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     ja = '敵主力は近くにあり!索敵強化の要を認む!',
     ja = '敵主力は近くにあり!索敵強化の要を認む!',
     en = 'The enemy main force is in the area! Step up reconnaissance to find them!',
     en = 'The enemy main force is in the area! Step up reconnaissance to find them!',
  ['Fall 2020 Event 49-3 A'] = {
    ja = '輸送船団、抜錨!',
    en = 'Convoy, weigh anchor!',
  ['Fall 2020 Event 49-3 B'] = {
    ja = '輸送船団、抜錨!',
    en = 'Convoy, weigh anchor!',
  ['Fall 2020 Event 49-3 E'] = {
    ja = '敵編隊接近中!対空戦闘用意ッ!',
    en = 'Enemy squadrons approaching! Ready for anti-air combat!',
  ['Fall 2020 Event 49-3 L'] = {
    ja = '接近中の敵艦隊を発見!砲戦、魚雷戦……用意ッ!',
    en = 'Approaching enemy fleet spotted! Ready... the guns and torpedoes!',
  ['Fall 2020 Event 49-3 L'] = {
    ja = '敵編隊接近中!対空戦闘用意ッ!',
    en = 'Enemy squadrons approaching! Ready for anti-air combat!',
  ['Fall 2020 Event 49-3 L'] = {
    ja = '輸送船団、抜錨!',
    en = 'Convoy, weigh anchor!',
  ['Fall 2020 Event 49-3 O'] = {
    ja = '敵編隊接近中!対空戦闘用意ッ!',
    en = 'Enemy squadrons approaching! Ready for anti-air combat!',
  ['Fall 2020 Event 49-3 S'] = {
    ja = '接近中の敵艦隊を発見!砲戦、魚雷戦……用意ッ!',
    en = 'Approaching enemy fleet spotted! Ready... the guns and torpedoes!',
  ['Fall 2020 Event 49-3 V'] = {
    ja = '目的地到着……船団入港準備!',
    en = 'We\'ve arrived at the destination... The fleet is preparing to enter port!',
  ['Fall 2020 Event 49-3 W'] = {
    ja = '目的地到着……船団入港準備!',
    en = 'We\'ve arrived at the destination... The fleet is preparing to enter port!',
  ['Fall 2020 Event 49-3 Y'] = {
    ja = '接近中の敵艦隊を発見!砲戦、魚雷戦……用意ッ!',
    en = 'Approaching enemy fleet spotted! Ready... the guns and torpedoes!',
cssedit, gkautomate
