あの、味見します?",
        en = "Commander, have you seen Onee-sama? ....I even went through the trouble of baking these cookies.... Um, would you like to try some?",
        note = "",
    ["Haruna"] = {
        ja = "え?チョコレートのお返しなんて...そんな...榛名には..勿体無いです.........嬉しいです",
        en = "Eh? A return gift for the chocolate.... That's.... Haruna should not deserve this.... ....I'm really happy.",
        note = "",
    ["Kirishima"] = {
        ja = "そうですね..チョコレートのお返しは、特に気にしないで下さい.ええ、特には..",
        en = "You know.... You don't have to worry about getting chocolate just for me.... Yes, don't worry....",
        note = "",
    ["Shouhou"] = {
        ja = "提督?この包はなんでしょうか?いい匂い・・・え?これを私に?ありがとうございます!",
        en = "What's with the package, Admiral? There's a pleasant smell~ Eh, is this for me? Thank you so much!",
        note = "",
    ["Akashi"] = {
        ja = "提督?チョコのお返しはー?そろそろ?大淀と楽しみに待ってるね!ねー!",
        en = "Admiral, are there any return gifts? It's almost done? Ooyodo & I were looking forward to this y'know! Right?!",
        note = "Right is directed to [[Ooyodo]], who is probably disinterested in White Day.",